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Paradigma Baru Tradisi “Antar Ajung” Pada Masyarakat Paloh, Kabupaten Sambas Aslan, Aslan; Sihaloho, Nahot Tua Parlindungan; Nugraha, Iman Hikmat; Karyanto, Budi; Zakaria, Zukhriyan
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Vol 18 No 1 (2020): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.633 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ibda.v18i1.3354


The constant change of human life from the agricultural era, industrial era, and the present era which is known as information era has come with great transformation in new faces. In the meantime, there is a living tradition within the Paloh community that does not rot through the changes of time called Antar Anjung. This research is qualitative with a descriptive method. The results showed that Antar Ajung which is carried out by the Sambas people, particularly the Paloh community, historically came from the tax paid to Majapahit kingdom who was in power over Sambas at that time, it was transported through a river on sailboats. However, since the Sambas Sultanate came to power, the payment was no longer obliged by the Sultan of Sambas, the tradition was still practiced by the Paloh community whatsoever, especially in Tanah Hitam, Matang Danau, Matang Putus, Kalimantan and Arung Parak in a new name, Antar Ajung. Antar Ajung ritual has become entrenched in the lives of the Paloh community, it has been done for tens of years until now, except those in Matang Danau Village, who have changed the tradition into Berobat Kampung. Perubahan yang terus berlanjut dari masa pertanian, industri dan masa sekarang yang dikenal dengan informasi mengalami perubahan yang drastis dengan wajah yang baru, tetapi budaya di masyarakat Paloh tidak lekang dimakan zaman. Kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, sejarah Antar Ajung yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Sambas pada umumnya dan masyarakat Paloh pada khususnya, berasal dari upeti yang dibayar kepada kerajaan Majapahit yang berkuasa di Sambas melalui sarana transportasi sungai dengan menggunakan perahu layar. Namun, sejak kesultanan Sambas berkuasa di Sambas, maka pembayaran dari upeti tersebut tidak dilakukan di masa kerajaan Sultan Sambas, tetapi masih dilakukan oleh masyarakat Paloh, khususnya di Tanah Hitam, Matang Danau, Matang Putus, Kalimantan dan Arung Parak yang dalam wajah yang baru, yakni Antar Ajung. Ritual Antar Ajung sudah membudaya dalam kehidupan masyarakat Paloh, yang sudah mencapai puluhan tahun dan bahkan masyarakat Paloh masih melaksanakan ritual tersebut, kecuali Desa Matang Danau, telah mengalami perubahan menjadi Berobat Kampung.
Pengembangan Pengukuran Kesiapan Pembelajaran Online dengan Pendekatan Data Demografis Citra Kurniawan; Zuhkhriyan Zakaria
Jurnal Pendidikan Edutama Vol 8, No 2 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30734/jpe.v8i2.1721


Abstract: Considering the rapid change in learning orientation towards digital-based learning, it is necessary to validate online learning readiness. Several previous studies have discussed the importance of measuring online learning readiness, but very few have discussed their approach with demographic data. This study uses a developmental study approach and validation of online learning readiness to evaluate how ready students are to face online learning. This study involved 450 students from two universities consisting of 122 male and 328 female. The three stages of research include reliability testing, validity testing and exploration of demographic data based on the validation results of online learning readiness measurements. This study answered three research questions: (1) How does the reliability of online learning readiness measurement?; (2) How does the validity of online learning readiness measurement?; (3) How does the demographic data on online learning readiness?. This study went through a systematic validation stage and found that the measurement of online learning readiness met the requirements for reliability and validity. Meanwhile, the results of the demographic data exploration found that there was no significant effect of gender differences on online learning readiness. However, further differences in study backgrounds present different results where the study program background gives positive results on several aspects of online learning readiness.Keyword: online learning readiness, demographic, validity, reliability.Abstrak: Mempertimbangkan perubahan orientasi pembelajaran yang cepat menuju pembelajaran berbasis digital maka diperlukan validasi kesiapan pembelajaran online. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu telah membahas bagaimana pentingnya pengukuran kesiapan pembelajaran online namun masih sedikit sekali yang membahas terkait pendekatannya dengan data demografis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian perkembangan dan validasi kesiapan pembelajaran online untuk mengevaluasi seberapa siapkah mahasiswa menghadapi pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini melibatkan 450 mahasiswa dari dua perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari 122 laki-laki dan 328 perempuan. Tiga tahap penelitian meliputi uji reliabilitas, uji validitas dan eksplorasi data demografis berdasarkan hasil validasi pengukuran kesiapan pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini menjawab tiga pertanyaan penelitian: (1) Bagaimana reliabilitas pengukuran kesiapan pembelajaran online?; (2) Bagaimana validitas pengukuran kesiapan pembelajaran online?; (3) Bagaimana data demografis terhadap kesiapan pembelajaran online?. Penelitian ini melalui tahapan validasi secara sistematis dan menemukan bahwa pengukuran kesiapan pembelaran online memenuhi syarat reliabel dan validitas. Sedangkan pada hasil explorasi data demografis ditemukan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan perbedaan jenis kelamin terhadap kesiapan pembelajaran online. Namun lebih lanjut pada perbedaan latar belakang studi menyajikan hasil yang berbeda dimana latar belakang program studi memberikan hasil positif terhadap beberapa aspek kesiapan pembelajaran online.Kata Kunci: kesiapan pembelajaran online, demografis, validitas, reliabilitas.
Pembuatan Topeng Karakter Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Pada Guru Sekolah Dasar Dwi Fita Heriyawati; Zuhkhriyan Zakaria
Publikasi Pendidikan Vol 12, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Prodi PGSD FIP UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/publikan.v12i1.24276


Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk membantu guru sekolah dasar kecamatan Sukun dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis seni dalam pengajaran bahasa. Mereka akan dilatih dan didampingi untuk membuat topeng berkarakter sebagai media untuk pembelajaran Bahasa yang diterapkan berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 serta penerapannya dalam pengajaran Bahasa di dalam kelas. Dengan adanya pelatihan ini diharapkan para guru mampu mengembangkan ide kreatif dalam membuat topeng karakter yang ingin disampaikan pada siswa, sehingga siswa lebih mudah memahami materi pelajaran. Metode yang akan digunakan dalam pelatihan adalah pemberian materi/pelatihan dan praktek Guru Sekolah Dasar se-Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah menambah kepekaan dan kreatifitas guru dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran, terlihat dari partisipasi aktif saat pelaksanaan dan hasil karya yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk pertunjukan drama monolog dan dialog bertema sesuai karya topeng yang mereka buat. Kegiatan pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya bentuk strategi dan media pengajaran bahasa menggunakan segala kemungkinan dari berkarya topeng, yang kemudian akan dikembangkan dan diterapkan oleh para guru Sekolah Dasar dalam pembelajaran.
Principles of Online Learning Assessment: A Literature Review Between Western Education Theory and Islamic Education Theory Arief Ardiansyah; Thoriq Al Anshori; Zukhkriyan Zakaria; Bagus Cahyanto
Jurnal pendidikan agama Islam Vol. 19 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Yogyakarta: Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jpai.2022.191-02


Purpose – The right assessment strategy can reduce the number of academic dishonesties during online learning in the pandemic era. Academic dishonesty is a problem considered normal but has a detrimental impact on the development of a nation. Therefore, instructors need to know the principles of assessment that can reduce the number of academic dishonesties in universities. Design/methods/approach – This study uses a qualitative approach with a literature study technique. This literature comes from several online assessment books, articles, handbooks, and others. The procedure used in this study involves selecting a topic, developing themes, selecting problems, searching for literature in the database, and selecting and evaluating literature based on these problems. Findings – The results of this study are in the form of online learning assessment principles that can be applied in designing assessment activities. First, design a student-centered assessment that includes self-reflection. Second, design and include grading rubrics for assessing contributions to the discussion and assignments, projects, and the collaboration itself. Third, include collaborative assessment. Fourth, encourage students to develop skills in providing feedback. Fifth, use assessment techniques appropriate to the context and learning objectives. Sixth, design an assessment that is clear, easy to understand, and guaranteed success in the online environment. Seventh, ask students for input on how the assessment is carried out. Research implications – This study contributes to the development of literature regarding the online learning assessment process, especially in universities. Originality/value – Future research should be able to test these online learning assessment principles to find empirical evidence of their effectiveness.
JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 4, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.177 KB)


Self-regulated learning is influenced by several factors, one of which is motivation. The role of self-regulated learning and learning motivation is very important in students so that learning objectives are achieved and are able to achieve the desired achievement. This study aims to determine the effects of self-learning, achievement motivation, and self-study on achievement motivation in 4th grade in Mi Tarbiyatul Huda of Malang. This research is quantitative research using survey research methods. The variables in this study are self-regulated learning (independent variable) and student achievement motivation (dependent variable). The sample in this study amounted to 48 students. The data analysis technique in this study used simple linear regression analysis aimed to determine whether or not there was an effect of self-regulated learning on students' achievement motivation. In this study, all calculations used the SPSS_24 program. Based on the results of a simple linear regression analysis, the results were given a significant difference Sig. 0.003 < probability 0.05 (5%). These results indicate that there is an influence between the variables of self-regulated. 
JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 4, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.027 KB)


