Hermanu Joebagio
Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Maternal Role in Guiding Social Communication to Autistic Children as a Quality of Life Determinant Utami, Tri; Joebagio, Hermanu; Adriani, Rita Benya
Journal of Maternal and Child Health Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a type of neural development disorder. It is characterized by deficit in social communication, social interaction, and repetitive behavior pattern. It is assumed that maternal role in child education is more dominant than paternal role, because children are closer to their mothers since birth. It is also assumed that the quality of life of autistic children would improve if there is improvement in their social communication and social interaction. This study aimed to examine the maternal role in guiding social communication to autistic children as a determinant of child quality of life.Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted in public special school in Tangerang District, West Java, from October to December 2017. Informants for this study included 5 mothers of autistic children and 3 teachers-therapists at the public special school. The constructs under study included maternal role in guiding social communication and social interaction in autistic children. The data were collected by in-depth interview, observation, and document review. The data were analyzed by Miles and Huberman method.Results: Mothers had an important role in observing various child behaviors, seeking advice from expert, determining child development need, exploring child sensory-dietary-medical need at home. Other maternal roles included admitting children to primary school or special school that was suitable for child potential development and involving children in simple daily activities at home. The maternal role in guiding social communication was considerably good including communication therapy at home using audio visual aids, stimulating oral motoric skill, providing social interaction therapy by story telling, teaching socialization to children by familiarizing them to greet and handshake with others, and letting them to play with other children. The maternal role in improving quality of life was sufficiently good, so that each child was able to develop their communication and interaction skills with variying levels of improvement. Conclusion: Maternal role in guiding social communication in autistic children is sufficiently good although there is a need to improve its implementation in order to gain improved quality of life. It is adviseable for mothers to carry on guiding program at home so as to develop child potentials and to reduce their weak aspects.Keywords: maternal role, guiding, communication, quality of life, autistic childrenCorrespondence: Tri Utami. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir Sutami 36 A, Surakarta 57126, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Email: utamifatin@gmail.com. Mobile: 089654975813.Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2018), 3(1): 25-32https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2018.03.01.03 
Sexual Behavior for HIV Prevention among Men who Have Sex with Men in Surakarta Alifia, Latifah Nur; Joebagio, Hermanu; Murti, Bhisma
Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior Vol 3, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: To date HIV/AIDS is still a serious global health problem with an ever-increasing incidence. HIV risk in men who have sex with men (MSM) is 27 times greater than in the general population. This study aimed to analyze the sexual behavior for HIV prevention among MSM in Surakarta using the Health Belief Model (HBM).Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative analytical study with a phenomenology approach. It was carried out in Surakarta Mahardhika Style Community, Central Java. The key informants in this study were the Chairperson of the Gaya Mahardhika Community, with their members as the main informants. The supporting informants consisted of health personnel from the Prevention and Control Program at the City Health Office, and the Surakarta City AIDS Commission Informants were selected for this study by purposive sampling. The data were collected by in-depth interview, non-participatory observation, and document observation. The data were analyzed by the method of Miles and Huberman.Results: MSM communities in Surakarta understood the concept of HIV/AIDS and knew how to prevent it. But in reality, the prevention behavior has not really been done as evidenced by all the main informants having more than one partner. Nevertheless, all informants stated that they always used condoms and always checked voluntary counseling test (VCT) regularly. MSM communities consider themselves at risk, believe that HIV/AIDS is a dangerous disease, feel the benefits of HIV/AIDS prevention measures carried out. The obstacles faced are lack of comfort when using condoms and difficulties to be loyal to one partner. They feel the importance of HIV/AIDS preventive behavior. They are sure to be able to implement HIV/AIDS preventive behavior.Conclusion: Knowledge of HIV/AIDS risk factors is important. The HIV/AIDS preventive behavior applied by MSM is influenced by knowledge, perceived severity, perceived vulnerability, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, cues to action, and self-efficacy.Keywords: HIV prevention, men who have sex with men, Health Belief ModelCorrespondence: Latifah Nur Alifia. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A, Surakarta, Central Java 57126, Indonesia. Email: Latifahnuralifia@gmail.com. Mobile: 08562623045.Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health 2018, 3(3): 179-191https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2018.03.03.05
Social Cognitive Theory on the Domestic Violence in Yogyakarta Jati, Linda Puspita; Joebagio, Hermanu; Prasetya, Hanung
Journal of Maternal and Child Health Vol 4, No 5 (2019)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: Domestic violence (also named domestic abuse or family violence) is violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. This study aimed to explore domestic violence in Yogyakarta using Social Cognitive Theory.Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study using phenomenology approach. The study was carried out in a non-government organization, in Yogyakarta, in November 2018. The key informants included counselor at the Swadaya Masyarakat Rifka Annisa Yogyakarta and two victims of domestic violence. The data were collected by in-depth interview, participative observation, and document review. Results:There were variations of domestic violence, but the majority stemmed from external factors. Social environment, perceived gender equality, socioeconomic factor, and patriarchal culture affected the incidence of domestic violence. The educational background did not affect the risk of domestic violence. All victims experienced domestic violence due to gender inequality in decision making. Domestic violence could be physical or psychic.Conclusion: Domestic violence is affected by social environment, perceived gender equality, socioeconomic factor, and patriarchal culture. The educational background did not affect the risk of domestic violence.Keywords: domestic violence, Social Cognitive TheoryCorrespondence: Linda Puspita Jati. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami36 A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia. Email: linda.puspitajati@student.uns.ac.id. Mobile: +6285643538539. Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2019), 4(5): 326-334https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2019.04.05.04
BISNIS KELUARGA MANGKUNEGARAN Birsyada, Muhammad Iqbal; Wasino, Wasino; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Joebagio, Hermanu
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Ekonomi (Bisnis) Islam
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.24.1.975


The history of economic development of Javanese community has experienced a very unique dynamic. In the XV and XVI centuries, trading tradition has been done by Javanese community along the north coastal of Java. But, the trading tradition getting dimmer in line with the strategy of economic centralization carried out by Sultan Agung prohibiting the people to trade in foreign countries. In the XIX century, that’s econdition is change, Mangkunegara IV restore the entrepreneurial tradition through various strategies. In addition, to restoring the entrepreneurial tradition of Javanese society, Mangkunegara IV also broke the old tradition of kepriyayinan (Javanese aristocrate) to want to do business, not just live in pleasure as breeds nobility or gentry class. Therefore, reviewing to the business strategy of Mangku­negaran IV becomes important, as part of the history of economic develop­ment Javanese community. By using the historical method and a multi­dimensional approach, through a variety of primary sources such as Mangku­negara IV literature, the study found that the Mangkunegaran IV’s business strategy conducted by building a centers of sugar cane farm and modernization of sugar factories on a large scale, so as to obtain additional revenue for the Mangkunegaran IV family. The successfull of his business, demonstrates to the Javanese nobility that he was a king who had a strong entrepreneurial spirit.***Sejarah perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat Jawa mengalami dinamika yang sangat unik. Pada abad XV dan XVI, tradisi berdagang telah dilakukan oeh masyarakat Jawa di sepanjang pantai utara Jawa. Akan tetapi tradisi tersebut se­makin meredup seiring adanya strategi sentralisasi ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh Sultan Agung yang melarang rakyatnya berdagang ke manca negara. Pada abad XIX, Mangkunegara IV mengembalikan tradisi wirausahawan tersebut melalui berbagai strategi. Selain itu, Mangku­negara IV juga mendobrak tradisi “kolot kepriyayinan” Jawa agar mau melakukan bisnis, bukan hanya hidup dalam ke­senangan sebagai trah bangsawan. Karena itu, mengkaji strategi bisnis keluarga Mangkunegaran IV menjadi penting, sebagai bagian dari sejarah perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat Jawa. Dengan metode penelitian sejarah dan pendekatan multidi­mensional, melalui berbagai sumber primer seperti karya-karya sastra Mangkunegara IV, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa strategi bisnis keluarga Mangkunegaran IV dilakukan dengan membangun pusat-pusat perkebunan tebu dan modernisasi pabrik gula secara besar-besaran, sehingga memperoleh pen­dapatan tambahan bagi praja. Kesukses­an bisnis ini menunjukkan kepada para bangsawan Jawa bahwa dia adalah seorang raja yang memiliki jiwa entrepreneur­ship yang kuat.
Jurnal THEOLOGIA Vol 29, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakulta Ushuluddin dan Humaniora Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/teo.2018.29.2.2825


Special concern on the sources of Islamic history contributes to the thoughts and identity of Indonesian Muslims. Muslim self-esteem can be formed from these historical sources. The formation of Muslim self-esteem gives the right decision so that it does not come out of the context of religion and humanity. The historical source used in this study is the text of the 1983 Nahdlatul Ulama Declaration (NU). The concept of Islam Nusantara (NU) 2015 is an implication of the values of the text of the declaration. The purpose of this study is to provide new insights regarding the 2015 NU's concept of Islam Nusantara by analyzing the historical sources of the text of the 1983 NU Declaration and exploring the values of self-esteem contained in the text of the declaration. The study used a qualitative method with psychohistory approach. This study produced two discussions: 1) The 2015 NU's concept of Islam Nusantara. 2) Psychohistory self-esteem in the historical source of the text of the 1983 NU Declaration. This study concluded that the conception of Islam Nusantara 2015 was mandated by the 1983 NU declaration, in its implementation provides Islamic self-esteem that can hinder the process of radicalization.
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 29, No 1 (2019): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v29i1.15311


The presented research depicts the narration and discourse of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in the history subject. By using history didactic approach, this research focuses on two dimensions of analysis: (1) the narration and discourse of the history textbook and (2) teachers’ interpretation as well as objectification towards the discourse of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in the history textbook. The Socio-cognitive discourse analysis was used as the research method and attitude. The corpus of analysis was the revised edition of the compulsory history textbook published by The Republic of Indonesia’s Ministry of Education and Culture, and the research participants are 15 teachers of Senior High Schools in Surakarta. The remarkable finding of this research is the unequal position between unity and diversity. This research exposes that the textbook posits the narration and discourse of unity above the sense of diversity. These narrations and discourse are confirmed by the most of research participants in which they tend to articulate the importance of unity and integration in their interpretation. Following this interpretation, the teachers’ objectification is postulated in some attitudes such as patriotic, mutual-cooperation, and solidarity, led to the ideology of nationalism. The authors highlighted the unequal position between unity and diversity as the crucial problem in the textbook narration and discourse that, in certain degrees, could become a latent problem for the national integration, such as minority intolerance and annihilation.Keywords: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, history textbook, unity above diversity Penelitian ini menggambarkan narasi dan wacana Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dalam mata pelajaran sejarah. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan didaktik sejarah, penelitian ini berfokus pada dua dimensi analisis: (1) narasi dan wacana buku teks sejarah dan (2) interpretasi guru serta objektifikasi terhadap wacana Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dalam buku teks sejarah. Analisis wacana sosial-kognitif digunakan sebagai metode dan sikap penelitian. Analisis teks menggunakan edisi revisi dari buku teks sejarah wajib yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, dan peserta penelitian adalah 15 guru Sekolah Menengah Atas di Surakarta. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah posisi yang tidak setara antara persatuan dan keanekaragaman. Penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa buku teks menempatkan narasi dan wacana persatuan di atas rasa keberagaman. Narasi dan wacana ini dikonfirmasi oleh sebagian besar peserta penelitian di mana mereka cenderung mengartikulasikan pentingnya persatuan dan integrasi dalam interpretasi mereka. Setelah interpretasi ini, objektifikasi guru dipostulatkan dalam beberapa sikap seperti patriotik, gotong royong, dan solidaritas, mengarah pada ideologi nasionalisme. Para penulis menyoroti posisi yang tidak setara antara persatuan dan keragaman sebagai masalah krusial dalam narasi dan wacana buku teks yang, dalam derajat tertentu, bisa menjadi masalah laten bagi integrasi nasional, seperti intoleransi minoritas dan pemusnahan.Kata kunci: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, buku teks sejarah, kesatuan di atas keanekaragaman 
PEMIKIRAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN KELUARGA MANGKUNEGARAN Birsyada, Muhammad Iqbal; Wasino, Wasino; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Joebagio, Hermanu
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 26, No 2 (2016): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v26i2.6697


According to the historical event of the Mangkunegaran dinasty said that of entrepreneurship is more striking than the Mataram kingdom such as Kasunanan Surakarta and Kasultanan Yogyakarta Reign. From the time  Mangkunegaran I until Mangkunegara IV were successful in plugging the power base of the civil economy proves that the civil Mangkunegaran as one kingdom in Kejawen in the field of entrepreneurship is more advanced than in other Javanese kingdoms. For that reason , this study wanted to find the root network entrepreneurial thinking Mangkunegaran as the focus of the study . This study takes the subject of Mangkunegara thought starting Mangkunegaran I until Mangkunegaran IV. The purpose of this study was to analyze in depth network thought what are strongly held by Sri Mangkunegara I until IV in developing civil entrepreneurial base . The research method used is the historical multidimensional method. The result in this study is that the success of the civil Mangkunegaran in building economic power is highly correlated with entrepreneurial thinking of Mangkunegaran. The thought of Mangkunegara I to IV into civil spirit in building the ethos of entrepreneurship as well as the existence of the family and the kingdom . Although it is epistemological, each kings who ruled  differently .Secara historis keberadaan Praja Mang-kunegaran yang unggul dalam bidang kewirausahaan memang lebih maju dari pada kutub-kutub kerajaan Mataram lainnya seperti Kasunanan Surakarta dan Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini ingin mendalami dasar pemikiran kewirausahaan Mangkunegaran. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus pemikiran kewirausahaan Mangkunegaran yang bersumber pada ajaran filosofis Mangkunegara I sampai IV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis secara mendalam pemikiran dan nilai-nilai filosofis yang di pegang teguh oleh Sri Mangkunegara I sampa IV dalam mengembangkan basis kewirausahaan praja. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode sejarah dengan pendekatan multidimensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesuksesan Praja Mangkunegaran dalam membangun kekuatan ekonomi sangat berkorelasi dengan pemikiran filosofis ajaran leluhur Mangkunegaran. Pemikiran filosofis dari Mangkunegara I sampai IV menjadi spirit praja dalam membangun kewirausahaan serta eksistensi trah dan kerajaannya. Walaupun secara epistimologis, masing-masing raja yang memerintah mengaktualisasikannya secara berbeda-beda.    
