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PASCAL (Journal of Physics and Science Learning) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model ADI terhadap kemampuan argumentasi siswa berdasarkan perbedaan gender. Metode yang digunakan adalah Quasi Experiment dengan menggunakan desain Pretest Posttest Non Equivalen Control Group Design. Data diambil dengan pretes dan postes essai keterampilan argumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Independent Sample T-Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; penerapan model pembelajaran ADI berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keterampilan argumentasi siswa, terlihat pada nilai sig. 0,02 pada siswa perempuan dan 0,01 pada siswa berjenis kelamin laki-laki: terdapat perbedaan keterampilan argumentasi antara siswa perempuan dengan siswa laki-laki, terlihat pada perolehan nilai sig. dan  nilai N-Gain. Siswa perempuan memeperoleh N-Gain sebesar 0,71 dengan kategori tinggi dan siswa laki-laki memperoleh N-Gain 0,63 pada kategori sedang setelah diterapkan model ADI, sehingga dapat disimpulkan siswa perempuan memiliki keterampilan argumentasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa laki-laki.
Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif Vol 6, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Lampung

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This study aimed to determine the effect of using openended PBM models in improving problem-solving skills of students. This study was a quasi experimental with pretest posttest designs not equivalent. Samples were students in class X1 and X6 selected from the population by using cluster random sampling. This research data were in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were obtained from the average value of pretest and posttest that were statistically analyzed using t-test at 5% confidence level through SPSS 17. Qualitative data were in the form of a description of the problem solving ability of students, student learning activity data, and the questionnaire responses of students to use open-ended PBM model which were analyzed descriptively. The average percentage of students activity in all aspects observed in the experimental class is higher than the control class (experimental = 81.32; control = 64.22). Therefore, learning by using PBM model of open-ended can influence the increasing of problem solving skills by students.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model PBM open-ended dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah oleh siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan kuasi eksperimental dengan desain pretes postes kelompok tak ekuivalen. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas X1 dan X6 yang dipilih dari populasi secara cluster random sampling. Data penelitian ini berupa data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari rata-rata nilai pretes dan postes yang dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji-t pada taraf kepercayaan 5% melalui program SPSS 17. Data kualitatif berupa deskripsi kemampuan pemecahan masalah oleh siswa, data aktivitas belajar siswa, dan angket tanggapan siswa terhadap penggunaan model PBM open-ended yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kemampuan pemecahan masalah oleh siswa kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (eksperimen = 82,92; kontrol = 73,92). Rata-rata persentase peningkatan aktivitas siswa dalam semua aspek yang diamati pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol (eksperimen = 81,32; kontrol = 64,22). Dengan demikian, pembelajaran menggunakan model PBM open-ended berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah oleh siswa.Kata kunci: model pembelajaran berbasis masalah open-ended, kemampuan pemecahanmasalah, pembelajaran biologi, keanekaragaman hayati.
Kajian Kemampuan Argumentasi Siswa pada Materi Pokok Animalia Melalui Pendekatan Saintifik di SMA dengan Peringkat Akreditasi yang Berbeda Tantri Dewantari; Neni Hasnunidah; Dina Maulina
BIOEDUSAINS: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi dan Sains Vol 5 No 1 (2022): BIOEDUSAINS:Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi dan Sains
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (705.762 KB) | DOI: 10.31539/bioedusains.v5i1.3285


This study aims to determine the differences in the argumentation ability of students in high school with different accreditation ratings. The method used is a survey with an ex post facto research design and a sample selection technique using purposive sampling. The results of the student's argumentative ability test were analyzed statistically with the ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% and the data from interviews and teacher questionnaires were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the argumentation ability of students in schools with accreditation ratings A was significantly different from those with accreditation ratings B and C. In addition, the argumentation ability of students in schools with accreditation rating B was significantly different from those with accreditation rating C. In conclusion, the average value of argumentation ability of students in high school with accreditation ratings of A, B and C on the subject matter of Animalia has a significant difference. Keywords: Accreditation, Animalia, Argumentation, Scientific Approach
Student conceptual and epistemic quality improvement argumenation with scaffolding on argument-driven inquiry Neni Hasnunidah; Herawati Susilo; Mimien H. Irawati; Hadi Suwono
Jurnal Kependidikan Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jk.v6i2.48183


