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Journal : Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology

The Effects of Terminalia catappa L. Leaves Extract on the Water Quality Properties, Survival and Blood Profile of Ornamental fish (Betta sp) Cultured Nugroho, Rudy Agung; Manurung, Hetty; Saraswati, Dewi; Ladyescha, Deasy; Nur, Firman Muhammad
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 8, No 2 (2016): September 2016
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v8i2.6519


This research aimed to determine the phytochemicals content of Terminalia catappa leaves extract (TCL) and its effects on the survival and blood profiles of ornamental fish (Betta sp) Ninety fish were randomly assigned into six triplicates groups and reared in various concentration of TCL: 0 (control), 125, 250, 375, 500, 625 ppm for 30 days. Temperature, Dissolve oxygen (DO), and pH were monitored during the trial. After 30 days, survival, Red Blood Cells (RBC), White Blood Cells (WBC), haemoglobin (Hb), lymphocyte, and total protein serum (TPS) were analyzed. Based on the phytochemicals test, saponin, triterpenoid, quinon, phenolic, tannin, and flavonoid were detected on the TCL. Temperature and DO were not affected by any concentration of TCL. The lowest pH (5.05) was found in fish medium immersed with 625 ppm of TCL. Adding TCL above 375 ppm resulted in significantly higher survival, RBC, and Hb. The highest WBC was found in fish immersed with 625 ppm whereas the lowest lymphocyte was found in fish immersed with 375 of TCL. However, immersing any various concentration of TCL did not affect on the TPS. In summary, immersing TCL above 375 ppm is beneficial to enhance survival, RBC, WBC, and Hb of Betta sp.How to CiteNugroho, R. A., Manurung, H., Saraswati, D., Ladyescha, D. & Nur, F. M. (2016). The Effects of Terminalia catappa L. Leaves Extract on the Water Quality Properties, Survival and Blood Profile of Ornamental fish (Betta sp) Cultured. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 8(2), 240-247.
Growth and Survival Evaluation of Oreochromis Sp fed Hermetia illucens Larva and Manihot esculenta leaves Meal Aini, Nur; Nugroho, Rudy Agung; Hariani, Nova
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 10, No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.587 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v10i3.15278


This study was conducted to compare the effects of dietary substitution of fish meal (FM) with black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal (BSFM) and Manihot esculenta leaves meal (MEM) on the growth and feed efficiency of Oreochromis sp. Four concentrations viz: P1 (25%): 50g BSFM and 25g MEM, P2 (50%): 100g BSFM and 50g MEM, P3 (75%): 150g BSFM and 75g MEM, P4 (100%): 200g BSFM and 100g MEM were prepared and tested against control without FM replacement. Each diet was fed to three replicates groups of fish at a rate of 5% of body weight two times per day for 30 days. At the end of the trial, growth parameters, Feed conversion rate (FCR), and feed efficiency (FE) were evaluated. The results showed that fish fed dietary substitution of FM with combination ratio of BSFM and MEM higher than 50% significantly improved all growth parameters, FCR and FE. It is therefore suggested that the partial (higher than 50%) or total replacement of fish meal with combination of BSFM and MEM in the diet of Oreochromis sp can be used as fish meal substitution to obtain better growth and feed efficiency.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Andi Asikin Noor Andi Noor Asikin Andy Nurcahyono Anggi Audila Anton Rahmadi Apri Pauci Florentino Aprilya Mustari Ari Susandi Sanjaya Ari Susandy Sanjaya Ari Susandy Sanjaya Aryani, Retno Auliana Auliana Ayu Nirmala Sari Bambang Purnama Blegur Megaria Ismawati Deasy Ladyescha, Deasy Dewi Saraswati, Dewi Dewi, Novia Chamala Sari Dharma, Bodhi Didit Suprihanto, Didit Dwikie Setiawan Dyah Noprianti Eko Kusumawati Eno Framita Fatmawati Patang Firman M Nur Firman Muhammad Nur, Firman Muhammad Florentino, Apri Pauci Hadi Purwo Wiyono Hendra Saputra Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung, Hetty Idris Mandang, Idris Idwan Jul Ulum Ilham Zulfahmi Ilmania Laora Sunan Tias Imam Rosadi Ingga Lies Dastin Islamiati Islamiati Iwan Hasri Iwan Muhammad Ramdan Jawatir Pardosi Julinda Romauli Manullang Kusneti, Monica Kusumawati, Eko Kusumawati, Eko Lariman Lariman Lariman Lariman Lariman, Lariman Lepong, Piter Mardi Irwanto Meliyana, Yeni Monica Kusneti Muhammad Erwhyn Salim Nasution, Annio Indah Lestari Normala Sari Nova Hariani Nuraeni Muzdalifah Nurlilayanti, Nurlilayanti Panggabean Panggabean Patimah Patimah Prima Hidayat Priyanggi, Rizki Wira Rahma Suci Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani. RR Dirgarini Julia Nurlianti Subagyono Rudianta Rudianta Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Saibun Sitorus Subagyono, RR Dirgarini Julia Sudiastuti Sudiastuti Sudiastuti, Sudiastuti Syafrizal Fachmy Veliyana Londong Allo Wardina Masdalifa Widha Prahastika Widha Prahastika Widha Prahastika Widha Prahastika Windi Rosiana Dewi Wulan Iyhig Ratna Sari Yana, Nova Yanti Dami Yanti Puspita Sari Yanti Puspita Sari Yerwanto Ilang Yudha Aulia Firnanda