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Journal : Biota

PENGARUH EKSTRAK AIR DAUN SEMBUKAN (Paederia foetida LINN.) TERHADAP MORFOMETRI DAN KELULUSHIDUPAN FETUS MENCIT (Mus musculus L.) Rudy Agung Nugroho; Dyah Noprianti; Sudiastuti Sudiastuti
Biota Vol 4 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Biota 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/Biota.v4i2.2109


Paederia foetida Linn, known locally in East Kalimantan as Sembukan, is one of the plants that is used as raw materials of traditional medicine in Indonesia. The sembukan contains a variety of chemical compounds that can affect on the development of the mice fetus. Current research aimed to evaluate the effects of boiled-water extract of Sembukan leaves on the weight and length of fetus, the total number of fetus, and fetus survival. In total of 12 pregnant mouse were randomly divided into three groups, namely control (K) without treatment, P1 treated by 175 mg/kgbb extract, and P2 treated by 350 mg/kgbb extract. After 18 days of pregnancy, mouse were sacrificed to evaluate the morphometry and survival of the fetus. The results showed that Sembukan leaves extract caused a significant (P<0.05) different on the fetus weight, amount of fetus and the number of life fetus between control (K) and treatment groups (P1 and P2). However, the treatment of any doses (P1 and P2) of Sembukan leaves extract did not show significantly differences (P>0.05) on the fetus length and the number of dead fetuses. This finding concluded that Sembukan leaves is beneficial to increase the weight and the number of live fetus of mice.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Andi Asikin Noor Andi Noor Asikin Andy Nurcahyono Anggi Audila Anton Rahmadi Apri Pauci Florentino Aprilya Mustari Ari Susandi Sanjaya Ari Susandy Sanjaya Ari Susandy Sanjaya Aryani, Retno Auliana Auliana Ayu Nirmala Sari Bambang Purnama Blegur Megaria Ismawati Deasy Ladyescha, Deasy Dewi Saraswati, Dewi Dewi, Novia Chamala Sari Dharma, Bodhi Didit Suprihanto, Didit Dwikie Setiawan Dyah Noprianti Eko Kusumawati Eno Framita Fatmawati Patang Firman M Nur Firman Muhammad Nur, Firman Muhammad Florentino, Apri Pauci Hadi Purwo Wiyono Hendra Saputra Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung, Hetty Idris Mandang, Idris Idwan Jul Ulum Ilham Zulfahmi Ilmania Laora Sunan Tias Imam Rosadi Ingga Lies Dastin Islamiati Islamiati Iwan Hasri Iwan Muhammad Ramdan Jawatir Pardosi Julinda Romauli Manullang Kusneti, Monica Kusumawati, Eko Kusumawati, Eko Lariman Lariman Lariman Lariman Lariman, Lariman Lepong, Piter Mardi Irwanto Meliyana, Yeni Monica Kusneti Muhammad Erwhyn Salim Nasution, Annio Indah Lestari Normala Sari Nova Hariani Nuraeni Muzdalifah Nurlilayanti, Nurlilayanti Panggabean Panggabean Patimah Patimah Prima Hidayat Priyanggi, Rizki Wira Rahma Suci Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani. RR Dirgarini Julia Nurlianti Subagyono Rudianta Rudianta Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Saibun Sitorus Subagyono, RR Dirgarini Julia Sudiastuti Sudiastuti Sudiastuti, Sudiastuti Syafrizal Fachmy Veliyana Londong Allo Wardina Masdalifa Widha Prahastika Widha Prahastika Widha Prahastika Widha Prahastika Windi Rosiana Dewi Wulan Iyhig Ratna Sari Yana, Nova Yanti Dami Yanti Puspita Sari Yanti Puspita Sari Yerwanto Ilang Yudha Aulia Firnanda