This study is aimed at comparing the quality of students’ argumentation based on conceptual and epistemic aspects between learnings that implement argument-driven inquiry (ADI) and argument-driven inquiry with scaffolding (ADIS) models. The data were collected through dialogic argumentation observation sheets for the students and audio-visual recordings and were analyzed qualitatively. The study invoved 67 participants in the ADI group and 81 participants in the ADIS group. The quality of student argument with the ADI model differed significantly from the ADIS model. Results show that the students in the ADIS class were are better at providing sufficient data to support claims and coherent causal explanations to explain a certain phenomenon, and at organizing accurate rhetorical references when expressing data.
Argumentation skill through a scientific approach: Study at different school accreditations rating Ria Afrilia; Neni Hasnunidah; Dina Maulina
Jurnal Biolokus: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Biologi dan Biologi Vol 5, No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/biolokus.v5i2.1339


This study aims to determine the differences in students' argumentation skills in learning biology on the subject matter of the respiratory system through a scientific approach. This research was conducted in class XII SMA in Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province with an ex post facto design. The sampling technique used in this study was stratified random sampling with the determination of research subjects at SMAN 1 Baradatu which was accredited A, SMAN 2 Buay Bahuga was accredited B and MA Miftahul Ulum Way Tuba which was accredited C. Data collection instruments consisted of argumentation skill tests, interviews, study documentation and questionnaires. The argumentation skill data were analyzed with the help of Excel, hypothesis testing was carried out with one-way ANOVA and LSD test, interview data and learning documents were analyzed descriptively qualitatively with the Miles and Huberman model and questionnaire data were analyzed descriptively in percentage form. The results showed that there was a significant difference in argumentation skill among high school students with accreditation of A, B and C (sig. < 0.05). The average argumentation skill of students from A-accredited high schools was higher than B and C accredited high schools, but the average value of the three schools was very low. Students from A, B and C accredited high schools could make claims well, but had not been able to provide grounds, warrants and backings that are relevant to the claim. This was because students wer not used to working on argumentation questions and teachers had not optimized learning activities with a scientific approach.
Kemampuan Berargumentasi Siswa Melalui Pendekatan Saintifik pada Jenjang SMA dengan Tingkat Akreditasi yang Berbeda di Lampung Utara Anitia Fadhila Bumay; Neni Hasnunidah; Dina Maulina
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.81 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jbes/639047


Background: Argumentation skill is a crucial ability to be possessed by students. Argumentation skills can be trained by applying a scientific approach during learning. The implementation of the scientific approach in schools can vary; it is suspected that one of the causes is the accreditation rating. The study aimed to determine the differences in the argumentation skill of high school students based on their accreditation rating. Methods: The research design used is the Ex-post Facto design. The sample in this study was sampled using the purposive sampling technique. Results:  There are differences in students' argumentation abilities between accreditation ratings of A, B, and C. Conclusions: Students' argumentation skill differs between high school students with accreditation ratings of A, B, and C. The difference in students' argumentation skills is caused by differences in the application of the scientific approach applied by teachers in each school.
Ruang Pengabdian : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2022): RUANG PENGABDIAN
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

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Lecturer Assignments in Schools or Penugasan Dosen di Sekolah (PDS) is one of the flagship programs for revitalizing TTIs based on partnerships with schools. The PDS program at FKIP Unila that has been implemented needs to be evaluated for its level of success. The purpose of this evaluation is to describe the level of success in implementing the PDS program at FKIP Unila as a whole in terms of context, input, process, and product. The program evaluation model uses the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, Product). Data collection techniques were used in the form of observation, distributing questionnaires, and document analysis. Evaluation data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively with stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The evaluation results show that the PDS FKIP Unila program was successful in terms of context, input, process, and product. Success in terms of context is demonstrated by the legal basis for program implementation which is clear and has program objectives that are in line with the revitalization of the LPTKs by increasing the professionalism of teachers. Success in terms of input is demonstrated by instructors who are competent in their fields, professional organizing teams, program materials that are by the school curriculum, supporting facilities and infrastructure, and sufficient budget funds. Success in terms of the process includes the implementation of the activity plan according to the specified schedule, the performance of the organizers and instructors being optimal, the participants being able to participate in education and training actively and well, and evaluations are carried out thoroughly both for evaluation of participants, instructors, and organizers. Success in terms of product is obtaining output in the form of best practices in the form of reflective journals, videos, and learning media as well as articles published in international proceedings and reputable international journals. Based on the evaluation results, the implementation of the Unila FKIP PDS program was effective in providing solutions for increasing the professionalism of educators.  AbstrakPenugasan Dosen di Sekolah (PDS) merupakan salah satu program unggulan revitaliasi LPTK berbasis kemitraan dengan sekolah. Program PDS di FKIP Unila yang telah dilaksanakan perlu dievaluasi tingkat keberhasilannya. Tujuan evaluasi ini adalah mendeskripsikan tingkat keberhasilan pelaksanaan program PDS di FKIP Unila secara menyeluruh dalam hal konteks, masukan, proses, dan produk. Model evaluasi program menggunakan model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, penyebaran kuesioner, dan analisis dokumen. Data evaluasi dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan tahapan, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa program PDS FKIP Unila berhasil dilihat dari segi konteks, masukan, proses, dan produk. Keberhasilan dari segi konteks ditunjukkan dari dasar hukum pelaksanaan program yang jelas dan memiliki tujuan program yang sesuai dengan revitalisasi LPTK dengan peningkatan profesionalitas guru. Keberhasilan dari segi masukan ditunjukkan dari instruktur yang kompeten dibidangnya, tim penyelenggara yang profesional, materi program yang sesuai dengan kurikulum sekolah, sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung serta dan anggaran dana yang mencukupi. Keberhasilan dari segi proses meliputi keterlaksanaan rencana kegiatan telah sesuai dengan jadwal yang ditentukan, kinerja penyelenggara dan instruktur sudah optimal, peserta mampu mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan dengan aktif dan baik, dan evaluasi dilakukan secara menyeluruh baik evaluasi peserta, instruktur maupun penyelenggara. Keberhasilan dari segi produk yaitu diperolehnya luaran berupa best practices dalam bentuk jurnal refleksi, video dan media pembelajaran serta artikel yang diterbitkan dalam prosiding internasional dan jurnal internasional bereputasi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, maka pelaksanaan program PDS FKIP Unila efektif dalam memberikan solusi bagi peningkatan profesionalitas pendidik. DOI:
Studi Pendahuluan: Pengembangan e-LKPD dalam Upaya Pemahaman Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif pada Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Yuli Budiasih; Abdurrahman Abdurrahman; Dewi Lengkana; Neni Hasnunidah; Nur Rohmatul Aini
Al Jahiz: Journal of Biology Education Research Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Al Jahiz: Journal of Biology Education Research, Desember 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Metro, Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/al-jahiz.v3i2.6929


E-LKPD adalah Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik berbasis elektronik. Pengembangan E-LKPD ditujukan untuk inovasi pembelajaran ke arah digital dan modern. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan pengembangan E-LKPD dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif pada pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA). Studi pendahuluan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian survey. Wawancara dan angket merupakan instrument penelitian yang digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dengan berbantukan format google form yang disebar kepada Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) se-Bandar Lampung melalui forum MGMP IPA. Seluruh Guru SMP forum MGMP IPA Kota Bandar Lampung dipilih sebagai populasi penelitian. Penentuan jumlah sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling, dengan 40 orang responden. Hasil survey menegaskan bahwa terdapat 59,375% Guru menggunakan media pembelajaran LKPD secara konvensional, 60,625% Guru sudah menggunakan E-LKPD namun dalam konsep biasa, sementara 53,75% Guru sudah menerapkan E-LKPD berbasis audio visual. Namun, penerapan E-LKPD berbasis audio visual masih sedikit Guru yang mengkombinasikan E-LKPD tersebut dengan keterampilan berpikir kreatif. Sedemikian itu, penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis kebutuhan dalam upaya pentingnya pengembangan E-LKPD untuk meningkatkan pemahaman keterampilan berpikir kreatif peserta didik dalam pembelajaran IPA.
Design and Validation of Science Student Worksheet based on Argument Driven Inquiry to Improve Argumentation Skills for Junior High School Students Lismawati Lismawati*; Neni Hasnunidah; Abdurrahman Abdurrahman
JIPI (Jurnal IPA dan Pembelajaran IPA) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): SEPTEMBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jipi.v5i3.22079


