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Metode K-Nearest Neighbor Dan Naive Bayes Dalam Menentukan Status Gizi Balita Junius Pratama; F Fauziah; Ira Diana Sholihati
Brahmana : Jurnal Penerapan Kecerdasan Buatan Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Edisi Juni
Publisher : LPPM STIKOM Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/brahmana.v4i2.197


The nutritional intake needed by toddlers during the growth period for each individual has a different amount of consumption, therefore a process of checking nutritional status must be carried out. The indicators high and weight that will be calculated in determining the nutritional status. Until now the process of it status children under five is still carried out manually, resulting in the classification process of nutritional not being as expected. It is difficult for parents to go to the health center to check on their child's condition because the location is far from where they live and the administrative process is long. The propose is website-based information system, as well as providing recommendations on which method is the most accurate among K-Nearest Neighbors and Naïve Bayes in determining the nutritional status of toddlers. The results of this study have succeeded in creating an information system that can be used by users by inputting condition criteria for the process of classifying the nutritional status of toddlers. Naïve Bayes method is superior with a percentage value of 87.5% while the K-Nearest Neighbor method with k = 3 has an accuracy percentage of 71.25%
Algoritma Fisher Yates Pada Aplikasi Pembelajaran Teknik Pengambilan Gambar Menggunakan Kamera DSLR Berbasis Android Santika, Dewi Mawarni; Fauziah, Fauziah; Rahman, Ben
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 4 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i4.3867


Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pembelajaran yang efisien dan praktis maka pembuatan aplikasi pembelajaran sangat di butuhkan sekolah khususnya sekolah multimedia yang sangat tergantung dengan teknologi untuk proses belajar mengajar, buku memiliki keterbatasan untuk menampilkan teks dan gambar, mudah rusak jika terkena air dan mudah robek terlebih dengan adanya pembelajaran yang tidak memiliki buku Teknik Pengambilan Gambar Menggunakan Kamera untuk media pembelajaran sehingga menyulitkan bagi pelajar untuk menempuh Pendidikan yang maksimal. Dari permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini akan membuat aplikasi Pembelajaran Teknik Pengambilan Gambar menggunakan kamera DSLR berbasis Android dalam upaya memudahkan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar menjadi efisien dan praktis sehingga pelajar tidak perlu membawa buku, membeli buku dan aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan unsur multimedia seperti teks dan gambar, dan video. Penelitian ini menggunakan Algoritma Fisher Yates untuk pengacakan soal yang terdiri dalam 15 soal dengan hasil dan terjadi random soal yaitu 4,1,9,11,8,6,15,2,3,5,10,13,7,12,14 pada proses algoritma fisher yates.
Sistem Informasi Pendataan Pelayanan Kesehatan Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Menggunakan Metode Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Mochammad Januar Finandi; Fauziah Fauziah; Ira Diana Sholihati
KLIK: Kajian Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/klik.v4i1.994


In the era of globalisation, the impact is felt in various fields, including the epidemiology of infectious diseases, which has decreased, and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which have increased. One of the most prevalent NCDs is diabetes, with a prevalence of 1.74% in the population aged 15 years and over, according to a doctor's diagnosis. According to the Depok City Health Office, diabetes is among the top 10 non-communicable diseases. The number of diabetes patients in all health centres in Depok is around 27,000 people. With this background, it is important to develop an application using online analytical processing (OLAP) techniques that displays data from each sub-district in Depok City. This application helps to retrieve data and information on how to prevent and manage diabetes, as well as provide useful information for diabetes patients. Based on the test results, the application accuracy is 80.85% when tested using the Web Application Penetration Testing (WAPT) method, and the average time required to retrieve service data is 0.030168182 seconds, and the average time required to retrieve patient data using the sequential search method is 0.025498182 seconds
Aplikasi Food Sharing Menggunakan Metode Haversine dan Algoritma K-means Sri Intan Maharani; Fauziah Fauziah; Agus Iskandar
JUSTIN (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/justin.v10i1.51429


Limbah makanan saat ini merupakan masalah besar yang terjadi secara nasional maupun global. Berdasarkan data pada Food Sustainability Index, Indonesia menghasilkan sampah makanan sebanyak 4.86 persen dari total produksi pangan dan 77 kapita per tahun dari limbah rumah tangga. Masalah sampah makanan ini berhubungan dengan kemiskinan dan kelaparan. Pada data Global Hunger Indonesia menyatakan, tingkat kelaparan Indonesia berada pada level moderat dimana masih banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang membutuhkan makanan. Dalam upaya penangangan masalah ini penulis membangun sistem donasi makanan berbasis web menggunakan metode haversine dan algoritma k-means. Metode Haversine menghasilkan jarak lokasi pemberi makanan dan konsumen makanan sedangkan algoritma k-means menghasilkan pemetaan wilayah berdasarkan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah persentase penduduk  miskin.  Pengujian metode haversine mengahasilkan tingkat keakurasian sebesar 98,97% dengan menggunakan data uji sebanyak 300 data sedangkan pada algoritma k-means menghasilkan 3 cluster yaitu cluster rendah berjumlah 285 anggota, cluster sedang berjumlah 182 anggota, dan cluster tinggi berjumlah 46 anggota dengan dataset 513 kabupaten dan kota di Indonesia. Hasil dari cluster ini diharapkan dapat membantu pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk lebih membantu wilayah dengan tingkat persentase penduduk miskin yang tinggi.
Kombinasi Algoritma Sequential Search dan Fitur Autocomplete Pada Aplikasi Arsip (E-Arsip) Perpustakaan Berbasis Web Muhammad Furqon Sjofjan; Fauziah Fauziah; Rima Tamara Aldisa
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) Vol 4 No 4 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josh.v4i4.3748


Files have the capability of being a source of data, therefore the existence of archives in an agency plays an important role in broad activities, given the importance of archives, consideration is needed in data management to ensure agency archives are stored properly and are easy to find. Searching for data through the site has been greatly developed along with the support of improved equipment, data search can be done using the search information stored in the program, search algorithms are a collection of software programs created to make it easier for clients to find and track data. Currently in search enter the word or phrase byuser to find data that is still difficult to find. Therefore we need features that can help users in searching. So this research was made and the application used two algorithms that can help in typing words or phrases namelyAutocomplete in order to assist clients in searching for data, and algorithms Sequential Search to make it easier to find client data. The average run time of the Sequential Search algorithm from 250 user data is 0.00496 seconds, and the word input search process with Autocomplete yields results for 100 percent of the 250 corresponding database data.
Pengenalan Bendera Negara Dengan Fisher Yates- Shuffle Pada Game Edukasi Android Menggunakan Metode GDLC Desty Rahma Fadilla; Fauziah Fauziah; Rima Tamara Aldisa
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) Vol 4 No 4 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josh.v4i4.3754


This research aims to address the negative impact of less educational games by creating an interactive educational game for Android that combines learning about national flags and memorizing flag images, thus enhancing logical thinking skills in children. It is developed using the Flutter framework as the development platform and follows the GDLC method, with alpha testing conducted using the blackbox method. The Fisher-Yates Shuffle algorithm is implemented for shuffling the flag images and the order of elements in the card list. The testing method involves using the Debug Console in Visual Studio Code to verify the success of the shuffling process. The conducted testing, performed six times, demonstrates the algorithm's success in shuffling the card order for each level. In the easy level, the randomized order is 6, 10, 8, 5, 3, 4, 11, 2, 7, 1, 12, 9. In the normal level, the randomized order is 6, 11, 20, 16, 1, 13, 19, 17, 9, 2, 15, 4, 10, 12, 14, 8, 5, 7, 2, 18. In the hard level, the randomized order is 2, 14, 1, 21, 7, 18, 24, 22, 10, 23, 6, 11, 15, 9, 17, 4, 8, 3, 5, 13, 16, 12, 19, 20. The Fisher-Yates Shuffle algorithm successfully generates diverse shuffling of flag images and avoids repeating the random order of cards each time the game starts. Thus, this game can provide stimulation to the brain and encourage children to effectively enhance their object memory skills.
Implementation of RESHOT Method to Create a Good User Experience in an Application Ridwan Ahmad Ma'arif; Fauziah Fauziah
JUITA : Jurnal Informatika JUITA Vol. 11 No. 2, November 2023
Publisher : Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/juita.v11i2.17643


