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The Implementation of CPS Learning Assisted with Problem Cards on The Ability to Solve Story Problems Retnowati, Fitri; Dwidayati, Nur Karomah; Dewi, Nuriana Rachmani
Journal of Primary Education Articles in Press
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

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The purpose of this study is to obtain the ability of students in solving to solve story problems that fulfill learning (Creative Problem Solving) CPS assisted with problem cards is completely more than 75%, the ability to solve story problems that obtain CPS learning assisted with problem cards is better than classes that get learning using an example non-example type cooperative model, and to describe of the ability to solve student story problems. The type of research is quantitative descriptive with a quasi-experimental design. The research sample was all grade IV Public Elementary School Sekaran 01 Semarang. Data collection methods use tests and interviews. Quantitative analysis techniques include the completeness test and the average difference test. Finding shows that students who obtain learning with the CPS learning model assisted with the problem card media reach the ability to solve the story questions more than 75%, that is 90%, students who have the ability to solve story problems that obtain CPS learning by problem card media is better than students who obtain learning with the example-non-example type model, and students with the ability to solve high and medium criterion story problems are able to solve story problems with the four Polya steps, but students with the ability to complete medium criterion story problems have not yet written units, while students with the ability to solve low story criterion problems are still confused in distinguishing steps; plan, implement and recheck.
The Development of Module Containing Local Culture with Realistic Approach for Mathematical Literation of Elementary School Students Fitriyanti, Nur Laesiyah; Sukestiyarno, Y L; Dwidayati, Nur Karomah
Journal of Primary Education Vol 8 No 8 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (855.336 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpe.v10i2.34397


This study has purpose to develop the independent learning modules that support the improvement of mathematics literacy skills of the fifth grade students of elementary school. The module developed was adjusted to the 2013 curriculum and focused on ordinary, mixed, and decimal multiplication materials, containing with local culture using the realistic approach integrated in mathematical adventure stories. This was a research and development with the Thiagaranjan 4D model that was modified into the development stage in a limited test through the steps of define, design, and develop applied to the fifth grade students of SDN Kendal Serut 02, Pangkah, Tegal. The results at the development stage showed a form of additional supplement that is suitable with the characteristics of the needs of the elementary school students, which is loaded with local culture with relevant realistic approach. At the development stage, the module is produced in developing the mathematical literacy which is considered valid by material and media experts. In addition, trials on users showed positive responses from teachers and students in grade V which showed that the Mathematical Literacy Ability of students after learning with the module was better than previous condition (P = 0.000) with an increase in N-gain of 0.4 in the medium category.
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 9, No 2 (2011): December 2011
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v9i2.5533


Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) bagaimana prosedur untuk menguji kesesuaian himpunan observasi yang diasumsikan berasal dari distribusi Eksponensial? dan (2) bagaimana perluasan fasilitas komputasi dan analisis yang berkaitan dengan pengujian waktu tunggu untuk kecelakaan fatal dari pesawat terbang ? Bahan atau materi penelitian ini adalah berbagai hasil penelitian para pakar yang telah dipublikasikan di berbagai media (jurnal, internet, perpustakaan maupun korespondensi secara langsung). Untuk menganalisis hasil penelitian, dikaji secara deduktif-analitis, berdasar kajian hasil penelitian sebelumnya, definisi, asumsi dan teorema-teorema yang telah ada. Hasil analisis data diasosiasikan dengan waktu tunggu untuk kecelakaan pesawat terbang yang diperoleh dari NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) untuk aplikasi prosedur yang telah ditentukan. Berdasar hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan (1) prosedur untuk menguji kesesuaian himpunan observasi yang diasumsikan berasal dari distribusi Eksponensial adalah dengan memodifikasi uji K-S dan (2) perluasan fasilitas komputasi dan analisis yang berkaitan dengan pengujian waktu tunggu untuk kecelakaan fatal dari pesawat terbang untuk prosedur yang telah ditentukan dikerjakan dengan bantuan software Excel dan SPSS. Waktu antar kejadian kecelakaan fatal pada skedul penerbangan armada besar di USA (1983-1998) mengikuti distribusi eksponensial, sedangkan untuk armada kecil tidak mengikuti distribusi eksponensial. Dengan demikian waktu antar kejadian kecelakaan fatal pada skedul penerbangan armada kecil di USA (1983-1998) tidak memperlihatkan sifat ”forgetfulness”, sedangkan untuk armada besar memperlihatkan sifat tersebut. Berdasarkan simpulan di atas, maka disarankan untuk mengembangkan prosedur uji kebaikan secara umum, mengingat bahwa waktu tunggu kecelakaan pesawat terbang tidak selalu mengikuti distribusi eksponensial sebagaimana diasumsikan.
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 10, No 2 (2012): December 2012
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v10i2.5554


Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) bagaimana distribusi lifetime penderita kanker payudara (PKPD) di RSUP Dr. Sardjito – Yogyakarta?, (2) apakah faktor umur, stadium dan treatment mempengaruhi life-time PKPD di RSUP Dr. Sardjito– Yogyakarta?, (3) bagaimana menentukan hazard rate penderita kanker payudara di RSUP Dr. Sardjito– Yogyakarta? Dan (4) bagaimana menentukan survival rate penderita kanker payudara di RSUP Dr. Sardjito – Yogyakarta?. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah penderita kanker payudara yang berobat ke RSUP Dr. Sardjito – Yogyakarta, sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah penderita kanker payudara yang berobat ke RSUP Dr. Sardjito – Yogyakarta dari tahun 2004 – 2009. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari studi klinik dan rekam medis penderita kanker payudara yang berobat ke RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta dari tahun 2004 – 2009. Pengkajian dimulai dengan mengkonstruksi model regresi proportional hazard Cox untuk life time PKPD. Berdasar model tersebut dilakukan estimasi parameter tak diketahui dalam model, yang selanjutnya digunakan untuk analisis cure rate PKPD di RSUP Dr. Sardjito – Yogyakarta. Berdasar hasil penelitian ddiperoleh simpulan: (1) life-time penderita kanker payudara (PKPD) di RSUP Dr. Sardjito – Yogyakarta berdistribusi Weibull, (2) faktor umur, stadium dan treatment mempengaruhi life-time PKPD di RSUP Dr. Sardjito– Yogyakarta (3) hazard rate penderita kanker payudara di RSUP Dr. Sardjito– Yogyakarta dihitung dengan menentukan baseline hazard terlebih dahulu, dan (4) survival rate penderita kanker payudara di RSUP Dr. Sardjito – Yogyakarta menentukan baseline survival terlebih dahulu.
Problem-Solving Ability in terms of Adversity Quotient On SFE Learning Based on Firing Line Limay Trisno Putra, Ari; Dwidayati, Nur Karomah; Isnarto, Isnarto
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 9 No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Student Facilitator and Explaining (SFE) learning based on Firing Line and mathematical problem-solving abilities in terms of Adversity Quotient (AQ). The method used is a mixed method with a sequential explanatory design. The study was conducted on class VIII of SMP Teuku Umar Semarang in the academic year 2018/2019 with class VIII 2 as the experimental class and class VIII 3 as the control class. Quantitative data collection with a problem-solving ability test and qualitative data collection is done by interview, observation, questionnaire, and documentation. The results of the problem-solving ability test were analyzed to determine the effectiveness of mathematics learning with the average completeness test, classical completeness test, proportional t-test, average t-test, and improvement test. Students are grouped according to the AQ category which consists of Quitters, Campers, and Climbers to then select three subjects from each category to be interviewed. The results of the study were obtained (1) effective SFE based on Firing Line learning; (2) mathematical problem-solving skills, Quitters students are able to understand problems and plan problem-solving. Campers students are able to understand problems, plan problem-solving and implement solutions. Student Climbers are able to understand problems, plan problem-solving, implement solutions, and re-examine the results of resolution.
Problem Solving Skill Seen From Adversity Quotient on Guided Discovery Learning Model With Metacognitive Approach Assisted By Schoology Wahyuningsih, Tri; Dwidayati, Nurkaromah; Wardono, Wardono
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 9 No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research aims to describe problem solving process of students taught by guided discovery learning model with metacognitive approach seen from Adversity Quotient (AQ). This mixed method used sequential explanatory – an ordering combination from quantitative to qualitative. The population consisted of all VIII Junior High School 13 Semarang. The sample was taken by random sampling. This research showed that GDL with metacognitive approach and assisted by Schoology was effective to problem solving skill. Furthermore, the description of problem solving skill seen from AQ was varied. It was shown by 19 students categorized climber – 13 of them were categorized high problem solving skill students, 4 moderate level students, and 2 poor level students. The camper category students consisted of 14 students – 12 of them were categorized high problem solving skill students, 2 moderate level students, and none of them was categorized poor level stuent. The quitter category students consisted of the persons – none of them was categorized high but each one of them was categorized into moderate and poor level student.
PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL & INTERNASIONAL 2017: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan, Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Cafe is one of a kind restaurant that usually serve snacks and baverages. The exsistance of cafe arround Universitas Negeri Semarang campus is gettingmore, one of them is Soda Ocean Cafe. Hence, the cofe owner must give the bestservice and facility for the consumer. This study aims to determine what factorsare the satisfaction of Cafe customers, as well as seeking discriminant functionand the accuracy of the function. Consumer satisfication with servicse andfacilities can be found out by discriminant analysis. Independent ariables in thisanalysis are sound system, live performance, environment, security, service,price, the variety of foods and drinks, cosiness, and location and dependentvariable is consumer satisfication. Analysis results shows that there is asignificant difference betweenthe type of satisfied consumer and dissatisfiedconsumer. The satisfaction factors of Soda Ocean Cafe customer areenvironment, security, and live performance. Discriminant function in thisanalysis isD=-3,269+0,783 nuansa - 0,121Keamanan + 0,646 HiburanThat function has 71,6%  classification accuracy. Hence, the discriminantfunction can be used ti predict the type of consumers. Keywords: Cafe, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Analisis Diskriminan.
Self Regelated Through Mathematics in Contexts (Mic) Approach Based on Local Culture Module to Improve Math Representation Ardhana Kisno Saputra, Rifky; Sukestiyarno, Sukestiyarno; Karomah Dwidayati, Nur
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical representation ability of students based on self regulated and module-based learning with a Mathematics In Contexts (MIC) approach with local culture. This research is a mixed method type of concurrent embedded design, with the subject of the research being the VIII MTs grade students. Negeri 1 Lamongan. The results obtained are Mentoring with a module-based MIC approach containing local culture effective towards mathematical representation with an average completeness above 70 with a value of 77.96; there is a positive influence of self regulated on the ability of representation of 73.1%; The mathematical representation ability of students has increased by 0.48 with the medium category. The ability of student representation can be classified into three aspects including visual aspects, symbolic aspects and verbal aspects. Students with high self regulated are able to master the three aspects of representation very well indicated by the average value obtained in the visual aspect of 100 then in the symbolic aspect 91.07 and in the verbal aspect 79.17. Students with self regulated are mastering visual and verbal aspects that stand out by getting an average rating of 87.50 in the visual aspect and 79.17 in the verbal aspect, while in the symbolic aspect getting an average score of 66.07. Students with low self regulated are able to master the verbal and visual aspects well, namely by obtaining a verbal average value of 70.83 and a mean visual value of 67.50 while the symbolic aspect obtains an average score of 51.79. Based on the results of the study, it is suggested in doing assistance with students who have moderate and low self regulated more intensively so that students are more independent, enthusiastic, and recognize their own potential for their mathematical representation abilities.
Mathematics Creative Thinking Skill Reviewed by Students’ Metacognitions on Creative Problem Solving Learning Model Implementation Hardini Kurniani, Khoirida; Dwijanto, Dwijanto; Dwidayati, Nur Karomah
Journal of Primary Education Vol 9 No 3 (2020): May 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.545 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpe.v9i3.39214


C Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model supports students to focus on learning and skill processes. CPS learning, students could select, process, and develop their responses in solving a problem creatively. Metacognition plays an important role in CPS since it could monitor students in selecting and using strategy to improve further cognitive performance. This research aims to find out effectiveness of CPS learning model on mathematics creative thinking skill reviewed from students’ metacognitions. This mixed method research used sequential explanatory design. The population consisted of VIII graders at SMP N 4 Kudus. The samples consisted of experimental class with CPS learning and control class with discovery learning. The first stage of thr research was quantitative data collection. It were done using test and questionnaires to categorized the subject. The next stage was qualitative data collections which were done by using questionnaires and interview. Data of quantitative data were triangulated with the qualitative data to gain the goal of the research. The findings showed that CPS model was effective to improve creative thinking skill reviewed from students’ metacognitions. Students with high metacognition in the experimental class are more creative than the control class. CPS learning can improve students' creative thinking through the stages of idea finding to acceptance finding, because students can find new ideas and choose the right solution from some of the ideas they have. Mathematics creative thinking skill of the students with high metacognition shown form the students’ ability in writing problem solving skill of creative questions logically and could provide other notions. Students with medium category have the similar achievement but can correct errors; meanwhile students with low metacognition can wrote problem solving skill of creative questions quite logically and still have problems in giving ideas.
Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Based on Intellectual Intelligence and Cognitive Style in SSCS Learning with Open-Ended Problems Probosiwi, Wdyanita Indah; Suyitno, Hardi; Dwidayati, Nur Karomah
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The study aims to describe the mathematical creative thinking ability reviewed from intellectual intelligence and cognitive style in SSCS learning with open-ended problems. This research is a type of mix method research with sequential explanatory design. The population of this research is a class VII student of State Junior High School 3 Semarang academic year 2018/2019. Sampling method used in this study was random sampling technique. The study subject was selected with the purposive sampling technique based on the results of the intellectuality intelligence and the field independent (FI) cognitive style or the field dependent (FD). The results showed that the group of upper normal intelligence students category with the cognitive style of FI reaches the four indicators of mathematical creative thinking ability so that they are included in Level 4 (very creative), the group of upper normal intelligence students categorywith the cognitive style of FD can achieve three indicators of mathematical creative thinking ability and included in Level 3 (creative), the group of normal students category with the cognitive style of FI can achieve two indicators of mathematical creative thinking ability which then is included in Level 2 (quite creative), and the group of normal students category with the cognitive style of FD is only able to achieve a single indicator of mathematical creative thinking ability so that it is included in Level 1 (less creative).