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Journal : GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Training and Mentoring on the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Supporting the Implementation of Learning at UPT SD Negeri 342 Gresik Pance Mariati; Afib Rulyansah; Sri Hartatik; Nafiah; Sunanto
GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/gandrung.v3i2.1981


Abstract: UPT SD Negeri 342 is one of the schools in Sangkapura Bawean District, which is located in the mountains. This school has very minimal facilities compared to other schools in the area. The implementation of online learning, administration and the use of technology-based learning media are not maximally implemented in these schools. Therefore, training and assistance in the use of information and communication technology is carried out. Participants consisted of 8 teachers and 36 students. The training is carried out face-to-face, followed by online and offline mentoring. The training materials presented were Augmented Reality (AR) in the Arloopa application, the use of The Physics Education Technology (PhET) for virtual student practicums, mentimeters, and zoom meetings. After the work program is implemented, an evaluation will be held to identify capacity building and its strengths and weaknesses as material for improvement in the next implementation. The results of the training showed that the ICT skills of teachers and students increased from previously unable to become able. All the teachers attended the training and participated enthusiastically. The material presented can be understood clearly and participants can apply it independently. They just need habituation to better master the material that has been given. This training activity had a good impact on improving the ICT skills of teachers and students at UPT SD Negeri 342 Gresik.
Co-Authors Abdurrohman Sholih Adi Irawan Toha Afib Rulyansah Afifah Endah Nurhasanah Aisyah Maulidiyyah Akhwani Akhwani, Akhwani Amelia Ratih Damayanti Ana Syafinatul Khusnah Ananda Lavida Rahmadia Andini Hardiningrum Anindya Mirza Kurnia Putri Annisa' Auliyairrahmah Ashfiyatun Najjah Asyita Al-Mufidah Atifah Tunnihla Budiarti, Rizqi Putri Nourma Candra Mahardika Dari Ansulat Esmael Desi Puguh Widyaningsih Devi Nurvaida Dewi Widiana Rahayu Dewi Widiana Rahayu Dewi Widiana Rahayu Emy Yunita Rahma Pratiwi Endang Retno Setyaningsih Endang Retno Setyaningsih Fatimah Az Zahroh Fauriza Rohmi Feby Ayu Solikah Fikriyatus Soleha fitri kusumawardani Hidayat, Muhammad Thamrin Indah Tri Agustin Inggrit Kezia Dewanti Islahatul Muthohharoh Ismiatun Munadifa Isna Ruhamaul Badriyah Kasiyun, Suharmono Khafita Wahdatul Khoiroh Lifiyatul Handayani Lisa Alistiana Lusita agustiari Putri M Thamrin Hidayat M. Ainur Roziqin Markub Markub Mia Alifya Djuliyanti Mohammad Kurjum Mohammad Taufiq Mohammad Taufiq Muh. Rois Ubadillah Muhammad Rois Ubaidillah Muhammad Sukron Djazilan Muhammad Syukron Djazilan Musafah Al Maqfiroh MUSLIMIN IBRAHIM Nabilatul Karimah Nanda Sekarnirmala Siswanti Nimatul Qomariyah Norhana Guialani Diocolano Nur Fauziah Nuril Kartika Oky Dwi Wardana Pance Mariati Rachma Rizqina Mardhotillah Reza Novri Pahlawan Ririn Imroatun Nafiā€™ah Rohmatun Nashirin Rosi Aurora Nur Haliza Rr. Fadila Kusumaning Ayu Rudi Umar Susanto Sifaun Naziyah Silahul Faidah Siti Aisyah Siti Khotijah Siti Magfirotun Amin Siti Maghfirotun Amin Siti Maghfirotun Amin Sri Hartatik Sri Hartatik Sudarto Sudarto Suharmono Kasiyu Sukron Djazilan Sukron Djazilan Sunanto Sunanto Suroso Syamsul Ghufron Ulvi Nur Laily Vivi Tamaeka Yusril Izza Nurfaiza Zianatul Lailah Zuraida Nisaul Alfiyah