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 22, No 2 (2012): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v22i2.2118


This study was aimed to describe: (1) the relation among political groups in the system of religio political power, (2) the political system when dealing with foreign trade organization (VOC), and also (3) the political system encouraging vertical mobility of the Javanese society. This research employed historical methods, and the data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Meanwhile, the reconstruction of historiography greatly regarded diachronic and synchronic aspects. The results of this study showed that religio political power was produced by the process of Islamization. In that political system, there was equality of position between the rulers and the ulama. The ulama as a representation of the people, bring about the consequence that all public policy must be approved by them. Political system is equal to ‘descending of power’. This political system underwent a political change when the central government moved to rural Java, that is changed into nomadism and schizophrenia, because of the strong subordination and repression to the ulama and the opposition groups. The political violence would not build vertical mobility of Javanese people both in education and economic development. Furthermore, this system would face difficulty when deling with the strategy of ex-nihilo by VOC. Key words: religio political power, Islamization, the ulama, ex-nihilo, vertical mobility  Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) relasi antar kelompok politik dalam sistem religio political power, (2) sistem politik itu ketika berhadapan dengan organisasi dagang asing, dan (3) sistem politik itu memacu mobilitas vertikal masyarakat Jawa. Riset ini menggunakan adalah metode sejarah, dan pengumpulan data melalui sumber primer dan sekunder. Sementara itu rekonstruksi sejarah utamakan segi diakronik dan sinkronik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem religio political power adalah hasil dari proses Islamisasi. Dalam sistem politik itu terdapat kesejajaran kedudukan antara penguasa dan ulama. Ulama sebagai representasi rakyat memiliki konsekuensi setiap kebijakan publik perlu mendapat persetujuan ulama. Sistem politik mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan descending of power. Sistem politik ini mengalami perubahan ketika pusat pemerintahan berpindah di pedalaman Jawa, yakni menjadi nomadisme dan schizophrenia, karena kuatnya represi terhadap ulama dan kelompok oposisi. Kekerasan politik itu tidak akan membangun mobilitas vertikal masyarakat Jawa, baik bidang pendidikan maupun pembangunan ekonomi. Bahkan akan menghadapi kesulitan ketika berhadapan dengan strategi ex-nihilo VOC. Kata kunci: religio political power, Islamisasi, ulama, ex-nihilo, dan mobilitas vertikal    
Peace Education as the Development of Social Skill in Social Science Learning Sariyatun, Sariyatun; Joebagio, Hermanu; Akhyar, Muhammad
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 29, No 2 (2019): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v29i2.15955


This research aims to describe the integration of peace education as the reinforcement of social skill reinforcement in Social Science learning. Qualitative research method was employed in this study. Data source included teachers, documents, and library study. Data collection was carried out using interview, questionnaire, and document and literature source analysis. Interview and questionnaire were used to explore the respondents’ perspective on peace education for developing social skill in Social Science learning. The subjects agreeing to participate in this study were Social Science teachers in Junior High School consisting of 20 teachers. The participants were selected using purposive sampling. Data validation was conducted using method triangulation and data analysis using an interactive model of analysis encompassing data reduction, data display, and data verification. From the result of research, it could be concluded that Social Science teachers in Surakarta had positive perception that peace education in Social Science learning can be used to reinforce social skill.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan integrasi pendidikan perdamaian sebagai penguatan penguatan keterampilan sosial dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Sosial. Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sumber data termasuk guru, dokumen, dan studi perpustakaan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara, kuesioner, dan analisis sumber dokumen dan literatur. Wawancara dan kuesioner digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi perspektif responden tentang pendidikan perdamaian untuk mengembangkan keterampilan sosial dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Sosial. Subyek yang setuju untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru Ilmu Sosial di SMP yang terdiri dari 20 guru. Para peserta dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling. Validasi data dilakukan dengan menggunakan triangulasi metode dan analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif yang meliputi reduksi data, tampilan data, dan verifikasi data. Dari hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru Ilmu Sosial di Surakarta memiliki persepsi positif bahwa pendidikan perdamaian dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Sosial dapat digunakan untuk memperkuat keterampilan sosial. 
