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Core Subject : Engineering,
Kawanad Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on research, implementation The mission of Kawanad Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat is to serve as the premier peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal to advance theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement. This includes highlighting innovative endeavours; critically examining emerging issues, trends, challenges, and opportunities; and reporting on studies of impact in the areas of public service, outreach, engagement, extension, engaged research, community-based research, community-based participatory research, action research, public scholarship, service-learning, and community service.
Articles 56 Documents
Gerakan “Aku Senang Membaca” Melalui Pembentukan Taman Baca Anak Serta Pelatihan Membaca dan Health Literacy Nurhasnah; Daniek Viviandhari; Maifitrianti
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.46


Indonesian children still have limited access to books, and reading activities have not become a culture in Indonesia. This problem worsens with the Covid-19 pandemic because many schools were closed or changing the method to learning from home. In addition to reading, health literacy is also crucial during this pandemic. This service activity aims to increase interest in reading through training and establishing the children's reading park. The method used was training and diffusion of science and technology. The training was conducted online through video conferencing applications and live streaming via popular video sites. Evaluation of activities was carried out using a pre-test and post-test. More than 80 participants joined the training activities. From the questionnaire results, there was an increase in the average score of the participants after receiving the training. The children's reading park has been formed and is ready to be opened to the public. The procurement of books was carried out through grants from donors, and more than 300 reading books were collected.
Pembuatan Sepeda Air di Kawasan Wisata Thaib Rizwan; Chaliluddin; Syamsul Rizal; Husaini; Razali Thaib; Muhammad; Ilham Zulfahmi; Imelda Agustina; Alvi Rahmah; Ratna Mutia Aprilla; Edy Miswar; Junaidi M Affan; Ichsan Setiawan; Vicky Prajaputra; Rianjuanda; Sayyid Afdhal El Rahimi
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.48


Water bikes can be used as one of the vehicles in water tourism areas such as Ulee Lheue. Water bikes are used as a medium for surface transportation and fishing. Of course, this can increase the enthusiasm of those who visit the tourist destination of Ulee Lheue on weekends and holidays. High enthusiasm can increase the number of tourists, which increases income and sustains the economy of people around Ulee Lheue. Personal watercraft are constructed using fibrous pins or floats, using propeller drives, and using bicycle frames, usually modified. The steering wheel has a plate at the front and is designed to control the direction of rotation (left and right). A good community economy is expected to deliver the goodness of the community itself. Therefore, watercraft manufacturing activities must be carried out in Ulee Lheue. The implementation of this activity takes place in his two phases of implementing the activity, including creating the water bike design and manufacturing the water bike frame. The existence of water bikes can be used as an alternative to water tourism like Ulee Lheue. Water bikes are used as a medium for surface transportation and fishing. Of course, this can increase the enthusiasm of the community to visit her Ulee Lheue, a tourist destination. In fact, this water he slide is a popular ride for visitors wanting to explore lakes, reservoirs, and artificial ponds.
Sosialisasi Penanganan Pasca Panen Bahan Baku Rempah Obat Tradisional Fahrauk Faramayuda; Soraya Riyanti; Akhirul Kahfi Syam; Ari Sri Windyaswari; Yeni Karlina; Remare Halomoan Limbong; Anggita Esa Putri Fitrichia; Ananda Tunjung Pertiwi; Trialisa Aprilia; Ema Mutya; Renti Mutiara Dewi; Dwi Ayu Pratiwi; Usi Septiani; Esanda Zulfi Amedea; Yesi Wulandari; Adinda Fitriani; Ami Soega Dwigantina
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.52


Community service activities carried out by students of Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani were carried out on August 29, 2022, taking place in a medicinal plant garden, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani which was attended by UMKM Spice Nusantara Bandung participants. The socialization carried out was the presentation and delivery of post-harvest processing materials (wet sorting, washing, drying, and dry sorting) and the standardization of traditional raw materials. Conventional medicine is a form of treatment efforts in the community to support health which is currently being recommended by the government. Communities can use the toga as an economical and efficient measure to maintain body immunity because the community can obtain and use the toga quickly and simply to maintain family health. The postharvest process greatly determines the existence of active compounds that are efficacious for treatment. Incorrect postharvest management can change, reduce, or destroy the active substance of a plant into a substance that has no therapeutic effect and can even endanger health. The results of the participant's level of understanding were carried out post-test with the results of what is the purpose of post-harvest processing (100%), the sequence of post-harvest processing (80%), what is the general drying temperature (100%), a medicinal plant has good quality and efficacy then we need to know (80%), and what is the function of the washing process (90%) with the conclusion that socialization activities can significantly increase the knowledge of participants from MSMEs regarding planting, post-harvest processing, and the properties of medicinal plants significantly.
Meningkatkan Branding Kain Tenun Songket Khas Desa Mandi Angin Inderalaya Selatan Ogan Ilir Diany Putri Pratiwi; M Febrianza; Ade Indra Chaniago
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.55


