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Journal : Jurnal Akuntansi : Kajian Ilmiah Akuntansi (JAK)

JAK (Jurnal Akuntansi) Kajian Ilmiah Akuntansi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (550.564 KB) | DOI: 10.30656/jak.v1i1.178


If we are given money by their parents to buy the goods, would be asked to buy anything. It will normally occur discussion on whether or not the goods are purchased. After agreeing the goods are purchased, the next question is how and where to buy. Similarly, after the goods purchased would be held accountable. The same process was also carried out in government procurement. Even more complicated and lengthy bureaucracy. Once the goods are purchased will also mean increasing the number of the country's wealth. Next is to manage things as state property. The problem in this study was to determine the results of the internal control system before and after the implementation of SOA environment SIMAK Navy Banten. The author uses descriptive method of analysis that is by gathering evidence and information necessary for the other dat then processed and analyzed up to one conclusion. In addition, the authors also used the method of verification analysis is the analysis of the data by comparing the data according to the needs of the research. Population and the study sample were 30 personnel only, because in this case that did work activity directly related to the internal control system before and after penerapa accounting and management information systems property of the state (SIMAK BMN). The results of hypothesis in this study are very well influence the internal control system (SPI) before and after the implementation of management information systems and accounting property of the state (SIMAK BMN) in Banten Lanal operate. This means that there is a change between the variables before and after the application of SOA towards SIMAK very good. To determine the rate of change of the t value significant level (0231> 0.05)
Co-Authors Agung Rizki Putra Akhmad Syaiful Anas Anak Agung Ketut Sudharmawan Anandita Eka Setiadi Anastasia Marza Anggita Febriana Wati Anggraini Dinnata Annisaa Sittatunnikmah Ari Wibawa Asrifa Asrifa Balqis Fahira Ninggrum Budiono Budiono Bustari Hasan Cahyo Yusuf Cahyo Yususf Della Widyaningrum Dhita Widya Putri Dian Nafisah Septiani Dita sintamaya Dwi Indria Anggraini Dzikrina Dian Cahyani Elmalia Fitri Endang Taufiqurahman Evi Yuliza, Evi Fajriza Ulyanisa Farid Dwi Murdianto Fatma Fiana Ferdiana Yunita Fifit Firmadani Firman Rahmadoni Fitri Fitri Fitri Maya Puspita Fransiscus Xaverius Samingin Hamsani Hamsani Haniatul Isnaeni Hartatik Hartatik Heni Sumarti I Dewa Ayu Inten Dwi Primayanti Indhana Sudiharto Indra Kanedi Irawan Suntoro Irianto Irianto Jauhari Jauhari Joni Tandi, Joni M. Afdal Samssudin M. Razif " M.Faisal Akbar Mappiratu Mappiratu Maryam Alvi Nur Fathina Melandari Eka Putri Miftakhur Rohmah Mimi Mulyani Molas Warsi Nugraheni Monica Refinanda Batu Bara Muhammad Hilman Fikri Muzaffar Muzaffar Neli Ria Rifanda Nodi Marefanda Nurhadi Nurhadi Nuri Dewi Muldayanti Nurita Maha putri febrianti Richos Syaekhoni Robinson Sitepu Saffana Maulidia Siti Aisyah Siti Kholishotul Ilmiah Siti Rahmadhani Sri Wahyuningsih Suhardiman Suhardiman Sukardi Sukardi Syafika Alaydrus Syaiful Bahri Theresia Pinaka Ratna Ning Hapsari Titi Indriyani Tjipto Leksono TM Zaini Tri Masruroh Tri Nur Alipah Tria aprilia Cicilia Tria Nurmar’atin Ulin Nihayah Uly Fikriyyah Umu Nur Latifah Wiwin Arifin Yeni Marlina Yunisca Nurmalisa Yunita Yunita Zaky Machmuddah Zamzani Zamzani