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Journal : KAREBA : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

KAREBA : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol.2 No.3 Juli - September 2013
Publisher : KAREBA : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

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Abstrak Peranan dan fungsi forum komunikasi komite sekolah dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan forum komunikasi komite sekolah dan sekolah di SMA Kabupaten Gowa, gambaran mutu pendidikan SMA di Kabupaten Gowa, gambaran keterkaitan antara peran dan fungsi forum komunikasi komite sekolah dengan mutu pendidikan SMA di Kabupaten Gowa. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan forum komunikasi komite sekolah dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan SMA di Kabupaten Gowa telah berjalan dengan baik. Dengan adanya kegiatan forum rapat yang dilaksanakan baik secara rutin maupun insidental di kalangan pengurus forum komunikasi komite sekolah, pengurus pimpinan forum komunikasi komite sekolah, pengurus forum komunikasi komite sekolah dengan pimpinan sekolah dan rapat kordinasi pimpinan forum komunikasi komite sekolah dengan pihak sekolah, sehingga peran dan fungsi forum komunikasi komite sekolah sebagai pemberi pertimbangan, pendukung, pengontrol, dan mediator berdampak positif dalam peningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui input, proses dan output pendidikan.Abstract The role and functions of school committees communication forum in improving the quality of high school education. This study aimed to overview the implementation of the school committee and a forum for communication in high school Gowa, the picture quality of high school education in Gowa, picture of the relationship between the roles and functions of school committees communication forum with the quality of high school education in Gowa. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the use of a communication forum of the school committee in improving the quality of high school education in Gowa has been going well. With the meeting of the forum held both routine and incidental communication among school committee forum administrators, board of school committee leadership communication forum, board communication forum with the school committee and the school leadership coordination meeting of the school committee leadership communication forum with the school, so that the role and forum functions as a conduit of communication school committee consideration, support, control, and mediators have a positive impact in enhancing the quality of education through the input, process and output of education. 
Co-Authors . Ishomuddin A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri abdullah, akhyar abdullah, akhyar abdullah, akhyar abdullah, akhyar Adan, Ingrid Ayu Lestari Adelina Hasyim Ahirudin, Idul Aliffiani, Siti Almin, Muh. Robil Andriawan, Ahmad Rizky Anwar Syahputra, Syofyan ARIASIH, ARUM Ariasih, Rr Arum Asni Asni Aswar Aswar Audina, Ayu AYU, GLADIS Azlan, Azlan Danial, Adang Dewi Mustika Dewi, Bela Purnama Fauziyyah, Aisyah Nur FEBRIANTI, THRESYA HANDARI, TRI Hasrudin, La Ode Herwina, Wiwin Herwina, Wiwin Hidayat, Dinul igam, Mingriani Irwan Irwan Istianah Surury Jamal Bake, Jamal Jamsir Jamsir, Jamsir jenianti, rina Jumiati Jumiati justawan, justawan Kambolong, Makmur Kartini, Ragita Ayu Khozin, Khozin Kusumastuti, Nurry Ayuningtyas Lisa Andriani Liwaul, Liwaul Liwaul, Liwaul loko, joko Lukman, Mutiara Sakinah malasari, elfi Martinus Agus S Mizna Sabilla Muh Yusuf Muhammad Basri musdalifah, sitti NUR SELO WASI, NUR SELO Nur, Ahmad Ali Nurabdiansyah, Nurabdiansyah Nurjannah Nurjannah Nurul Insani Purwati, Ninik Endang Purwati, Ninik Endang Qomariyah, Erni Ria Wulandari, Ria Rizki Amalia Romadhon, Muhammad Rusman Efendi sahrun, sahrun sahrun, sahrun Sahrun, Sahrun Salamah, Sania Sartono Sartono, Sartono Sofiany, Intan Rosenanda Solikhin Solikhin Sri Wulandari Sugianto, Dedi Suryodinoto, Muh. Melyo Syakura, Abd TATI NURHAYATI Thamrin Gama, Muh Tina Susanti utha, arifin utha, arifin Utha, Arifin wa yanti, wa yanti Wahyudi Winarjo, Wahyudi Yazika Rimbawati Yus Darusman, Yus Yustina Suhandini Tjahjaningsih Zharvina, Nihlah Zharvina