In recent years User Experience (UX) has become something that must be implemented in making applications. Every application design practitioner has applied this discipline, but often they wonder how to simplify a user's journey flow by using applications and make it easier, faster, and simpler. This research aims to explain a method that can simplify the User Experience comprehensively. RESHOT is used (Refine the challenge, Remove, Shrink, Hide, Organize, Time). This method will make applications pay more attention to aspects that can increase user satisfaction. As a result, this study contributes to an explanation of simplifying the flow of uploading donor data files using the RESHOT method in the X blood donor data collection application. The results of streamlining the flow of uploading donor data files have been tested on five respondents and have a 100% user success rate in completing tasks with an average processing time of 14.5 seconds. In testing, there is a misclick rate of 10.7%. This is because the user wants to explore the designed application. And this is also a limitation of this study, namely not making the overall application design interaction.
PELATIHAN DESIGN UI/UX PADA SISWA SMAN 58 JAKARTA Nur Hayati; Fauziah Fauziah; Ira Diana Sholihati
Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/jabb.v4i2.777


Based on the results of an analysis of the Community Service training in the previous odd semester of 2022/2023 which made websites using wireframes, this time we are trying to improve the website creation training process by introducing User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) training first to the students of SMAN 58 Jakarta by using the figma application. This is intended to make the website design more attractive. Even though in the previous website creation training, students were able to create their own website design, the appearance of the design still looked stiff because they were still focused on how to make the website, not on website design. In fact, the basis of making the website itself lies in the appearance design of the website. The figma application was chosen because it is easy to use, is a sharing application so that website creation can be done together on the same file, has many features, is cloud-based so it doesn't require installation, there are lots of additional plugins and it's free. This Community Service was carried hybrid in the Computer Laboratory of SMAN 58 Jakarta on Friday Juni, 9 2023 at 9am-11.30am with 12 participants who had previously been selected from the school. Based on the survey results, 92% of participants answered that they had never used the figma application and 100% of participants thought that the figma application helped make website creation easier.
Co-Authors - Nurhayati Abdul Aziz Abdul Aziz Adelia Putri H Adi Agungkusuma Wardana Aei Dhelwis Okdhianthy Putri Afif Maulana Agung Daniel Sipayung Agung Raihan Agus Gunaryati Agus Iskandar Ahlun Nazar Fadhullah Ahmad Fajar Ahmad Khuzaifi Albaar Rubasy Albaar Rubhasy Aldisa, Rima Tamara Aldy Cantona Alfian Cutryanto Amalia Khansa Ananda, Ridwan Ighfirlana Anang Kurniawan Andez Apriansyah Andrianingsih Andrianingsih Angga Pratama Surya Anggira Ganda Kusuma Anwar Anwar Aprilia Wandani Aris Gunaryarti Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati, Aris Asep Nurdin Avi Khoirun Nizam aziz, mohammad zulkarnain Azizah Azizah Bayu Abrianto Risnadi Bayu Anggara Ben Rahman Budiarti, L Endang Budiman, Ismail Mulya Chairul Gunawan Danang Aji Pangestu Darmawan, Dika Rizki Dede Saptoadi Dede Wandi Dede Wandi Dede Wandi Dede Wandi Deny Hidayatullah Deny Hidayatullah Deny Hidayatullah Destivanesha Rina Desty Rahma Fadilla Dhimas Mulia Anugraha Dika Rizki Darmawan Dimas Dandy Aryarajendra Suprapto