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Journal : Jurnal JSIKA

Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Dan Evaluasi Kinerja Karyawan Berdasarkan Penilaian Metode 360-DEGREE Priambodo, Raditya; Sagirani, Tri; Suhandiah, Sri
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Performance appraisal is the one of way to know how far they give their best performance to their company. In this current time, the performance appraisal at GGF & Country Club Surabaya which only do by the manager have less of objectivity. Except that, there are no process for observation and evaluate the result of performance appraisal which make the company feel difficult to know about the employee’s development. 360-Degree method is the one of performance appraisal method which have the focus point for the rater. The appraisal haven’t done only by the manager, but also do by their subordinates, their peers, and also by their self. The result from this process will be easy to do the observation in the graphic format. The evaluation will be given by the company based on the value’s representation which shown by the graphic of performance appraisal’s result. With the function of Monitoring and Evaluation Information System Based On 360-Degree Appraisal Method, hopefully the appraisal will have the higher of objectivity because the result already given by many rater surround the rate. Except that, with the monitoring process make the company easy to know the increase or decrease from their employee’s performance to give the evaluation. Keywords : Performance Appraisal, 360-Degree Method, Performance Monitoring, Performance Evaluation
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Knowledge Management Multimedia Dalam Proses Pengembangan Video Pendidikan Pada Bpmtv Surabaya Baskoro, Rizky Tirtahana; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Sagirani, Tri
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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In the development of educational videos, training and learning is a very important activity. But the experience, knowledge and skills possessed only by the participants in the training so that the absence of learning or knowledge transfer to people who have no knowledge about the training. One reason is the lack of a system that can manage, collect and manage data of existing knowledge into useful information for the development of educational videos.Based on the above, requires a knowledge management system in terms of manufacturing, management, maintenance of data storage is explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge through report creation. Knowledge management system (KMS) is a system that is capable of performing the classification of existing knowledge, how to preserve knowledge, and how to use that knowledge. One solution to overcome the above problems is to create a multimedia knowledge management system.This application can be used by users in obtaining information about knowledge relating to the development of video media for education. This system provides the required knowledge in the form of multimedia files (text, images, documents and videos). This system can also provide statistical reports of users accessing the system, active users, multimedia files are frequently accessed, searched and needed. Keyword: Kata kunci : knowledge, multimedia, video, Knowledge Management System.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Kamus Percakapan Bahasa Arab Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Teknologi J2ME Saputra, Renanda Cahya; Sutanto, Teguh; Sagirani, Tri
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Most people who travel abroad are not really mastery the language of the country they visited, so they are having difficulties  to communicate with local people. This condition can be met when Indonesian people held hajj or umrah every single year in Saudi Arabia. Based on the survey’s result that author has been done to 30 respondents, there is a fact that 93,33% respondents are having difficulties to communicate using Arabic language when they do hajj or umrah. One of the solutions to solve this problem is making an arabic conversation dictionary application based on mobile technology using J2ME. This dictionary application is able to search words and show conversations in various situasion then, this application, can add some new words that can be done manually by its user and those words can be edited or deleted. Based on test-run that have been done to the respondents, the result shows that the Arabic conversation dictionary application based on mobile technology using J2ME could simplify and help the hajj and umrah worshippers who are struggled to communicate in Arabic.” Keywords : Mobile application, Arabic dictionary, J2ME
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Beasiswa Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Di Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo Aprilianto, Ferry Romidhoni; Sagirani, Tri; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Panca Marga Probolinggo University as a place of learning and self developments provides facilities for student achievements scholarships. The scholarship program is expected to spur student interest in learning to be more accomplished. In determining the scholarship recipients, the administrator selects candidates for faculty scholarship recipients base on existing criteria. In the process of selecting, admin faculty have difficulty selecting a data prospective recipients. Because each type of scholarship criteria and weight have different criteria. It makes the calculation of the value criteria requires precision. Knowing the problem that occur, the autors designed the decision support system and make the determination of scholarship by using the SAW method. This system can help admins to perform data administration faculty scholarship recipients, the data type of scholarship, the data criteria, criteria weighting data, and data recipients. With this system the loss of data can be minimize. After testing the use of decision support system determining the scholarship by using the SAW method, it can be concluded that this decision support system to help admins faculty in performing their duties. Keywords: Decision Supprot System, SAW and scholarship.
