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Gerakan Bersih Pantai Dalam Menjaga Kelestarian Pesisir Di Desa Lero Kecamatan Sindue Kabupaten Donggala Sulawesi Tengah Irawati Mei Widiastuti; Andi Heryanti Rukka; James Yosep Walalangi; Samliok Ndobe
Jurnal Cendekia Mengabdi Berinovasi dan Berkarya Vol 1, No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Madako Tolitoli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56630/jenaka.v1i3.476


Pantai Lero kini mulai ramai dikunjungi wisatawan berkat adanya warung makan Rono Dange (makanan khas ikan teri bakar lokal), sebuah warung makan bergaya kios di sepanjang pantai. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan pencemaran lingkungan dan masalah banyaknya buangan ke laut akibat aktivitas di dekat pantai. Salah satu upaya yang diharapkan dalam menunjang kebersihan pantai adalah inisiatif seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini selain untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat sekitar akan kebersihan lingkungan pesisir, juga dapat membantu masyarakat memahami bahwa sampah yang dihasilkan berdampak negatif terhadap perkembangan ekosistem, ekologi laut, dan biota. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah metode observasi dan partisipasi dengan pendekatan langsung untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan keterlibatan masyarakat di sepanjang Pantai Lero. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini selain dapat mengembangkan pemikiran masyarakat tentang pencegahan pencemaran lingkungan pantai, juga berdampak pada kebersihan lingkungan pantai untuk meningkatkan daya tarik wisatawan ke pantai Lero. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan melibatkan 20 peserta dari kalangan masyarakat pesisir, tokoh desa dan kelompok pemuda untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang pariwisata. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah membuang sampah-sampah di sepanjang pantai Lero khususnya sampah plastik, kemudian meningkatkan kesadaran akan bahaya sampah plastik bagi lingkungan perairan. Kata kunci : pesisir, pencemaran, lingkungan
Total plate count and Salmonella spp. in de-boned milkfish (Chanos chanos) in Palu City, Indonesia Samliok Ndobe; Ellen Oktanike Merpati; Rusaini Rusaini; Novalina Serdiati; Rusdi Rusdi
Depik Vol 12, No 2 (2023): AUGUST 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.12.2.30959


High total plate count (TPC) and the presence of Salmonella spp. in food products can cause health problems for consumers. De-boned milkfish products are popular with consumers in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, but there is a lack of data on their safety. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate TPC levels and detect contamination by Salmonella spp. in these products. Samples of fresh and processed milkfish were collected from two de-boned milkfish processing sites: the Technical Implementation Unit for the Application of Fishery Product Quality Control (TIU-AQFP) and the Melona Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Group in Palu City. Microbiological assays included counting the number of bacterial colonies (TPC) as well as the isolation and identification of Salmonella spp. through biochemical tests. The study applied a completely randomized factorial design with three replicates per site and per product (12 experimental units). De-boning had a significant (P0.05) effect on TPC (1.26×103 to 2.20×103 CFU/g for de-boned milkfish compared to 4.28×103 to 2.94×104 CFU/g for fresh unprocessed milkfish). However, the types of bacteria identified in fresh and de-boned milkfish, including Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Citrobacter, were present at non-pathogenic levels. No Salmonella spp. contamination was found in the test samples. These results indicate that de-boned milkfish products from the TIU-AQFP and Melona MSME Group in Palu City are safe and suitable for human consumption.Keywords:Bone-free milkfishBacterial contaminationPathogen assayFish processingFood safety
Monitoring the endemic ornamental fish Pterapogon kauderni in Bokan Kepulauan, Banggai marine protected area, Indonesia Samliok Ndobe; Kris Handoko; Deddy Wahyudi; Moh. Yasir; Yulina Irawati; Wendy Alexander Tanod; Abigail Mary Moore
Depik Vol 9, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.9.1.15363


Abstract. The Banggai cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni is a species of national and international conservation concern. Established in November 2019, the Banggai marine protected area (MPA) in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia covers most of the endemic range of this ornamental fish. The third repeat survey (T2 monitoring) under the National Action Plan for Banggai Cardinalfish Conservation (NAP-BCFC) was carried out in October 2019 at eight sites in the Bokan Kepulauan region within the MPA. The T2 monitoring used the standard NAP-BCFC belt transect method. Data were collected on P. kauderni abundance (by size class: recruits, juveniles, adults) and microhabitat (sea urchins, sea anemones, hard corals, and others). Data were evaluated with respect to the T0 (2017) survey and T1 (2018) monitoring at the same sites, as well as previous surveys in 2004 (2 sites) and 2012 (4 sites). The data show wide between-site variation in P. kauderni and microhabitat parameters, with one subpopulation at very high risk of extirpation. Trends included declines over time in P. kauderni, sea urchin and sea anemone abundance, with an increase since 2017 in hard coral microhabitat use by adult P. kauderni. We recommend evaluation of other P. kauderni populations in Bokan Kepulauan and specific site or zone-based actions. However, we conclude that the most urgent priority for P. kauderni conservation in Bokan Kepulauan is protection of key microhabitat through a moratorium on sea urchin and sea anemone collection in P. kauderni habitat.  Keywords: Banggai cardinalfish, endangered species, marine conservation, microhabitat, monitoring, ornamental fishery, CITES
Microhabitat association and population status of the Luwuk introduced Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni Koumans, 1933) population Novalina Serdiati; Abdul Gani; Deddy Wahyudi; Abigail Mary Moore; Samliok Ndobe
Depik Vol 10, No 3 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.3.23501


The Banggai cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni is the Indonesian national marine ornamental fish mascot, and an object of national and international conservation concern. The endemic population of this species is limited to the Banggai Archipelago in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia and a few nearby islands in North Maluku. In addition, introduced populations have become established, mainly along ornamental fish trade routes. The National Action Plan for Banggai Cardinalfish Conservation (NAP-BCFC) calls for monitoring and management of all P. kauderni populations. A survey of the Luwuk introduced P. kauderni population was carried out in October 2021.   Data were collected at three sites with established P. kauderni populations: the ferry harbour, public harbour (Teluk Lalong) and a recreational area on the nearby coast (Kilo 5). P. kauderni were recorded by microhabitat association and size class (recruits, juveniles, adults). Data collected were compared with data from previous surveys where available. With the exception of one group in a sea anemone at Kilo 5, all P. kauderni were associated with Diadema sea urchins (D. setosum at all sites; D. savignyi at Kilo 5). At Kilo 5 P. kauderni the population structure indicates the possible capture of market-sized juveniles. Overall abundance was also lower compared to the polluted but unfished harbours. The proportion of recruits was significantly negatively correlated with the ratio of adult P. kauderni to Diadema urchins. The results will inform regional legislation currently in preparation to support sustainable management of P. kauderni populations, habitat and microhabitat in Central Sulawesi, as well as contributing to NAP-BCFC targets.Keywords:Banggai cardinalfishEndangered speciesDiademaMicrohabitat,MonitoringOrnamental fisheryLocal regulation
Pengelolaan Sampah Laut Organik Dan Anorganik Bagi Masyarakat Pesisir Di Teluk Lalong Kota Luwuk James Yosep Walalangi; Samliok Ndobe; Fifi Mangitung; Nur Hasanah
Jurnal Cendekia Mengabdi Berinovasi dan Berkarya Vol 4, No 1 (2024): Januari (IN PROGRESS)
Publisher : Universitas Madako Tolitoli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56630/jenaka.v1i4.484


