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Jurnal Inkuiri Vol 3, No 01 (2014): Jurnal Inkuiri
Publisher : Jurnal Inkuiri

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Sekarang ini, masih banyak siswa yang hanya menghafalkan rumus dalam pembelajaran fisika. Padahal dalam proses pembelajaran, selain menghafal siswa juga harus memahami materi. Kedisiplinan siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran dirasa masih kurang. Masih ada siswa yang  terlambat memasuki ruang kelas ketika jam pelajaran dimulai.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan karakter siswa melalui penerapan metode Two Stay Two Stray berbasis eksperimen pada salah satu SMA negeri di kabupaten Batang, Jawa tengah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest control group. Berdasarkan uji gain, terjadi peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar 0,48 yang termasuk kategori sedang. Peningkatan karakter disiplin, rasa ingin tahu, dan tanggung jawab siswa secara berturutan sebesar 0,27; 0,30; dan 0,21 yang termasuk kategori rendah kecuali pada rasa ingin tahu termasuk kategori sedang. Melalui uji t, pada kemampuan berpikir kritis dan karakter siswa didapatkan thitung> ttabel. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode Two Stay Two Stray berbasis eksperimen dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan karakter siswa. Kata kunci: Two Stay Two Stray, berpikir kritis, karakter
Identifikasi bifurkasi kodimensi-2 pada sistem flutter dengan menggunakan kriteria Routh Hartono, Hartono; Krisnawan, Kus Prihantoso
Jurnal Sains Dasar Vol 3, No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.032 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jsd.v3i1.2779


In this paper, the codimension-2 bifurcation of a 2-parameter flutter system is identified using Routh’s criterion. Routh’s criterion is a tool to determine the number of roots of a real polynomial in the right half-plane. Based on this criterion, the regions borders of each parameter are determined in order to make the roots of flutter system characteristic equation have negative or positive real parts. A point is taken from each region and the phase portraits of the system are drawn. Based on the Routh’s table and the phase portraits, different dynamical structure that showing a pitchfork-hopf bifurcation is acquired. Key words: pitchfork-hopf bifurcation, flutter system, Routh’s criterion
Poland anomaly associated with ocular anomalies Hartono, Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 24, No 01 (1992)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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A 6-year old boy suffering from Poland anomaly has been reported. The patient showed a complete picture of this malformation which consisted of aplastic greater pectoral muscle and breast on the left side of the chest, as well as oligodactily of the left hand.Other anomalies found were ocular and oral anomalies. The ocular anomalies consisted of hypertelorism, bilateral esotropias due to bilateral abducent palsy, and bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia. Oral anomalies consist of the inability to close the mouth properly and the inability to smile may be due to the defect of oral muscles.Key Words: Poland anomaly - chest anomaly - oligodactily - ocular anomalies - oral anomalies
Congenital cataract: A case report of two sisters Hartono, Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 18, No 04 (1986)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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Two sisters suffering from bilateral congenital zonular cataract have been reported-. Their parents and their one and only sister were perfectly normal. The older sister was 2 years old whereas the younger was 8 months when they were first examined and they immediately underwent discission and evacuation. It was likely that the two cases carried autosomal dominant genes for congenital zonular cataract, either non-penetrant genes or a fresh mutation of the germ cell of one of their parents. In the former the recurrence risk was 50%, whereas in the latter such risk was practically zero. Key Words: congenital zonular cataract - autosomal dominance - non-penetrant gene - fresh mutation - recurrence risk
Mendelisme dalam Oftalmogenetika Hartono, Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 20, No 04 (1988)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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Mendelian disorders are genetic diseases caused by a mutant gene or a pair of mutant genes, either dominant or recessive, located in the autosomal or sex-chromosomes.The exact location of several genes in the chromosomes has been established by various rnethods. According to The Edinburgh Conference 1979 the location of 260 genes in the chromosomes has been identified.Based on the nature of the mutant genes (dominant or recessive) and the location of the mutant genes (in the autosomes or sex-chromosomes), Mendelian disorders may be transmitted by:a.autosomal dominant,b.autosomal recessive,c.X-linked dominant,d.X-linked recessive, ande. Y-linked mode of inheritance.Retinoblastoma, macular corneal dystrophies and color blindness are the examples of Mendelian disorders in ophthalmogenetics transmitted by autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked recessive mode of inheritance respectively. In addition, a list of other Mendelian disorders affecting the eye have been presented.Key Words: Mendelian disorders - mutant genes - gene location - sex-linked mutant ophthalmogenetics