Rancang Bangun Pencarian File Multimedia Berbasis Web Menggunakan Standar Scorm 2004 Perdana, Hevea Bori; Hariadi, Bambang; Sagirani, Tri
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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In an organization of education, training and learning is an activity that is very important. Currently, training and learning can be replaced by using information technology that is now growing rapidly in such regardless of who the perpetrator, without limitation of place and time. In the terminology of development of information technology training and learning form thus known by the term e-Learning. E-Learning has become a strategy and solutions for successful organizations in the world in order to manage and update their students´ learning. Based on the above issues, then built an interactive multimedia online learning system. In this thesis, an interactive learning system (E-Learning) apply the reference standard SCORM 2004.   Keyword : SCORM 2004, SCO, E-Learning, Multimedia
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Abstract: In managing a food court generally apply the concept of self-service to the customer, that is order and pay over the counter or cashier. For booth renters, income calculations performed every day manually when the food court closed. It takes a long time and caused frequent occurrence of miscalculation that led to losses and a decrease in turnover for managers and tenants outlets. Facing these problems, food court manager making design and implementation an information systems of the food court at the shopping center smart Surabaya. The food court will apply the touch-screen technology and a smart card in the application to facilitate buyer transactions. For a rent system, food court manager will apply the accounting system every day. Tenants pay rent in accordance with the revenue received each day. With the application of information systems food court at a shopping mall Smart Surabaya has to be used in accordance with management´s desire food court manager. The use of touch screen technology and a smart card has been successful in an application. Besides the need for management information and reporting food court have been met. Key words: Smart Card, Food Court, Touch Screen, Rent.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Beasiswa Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Di Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo Aprilianto, Ferry Romidhoni; Sagirani, Tri; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Panca Marga Probolinggo University as a place of learning and self developments provides facilities for student achievements scholarships. The scholarship program is expected to spur student interest in learning to be more accomplished. In determining the scholarship recipients, the administrator selects candidates for faculty scholarship recipients base on existing criteria. In the process of selecting, admin faculty have difficulty selecting a data prospective recipients. Because each type of scholarship criteria and weight have different criteria. It makes the calculation of the value criteria requires precision. Knowing the problem that occur, the autors designed the decision support system and make the determination of scholarship by using the SAW method. This system can help admins to perform data administration faculty scholarship recipients, the data type of scholarship, the data criteria, criteria weighting data, and data recipients. With this system the loss of data can be minimize. After testing the use of decision support system determining the scholarship by using the SAW method, it can be concluded that this decision support system to help admins faculty in performing their duties. Keywords: Decision Supprot System, SAW and scholarship.
Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Dan Evaluasi Kinerja Karyawan Berdasarkan Penilaian Metode 360-DEGREE Priambodo, Raditya; Sagirani, Tri; Suhandiah, Sri
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Abstract: In managing a food court generally apply the concept of self-service to the customer, that is order and pay over the counter or cashier. For booth renters, income calculations performed every day manually when the food court closed. It takes a long time and caused frequent occurrence of miscalculation that led to losses and a decrease in turnover for managers and tenants outlets. Facing these problems, food court manager making design and implementation an information systems of the food court at the shopping center smart Surabaya. The food court will apply the touch-screen technology and a smart card in the application to facilitate buyer transactions. For a rent system, food court manager will apply the accounting system every day. Tenants pay rent in accordance with the revenue received each day. With the application of information systems food court at a shopping mall Smart Surabaya has to be used in accordance with management's desire food court manager. The use of touch screen technology and a smart card has been successful in an application. Besides the need for management information and reporting food court have been met. Key words: Smart Card, Food Court, Touch Screen, Rent.