Jumlah sampah baik organik maupun anorganik di Kota Luwukkhususnya di Teluk Lalong setiap tahunnnya semakin meningkat. Hal jika tidakdikelola dengan baik akan menimbulkan permasalahan yang kompleks dan seriustidak hanya di darat saja tapi akan merusak pesisir dan pantai Kota Luwuk. Timbunan sampah di daerah perkotaan terutama Kota Luwuk tepatnya di TelukLalong sebagai habitat Banggai Cardinalfish (BCF) (Pterapogon kauderni) telahmelebihi kapasitas pelayanan dan sarana pengelolaan sampah yang ada sehinggasampah menumpuk di Tempat Penampungan Sementara (TPS) dan dilokasi aliransungai di sekitar permukiman penduduk yang akhirnya sampah-sampah tersebutsampai ke pesisir dan laut. Ikan capungan Banggai hidup diperairan yangterlindung, seperti teluk dan lebih menyukai area perairan dekat dasar dengancara berasosiasi dengan berbagai biota (terutama Diademasetosum), dan biasanyadekat dengan larang dan lamun juga di kawasan mangrove. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah agar masyarakatdapat mengelola sampah rumah tangga masing-masing khususnya masyarakatpesisir Teluk Lalong. Untuk meminimalisir pencemaran sebagai akibat dampakdari sampah laut tersebut maka diperlukan kerjasama yang baik antar masyarakatdan pemerintah daerah setempat terhadap pengelolaan sampah yang ada di daerahaliran sungai maupun di pesisir pantai teluk Lalong Kota Luwuk. Adapun luarandan target capaian dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah berupa artikel ilmiah yangakan di publikasikan pada jurnal pengabdian.Kata kunci : pengabdian, pengelolaan, pesisir, sampah
AQUASAINS Vol 12, No 2 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Jurusan Perikanan dan Kelautan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/aqs.v12i2.p1451-1461


This study investigated the impact of varying stocking densities and plant species interactions within an aquaponic framework. Conducted over a 45-day period (August-October 2023) at the Experimental Farm of Tadulako University, Palu, Central Sulawesi, the research utilized juvenile Sangkuriang catfish (Clarias gariepinus var. Sangkuriang) as the focal organism. Employing a factorial design, with stocking densities 12, 20, and 28 fish per 40 liters of water and three distinct plant species (Ipomoea aquatica, Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis, and Lactuca sativa), the study aimed to elucidate optimal growth conditions. Key findings revealed that the stocking density of 12 fish per 40 liters of water, coupled with pakchoi plants, yielded the most significant growth enhancements. Specifically, this configuration demonstrated a specific growth rate of 6.66±0.7% and absolute weight growth of 14.06±1.0, along with a specific length growth rate of 2.10±0.6% and absolute length growth of 4.48±0.6%. Notably, water quality parameters remained within acceptable limits across all treatments, ensuring an environment conducive to catfish growth. In conclusion, this research underscores the critical role of stocking density and plant selection in optimizing aquaponic systems. The findings offer valuable insights into enhancing both fish and plant growth dynamics within integrated aquaponic frameworks. Keywords: Catfish farming, aquaponics, growth rate, survival rate.
Growth and survival of banggai cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni Koumans, 1933 with different natural feeds Samliok Ndobe; Karimullah Karimullah; Deva Elvina Sari; Achmad Rizal; Novalina serdiati; Nasmia; Muh. Saleh Nurdin
Arwana: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Perairan Vol 5 No 2: November 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Akuakultur, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Almuslim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51179/jipsbp.v5i2.1825


The Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni Koumans, 1933) is a conservation priority species in Indonesia. To date there has been no effort to rear Banggai cardinalfish on a commercial scale, so that fish are still mainly captured from the wild. Therefore, efforts are being made to develop ex-situ Banggai cardinalfish culture using different types of natural feed. This research aimed to determine the best type of natural feed to promote the growth and survival of juvenile Banggai cardinalfish. The research was conducted during December 2021-January 2022, at the Central Sulawesi Provincial Marine Affairs and Fisheries Service Hatchery, in Mamboro Village, Palu City. The study used 3 treatments with 6 replicates each: A (Artemia), B (Cullex), and C (Tubifex). The use of different natural feeds had a significant effect on net weight gain but did not have a significant effect on daily growth rate and net growth in length. Treatment B (Cullex) gave the highest net weight gain and daily growth rate of 0.08 ± 0.3 g and 0.25 ± 0.1 % respectively; treatment A (Artemia) gave the highest net growth in length of 0.5 ± 0.2; and survival rate was highest (100%) under treatment B (Cullex).
Monitoring the endemic ornamental fish Pterapogon kauderni in Bokan Kepulauan, Banggai marine protected area, Indonesia Samliok Ndobe; Kris Handoko; Deddy Wahyudi; Moh. Yasir; Yulina Irawati; Wendy Alexander Tanod; Abigail Mary Moore
Depik Vol 9, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.9.1.15363


