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Journal : Jurnal Mantik

Strategy to Increase Bank Satisfaction in the New Normal Era of Covid-19. Ryan Firdiansyah Suryawan; Primadi Candra Susanto; Naik Henokh Parmenas; Dedi Setiadi
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Customer satisfaction is a comparison of what is expected with what is received by the customer. If what is received by the customer exceeds expectations, the customer can achieve satisfaction. Conversely, if the customer's expectations are higher than what is obtained, then the customer is not satisfied. In this case the company must be able to increase satisfaction so that customers do not switch to another company. The purpose of this study is: To find out strategies that can increase customer satisfaction Bank, in the Covid-19 Era. This research method is a qualitative method with a case study approach model. Research participants were selected using a purposive technique with the help of key people. Data collection methods using interviews, observation and documents. The conclusions of the results of this study are as follows: The Bank uses the theory of Customer Satisfaction Strategy according to Rianto 2010. It is a lot of fast at the time of the year, as many people as there were in the product of up to the number of consumers in the past 19 months, like this, in the midst of the 19th century. It is still difficult for the product and service of Bank through Digital payment. Bank regularly conducts outreach activities in order to prevent transmission of COVID-19 through information media at the Bank Branch Office. We also educate employees, customers and partners to always implement a clean and healthy lifestyle protocol.
Co-Authors Ade Onny Siagian ADE RISNA SARI Aep Saefullah Aisyah Rahmawati Akhmad Ramli Antonius Ary Setyawan Arief Nuryana Aswanti Setyawati Aswanti Setyawati Aswanti Setyawati, Aswanti Bambang Karsono Bekti Setiadi Budi Aji Purwoko Budi Hariono Dedi Setiadi Deny J. Najoan desi kristanti, desi Dewi Susita Diah Afrianti Rahayu Erni Pratiwi Perwitasari Euis Saribanon, Euis Firstianty Wahyuhening Fibriany Fitria Khasanah Hapzi Ali Hartono Hartono Hartono Hartono Hendy Tannady Henky Hendrawan Henny Tannady Tan Hermawan, Mochamad Arif Hidayat , Wastam Wahyu Hillman Mushaddiq Suaidy Ilham Arief Irwan Chairuddin Istianingsih Sastrodiharjo, Istianingsih Iwan Henri Kusnadi Josua Panatap Soehaditama Khamaludin, Khamaludin Lilik Suryaningsih Lis Lesmini M. Arif Hernawan Magdalena Magdalena Muhammad Iqbal Fajri Muhammad Iqbal Firdaus Muhammad Nurman Ruslani Muhammad Thamrin AR Muhammad Zainuddin Naik Henokh Parmenas Naik Henokh Parmenas Naik Henokh Parmenas Naik Henokh Parmenas Ni Nyoman Sawitri Nuraeni Nuraeni Rachmat Pramukty Revi Sesario Reza Fauzi Jaya Sakti Ryan Firdiansyah Suryawan Ryan Firdiansyah Suryawan Ryan Firdiansyah Suryawan Ryan Firdiansyah Suryawan Salehan Salehan Sarinah Sihombing Shaqina Nuruly Siera Syailendra Simon Gultom Sirait, David Pandapotan Siti Hafnidar Harun Sri Rahayu Sugeng Suroso Sugeng Suroso Tri Mulyani Setyowati Tri Widyastuti Wenny Desty Febrian Wheny Khristianto Widjayanti, Carolina Ety Yayat Suharyat Yohanes Totok Suyoto Yosi Pahala Yosi Pahala Yulianti Keke Yuwono D Sucipto Zahara Tussoleha Rony Zul Asman