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Knowledge Management Multimedia Dalam Proses Pengembangan Video Pendidikan Pada Bpmtv Surabaya Baskoro, Rizky Tirtahana; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Sagirani, Tri
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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In the development of educational videos, training and learning is a very important activity. But the experience, knowledge and skills possessed only by the participants in the training so that the absence of learning or knowledge transfer to people who have no knowledge about the training. One reason is the lack of a system that can manage, collect and manage data of existing knowledge into useful information for the development of educational videos.Based on the above, requires a knowledge management system in terms of manufacturing, management, maintenance of data storage is explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge through report creation. Knowledge management system (KMS) is a system that is capable of performing the classification of existing knowledge, how to preserve knowledge, and how to use that knowledge. One solution to overcome the above problems is to create a multimedia knowledge management system.This application can be used by users in obtaining information about knowledge relating to the development of video media for education. This system provides the required knowledge in the form of multimedia files (text, images, documents and videos). This system can also provide statistical reports of users accessing the system, active users, multimedia files are frequently accessed, searched and needed. Keyword: Kata kunci : knowledge, multimedia, video, Knowledge Management System.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdillah, Muhammad Azhar Adhipratama, Yoga Adhipratama, Yoga Aditya Darmawan Afif Fathurrahman Agus Dwi Churniawan Agus Dwi Churniawan, Agus Dwi Agus Slamet Amanda Rahmah Maulida Firdaus Amelia Tan Anshor, Mohamad Mujahidin Arda Fikri Saudi ARIF KUSDIANTORO Arlisa Kumala Rofik Arum, Evita Sekar Atika Wardhani Rustiaria Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie Ayuningtyas Ayuningtyas Ayuningtyas Bambang Hariadi Bashofi Bashofi Binar Kurnia Prahani Budi Jatmiko Citra Indah Kurnia Darmawan, Aditya Denny Kusuma Dika Arissa Santoso Putri Dika, Tresnamayu Rahma Eka Hirinda Zulfa Ekky Febrihandani Rahmawati Ekky Febrihandani Rahmawati Erwin Sutomo Evita Sekar Arum Ferry Ferry Ferry Romidhoni Aprilianto Gilang Ilham Septiawan Hanifah Lazuardy Eka Safitri Haryanto Tanuwijaya Herwanda Ayu Destania Herwanda Ayu Destania Hevea Bori Perdana I Gede Adi Wijaya I Gusti Ngurah Alit Widana Putra Iqbal Priswara Irvan Alfaridzi Dwi Parastowo Julianto Lemantara Kartikasari, Puspita KUSDIANTORO, ARIF Laksono, Bagus M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto M.J. Dewiyani Sunarto Maulana Arsandy, Noor Robby Maulana Arsandy, Noor Robby Mochammad Arifin Moh. Fachrul Arifin Muhamad Nizar Taufani Muhammad Anin Kummara Muhammad Edwin Diradinata Muhammad Wahyudi Muhyiy, Hafiidh Muhyiy, Hafiidh Muslichah Erma Widiana Norma Ningsih Normaningsih Normaningsih Nova Retnowati Nova Retnowati Nugraha, Driantama Edya Nugraha, Driantama Edya Permana, Dhimas Andy Prayudi Suryo Sukarno Pribadi, Jelang Romadhon Kharismawan Puspita Kartikasari Puspita Kartikasari Puspita Kartikasari putra, Yolandra Bagus Andalan putra, Yolandra Bagus Andalan Putri, Dika Arissa Santoso Raditya Priambodo Rahayu Arya Shintawati Rahmawati, Endra Renaldi Renaldi Renanda Cahya Saputra Rizky Tirtahana Baskoro Rr. Dewintha Indriyanti Rustiaria, Atika Wardhani Safitri, Hanifah Lazuardy Eka Salma Maghfira Santoso, R.P Mohammad Bagus Sicillya Setya Jayani Santosa Soehardjoepri, Soehardjoepri Sri Suhandiah Sukarno, Prayudi Suryo Sukarno, Prayudi Suryo Sunaryo, Iqbal Faturohman Tan Amelia Taufani, Muhamad Nizar Teguh Sutanto Thoriq Satria Marvy Titik Lusiani Tresnamayu Rahma Dika Valentinus Roby Hananto Vivine Nurcahyawati Wachid, Fadilah Alfan Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Wawan W Efendi Widana Putra, I Gusti Ngurah Alit Widyaningrum, Mahmudah Enny Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko