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Journal : BIOTROPIA - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology

THE PECULIAR PETIOLE CALLUSES GROWTH OF Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc. ex Arcang AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR Ex situ CONSERVATION EFFORTS Yuzammi Yuzammi; Kartika Ning Tyas; Tri Handayani
BIOTROPIA - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 25 No. 1 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (10100.681 KB) | DOI: 10.11598/btb.2018.25.1.706


Amorphophallus titanum is a plant species endemic to Sumatera. Land degradation and illegal capture of hornbills (a distributor of A. titanum seeds) is leading to potential extinction of A. titanum in the wild. In order to conserve the species and save it from extinction, there is an urgent need to develop methods to propagate it both in situ and ex situ. The aim of this research was to discover environmental factors triggering callus growth from petiole cuttings of A. titanum in its natural habitat in Sumatera and to determine the viability of callus pieces as a propagation material. A completely randomized design with a single factor, i.e., callus size, was employed on five callus replicates. Each replicate consisted of four callus samples. The treatments consisted of three callus piece sizes i.e. 0.5 x.0.5 cm2, 1 x 1 cm2, 2 x 2 cm2. For each replicate, the following parameters of growth were assessed: the time of appearance of shoots; the shoot height when the first leaf fully opened; the petiole diameter; the diameter of the leaf lamina; and the number of young shoots. The results of our field observations showed that environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and soil influence the formation of the callus in the wild. The size of the callus affected the shoot and root growth. The best result was obtained from callus 2 cm², which could produce 2–3 shoots with an average height of 18.8 cm at the time of first fully opened leaf. The collection of  petiole calluses of A. titanum that formed in its natural habitat are recommended instead of carrying the tuber.This ex vitro calluses can be used as propagation materials and then it could be planted in the botanic gardens as one of ex situ conservation effort.
Co-Authors - Tugino Achmad Sholihin Alfizi Alfizi Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo Andarias Sambo Anis Sholihah Ari Sellyana Baskoro Adi Prayitno Budi Kartiwa Desyanti - Desyanti Dhomas Hatta Fudholi Dina Wahyuni Diyah Martanti Duhita Pradnya Andhanaricwari Dyah Supriatin Eri Sofiari Eva Rahmawati Farida Hallis Dyah Kusuma Febrina Sari Firawati Firzal, Yohannes Gustomo Yamistada H. Muhammad Alfa Niam Halik Indah Agustina Indah Yuni Astuti, Indah Inggit Puji Astuti Insih Wilujeng Ipung Wulandari Jessy Nopita Sari juniati P Sahat Kartika Ning Tyas Kasmawati, Henny Kenny Kanigara Octavio La Ode Muhammad Fitrawan Lastuti Abubakar Lastuti Abubakar Lastuti Abubakar Lastuti Abubakar Lastuti Abubakar Lidya Sartika Sianturi Merina Pratiwi Mira Dharma Susilawati Muhammad Alfa Niam Muhammad Syamsul Arifin Muhammad Yahdi Muthia Elma Nani Heryani Nina Rahmadiliyani Nur Filzanah Nur Hanifah Nur Kharisma Amin NURFAUSIAH Priscilla Iranata Panjaitan Putranto Hari Widodo Rahma Fitri Sari Rahmat Muliadi Ratna Istiarini Rimala Sanipurnama Kindkasman Roro Ajhie Ayuningtyas Ruslina Yulaika Rustam Aji Sajidan Sajidan Septia Rani Sherly Ratih Frichesyarius Santy Adjie Siti Asmaniyah Siti Ruhima Soni Fajar Mahmud Sri Wilda Albeta STIKES Husada Borneo Sunandar Ihsan Supriati Supriati Susilawati Susilawati Suyanto Suyanto Tarwa Mustopa Teguh Susyanto Titik Irawati Wanda Hamidah Warsini - Wawan Laksito Yuly Saptomo Widiani, Esti Widodo Setiyo Wibowo Witjaksono , Yohanes Purwanto Yon Sugiarto Yudi Irawadi Yuliati, Tri Yuniria Zendrato Yuyu S. Poerba Yuzammi Yuzammi