Abstract. The Banggai cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni is a species of national and international conservation concern. Established in November 2019, the Banggai marine protected area (MPA) in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia covers most of the endemic range of this ornamental fish. The third repeat survey (T2 monitoring) under the National Action Plan for Banggai Cardinalfish Conservation (NAP-BCFC) was carried out in October 2019 at eight sites in the Bokan Kepulauan region within the MPA. The T2 monitoring used the standard NAP-BCFC belt transect method. Data were collected on P. kauderni abundance (by size class: recruits, juveniles, adults) and microhabitat (sea urchins, sea anemones, hard corals, and others). Data were evaluated with respect to the T0 (2017) survey and T1 (2018) monitoring at the same sites, as well as previous surveys in 2004 (2 sites) and 2012 (4 sites). The data show wide between-site variation in P. kauderni and microhabitat parameters, with one subpopulation at very high risk of extirpation. Trends included declines over time in P. kauderni, sea urchin and sea anemone abundance, with an increase since 2017 in hard coral microhabitat use by adult P. kauderni. We recommend evaluation of other P. kauderni populations in Bokan Kepulauan and specific site or zone-based actions. However, we conclude that the most urgent priority for P. kauderni conservation in Bokan Kepulauan is protection of key microhabitat through a moratorium on sea urchin and sea anemone collection in P. kauderni habitat.  Keywords: Banggai cardinalfish, endangered species, marine conservation, microhabitat, monitoring, ornamental fishery, CITES
Total plate count and Salmonella spp. in de-boned milkfish (Chanos chanos) in Palu City, Indonesia Samliok Ndobe; Ellen Oktanike Merpati; Rusaini Rusaini; Novalina Serdiati; Rusdi Rusdi
Depik Vol 12, No 2 (2023): AUGUST 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.12.2.30959


High total plate count (TPC) and the presence of Salmonella spp. in food products can cause health problems for consumers. De-boned milkfish products are popular with consumers in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, but there is a lack of data on their safety. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate TPC levels and detect contamination by Salmonella spp. in these products. Samples of fresh and processed milkfish were collected from two de-boned milkfish processing sites: the Technical Implementation Unit for the Application of Fishery Product Quality Control (TIU-AQFP) and the Melona Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Group in Palu City. Microbiological assays included counting the number of bacterial colonies (TPC) as well as the isolation and identification of Salmonella spp. through biochemical tests. The study applied a completely randomized factorial design with three replicates per site and per product (12 experimental units). De-boning had a significant (P0.05) effect on TPC (1.26×103 to 2.20×103 CFU/g for de-boned milkfish compared to 4.28×103 to 2.94×104 CFU/g for fresh unprocessed milkfish). However, the types of bacteria identified in fresh and de-boned milkfish, including Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Citrobacter, were present at non-pathogenic levels. No Salmonella spp. contamination was found in the test samples. These results indicate that de-boned milkfish products from the TIU-AQFP and Melona MSME Group in Palu City are safe and suitable for human consumption.Keywords:Bone-free milkfishBacterial contaminationPathogen assayFish processingFood safety
Microhabitat association and population status of the Luwuk introduced Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni Koumans, 1933) population Novalina Serdiati; Abdul Gani; Deddy Wahyudi; Abigail Mary Moore; Samliok Ndobe
Depik Vol 10, No 3 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.3.23501


