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Journal : TEGAR: Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary School

Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT): Kajian Analisis pada Atlet Renang Junior Usia Sekolah Dasar Budi, Didik Rilastiyo; Listiandi, Arfin Deri; Festiawan, Rifqi; Widanita, Neva; Anggraeni, Dewi
TEGAR: Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary School Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Teaching Strategies by Physical Education Elementary Teachers
Publisher : Prodi PGSD Penjas FPOK UPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/tegar.v3i2.24452


Swimming is one of the measured sports that is influenced by several factors to be able to perform a variety of swimming style techniques well, one of the important factors and has not been studied more deeply, namely regarding the Body Mass Index (BMI) of junior swimming athletes. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the Body Mass Index (BMI) in junior high school age junior athletes. The research method used is ex-postfacto research. The population of this study is junior swimming athletes at the Tirta Kembar Purwokerto swimming club, while the study sample is all junior swimming athletes of elementary school age with an average age of 10 years totaling 20 children and consisting of 14 female athletes and 6 male athletes, using techniques total sampling. Data collection was performed using the Body Mass Index (BMI) instrument with a validity and reliability of 0.98. Data analysis used the Benchmark Reference Assessment (PAP) based on the Body Mass Index (IMT) criteria and then analyzed using Ms. assistance. Excel. The results showed that the Body Mass Index (BMI) of junior high school age swimming athletes at the Tirta Kembar Purwokerto swimming club showed an average value of vulnerable BMI, but there were two junior female athletes who were at BMI with overweight criteria, with the percentage of BMI less than 65%, BMI Normal 25%, BMI Overweight 10% and no children in the category of Obesity. The conclusion of this study is that, on average junior swimming athletes of primary school age have a thin IMT category, so it is less ideal for a swimming athlete at junior age. Suggestion of this study is that there needs to be special attention from parents and trainers regarding nutritional intake in children, so that children can have BMI criteria in the normal category according to their age, and avoid the risk of malnutrition and obesity.AbstrakRenang merupakan salah satu olahraga terukur yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor untuk dapat melakukan berbagai teknik gaya renang dengan baik, salah satu faktor yang penting dan belum dikaji secara lebih dalam yaitu mengenai Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dari atlet renang junior. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu ingin meganalisis karakteristik Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT) pada atlet renang junior usia Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian ex-postfacto. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah atlet renang junior di klub renang Tirta Kembar Purwokerto, sedangkan sampel penelitian yaitu seluruh atlet renang junior usia sekolah dasar dengan rata-rata umur 10 tahun yang berjumlah 20 anak dan terdiri dari 14 atlet putri dan 6 atlet putra, menggunakan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengunakan instrumen Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT) dengan validitas dan reliabilitas 0,98. Analisis data menggunakan Penilaian Acuan Patokan (PAP) berdasarkan kriteria Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT) dan kemudian dianalisis mengunakan bantuan Ms. Excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT) atlet renang junior usia sekolah dasar di klub renang Tirta Kembar Purwokerto menunjukan nila rata-rata pada rentan IMT Kurus, akan tetapi terdapat dua atlet junior putri yang berada pada IMT dengan kriteria berat badan lebih, dengan jumlah prosentase IMT Kurus 65%, IMT Normal 25%, IMT Kelebihan Berat Badan 10% dan tidak ada anak dalam kategori Obesitas. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu, rata-rata atlet renang junior usia sekolah dasar memilki kategori IMT kurus, sehingga kurang ideal untuk seorang atlet renang di usia junior. Saran dari penelitian ini yaitu perlu adanya perhatian khusus dari orang tua dan pelatih mengenai asupan gizi pada anak, sehingga anak dapat memiliki kriteria IMT pada kategiori normal sesuai dengan usianya, serta terhindar dari resiko kekurangan gizi dan kegemukan/obesitas.
Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga Siswa Sekolah Dasar: Pengaruh Keterampilan Motorik (Tinggi) dan Model Pembelajaran (Kooperatif) Setiawan, Anang; Yudiana, Yunyun; Ugelta, Surdiniaty; Oktriani, Seni; Budi, Didik Rilastiyo; Listiandi, Arfin Deri
TEGAR: Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary School Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Teaching Strategies by Physical Education Elementary Teachers
Publisher : Prodi PGSD Penjas FPOK UPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/tegar.v3i2.24513


The level of motor skills of elementary school students can be influenced by many things such as movement experience, the environment, and facilities for learning so that it also impacts on learning outcomes. This study intends to find out the differences in physical education and sports learning outcomes of floor gymnastic material from elementary school students who have high motor skills. Floor gymnastic learning material is used in two cooperative learning model strategies (Student Teams Achievement Divisions and Jigsaw). The research approach method used was an experiment with a Pre-Experimental design. The students' motor skills were measured using the Johnson Fundamental Skills Test, while the series of floor motion exercises for Grade V Elementary School students were used as research instruments. The results of his study showed that there were differences in physical education learning outcomes and sports materials on floor gymnastics, groups of students with the STAD strategy got better learning outcomes compared to the Jigsaw strategy group. So, it can be concluded that the use of the STAD strategy cooperative learning model for students with high motor skills gives a better influence than Jigsaw's strategy on learning outcomes of physical education and sports learning exercises for floor gymnastics.AbstrakTingkat keterampilan motorik siswa Sekolah Dasar bisa dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal seperti pengalaman gerak, lingkungan, serta fasilitas untuk pembelajaran sehingga berdampak pula terhadap hasil belajarnya. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga materi senam lantai dari siswa Sekolah Dasar yang memiliki keterampilan motorik tinggi. Materi pembelajaran senam lantai digunakan pada dua strategi model pembelajaran kooperatif (student Teams Achievement Divisions dan Jigsaw). Metode Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan desain Pre-Experimental. Keterampilan motorik siswa diukur menggunakan Johnson Fundamental Skills Test, sedangkan rangkaian gerak senam lantai untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar kelas V digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga materi senam lantai, kelompok siswa dengan strategi STAD mendapatkan hasil belajar yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok strategi Jigsaw. Sehingga, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif strategi STAD kepada siswa dengan keterampilan motorik tinggi memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik daripada strategi Jigsaw terhadap hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga materi pembelajaran senam lantai.