Indonesia has a variety of cultures. One of the cultures of Indonesia is Songket woven fabric. Songket woven cloth is a traditional cloth originating from the island of Sumatera. Songket Palembang is one of the cultures from South Sumatera which has been designated as an intangible cultural heritage of Indonesia in 2013 by the ministry of education and culture. Palembang songket woven fabric is a culture that is used in a variety of certain traditional activities, such as weddings. This paper aims to increase knowledge and improve the branding of songket woven fabrics mainly in Mandi Angin village, South Inderalaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency. The method used in this paper is a descriptive method with the main data collection of the author in this paper obtained through direct observation or observation in the field, interviews conducted by recording the results of interviews or by using a voice recorder to informant and documentation by taking photos related to writing in the field. The result of the paper is to improve the branding of the songket woven fabric of Mandi Angin Village, as a characteristic of Mandi Angin Village, South Inderalaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency
Branding dan Pemasaran Kemplang Panggang Desa Tebing Gerinting Selatan Kecamatan Indralaya Selatan Ardiansyah; Trecy Austin; Suhendra
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.56


In the context of implementing the Tridarma of Higher Education, one of them is through community service as a form of community service. This community service takes the theme of the Thematic Community Service Program "Village Branding: goes to Global" Stisipol Candradimuka Palembang with a focus on research and service, namely Entrepreneurship. This Entrepreneurship Program aims to carry out Branding and Marketing of home-based production which is one of the potential villages that can be developed in order to help increase the income of the local community, namely Branding Kemplang Baked Home Products in Tebing Gerinting Selatan Village, South Inderalaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province. The activity begins with the socialization of marketing strategies given to home-based businesses and product packaging that will raise the business potential of the people of Tebing Gerinting Selatan Village. Marketing strategy so that their products which were previously only marketed by self-taught can expand to all regions of South Sumatra and even Globally. In compiling the results of this research and service using a qualitative approach with direct interview techniques to business actors. From the results of the analysis, it was found that several problems in product development, including home-based businesses still use conventional marketing methods and lack of innovation in terms of production, packaging, and marketing. The results of this activity are expected to change the mindset and action patterns of business actors to improve product quality, packaging and marketing strategies for Kamplang Panggang, Tebing Gerinting Selatan Village..
Sosialisasi Peralatan Kelistrikan dan Pengambilan Keterangan untuk Mengungkapkan Sebuah Kasus di Kepolisian Resort Pidie Sebagai Ahli Elektro Ramdhan Halid Siregar; Suriadi; Mahdi Syukri; Syahrizal; Syukriyadin; Yuwaldi Away; Alfisyahrin
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.57


Electricity is very useful for human life. However, if an error in use results in a danger to the safety of humans, livestock and property. Sometimes electricity is also used for special purposes for which there are no guidelines, this will be very risky to safety. As in the case that occurred recently in the Pidie Resort Police area, the Head of the Pidie Resort Police assigned his members for the benefit of the police service in the context of the task of carrying out an examination of electrical experts to obtain information regarding the discovery of a body in the mountain river of Gampong Lhok Broh, Meureudu District, District Pidie Jaya. The expected objectives of this activity are; So that participants can understand the benefits of electrical energy and the basic principles, operation, and maintenance of electrical equipment, Provide participants with knowledge (in general) about how to work and maintain electrical equipment that may be designed and used in a community environment, Demonstrate directly the dangers of some related electrical equipment cases currently being handled by the police. This activity was carried out from October 1 to November 30 2019 and consisted of 3 stages namely; Preparation, Execution, and Compilation of Reports. Based on inspections and field trials in two places, the following conclusions can be drawn; Electric current is dangerous for the human body depending on the amount of current and duration. The effect of electric current on humans starts with tingling/numbness to effect the heart which can cause death. Water is a conductor that can carry electric current properly. The safe voltage limit for humans is 50 Volt AC assuming the human body is 1000 Ohm resistant, the safe current limit for humans is 30 mA. The dedicated team also as electrical experts discusses scientific about matters related to electrical hazards and their effects on the human body.
Pelatihan Konseling Kelompok Pembayangan Terbimbing Berfokus Solusi pada Guru BK SMP di Kota Batu M Ramli; Nur Hidayah; Diniy Hidayatur Rahman; Nur Mega Aris Saputra; Husni Hanafi
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.58