Cacat Mental Pada Penyakit Kromoson Hartono, Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 17, No 03 (1985)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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Genetic diseases are divided into genic diseases, chromosomic diseases and embryopa shies. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in each human somatic cell. According to their shape and the location of their centromer, chromosomes are classified into 8 groups, namely group A, B, C, D. E. F and G. Chromosomic diseases are caused by either numerical or structural derangements of chromosomes. Chromosomic diseases cause metabolic disorders during conception until post-natal period. The degree of physical as well as mental disorders depend on the degree of lack or surplus of chromosomic materials. Chromosomic diseases may be lethal. i. e. they can cause spontaneous abortion as well as fetal and neonatal death. Some chromosomic diseases and their IQ scores will be presented here. Special attention will be given to trisomy 13, trisomy 18. trisomy 21, XXX syndrome and XYY syndrome. Key Words : mental defect - chromosomic disease - chromosome classification - IQ score - embryopathies -
Colour vision and the genetics of colour vision defect Hartono, Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 22, No 03 (1990)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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Colour vision is one of the visual functions which is very important in daily life. The phenomenon of normal colour vision has been explained briefly in order to understand colour vision defects.The theory of colour vision has been proposed for a long time by Young and Helmholtz. According to this theory there are three kinds of cones in the retina, namely red, green, and blue cones. Each cone has maximum absorbance for red, green, and blue colours respectively, but their absorbance curves overlap each other.The absence of the function of red, green, and blue cones will cause red blindness (pro tanopia) , green blindness (deuteroanopia), and blue blindness (tritanopia) respectively. On the other hand, partial disturbances of red, green, and blue cones give rise to red weakness (protanomaly), green weakness (dcuteroanomaly), and blue weakness (tritoanomaly).The great majority of colour defects are hereditary or genetic diseases. Congenital red and green blindness are X-linked recessive diseases. The location of red and green colour vision genes and their alleles (genes for red and green colour vision defects) are in the end of the long arm of chromosome X. The two genes arc very close to each other. Congenital blue colour defect, on the other hand, is an autosomal recessive disease, and the location of the gene is at the end of the long arm of chromosome 7.Key Words: ophthalmology - colour vision defects - X-linked recessive diseases - autosomal recessive diseases - gene locations
Genetic heterogeneity of retinitis pigmentosa Hartono, Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 21, No 04 (1989)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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Genetic heterogeneity is a phenomenon in which a genetic disease can be transmitted by several modes of inheritance. The understanding of genetic heterogeneity is important in giving genetic counselling.The presence of genetic heterogeneity can be explained by the existence of:1.different mutant alleles at a single locus, and2.mutant alleles at different loci affecting the same enzyme or protein, or affecting different enzymes or proteins.To have an overall understanding of genetic heterogeneity, the heterogeneities of chronic hemolytic anemia caused by beta-globin abnormality, chronic hemolytic anemia due to thalassemias, and mucopolysaccharidoses have been chosen as examples.The article is focused on the genetic heterogeneity of retinitis pigmentosa, a kind of retinal hereditary disease. The genetic heterogeneity of retinitis pigmentosa can be known by the facts thata.Retinitis pigmentosa can be either an isolated disease or a part of a certain syndrome.b.Retinitis pigmentosa as isolated disease can be genetic or non-genetic in nature.c. Retinitis pigmentosa as a genetic disease can be transmitted either by autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked recessive genes.The frequency of isolated hereditary retinitis pigmentosa varies between 30% to 50%. Clinically the dominant form is milder than the recessive form. Certain syndromes associated with retinitis pigmentosa which need to be mentioned are Usher syndrome, Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome, and Kearn-Sayre syndrome.Key Words: genetic heterogeneity - retinitis pigmentosa - genetic disease - hemolytic anemia - Usher syndrome
