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STUDI TENTANG KAITAN DI KOTA PARIAMAN Afria, Reni; Adriani, Adriani; Nelmira, Weni
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 11, No 1 (2016): Priode Maret 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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The aim of this research is to describe the tools and materials, the making techniques and the types of products which is produced by the crochet industry in the Pariaman city. The method used is a qualitative method. The type of data in the form of primary data and secondary data. Informants are the leaders and craftsmen each industry. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Extension of the validity of the data with observations, increased observation and triangulation. Result: Equipment and Materials used consist of a crochet hook with numbers 8, 9, 1/0 and 2/0, sewing machines, stitch machine and cotton yarn, white and cream, with a yarn numbering numbers 6 and 9. Process roll thread there are two ways, namely utilizing limbs and used yarn mill player. The usage of crochet hook number 1/0 and 2/0 is for the yarn number 9. Crochet hook number 8 and number 9 for number 6. Yarn making technique used the initial stitch, chain stitch, tightly stitch,  closely half stitch, single crochet, double crochet, and picot stitch. Type of connection used a regular crochet, irish crochet, american crochet, the crochet stitch. It produced tablecloths, cover gallon, souvenirs and products related to fashion. Kata kunci: Studi, Industri, Kaitan    
PERBEDAAN MORDAN ASAM JAWA (Tamarindus Indica Linn) DAN JERUK PURUT (Citrus Histrix) TERHADAP HASIL PENCELUPAN EKSTRAK BUAH SENDUDUK ( Melastoma Candidium D. Don) PADA BAHAN SUTRA Andriani, Rika; Adriani, Adriani; Novrita, Sri Zulfia
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 12, No 2 (2016): Priode Mei 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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The background of this research as an effort of finding new colors in the use ofnatural dyes for the textile industry. This study aims to reveal the color (hue ) ,dark-light color ( value) , the flatness of color and light and dark color differenceand color flatness of the difference mordant Tamarind and Kaffir Lime. Thisstudy was an experimental study. This type of data is a primary data sourced fromthe 15 panelists. The object is a silk cloth dipped with fruit extracts Sendudukwith mordant Tamarind and Kaffir Lime. Where the data analysis done by teknikanalysis of varianceone (one-way ANOVA). From the results of dyeing withoutmordant produce color Dark Purple # 5C4150, light dark color (value) is in thecategory of less bright and less flatness of color on the category average. Whilethe dyeing with mordant Tamarind generate color Red Violet # 7F4861 Popstardark light color (value) is in the category is quite bright and flatness of prettycolors on the category average. And dyeing with mordant Kaffir Lime generatecolor Red Violet # 904F6C Popstar dark light color (value) are in the category ofvery bright and flatness of color on the category average. The results ofhypothesis testing data obtained from the results showed differences in light anddark color ( value) ) with F count > F table = 38 176 > 3:22 Then Ho is rejected ,meaning that there are significant differences . As for the color flatness flatnessresults showed differences in color . The data obtained is F count > Ftable =10,280 > 3:22 Then Ho is rejected , meaning that there are significant differencesKata Kunci : Perbedaan Mordan, Ekstrak Buah Senduduk
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 1, No 1 (2012): September 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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People interest to wear batik Jambi, but will make problems if batik Jambi production can supply market demand. It is affected by capital, human resources, tools and material. so, this research aimed to describe the number of capital, human resources, tools and materials that affect batik Jambi production. The kind of this research is product moment correlation with the population is all batik Jambi producer who are listed in Industry and Trading Department which are 50 industries. The samples are 50 industries taken by total sample, means that all population are samples. Data collecting did using questionnaire. The questionnaire tested by validation and reliability test, with the result of cornbach’s alpha are in high classification to highest. Data get and analyzed using computerized statisticSPSS program 12.0 version on α = 0,05. The result of that is 1) the affect of capital to batik production is 39,8%, 2) the affect of human resources to batik production is 25,6%, 3) the affect of tools and material to batik production is 50,7% and 4) the affect of all capital, human resources, tools and material to batik production is 69,1%.
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 8, No 1 (2015): Periode Maret 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This study aimed to describe the design, opportunity, how to use, and meaning-making technique saluak prince in Payakumbuh. This research is descriptive qualitative. Data were analyzed with a snow ball sampling technique. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Results of the study revealed that: 1) Design saluak prince in Payakumbuh have folds in the same direction at the front of the number eight, the color is the color of batik material with rigid texture, dull and not transparan2) Saluak prince in Payakumbuh imposed primarily on traditional ceremonies and events adat3 ) Saluak prince in Payakumbuh imposed in accordance with the level of ninik mamak4) saluak making techniques include providing material starch, until the formation of saluak5) saluak meaning prince in Payakumbuh City like a big tree that symbolizes the duties and responsibilities of the prince. Kata Kunci: saluak, penghulu.