The survey results on teachers and students in six regencies/cities in Lampung Province showed that in science learning, teachers have not optimized the argumentative skills of students. Thus, this study aimed to develop and validate science worksheets oriented to the argumentative skills of students. This study used a 4D-study design with Argument-Driven Inquiry (ADI) learning model. A small-scale trial was conducted on 20 IX-graders at SMP 9 Krui Pesisir Barat. The large-scale trial was conducted on 50 IX-graders at SMP 9 Krui Pesisir Barat by purposive sampling with one experimental class and one control class. The control class used a worksheet from a particular publisher, and the experimental class used the developed worksheet. Based on the results, the ADI model worksheet can be declared valid in terms of content, construction, and language with an average of 92.3% with very high criteria. The practicality of the ADI worksheet model can be seen from the implementation of learning, student responses, and teacher responses had an average of 89.24% with very high criteria. The effectiveness of the ADI model worksheet can be seen from the ability to work on argumentation skills test questions, showing that the control class N-gain was 0.27 with low criteria and the experimental class was 0.57 with medium criteria. The effect size (SE) of 0.64 showed that the developed science worksheet was effective in developing argumentative skills of students with medium criteria
Kemampuan Berargumentasi Siswa Melalui Pendekatan Saintifik pada Jenjang SMA dengan Tingkat Akreditasi yang Berbeda di Lampung Utara Anitia Fadhila Bumay; Neni Hasnunidah; Dina Maulina
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/jbes/639047


Background: Argumentation skill is a crucial ability to be possessed by students. Argumentation skills can be trained by applying a scientific approach during learning. The implementation of the scientific approach in schools can vary; it is suspected that one of the causes is the accreditation rating. The study aimed to determine the differences in the argumentation skill of high school students based on their accreditation rating. Methods: The research design used is the Ex-post Facto design. The sample in this study was sampled using the purposive sampling technique. Results:  There are differences in students' argumentation abilities between accreditation ratings of A, B, and C. Conclusions: Students' argumentation skill differs between high school students with accreditation ratings of A, B, and C. The difference in students' argumentation skills is caused by differences in the application of the scientific approach applied by teachers in each school.
Co-Authors Abdurahman Abdurrahman Abdurrahman Abdurrahman Abdurrahman Abdurrahman Anitia Fadhila Bumay Arwin Achmad Arwin Surbakti Arwin Surbakti Arwin Surbakti Berti Yolida Berti Yolida Berti Yolida Chansyanah Diawati Dani Jaya Putra Darlen Sikumbang Darlen Sikumbang Darlen Sikumbang Devi Andriani Dewi Lengkana Dewi Lengkana Dewie Permata Dian Aulya Dina Maulina Dina Maulina Dina Maulina Een Yayah Haenilah Erlis Miarti Fadila Nurhusna Hadi Suwono Hayatun Nufus Hedi Sutomo Herawati Susilo Herlina, Kartini Herlina, Kartini Hermi Yanzi I Wayan Distrik Inas Nuha Afifa Indriyani Indriyani Intan Kamila Zahara Ismi Rakhmawati Kartini Helina Kartini Herlina Laya Nazila Lismawati Lismawati* Lulu’Atul Farida Maulina, Dina Median Agus Priadi Median Agus Priadi Median Agus Priadi Mimien H. Irawati Mimien Henie Irawati Nina Kadaritna Nina Kadaritna Ninda Ningtyas Noor Fadiawati Nur Rohmatul Aini Nurfitha Kusumaningtyas Nurhusna, Fadila Nurul Cahyani Pangestuti, Dini Aji Puput Agustin Pertiwi Ria Afrilia Rini Rita T. Marpaung Rini Rita T. Marpaung Rini Rita T. Marpaung Rini Rita T. Marpaung Risti Amalia Sari Safira, Cherry Acerola Samantha Tiara Putri Selvina Annis Fajriani Sri Hastuti Noer Susi Ulfah Tajudin Afgani Tantri Dewantari Tirta Sari Tri Jalmo Tri Jalmo Tri Suwandi Tri Utami Uji Yoga Prastio Umi Nurkhasanah Undang Rosidin Undang Rosidin Undang Rosidin Undang Rosidin Undang Rosidin Undang Rosidin Undang Rosidin Uun Febriyani Wahyu Dwi Lestari Widya Hendriyani Wisnu Juli Wiono Yesi Yosinta Yuli Budiasih Zahra Mila Putri Zevi Octasari