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Jurnal Mahasiswa Perpajakan Vol 9, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi S-1 Perpajakan, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya

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Taxpayers obliged to calculate, take into account, and owe deposit and report taxes. Taxpayers reporting the tax due by using the Notice (SPT). Annual SPT will be packed with packaging procedure in Tax Office and all data will be centralized in the Data Processing Center and Taxation Documents (PPDDP). The purpose of this study is to measure the effectiveness of their annual tax return processing procedures through the packaging procedure. This study uses a case study using exploratory approach. The location of this research on Tax Office North Malang. The results of this study indicate that their annual tax return processing through packaging procedure on Tax Office North Malang can already be said to be effective. Measuring the level of effectiveness in this study using three criteria according to which criteria optimization by Streers is objectives, systematic perspective, and pressure on human behavior. Keywords: Annual SPT, packaging, PPDDP, effectiveness ABSTRAK Wajib Pajak berkewajiban untuk menghitung, memperhitungkan, menyetor dan melaporkan pajak yang terutang. Wajib Pajak melaporkan pajak yang terutang dengan menggunakan Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT). SPT Tahunan tersebut akan dikemas melalui prosedur pengemasan di KPP dan semua data akan dipusatkan di Pusat Pengolahan Data dan Dokumen Perpajakan (PPDDP). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur keefektivitasan prosedur pengolahan SPT Tahunan melalui prosedur pengemasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian studi kasus dengan menggunakan pendekatan eksploratif. Lokasi penelitian dalam penelitian ini di KPP Pratama Malang Utara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan SPT Tahunan melalui prosedur pengemasan di KPP Pratama Malang Utara sudah dapat dikatakan efektif. Pengukuran tingkat keefektivitasan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 3 kriteria menurut Streers dalam Falaka (2009:22) yaitu kriteria optimasi tujuan, perspektif sistematika, dan tekanan pada perilaku manusia. Kata Kunci : SPT Tahunan, pengemasan, PPDDP, efektivitas
ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN PEMERIKSAAN PAJAK DALAM PENCAPAIAN TARGET PENERIMAAN PAJAK (Studi Kasus Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Blitar) Rahman, Afrida Lindia; Astuti, Endang Siti; Saifi, Muhammad
Jurnal Mahasiswa Perpajakan Vol 9, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi S-1 Perpajakan, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya

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This study is conducted to imvestigate the implementation of tax audits, supporting factors and inhibitor factors of the implementation of tax audit, conducted by the tax office of pratama Blitar. Data sources in this are interviewing the inspection division as primary data, and data documentation as secondary data. The result of this study indicate that the implementation of tax audit conducted by the tax office of paratama Blitar is in accordance with the existing regulations. Supporting factors are in the information of the taxpayer, the quality of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, confirmation with a third party. Inhibitor factors are the limited number of the inspection team, the taxpayer still has lack knowledge of the taxation legislation, there is limited data and evidence, lack awareness and lack cooperative taxpayer. Keywords: Implementation, Audit , Tax Revenue Target Achievement Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pemeriksaan pajak, faktor-faktor pendukung dan faktor-faktor penghambat pelaksanaan pemeriksaan pajak yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Blitar. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah melakukan wawancara kepada seksi pemeriksaan sebagai data primer dan data-data dokumentasi sebagai data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan pemeriksaan pajak yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Blitar sudah sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada. Informasi tentang Wajib Pajak, kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, sarana dan prasana, melakukan konfirmasi pihak ketiga merupakan faktor-faktor pendukung. Terbatasnya jumlah tim pemeriksa, pengetahuan Wajib Pajak masih rendah terhadap undang-undang perpajakan, terbatasnya data dan bukti, tidak adanya kesadaran dan tidak kooperatif Wajib Pajak merupakan faktor-faktor penghambat. Keywords: Pelaksanaan, Pemeriksaan, Pencapaian Target Penerimaan Pajak
PENGARUH PERSEPSI KORUPSI PAJAK DAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN FISKUS TERHADAP KEPATUHAN WAJIB PAJAK (Studi pada Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi yang Terdaftar di KPP Pratama Batu) Rachmania, Feryna Meidya; Astuti, Endang Siti; Utami, Hamidah Nayati
Jurnal Mahasiswa Perpajakan Vol 10, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi S-1 Perpajakan, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya

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Indonesia is one of the developing countries, that most of the financing of the state supported by the tax sector.  Indonesia applied self-assessment system today , where the system requires taxpayers to meet the obligation gladly independently. The awareness and voluntary principles in pay taxs is the most important thing to achieve the successful implementation of the system.  The purpose of this research to  analyze and explain the influence together or partially, between the perception of corruption in tax and service quality tax officer towards compliance taxpayers. This research categorized of explanatory research, with 100 respondents personal people registered in the KPP Pratama Batu as a sample of research. Techniques for samples through sampling forcible entry. The analysis used is the analysis of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with multiple linear regression, as data analysis techniques. This research showed that the variables perception of corruption in tax and quality of service tax officer significant effect towards compliance taxpayers together. There is a significant influence partially between the corruption perception variable taxs towards compliance taxpayers partially, and the influence of partially between the service quality variable tax officer towards compliance taxpayers partially. Keywords : Perception Corruption. ABSTRAK Indonesia termasuk dalam satu dari negara berkembang, yang sebagian besar pembiayaan negara ditopang oleh sektor pajak. Dewasa ini Indonesia menereapkan Self assessment system, dimana sistem tersebut  mengharuskan wajib pajak untuk memenuhi kewajiban pajaknya secara mandiri. Kesadaran dan kesukarelaan dalam membayar pajak adalah hal terpenting untuk mencapai keberhasilan penerapan sistem tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis, dan menjelaskan bagaimana pengaruh secara bersama-sama maupun secara parsial, antara persepsi korupsi pajak dan kualitas pelayanan fiskus terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak. Penelitian ini dikategorikan jenis explanatory research, dengan 100 responden orang pribadi yang terdaftar di KPP Pratama Batu sebagai sampel penelitian. Teknik untuk menentukan sampel melalui accidental sampling. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu  analisis statistik deskriptif, dan statistik inferensial dengan regresi linear berganda, sebagai teknik analisis data. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa variabel persepsi korupsi pajak (X1) dan kualitas pelayanan fiskus (X2) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak secara bersama-sama. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan secara parsial antara variabel persepsi korupsi pajak (X1) terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak secara parsial, dan pengaruh secara parsial pula antara  variabel kualitas pelayanan fiskus(X2) terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak secara parsial. Kata Kunci: Persepsi Korupsi.
PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN E-TAX TERHADAP KEPATUHAN WAJIB PAJAK (Studi pada Wajib Pajak Terdaftar di Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kota Malang) Rachdianti, Finny Tania; Astuti, Endang Siti; Susilo, Heru
Jurnal Mahasiswa Perpajakan Vol 11, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi S-1 Perpajakan, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya

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Self assessment system is one kind of tax collection which claim the taxpayers to take a role actively to count, calculate, pay and report their tax obligation by themselves. One of the methods that can beused is by using the online payment system or its usually called e-Tax. The using of e-Tax hopefully canhelp taxpayer to do their job or to fulfill their necessaries. This research aims to analyze and explain the influence of e-Tax using on taxpayer compliance. This research used explanatory research method and with quantitative approach. Based on the result of this analysis is known that e-Tax using variable has a positive but not significant influence toward taxpayer compliance. Keywords : e-Tax, Online Tax Payment, Tax Compliance ABSTRAK Self assessment system merupakan jenis sistem pemungutan dengan adanya peran aktif dari wajib pajak untuk menghitung, memperhitungkan, menyetor, dan melapor sendiri kewajiban perpajakannya. Salah satu sarananya adalah melalui penerapan sistem pembayaran pajak daerah secara online atau e-Tax. Penggunaan e-Tax diharapkan membantu pelaksanaan dan meningkatkan kemudahan bagi wajib pajak dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan, serta dalam melakukan kewajiban perpajakannya. Tujuan penelitian adalah  untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan pengaruh penggunaan e-Tax terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian penjelasan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil dari uji hipotesis menunjukkan terdapat adanya pengaruh dari penggunaan e-Tax terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak, namun pengaruh yang diberikan tidak signifikan. Kata kunci: e-Tax, Pajak Online, Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak
Analysis of the Effect of Perceived Risk, Perceived Usefulness and Attitude on Usage Intention with TAM (Case Study: Go-jek Application) Afandi, Yosi; Astuti, Endang Siti; Kusumawati, Andriani; Abdillah, Yusri
Jurnal AKSI (Akuntansi dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32486/aksi.v5i1.476