PENGARUH MORDAN TAWAS DAN JERUK NIPIS (Citrus Aurantifolia) TERHADAP HASIL PENCELUPAN EKSTRAK BAWANG MERAH (Allium Ascalonium L) PADA BAHAN SUTERA Ramelawati, Ramelawati; Adriani, Adriani; Novrita, Sri Zulfia
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 15, No 2 (2017): Periode September 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This event will be based on research in an effort to revive the image of the use of the substance is natural color. With the discovery of new colors from natural dyes is expected to help reduce the use of synthetic dyes. This study aims to describe the color names (hue), the dark light color (value), the flatness of the color, and the difference in the brightness and brightness of the influence of the use of mordan alum and lime (Citrus Aurantifolia) to the result of silk dyeing using onion extract (Allium Ascalonium L). This type of research is a research experiment. The data used are sourced from 15 person panelists, then analyzed using Friedman's test k-Related samples or ANOVA of one line. Immersion results2without mordan produce Sepia Brown color # A73117, with value in the category of less bright and the color of the kerelaaan on the flat category. While the dyeing with mordan alum produce the color of Golden Rod #CA8B21 with the value is in the category of bright and the color of the kerataaan in very flat category and the immersion with mordan lime produces Soft Brown color #AF5136 with the value is in the category of light enough and the color in the category kerelaaan Average. The result of friedman test K-related sample obtained for dark light color (value) is 0.000 <0,05, then H0 is rejected, it means there is influence of dark light of significant color. As for the color flatness obtained is 0.005 <0.05 H0 rejected, Meaning that there is influence of color flatness significance.Keywords: Mordan alum and lime, onion, silk material
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 4, No 3 (2013): Periode September 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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CleverweavingSikekproducthas undergonemany changesincludingin terms ofcolors and patternsareused, resulting in the erosion ofcultural values​​containedinwovensongket. CleverweavingSikekonethat still retainsits originalshapeisPusakoWeavingHouse. The purposeof this studyistodescribe themotifwovensongketSikekClever, meaningmotif, weavingtechniquesandtypes ofproductson the HomeWeavingPusako. The method usedin this studyis aqualitativemethod. Typesof datain the form ofprimary and secondary data. Techniques ofdata collectionthrough observations, interviewsanddocumentation. Techniquesof dataanalysiswas done by usingan interactivemodel ofanalysisrelating to thesubject matterthat isthemodel ofdata reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showedwovenmotifPusakoWeavingCleverHomesSikekderivedfromflora(plants), fauna(animals) andother objects. WeavingwovenmotifPusakoCleverHomesSikekthere are 35types. Eachmotifhas adifferent meaning. Meaning ofthemotifin the form ofdeliveringcustommessages, bothdoctrineandproceduresandcustomarylegal orderis the referenceorpegangganMinangpeoplelivingin daily life. WovensongketweavingtechniquesonPusakoWeavingCleverHomesSikekinitially isprovidingKasali, Turak, pancukiaandpalapah. After that juststartedweaving. The products producedby the HouseWeavingCleverPusakoSikekiscompletethe formsalendangcustom clothing, gloves, cawek, sisamping, tangkuluakandsaluak. Kata Kunci: Tenunan, motif, makna motif, teknik menenun, jenis produk, Rumah Tenun Pusako
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 9, No 2 (2015): priode Juni 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This study aim to describe how the tool, material, and labor in the batikindustry, and what are the factors thet influence the production of batik bungo.Thekind of this research is quantitative descriptive. It use saturated sampling. Datacollection did by using questionnaire with Likert scale, spread to all respondents thathave been passed validation and realibility test. version The result shows that theresults showed the tool and materials on the level achievement of the questionaire isvery good category (93,67%). Labor at the level achievement of the questionaire isvery good category (83,05%). Batik production at the level achievement of thequestionaire is very good category (86,5%). Based on regression testing, tool andmanpower positif effect on the production of batik, while material negatif effect.Factor influence the production of batik is a tool, material and labor the valueadjusted square (74,0%).keyword: batik production, jambi provincial district bungo