The low group counseling skills at the Guidance and Counseling Teacher Consultation (MGBK) in Batu City is indicated by the intensity of conducting group counseling services. In fact, the more complex the problems faced by students require steps and innovations for counselors in the implementation of services. The purpose of the training is to develop the competence of counselors in understanding and applying the skills of solution-focused guided imagery group counseling. The training implementation method uses structured learning with stages of preparation, assessment, implementation, and evaluation (3PE). The results of the training showed that the trainees were enthusiastic about the implementation of the training and the evaluation of the results showed an increase in the application of solution-focused guided imagery group counseling.
Pelatihan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Digital E-book Menggunakan Flipbook PDF Professional bagi Guru di Kota Banjarmasin Andi Ichsan Mahardika; Novan Alkaf Bahraini Saputra; Amirul Azis Ansari Muda; Ahmad Riduan; Nana Sophia Lazuardi; Nurmalinda
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.59


Currently, teaching materials are needed that can be accessed offline and online to make it easier for students and teachers such as e-books.  e-books can be further developed with interactive features. The results of observations on a number of teachers show that teachers have not been able to create digital learning media for them to use in learning. This community service aims to improve the ability of teachers to develop digital learning media using the Flipbook PDF Professional software which will be hosted on Google Drive. This activity was carried out at the Madani Islamic High School, Banjarmasin City. The methods used in the training include stages (1) planning, (2) implementation, and (3) evaluation of activities. The results of the implementation and evaluation of activities show that training on the development of digital learning media using flipbook PDF Professional software for teachers in the city of Banjarmasin has had a positive impact on participants in the form of increasing their ability to develop learning media digitally.  The positive response to the implementation of the training shows that training on the development of digital learning media into e-books is considered useful for use in the learning process in the digital era at this time.
Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia Berbasis TIK dan Literasi Digital melalui Pelatihan TIK Bagi Masyarakat Distrik Nimboran Ermy Dikta Sumanik; Reni Koibur; Fegie Y Wattimena; Axelon S Renyaan; Yoga Erwanto; Joice Y Kabagaimu; Oktovianus A Bwefar
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.62


Improving human resources in the field of ICT and digital literacy for village officials is very important in this digital era. The lack of skills in operating ICT has hampered in operating Ms. Office and google. The purpose of this training activity is to increase the capacity of human resources in the field of ICT and digital literacy in the community of Nimboran district. The method used in this activity is direct training and mentoring. This ICT activity was carried out for three days of training. At the beginning of the activity, it was distributed to measure participants' understanding in operating Ms. Office and Google. Monitoring and evaluation is done by presenting the post-test directly. The result of this ICT training is 72,61%have been able to improve their competence in operating Ms. Office and Google.
Pemberdayaan Pembangkit Listrik Mikro Tenaga Surya dan Sosialisasi Resiko Pencurian Arus PLN di Desa Blang Pulo Saifuddin Muhammad Jalil; Diana Khairani Sofyan; A Amri; Subhan A Gani; Syukriah
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.66


At this time, electricity has become a primary need for the community, the existence of the State Electricity Company (PLN) is very supportive of all community activities. The high use of electricity can cause negative effects for users, where the higher the use of electricity, the greater the costs incurred. This is what triggers the emergence of things that are not wanted in society. One of them is the emergence of a desire to steal electric current. In general, people do not know what the risks are due to stealing the electric current. In addition, there are other ways to reduce excessive use of electricity, one of which is by assembling a solar micro-power plant, of which not many people know about the use of assembling the power plant. Based on this, service is carried out with the aim of providing explanations and adding knowledge to the community in the safe use of electrical energy; provide explanations and increase knowledge for the public about the risk of theft of electrical energy; increase community participation in using and protecting the environment by using alternative energy; foster a strong bond between the Blang Pulo gampong which is the closest village to the Malikussaleh University Bukit Indah campus and the Malikussaleh University academic community, especially the electric energy-saving extension team. The counseling activity on the risk of theft of PLN flows in the village of Blang Pulo is carried out in the following activity methods: Program introduction, assembly and delivery of various forms of energy, especially solar energy; The submission of a frugal living attitude according to Islamic law is accompanied by showing several verses of the Koran and hadith and conveying the risks due to stealing electric current. The expected results of this service are through the micro-solar electricity empowerment program and energy-saving counseling, It is hoped that the awareness, sensitivity and participation of lecturers and the community of Blang Pulo will grow and develop in the safe and efficient use of electrical energy so that there is an adequate supply of electricity and there will be no longer rotating blackouts caused by the limited supply of electricity from the PLN, and explain the consequences if electrical energy is stolen for personal or group use in order to be able to use electrical energy for free.