Good learning management, one of which is supported by the microteaching factor of a teacher, especially the body language used. Teachers who can use body language well can create a fun learning atmosphere in the classroom. A pleasant learning atmosphere in the classroom will attract the interest and focus of students in following the learning materials presented by the teacher. Students who are interested in microteaching a teacher, students will be interested in improving their learning. If the teacher does not use body language, then learning in class will feel unpleasant so that students will feel bored and the learning material delivered by the teacher cannot be accepted optimally. Observations carried out by researchers are non-participant observations by observing videos through Sigit Wahyono's Youtube media. The approach and type of research used descriptive qualitative.Analysis of Elementary School Teacher Body Language on Sigit Wahyono's Youtube channel. The teacher uses a variety of body language variations, including eye contact, smiling, leaning forward, open posture, touch, spirit and mood, nodding and head movements, body and foot positions, hand signals, voice intonation, and facial expressions.
JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.135 KB)


Thus this research tries to pour out some ideas about how to instill the values of character education through religious activities. The results showed that (1). the efforts of the Head of Madrasah and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teachers have reached very high abilities, In terms of the process of creating students to achieve good character values, it is very optimal and has changes that are starting to be seen from students, educators, parents and the surrounding community, (2) the obstacles faced in the process of inculcating the values of character education through religious activities at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatul Mubtadiin Tasikmadu, namely the negligence of students to bring juz 'ammah or Al-Qur'an, students who are difficult to condition, and parents' lack of awareness of the importance of assistance in child development. As for the supporting factors, namely Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatul Mubtadiin Tasikmadu Malang City has several facilities that are sufficient to support the planned process effort, The Madrasah is located right in the heart of the Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic Boarding School, the residents of the Madrasah are very helpful in supervising students, (3) based on the efforts to instill values and character that are practiced at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatul Mubtadiin Tasikmadu Malang City, it forms a good character for students, religious activities in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatul Mutbadiin Tasikmadu Malang City which are formed from these efforts are. 5S (Smile, Greetings, Greetings, Polite, Polite), pray together, pray dhuha and dhuhur prayer in congregation, muraja'ah memorization, and Hajj rituals. The character values instilled through religious activities are religious values, discipline, and responsibility.
JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.305 KB)


This study aims to describe the implementation of the use of audio visual media in offline learning at UPT SD Negeri 295 Gresik and describe audio visual media to increase the effectiveness of offline learning at UPT SD Negeri 295 Gresik. Sources of data were obtained from fourth grade teachers and school principals. This study uses qualitative methods with two objects, namely primary and secondary, field observations, interview and documentation to obtain findings based on the research focus to be answered. Laoptops and loundspeakers, to increase the effectiveness of learning, quality video material is needed so that it can make students easy to understand.
JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 4, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.995 KB)


Schools act as educational institutions that have a complex and dynamic system, where the government launched an educational autonomy policy which we know is MBS (School-Based Management) which is a form of participation from the community for the world of education. One example of an educational institution that implements SBM (School-Based Management) is MI Roudlotul Jannah Borojabung in Jabung village. The purpose of this study was to determine the planning, implementation and results of School-Based Management in Improving the Quality of Education at MI Roudlotul Jannah Borojabung Malang. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. For data collection techniques, researchers collected data through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Meanwhile, to check and examine data from various data collection techniques and existing data sources, researchers used data triangulation techniques. The results of the implementation of school-based management in improving the quality of education at MI Roudlotul Jannah Borojabung Malang seen in the 3 national education standards can be said to be quite successful, the three standards can be implemented better and more optimally thanks to the implementation of SBM, which this also results in increased achievement both from students, teachers, and also schools and school education goals can be achieved. Although there are several aspects that need to be addressed, such as the division of subjects that must be taught by the teacher, one teacher should teach 1 subject so that it can be implemented optimally. Keyword: School-Based Management, Quality of Education, Qualitative Research.
JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 2, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : JPMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.023 KB)


Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tarbiyyatul Arifin Malang is one of the school located in kecamatan pakis mangliawan village School is located on main road which easy to reach people about. Variation seating is one effort in managing, class many of the seats that could be used to require creative teaching style in choosing the appropriate for the conditions in class and matter will be given. Not in keeping the variation seating sometimes can also hinder understanding. learning material to students. Which researchers prefer to focus research on, planning the application of the use of seat and obstacles variations in learning thematic in class IV in MI Tarbiyyatul Arifin Lowoksuruh. Type this research is qualitative study, research kualitatif.pada theory limited to systematic sense a question pertaining to a set of a proposition derived from data back empirically tested.At the focus is organizing planning: the learning environment in class.Mengkondisikan ready for students learn in class.Classrooms and the seat. Related to the variation a seat in learning the fourth thematic research in class employing variations a seat u-shaped, all this in mark with students more eager than by the seating of traditional or conventional.And students more creative and active in. Obstacles the variation in a seat in learning thematic fourth grade students is the beginning of a seat to move variation as their students feel comfort while pembalajarn, and students many out of class when apply variasai the seat.Keywords: Variation a seat, thematic, fourth grade