Dimas Dandy Aryarajendra Suprapto Dinda Audilla Djoko Wahyono Efendi, Riyo Endah Tri Esti Handayani Endah Tri Winarsih Eri Mardiani Erwin Wicaksono Esti Handayani, Endah Tri Esti Handayani, Endah Tri Fachreza, Sodi Fachri Muhammad Fadhullah, Ahlun Nazar Fahrizal Firmansyah Fakhrul Mu'minin Fakrurrozi Fakrurrozi Fakrurrozi, Fakrurrozi Fefi Hades Tawarai Feri Setiawan Feri Susanto Fhizyel Nazareta Fikry Ramadhana Fitri, Iskandar Fitriana Fitriana Frenda Farahdinna Furqaansyah, Yoga Galuh Prakoso Gilang Aditya Rama Gunaryarti, Aris Gunaryati, Agus Gusniarti Handayani, Endah Tri Esti Handoko, Suhandio Hanni Oktaviana Harmein Pane Harun Al Jafar Haryono, Siswoyo Ilham Rizaldy Imam Pambudi Utomo Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ira Diana Sholihati Ira Diana Sholihati Ira Diana Sholihati Ira Diana Solihati Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri, Iskandar Ismail Junaed Ivan Setiawan Jumari Jumari Jumari Jumari, Jumari Junius Pratama K Kaeren Khansa, Amalia Khuzaifi, Ahmad Komala Sari, Ratih Titi Komala Sari, Ratih Titi Kusumanagara, Tasha Fitria L. Endang Budiarti, L. Endang Ladika, Anwar Wali Laelatul Fauziah Laurensius Oliver J.S Lui Haekal Fasha M. Gufroni Mahreza, Irham Rafi Malik Abdul Aziz Sujudi Mochammad Januar Finandi Mohamad Farhan Kantami Mohammad Iwan Wahyuddin Muhamad Iqbal Wasta Purnama Muhamad Rayhan Akbar Muhamad Sopiyan Muhamad Sopiyan Muhammad Fadel Sasongko Muhammad Furqon Sjofjan Muhammad Khairul Muhammad Khairul Muhammad Nurdin Muhammad Nurdin Muhammad Raditya Muhammad Rafiq Zayana Muhammad Rafli Muhammad Syaifudin MUHAMMAD YUSUF Mustakim, Feri N Nurhayati N Nurhayati Nabila Cahyani Nadhira Trisa Pradipta Nahdia Asri Umami Natahsia, Novi Dian Natashia, Novi Dian Novi Amalia Novi Dian Natashia Novi Dian Natashia Novi Dian Natasia Novi Dian Nathasia Novi Dian Nathasia Novi Dian Nathasia Novi Dian Nathasia Nur Aprilia Nur Arifin Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Widya Pratiwi Nurhafni Rahayu Nurhayati - Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurholis Nurholis Nurholis Nurholis, Nurholis Pangestu, Danang Aji Parlambang, Bagas Pramardika, Dhito Dwi Prianto, Deki Puji Hari Santoso Purnama, Ari Putriana Mayang Sari R Rafli Radithya Pramuditha Yenadi Raditya, Muhammad Raditya, Muhammad Maheswara Radityatama, Mohamad Dimas Rahman, Ben Raka Adji Setiawan Rani Handayani Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari, Ratih Titi Komala Ratih Titi Komalasari Ratih Titi Kumalasari Rena Cahya Hutama Ridwan Ahmad Ma'arif Ridwan Ahmad Ma'arif Ridwan Ahmad Ma'arif Rifqi Ananda Rifqi Naufal Senja Pratama Rima Tamara Aldisa Rima Tamara Aldisa Rima Tamara Aldisa Rini Nuraini Rini Rini Risnadi, Bayu Abrianto Riyan Wahyu Nur Hidayah Riyo Efendi Rizki Akbar Mahdafiki Rizki Pebrian Rizky Ramadhan Rizky Ramadhan, Rizky Santika, Dewi Mawarni Sari Dwiyanti Tutik Sari Ningsih Sari, Putriana Mayang Septi Andryana Setiawan, Raka Adji Sholihati, Ira Diana Siti Nur Aini Sodi Fachreza Solly Aryza Sopiyan, Muhamad Sri Handayani Sri Intan Maharani Sujudi, Malik Abdul Aziz Suprapto, Dimas Dandy Aryarajendra Surya, Angga Pratama Suryana, Muhamad Fajar Syahbani Farhan Syamila, Zahra Wafda Syifa Faradilla Fabrianne Tasha Fitria Kusumanagara Tita Noviani Tri Ichsan Saputra Tri Ichsan Saputra Trinugi Wira Harjanti Trisni Susiyanti Ucuk Darusalam Ucup Maulana Upi Resti Wahyuni Vicki Irvan Maulana Wa'asaro Telaumbanua Wahyu Mahatma Kurniawan Wahyu Suratman Wahyuddin, Mohammad Iwan Wandi, Dede Wardana, Adi Agungkusuma Wicaksono, Erwin Wildan Alfy Syahry Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih, Endah Tri Yanti Saraswati Yayan Heryanto Yedizha Afif Farhani Yoga Furqaansyah Yohana Mastarida Manurung Yosua Jonathan Taringan Yunan Fauzi Wijaya Zahra Wafda Syamila Zayana, Muhammad Rafiq