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 15, No 2 (2017): Periode September 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This event will be based on research in an effort to revive the image of theuse of the substance is natural color. The addition of mordan on its substance isnatural color will affect the color of the immersion. This study aims to describethe name of the color (hue), dark bright colors (value), color, and differences inflatness mordan Pomelo (Citrus Maxima Merr) and Lemon (Citrus Limon)against the results of dyeing Silk material using extracts of flower petals Plantain(Musa Sapientum). This type of research is a research experiment. The data used2are sourced from 18 person panelists, then analyzed using Friedman's test k-Related samples or ANOVA of one line. Immersion results without mordanproduce color Clam Shell Pink #C5A89B, with value categories very bright andkerataaan colors on the category very flat. mordan Pomelo produce color DarkSalmon Pink #B59890 with value are bright enough and kerataaan colors are flat,whereas with mordan Lemon is Warm Brown #AE8C8B with value are brightenough and kerataaan colors are blended. The results of the data analysis of darklight color (value) is 0.002 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected, meaning that there is adifference significant color light dark. As for the flatness of the color dataobtained is 0.154 > 0.05 H0 is accepted, then this means that there is nosignificant difference in color of the flatness on dyeing silk material usingPlantain flowers petals extract with Grapefruit and mordan mordan LemonKata kunci: Perbedaan Mordan, Bunga Pisang Raja
Sikap Kreatif Siswa Kelas X Jurusan Tata Busana Pada Mata Pelajaran Menghias Busana Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 6 Padang Wahyuni, Lisa; Ramainas, Ramainas; Adriani, Adriani
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 3, No 2 (2013): Periode Juni 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This research is quantitative descriptive, which aims to describe the attitude of Creative Class X Subject Decorate Dress In dressmaking courses in Vocational School District 6, which includes the Padang curious, confident and independent, risk-taking, persevering and not easily bored. The population in this study were all students of class X subjects dressmaking SMK N 6 Padang, consisting of three classes totaling 88 people. This study uses total sampling technique that is the entire population sampled. The data collected in this study is primary data by means of questionnaires, the questionnaire contains questions relating to the creative attitude of students on subjects Decorate Dress linkert using scale models. Of the results showed that the attitude of the creative class X dressmaking courses on subjects Decorate Dress in SMK N 6 Padang is in the category of moderate (59.9%), with the indicators: 1. Curiosity is at the high category (63.4%), 2. Self-confidence and are in the category of moderate (57.4%), 3. Dare to take risks that are in the category of medium (57.0), 4. Persevering and not easily bored are at high category (61.9%). Keywords: Attitude Creative Students, Subjects Decorate Dress
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 12, No 2 (2016): Priode Mei 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This study aims to reveal the color (hue), dark-light color (value), the flatness of color and light and dark color difference (value) and flatness of color. This study was an experimental study. This type of data is a primary data sourced from 15 panelists. The object is a silk cloth dipped with kepok banana’s bark extract with repetition dyeing. Where the data analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA technique and Percentage. Result of the repetition of 5 times to produce color dyeing French Grey 30% with light and dark colors (value) is in the category of very bright and flatness of color are in the category of very flat. At 10 times the repetition dyeing produce color French Grey 50% with light and dark colors (value) is quite bright and flat colors flatness. And for the immersion repetition 15 times to produce color French Grey 70% with light and dark colors (value) is quite bright and flat colors flatness. The result of research by testing with results of hypothesis shows that light and dark colors (value) with F count (28.488) > F table (0.514). Result of research for flatness of the color showed differences in the flatness of color with F count (14.175) > F table (0.514), then Ho is rejected meaning that there are significant differences. Keywords: Repetition dyeing, the color, kepok’s banana bark extract
Co-Authors A Sudono, A Abd Hafid ABDU RAHMAN BACO, ABDU RAHMAN Adella, Donna Canceri ADI SUDONO Afria, Reni Agusti Efi Alvina Alvina AMELIA, ELSA Andi Mawardi Fajar Andriani, Rika Anisa Anggraeni, Anisa Ansharullah ansharullah Ardeni, Nofi ASMEN MANALU Bakri Bakri Baso Sardjan Bayu Rosadi Darlis Darlis Darlisa Muhamad Depison Depison Derisa Derisa Dewi, Liyan Puspita Ernawati Ernawati Fitriani Fitriani Geby Meyliona Hadaf, Alifa Halimul Bahri Halmawati, Halmawati Hardanti, Elvi Hardianti, Witria Hasriawati, Leli Hervilas, Vivi Hutwan Syarifuddin I Ketut Sutama IK Sutama, IK Imranisa Maryami Izwerni Izwerni Jul Andayani Juwita, Syahrida KH, YUSNIMAR Lailatul Fitri Liffia Oka Lydia Lisa Wahyuni Marfianda, Wiwi Misnawati, Tri Muh. Sofian Assaury Yahya Mulia Suryani Mulyana, Annisa Neila Sulung Neila Sulung, Neila Nella Kusuma Nicky Wulan Sari nora almi Novrita, Sri Zulfia Oktaviani, Vina PERTIWI, INTAN Purnamawati, Sischa Putri, Lolita Aida R. Sapto Hendri Boedi Soesatyo Rahmania Rahmania Ramadani, Emilia April Ramainas Ramainas Ramelawati, Ramelawati Randy Nugraha Resky Aksar Revoldai Agusta Rika Syafitri Rina Susanti Rukmini Rukmini Saputri, Rien Ana SARI, DINA HERLINA sari, Mutia SELVI MARTALINDA Sisi Oktavia Siti Hafsah Sri Novianti Sri Novianti Sulityowati, Dwi Oktarina Susanti, Ria Ana Susrina Hud Syamsul Syamsul T Sutardi TATI NURHAYATI TOHA SUTARDI Udin Udin W Manalu Weni Nelmira WIDIASARI, YOSI Wildati Zahri Wiwit Febrina Yananda, Rizki Yasnidawati Yasnidawati Yenni Idrus Yuafni Yuafni Yurleni Yurleni Zulfaneti Zulfaneti Zulmi, Yuliya