The Banggai cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni is the Indonesian national marine ornamental fish mascot, and an object of national and international conservation concern. The endemic population of this species is limited to the Banggai Archipelago in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia and a few nearby islands in North Maluku. In addition, introduced populations have become established, mainly along ornamental fish trade routes. The National Action Plan for Banggai Cardinalfish Conservation (NAP-BCFC) calls for monitoring and management of all P. kauderni populations. A survey of the Luwuk introduced P. kauderni population was carried out in October 2021.   Data were collected at three sites with established P. kauderni populations: the ferry harbour, public harbour (Teluk Lalong) and a recreational area on the nearby coast (Kilo 5). P. kauderni were recorded by microhabitat association and size class (recruits, juveniles, adults). Data collected were compared with data from previous surveys where available. With the exception of one group in a sea anemone at Kilo 5, all P. kauderni were associated with Diadema sea urchins (D. setosum at all sites; D. savignyi at Kilo 5). At Kilo 5 P. kauderni the population structure indicates the possible capture of market-sized juveniles. Overall abundance was also lower compared to the polluted but unfished harbours. The proportion of recruits was significantly negatively correlated with the ratio of adult P. kauderni to Diadema urchins. The results will inform regional legislation currently in preparation to support sustainable management of P. kauderni populations, habitat and microhabitat in Central Sulawesi, as well as contributing to NAP-BCFC targets.Keywords:Banggai cardinalfishEndangered speciesDiademaMicrohabitat,MonitoringOrnamental fisheryLocal regulation
Co-Authors . Muslihudin . Soemarno A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abd Waris Abdillah Abdillah Abdul Gani Abdul Gani Abdul Gani Abdul Gani Abigail Mary Moore Abigail Mary Moore Abigail Mary Moore Abigail Mary Moore Abigail Moore Abigail Moore Achmad Afif Bakri Achmad Rizal Adriansyah Adriansyah Afiat Gamgulu Alimudin Laapo Andi Heryanti Rukka Andi Iqbal Burhanuddin Asriaty Mantung Astri Rahma Danty Aswad Eka Putera Aswad Eka Putra Daduk Setyohadi Deddy Wahyudi Deddy Wahyudi Deddy Wahyudi Desiana T Tobigo Desiana Trisnawati Tobigo Deva Elvina Sari Devi Elvina Sari Devita Tetra Adriany Dewanto, Didit Kustantio Didit Kustantio Dewanto Eka Rosyida Eko Cahyono Ellen Oktanike Merpati Endang Y. Herawati Endang Yuli Herawati Fadly Y Tantu Fifi Mangitung Finarti Finarti Gatot Siswo Hutomo Herjayanto, Muh. Irawati Mei Widiastuti Jamaluddin Jompa James Yosep Walalangi Karimullah Karimullah Kasim Mansyur, Kasim Kris Handoko Madinawati Moh. Fadlan Daeng Pawaro Moh. Riyadi Moh. Yasir Monicha Indrasari Bungalim Monoarfa, Viny Desiyanti Moore, Abigail Mary Muamar Muamar Muh. Herjayanto Muh. Saleh Nurdin Muhammad Fadli Muhammad Safir Muhammad Zamrud, Muhammad Musayyadah Tis’in Musdalifa Musdalifa Nanang Rahmayanti Nasmia Novalina serdiati Novalina Serdiati Novian Suhendra Nur Hasanah Nur Hasanah Nurjirana Nurjirana Puput Melaty Putra, Masteria Yunovilsa Putut Har Riyadi Rahmat, Abi Risa Apriana A. Dg. Masese Roni Hermawan Roni Hermawan Rostiati Dg Rahmatu Rusaini Rusaini Rusaini, Rusaini Rusdi Rusdi Rusdin Sabrina Sabrina Salanggon, Alismi M Septina Fifi Mangitung Soemarno _, Soemarno Sri Herlina Suriani Suriani Syukri Syukri Wendy Alexander Tanod Yulina Irawati Zamrud, Mohammad