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Journal : NUMERICAL (Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika)

Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share (TPS) berbantuan Pendekatan Investigasi terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Rifa Fahrullisa; Fredi Ganda Putra; Nanang Supriadi
Numerical: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.435 KB) | DOI: 10.25217/numerical.v2i2.213


Mathematical communication ability of learners is still relatively low, this is allegedly caused by the conventional learning model that is still applied by educators. The authors in this study apply cooperative type model of TPS assisted investigative approach, because the type and approach is expected to be suitable to improve the mathematical communication ability of learners. The purpose of this research is to see the effect of Cooperative Learning Model Type Think Pair Share (TPS) assisted by an Investigation Approach to Mathematical Communication Ability. In this research including quantitative research because the data is processed in the form of numbers. Use experimental experimental quasy experiment type. To know the effect on the ability of mathematical communication owned peserta didiksetelah applied learning model is the purpose of the implementation of research. The instrument in this research is the test of mathematical communication ability on the matter of scale and comparison. Further data that have been obtained will be calculated by using Analysis of Variance (ANAVA) one unequal cell road. The result of this research is there is influence of thinking pair share learning model assisted by investigative approach to mathematical communication ability of learner, which in class which applied by model of learning pair help coupled with better investigation of mathematical communication ability compared with conventional learning model and TPS learning model.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran E-learning Berbantuan Media Pembelajaran Edmodo Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Peserta Didik Hanifah Hanifah; Nanang Supriadi; Rany Widyastuti
Numerical: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/numerical.v3i1.453


Mathematical problem solving is a problem solving that uses mathematical problem solving. Students in the problem solving did not use the polya method so that students succeeded in difficulties. Educators still use conventional learning models so that students become bored, passive and reluctant to ask whether going forward working on the questions given by the educator, so that new learning models need to be applied. The e-learning learning model assisted with Edmodo learning media is an online presentation material on an Edmodo account using the mobile phone of students. PAM is the knowledge learned by students before getting learning material. This study aims to study the interaction of e-learning learning models assisted by Edmodo learning media to solve mathematical problems. This study is quantitative research. Data collection used with tests, interviews, collection and collection. The data analysis technique uses two-way anava test with cells that are not the same. From the results of the analysis, the influence of the e-learning learning model on mathematical problem solving abilities. It is necessary to question the high, medium, and low mathematical initial knowledge of Great mathematical problem solving ability, then there is no difference between assisted e-learning learning models edmodo, mathematical initial knowledge of mathematical problem solving abilities.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Achi Rinaldi Agus Pahrudin Akbar Handoko Amanda Diah Pangestika Amiruddin Amiruddin Andini, Dita Anna Fajriyah Astriana Putri Bambang Sri Anggoro Bella Dwi Lestari Christina Khaidir Christina Khaidir Delviana, Desti Desi Vitona Dewi, Eva Sima Dewi, Wiwik Sulistiana Dian Anggraini Djaffar Lessy Dona Dinda Pratiwi Een Yayah Haenilah Eka Aprilia Elny Yulinda Sarai Eva Sima Dewi Fani Sisco Predi Farida, Farida Filian Yunita Sari Fitriani Fitriani Fitriani Fitriani Fraulein Intan Suri Fredi Ganda Putra Gumanti, Agung Akbar Maden Hani Nastiti Tantika Hanifah Hanifah Harum Yeni Rachmah, Harum Yeni Hasan Hariri Iip Sugiharta Indrawan Al Ikhsan Indri Yulianti Intan Dyra Shari Faisyal Kartika Ramadona KOMARUDIN Laila Puspita Laila Puspita, Laila Laswadi Laswadi Laswadi Laswadi, Laswadi Lekok Melya Lestari, Bella Dwi Lingga Afriansyah Mardani Lintang Fitra Utami Lutfiatul Khofifah Maharani, Maghfira Mardani, Lingga Afriansyah Melya, Lekok Muhamad Syazali Muhammad Sholeh Muhammad Syazali Mujib Mujib, Mujib Muthiah Miftahul Jannah Nadya Amalia Juana Nia Agustiana Noviana, Dewi Nur Fitri Lestari Nurhanurawati Nurhanurawati Nurlaila Sehuwaky Pangestika, Amanda Diah Putri Oktaviana Rani Damayanti Rany Widyastuti Rany Widyastuti RIADDIN, DINAR Rifa Fahrullisa Riyama Ambarwati Rizki Wahyu Yunian Putra Ruchimat Haslan Santi Widyawati Sapta Desty Sugiharti Septia Ningrum Silvi Anisa Siska Andriani Siti Hasanah Sri Purwanti Nasution Sri Purwanti Nasution, Sri Purwanti Sugeng Sutiarso Suherman Suherman Suherman Suherman Suherman Sunarto Sunarto Sunyono - - Syahrul Gunawan Taat Herliana Utami, Lintang Fitra Wahyana, Rosi Wan Jalamuddin Z Wawan Gunawan Widiyastuti, Rany Yuliani, Endah Yustika Fatimatuz Zahra