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Journal : Journal of Islamic Civilization

Kontekstualisasi Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Sirah Nabawiyah: Studi Hermeneutika Pada Pemikiran dan Metode Paul Ricoeur Fifi Khoirul Fitriyah; Muhammad Sukron Djazilan
Journal of Islamic Civilization Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Islamic and Social Science
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/jic.v2i2.1734


The purpose of this article is to contextualize the various inspirational stories of the Prophet Muhammad summarized in the Sirah Nabawiyah. The exploration of inspired stories will place more emphasis on the period before prophetic revelation, so as to minimize the reasons for mankind's inability to make Muhammad a role model and an inspirational figure. The contextualization of thought in sirah nabawiyah was carried out using the hermeneutic approach as a method in the tradition of Paul Ricoeur's thought. Hermeneutics in the Paul Ricoeur tradition tries to go beyond modern interpretation which seeks to find an understanding of the meaning between the interpreter and the writer. Therefore, it is possible to produce new meanings of sirah nabawiyah accompanied by a subjective reflection process that is linked to the contextual background. This article generates contextualization and new meanings of the inspirational story of the prophet Muhammad in Sirah Nabawiyah to become eighteen values ​​of character education based on national culture. These character values ​​will be embedded in every level of Indonesian national education.
Environmental Education in an Islamic Perspective: An In-Depth Study Based on Sufism Asmaul Lutfauziah; Aris Handriyan; Djoko Hartono; Fifi Khoirul Fitriyah
Journal of Islamic Civilization Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal of Islamic Civilization
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/jic.v4i1.2852


Environmental education has not been studied in Islamic boarding schools, so students do not maintain cleanliness and do not understand the meaning of environmental education. In contrast, environmental education is a teaching of Islam. Recently, much research that combines environmental education with Sufism teachings is still not widely done. This study aims to describe environmental education from an Islamic point of view, especially from a Sufism perspective. Qualitative research with a systematic literature review was employed in this study. Three steps consisted of planning, conducting, and reporting were geared to collect the data. The results indicated that 1) Sufism taught environmental ethics. As a result, students had more noble character because Sufism covered various aspects of human activities; 2) The environment functioned as a verse (a sign of God's greatness), as material for reflection (tafakur) to take lessons and media to fulfill human needs, as a manifestation of God's form, and as a means for God to introduce Himself to humans; 3) Allah SWT created his creation for two purposes. Those are a servant of Allah SWT and as caliphs on earth, so the people always seek knowledge to recognize Allah (ma'rifatullah); and 4) the scope of environmental education in the perspective of Sufism included the physical realm, the spiritual realm, the realm of sentences, and the nature of God's substance. Sufism is needed to establish human morals toward the environment so that humans sincerely preserve and do not damage the environment. This is based on the nature of compassion for the environment as a manifestation of the nature of the mercy of God's womb. The ultimate goal is that humans reach the highest degree, which is knowing God (ma'rifatullah). Environmental education belum dipelajari di pesantren sehingga santri kurang menjaga kebersihan dan belum memahami makna environmental education. Padahal environmental education merupakan ajaran agama Islam. Pada saat ini, penelitian yang mengkombinasi environmental education dengan ajaran tasawuf masih belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pendidikan lingkungan dari sudut pandang Islam khususnya dari perspektif tasawuf. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif with systemtic literature review. The procedures consist of three steps. They are planning, conducting, and reporting. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) ajaran tasawuf mengajarkan etika lingkungan agar manusia semakin berakhlak mulia karena tasawuf mencakup berbagai aspek kegiatan manusia, 2) lingkungan berfungsi sebagai ayat (tanda kebesaran Allah), sebagai bahan renungan (tafakur) guna mengambil hikmah dan pelajaran, media untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia, sebagai manifestasi dari wujud Tuhan serta sebagai sarana Tuhan mengenalkan diri-Nya pada manusia, 3) manusia diciptakan oleh Allah SWT pada dasarnya memiliki dua peran yaitu sebagai hamba Allah SWT dan sebagai khalifah di muka bumi agar manusia mencari ilmu untuk mengenali Allah (ma’rifatullah), dan 4) ruang lingkup environmental education dalam perspektif tasawuf meliputi a) alam fisik, b) alam ruhani, c) alam kalimat, dan d) alam zat Allah. Tasawuf diperlukan dalam pembentukan akhlak manusia terhadap lingkungan sehingga manusia secara ikhlas menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dan agar tidak berbuat kerusakan lingkungan. Hal ini didasari karena sifat kasih sayang kepada lingkungan sebagai manifestasi sifat rahman rahim Allah. Tujuan akhirnya yaitu manusia mencapai derajat tertinggi yaitu mengenal Tuhan (ma’rifatullah).
A New Approach to Counseling Relations in Islamic Boarding Schools Based on the Ta'limul Muta'alim Book: An Emansipatory Hermeneutical Study Fifi Khoirul Fitriyah; Mohamed Chuma; Mokhamad Sodikin; Muhammad Afwan Romdloni; Asma’ul Lutfauziah
Journal of Islamic Civilization Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal of Islamic Civilization
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/jic.v4i2.3634


Living in an Islamic boarding school has its challenges, especially for students. Various studies on indigenous counseling, but no one has examined the culture of Islamic boarding schools. This study aimed to analyze and create the construct of counseling relationships in Islamic boarding schools to support a part of the indigenous counseling construction in the Islamic field. The research method used was a hermeneutic study using an emancipatory approach. Data analysis used the stages compiled by Paul Ricoeur. The primary data was a book of Ta'limul Muta'alim by Az-Zarnuji. The study results found elements of counseling relationships between counselors and students in Islamic boarding schools. It is not only counselors who have to manage attitudes in counseling relationships but also students. This finding was different from the previous concept of counseling relationships through a humanistic approach that the counselor must accept students unconditionally. On the other hand, empathy is an essential key in counseling relationships, so it aligns with the concept of humanistic counseling. The contribution of this research is to provide new insights into the form of counseling relationships in indigenous counseling at Islamic boarding schools. This finding is a series of constructions to create an indigenous counseling model and determine the counselor criteria in Islamic boarding schools. The structure is beneficial for counseling practice in Indonesia through the counselor’s role in Islamic boarding schools. Tinggal di pondok pesantren memiliki tantangan tersendiri, terutama bagi para santri. Berbagai kajian tentang konseling indigenous, namun belum ada yang meneliti tentang budaya pondok pesantren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membuat konstruk hubungan konseling di pondok pesantren untuk mendukung bagian dari konstruksi konseling indigenous di bidang keislaman. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi hermeneutik dengan pendekatan emansipatoris. Analisis data menggunakan tahapan yang disusun oleh Paul Ricoeur. Data primer berupa kitab Ta'limul Muta'alim karya Az-Zarnuji. Hasil penelitian menemukan unsur-unsur hubungan konseling antara konselor dan santri di pondok pesantren. Bukan hanya konselor yang harus mengelola sikap dalam hubungan konseling tetapi juga santri. Temuan ini berbeda dengan konsep sebelumnya tentang hubungan konseling melalui pendekatan humanistik bahwa konselor harus menerima santri tanpa syarat. Di sisi lain, empati merupakan kunci penting dalam hubungan konseling, sehingga sejalan dengan konsep konseling humanistik. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan wawasan baru tentang bentuk hubungan konseling dalam konseling adat di pondok pesantren. Temuan ini merupakan rangkaian konstruksi untuk membuat model konseling indigenous dan menentukan kriteria konselor di pesantren. Struktur tersebut bermanfaat bagi praktik konseling di Indonesia melalui peran konselor di pesantren.