Candi Vol 17, No 1 (2018): Pengembangan Pembelajaran Sejarah
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP Unversitas Sebelas Maret

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The purpose of this research were to describe: (1) the background of the establishment of Ulama Council of Indonesia; (2) the role and position of Ulama Council of Indonesia; (3)  the role of Ulama Council in established the Islamic discource in Indonesian New Order 1975-1998; (4) the role of Ulama Council in established the Islamic discource in Indonesias New Order 1975-1998 and its relevance in historical learning at class XII of senior high school.This research used historical method, there are four phases of research procedure, and they are heuristics, critics, interpretations, and historiography. Technique of analyzing the data used historical analysis, give priority to criticsm sharpness and data interpretation. The source of this research used primary resource and secondary resource.The result of this research are: (1) MUI was established by New Order government to muffle the conflict and to create a harmony and cooperations among Muslims and government (2) MUI developed a mainstream religious discources with their authority to created fatawas (3) Reviewing MUI?s history in Indonesias  New Order and it?s fatawas about religious sect which can be used as relevant  course to look for new paradigm to create a harmony in Indonesian plural society.
Co-Authors Abdul Aziz Adi Prayitno Akhmad Arif Musadad Akhmad Musadad, Akhmad Alfi Hafidh Ishaqro, Alfi Hafidh Ali Djamhuri Alifia, Latifah Nur Andang Firmansyah Anjar Mukti Wibowo, Anjar Mukti Ariningtyas, Ristiana Eka Asri, Sangkin Mundi Assidiqi, Muadz B Budiyono Bayu Kurniawan Bhisma Murti Budiarto, Mochamad Kamil Budiyono Budiyono Chairany Fitriah Dian Estiningtyas Didik Gunawan Tamtomo Djono Djono Dono Indarto Endah Puspita Sari Esti Dwi Wardayati Esti Nurhayati, Esti Firza, F. Fredyastuti Andryana Harjanti, Noor Hastuti, Tri Puji Heni Rina Setiyawati, Heni Rina Herman J Waluyo Husain Haikal Ihsan Ihsan Izzatul Fajriyah, Izzatul Jamil, Robit Nurul Jati, Linda Puspita Jati, Linda Puspita Leo Agung S Leo Agung S. Leo Agung, Leo Madhan Anis Maria Lodika Long, Maria Lodika Muhammad Azmi Muhammad Iqbal Birsyada Muhammad Rivai Muhammad Sadikin Naharani, Adrestia Rifki Nunuk Suryani Nurdianto, Saifuddin Alif Nuryasin, Taufiq P, Eti Poncorini Pangestu, Ninil Dwi Pawito -, Pawito Prasetya, Hanung Primus Tanesi, Primus Putri, Anak Agung Alit Kirti Estuti Narendra Putriningrum, Eva Rahardjo, Setyo Sri Ratna Herna Purnamawati, Ratna Herna Reka Seprina, Reka Riezal, Chaerol Rita Adriani Benya Adriani S., Sariyatun S., Sumarno S., Sutarmi Sabu, Omiano Sahru Romadloni Saiful Bachri Saptorini, Dyah Sariyatun Sariyatun Sariyatun, S. Sarwiyati, S. Sasmita, Gusti Garnis SRI ASTUTIK Sudiyanto Sudiyanto Sugeng Basuki, Sugeng Sulahyuningsih, Evie Sumiyatun Septianingsih Sunardi Sunardi Sunardi, S. Supanti Supanti, Supanti Supanti, S. Surasmini Surasmini, Surasmini Surasmini, S. Surgawi, Titis Susanto Susanto Sutarto, Agus Suyahmo Suyahmo Titin Ratnaningsih Tri Utami Umi Hartati, Umi Warto - Wasino Wasino Wasino, W. Wibowo, Subekty Windiarti Dwi Purnaningrum Yusinta Tia Rusdiana Zulfikar, Fachri