The purpose of this research is to determine what variables affect usage intention. This research uses the object of research is the go-jek application. The go-jek application is one of the online transactions used by the community because the go-jek application provides various service features that are needed by the public such as goride, gocar, gofood, gosend and many more service features. With more and more users it is necessary to do research on go-jek applications. The method used in this research is TAM. The results of the test indicate that usage intention is influenced by variables of trust, perceived risk, perceived usefulness and attitude
Publisher : FIA UB

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The purpose of this study is to present a conceptual model between Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Condition, Behavioral Intention and Actual Usage. Based on theoretical and empirical study about Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Condition, Behavioral Intention and Actual Usage, this study explain the constructs and the proposition that are used as a basis in constructing conceptual models. Based on previous studies, the authors develop a proposition where a Mobile Payment service will be more likely to adopt by the Mobile Payment service. Thus, further studies are expected to discuss the variables in this study, as well as develop estimates of other variables that can influence or increase by the variables that have been discussed.
The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society Vol 27, No 2 (2019): The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society
Publisher : Accounting Department,

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ijabs.2019.27.2.3


The purpose of this study is to explain and analyze the influence of Perceived Ease of Use, Discount, Perceived Usefulness  on Intention to Use the Grab application and its impact on Grab service purchasing decisions. This study uses a quantitative approach using explanatory research. The population of this study is undergraduate students in business administration study programs for 2017 and 2018 Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. with a total of 734 people. To determine the sample of the population, researchers used the Yakane formula to obtain the number of respondents as many as 90 people. The sampling technique of this study is non probability  sampling technique with the number of samples taken proportionally following the number of students in 2017 and 2018. The method of data collection used a questionnaire distributed to the respondent classes and calculated  using a Likert scale.Data analysis methods consist of test instruments, research requirements testing and hypothesis testing with path ananlysis by SPSS. The results of this study indicate that the Perceived Ease of Use, Discount, Perceived Usefulness has a positive and significant effect on the Intention to use Grab application. In addition the variable Perceived Ease of Use, Discount, Intention to Use Grab application also has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. While the Perceived Usefulness variable has a positive but not significant effect on Purchasing Decisions.
IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM INFORMASI PELAYANAN JASA (Studi Kasus Pada Seventy Razors Barbershop Cabang Malang) Mochamad Robawi Diyar; Endang Siti Astuti; Kertahadi Kertahadi
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol 47, No 2 (2017): JUNI
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya

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Malang Branch Company Seventy Razors Barbershop is one of the companies engaged in services, and the type of services offered are haircut services. Vision of the Seventy Razors Barbershop is to become a leading group barbershop and offering comperhensive barber services. The aim of this study was to identify how the procedures and information systems implementation1tendence1services at branch Malang Seventy Razors Barbershop. This type of reaserch uses,,qualitative research, is used to identify how the implementation of information system services at branch Malang Seventy Razors Barbershop. Used data,collection techniques in this research is through,interviews with,triangulation of data, documentation and observation nonpartisipant. The results showed that the procedures that applied in the transaction is good enough, however, there is still some weaknesses were found in the field. Although the procedures used is quite good but there is some parts that are still not efficient enough becouse, as in the calculation of monthly amount in the form of the number of customers that have been served by each barber, counting sallary is still manual, the data arae sometimes still scattered, and the absence of regulations written associated with the respective responsibillities of each position Keywords : Implementation Information System, Triangulasi, Services. ABSTRAK Seventy Razors Barbershop Cabang Malang merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang gerak di bidang tenaga, dan jenis tenaga yang dikasih adalah rambut potong.Visi dari Seventy Razors Barbershop adalah menjadi tempat tang Barbershop banyak tau menawarkan jasa barber yang komperhensif. Tuju peneliti dari ini adalah untuk menginden tifikasi bagaimana prosedur dan implement tasi sistem informasi pelayanan jasa pada Seventy Razors Barbershop cabang Malang.Peneliti ini gunakan tipe penelitian yang kualitatif yang digunakan untuk mengindnetifikasi bagaimana implementasi sistem informasi pelayanan jasa pada Seventy Razors Barbershop layer Malang. Teknik kumpul data yang dipake dalam penelitian ini itu melalui wawancara dengan triangulasi data, dokumentasi dan observasi nonpartsipan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam prosedur yang diterapkan dalam melakukan transaksi sudah cukup baik, namun, masih ada beberapa kelemahan yang ditemukan di lapangan. Walaupun prosedur yang digunakan sudah cukup baik tetapi ada beberapa bagian yang masih belum efisien karena seperti dalam penghitungan jumlah bulanan berupa jumlah pelanggan yang telah dilayani per tiap barber-nya, penghitungan gaji yang masih manual, data yang terkadang masih tercecer, dan belum adanya peraturan-peraturan tertulis yang terkait dengan masing-masing tanggung jawab setiap jabatan. Kata kunci : Implementasi sistem informasi, triangulasi data, pelayanan.
PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI STRATEGIS DALAM MEMBANGUN KESUKSESAN SISTEM INFORMASI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Kasus Pada CV. Sinar Baja Electric) Rifdah Nabilah Rozi; Endang Siti Astuti; Inggang Perwangsa Nuralam
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol 58, No 1 (2018): MEI
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya

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This research is conducted considering the importance of information systems in business activities, and measure the success rate of information systems applied by CV. Sinar Baja Electric (SBE). This study also looks at how the process of developing information systems on SBE. The purpose of this research is to know how the form of information systems that exist in CV. Sinar Baja Electric, make measurements of success through the implementation of information systems and get a real picture of the process of developing information systems in SBE. This research is a study case research with qualitative approach. The author conducted interviews with system analysts, programmers and active users of the system on SBE to find out the form and implementation of the system see the form of information systems development that existed in SBE. The results of research related to the form of information system, it is found that the information system used by SBE is a closed information system model which facilitate the directors to conduct supervision and arrangement in the process of data input, and from the use of QAD standard and Intranet can be said most strategically in the production division and inventory control, because it can help make decisions in business activities and facilitate the recording.  Keywords: System Implementation, Delone & McLean Model (2003), Information System Development. АBSTRАK Penelitian ini dilakukan mengingat pentingnya bagi setiap perusahaan untuk menggunakan sistem informasi yang ada pada kegiatan bisnis, serta mengukur bagaimana tingkat kesuksesan sistem informasi yang diterapkan oleh CV. Sinar Baja Electric (SBE). Penelitian ini juga melihat bagaimana proses dilakukannya pengembangan sistem informasi pada SBE. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk sistem informasi yang ada pada CV. Sinar Baja Electric, melihat kesuksesan melalui implementasi sistem informasi dan mendapatkan gambaran nyata mengenai proses pengembangan sistem informasi di SBE.  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penulis melakukan wawancara dengan system analyst, programmer dan pengguna aktif sistem pada SBE untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk dan implementasi sistem melihat bentuk pengembangan sistem informasi yang ada pada SBE. Hasil penelitian terkait dengan bentuk sistem informasi, ditemukan bahwa sistem informasi yang digunakan oleh SBE adalah model sistem informasi tertutup yang dimana memudahkan direksi untuk melakukan pengawasan dan pengaturan dalam proses input data, dan dari penggunaan QAD standard serta Intranet dapat dikatakan paling strategis pada divisi produksi dan inventori kontrol, karena dapat membantu melakukan pengambilan keputusan dalam kegiatan bisnis dam mempermudah pencatatan. Kаtа Kunci: Implementasi Sistem, Model Delone & McLean (2003), Pengembangan Sistem Informasi.
ANALISIS PENERAPAN SISTEM KEAMANAN FISIK PADA DATA CENTER UNTUK MELINDUNGI DATA ORGANISASI (Studi Kasus Pada Unit Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Dan Sistem Informasi (PMBSI) IKIP PGRI MADIUN) Digky Bima Priatmoko; Endang Siti Astuti; Riyadi Riyadi
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol 40, No 1 (2016): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya

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Physical security is an aspect that is seen can not be measured by the amount of money (intangible) but the actual losses incurred from a weak security system can be calculated in the amount of money. Management can calculate the amount of losses incurred, such a loss when data loss can direpesentasikan of the total cost required for the recovery of lost data. This study uses data collection techniques through media direct field observations, interviews, and documentation on several sources or informants at the Teachers' Training College PGRI Madiun. From the research process is to be obtained the following data Implementation of the system's security physical at Data Center Teachers 'Training College PGRI Madiun has been progressing quite positive after the formation PMBSI, and the application of physical security at Data Center Teachers' Training College PGRI Madiun basically able to protect, but still there is a facility that must be repaired. Keywords: Physical Security Systems , Data Center, Data Organization ABSTRAK Keamanan fisik merupakan aspek yang terlihat tidak dapat diukur dengan besaran uang (intangible) namun sebenarnya kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari sistem keamanan yang lemah dapat dihitung dalam besaran uang. Manajemen dapat menghitung besarnya kerugian yang ditimbulkan, contohnya kerugian saat kehilangan data dapat direpesentasikan dari jumlah biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk recovery data yang hilang tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui media observasi lapangan langsung, wawancara, dan dokumentasi pada beberapa sumber atau informan di IKIP PGRI Madiun. Dari proses penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh data sebagai berikut Penerapan sistem keamananan fisik pada Data Center IKIP PGRI Madiun sudah mengalami perkembangan yang cukup positif setelah dibentuknya PMBSI dan penerapan sistem keamanan fisik pada Data Center IKIP PGRI Madiun pada dasarnya mampu untuk melindungi namun masih terdapat fasilitas yang harus diperbaiki. Kata kunci : Sistem Keamanan Fisik, Data Center, Data Organisasi    
Co-Authors . Riyadi Abdul Manan Abigail Christykawuri Indyta Budiman Abu Muna Almaududi Ausat Afandi, Yosi Agnes Yosephine Saragih Agus Suroso Agus Suroso Agusthina Risambessy Alifah Damayanti Amia Adistia Amri Ana Yuliana Andre Aprilliansyah Andri Daisy Rahmad Andriani Kusumawati Anugrahandy Bagus Budiaji Prayohardana Arik Prasetya Arini, Cisilia Prabawati Dwi Armanu Thoyib Bambang Swasto Candra Riani Carrine Ayu Aprillia Childa Maulina Chrismantya Dwi Satriya Nugroho Darminto Darminto Desi Tri Hernandhi Devi Farah Azizah Devi Farah Azizah Digky Bima Priatmoko Dilarbo, Pertiwi Aisyah Edy Yulianto Eko Ganis Sukoharsono Enny Radjab Fachriza Amri Fadhel Abdullah Alhabsyi Girindra Nandi Wardhana Hafied Ahmad Halid Hasan Hamdani Husnan Hamidah Nayati Utami Hamidah Nayati Utami Hamidah Nayati Utami Hamidah Nayati Utami Helmy Adisaksana Heru Susilo Ika Ruhana Ika Ruhana Ilma Dhaniar Imam Suyadi Inggang Perwangsa Nuralam Intan Arisya Irna Handayaningrum Joni Dwi Pribadi Kertahadi . Kertahadi Kertahadi Kertahadi Kertahadi Kharisma Rizki Hidayatullah Kusdi Raharjo Kusdi Raharjo Lia Anggraini M. Cahyo Widyo Sulistyo Maytria Aghita Miftakhul Dwi Saputro Mochamad Robawi Diyar Mochammad Al Musadieq Mochammad Al Musadieq Mochammad Djudi Mukzam Mochtar Adam Mohammad Iqbal Muhamad Cahyo Widyo Sulistyo Muhammad Cahyo Widyo Sulistyo Muhammad Saifi MUHAMMAD TAJUDDIN Noor Rika Dinata Inbar Nur Subchan Nur Аsfin Rаmаdhаn Nurul Eka Fitriany Nurul Faliha Okky Sandy Pranata Rachdianti, Finny Tania Rachmania, Feryna Meidya Rahardjo Kusdi Rahman, Afrida Lindia Rakhmadi Widyo Aryanto Ratya Shafira Arifiani Reditya Putra Pramanda Ridha Choirun Nisa Rifdah Nabilah Rozi Riki Setiawan Ritonga, Nursakinah Riyadi Riyadi Riza Wahyudi Rizki Yudhi Dewantara Rizky Happy Ananda Rosyid Nurrohman Ryadi Riyadi Sabaruddin Sabaruddin Saiful Rahman Yuniarto Shella Alvio Mayvita Siti Tutik Muntianah Srikandi Kumadji Sunarti - Sunarti Sunarti Swasta Priambada Tri Wulida Afrianty Tri Wulida Afrianty Venna Trilolita Putri Ardi Vinno Petrus Manoppo Widia Permana Wilopo Wilopo Wilopo Wira bharata Yohanes Adven Sarbani YOSART ADI SUYOSO Yudha Prakasa Yuniadi Mayowan Yusi Tyroni Mursityo Yusri Abdillah Zainal Arifin Zainal Arifin Аmi Аngeliа Рratama Рutri