Pendeteksian Gerak Menggunakan Sensor Kinect for Windows Hartono, Hartono; Liliana, Liliana; Intan, Rolly
Jurnal Infra Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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Along with the rapid technology development, the usage of computer input tools is also on the rise. Starting from a keyboard which had specific message for each button, developed into touch screen technology which enables human to interact directly with the screen; now technology in which a mere gesture is enough to input a command to the computer is being developed. Gesture detection can be done by the utilization of several tools. For instance, Kinect is one of the tools which are equipped with depth sensor that is capable to recognize and tracking human joints.The system being made is consisted of skeletal tracking process toward user and motion detection. Skeletal tracking process had been provided by kinect sdk. That skeletal tracking is utilized to detect users hand position. Users hand detection is used to detect the gesture that is done by the user. The making of this application  is done by Microsoft Visual Studio C# WPF 2010 and Kinect Software Development Kit.Therefore, this thesis is aimed to make an application which is capable in gesture and hand position detection on certain areas. This application utilized Kinect as the media for command input. The process starts from the checking of position movement, which will be identified as swipe gesture later on. In addition, hand position detection in specific areas is also being utilized, in order to determine how wide those areas is able to be touched by hand, when the users position is exactly in the centre of Kinects sensor
Genetic syndromes associated with ocular anomalies Hartono, Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 19, No 02 (1987)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

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A syndrome is defined as the concurrence or running together of constant patterns of abnormal signs or symptoms. Syndromes can be either genetic or non-genetic in origins. Genetic diseases consist of genic diseases, chromosomic diseases and embryopathies. Genetic syndromes also consist of genic disease syndromes, chromosomic disease syndromes and embryopathic syndromes. Syndromes of genic diseases are caused by pleiotropic mutation of the genes which give rise to multiple (pleiotropic) effects. Syndromes of chromosomic diseases are caused by chromosomal derangement either by the abnormalities of their structure or their number. There are many genetic syndromes associated with ocular anomalies. Geeraets has collected 436 ocular syndromes either genetic and non-genetic in origins, and 49 of 135 recognizable human malformations collected by Smith are also associated with ocular defects. Some important chromosomic syndromes such as tkisomy 21, Patau, Edward, and cri-du-chat syndromes are also associated with ocular anomalies. Key Words: genetic diseases - pleiotropic effects - ocular anomalies - chromosomic syndromes - embryopathies
Co-Authors A Mushawwir Taiyeb A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Aziz Adeng Slamet Aditia Candra Buana, Ika Aditya Marianti Adityas Normalita, Adityas Agus Cahyono Ahmad, Emma Zulfiana Ainur Roat, M. Zain Aksari, Dili Apriana Al Irsyad, M. Indra Alvianto, Wibi Ardi Amelia Hani Saputri, Amelia Hani Amelia, Lince Amin, Muhammad Saiful Amrullah, Syahid Amrullah, Thoif Zara Amsari, Uli An Nizhami, Avicenna Anastasia Dewi Titisari Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo Ani Rusilowati Aniek Wirastania, Aniek Any Wuryaningrum, Any Ardin Ardin, Ardin Ari Probandari Arif Widiyatmoko, Arif Arini, Affita Nur Aris Haryadi, Aris Arista Rahayu, Arista Arisyanto, Prasena Arisyanto, Prasena Arum, Agnes Yustika Wulan Aryanti Indah Jaya Asadillah Hadi As’ari, Asadillah Hadi Ashar Ashar Astuti Wahyuningsih, Dwi Astuti, Andi Arie Astuti, Umi Aswandi Aswandi, Aswandi Aswanti Setyawati, Aswanti Atep Sujana Awan, Meiseti Ayu Riyanti, Galuh Bagoes Widjanarko Bahiyah, Lumiyatun Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sulistyo Bambang Tjahjono Barano SS Meteray, Barano SS Bhisma Murti Budi Yulianto Buenita, Buenita Buliali, Joko Lianto Cahyati, Ani Carli Carli Cau Kim Jiu Chanafi, Chanafi Danang Parikesit Danoedoro Danoedoro Daryadi Daryadi Daulay, Mushoddik Department, administratio Dewanti Handayani, Sri Sularti Dilfa, Alrizka Hairi Disty, Indi Rifkiana Dyah Fachriyyati, Dyah Dyah Pratamawati, Dyah Edi, Sukisno Supeni Edi, Sukiswo Supeni Effendy, Suhardi Eko Armanto Eko Saputra Eko Wahyuni, Eko EM, Mexitalia Setiawati Endah Purwaningsih Endang Susilaningsih Endang Wara Suprihatin Suprihatin, Endang Wara Suprihatin Eny Kusumastuti Fadhilah, Ayu Fajrianti, Fajrianti Falah, Syarifatul Farida Nursyahidah Farida, Camellia Green Fatimah Azzahrah Fatirul, Ach. Noor Fatirul, Achmad Noor Fauzi, Muhamad Irfan Febriyanti, Indriani Ferawati, Yusnita Fikri, Dzul Firdaningsih, Firdaningsih Fitri Daryanti Fitri Handayani Fitria, Elfiana Fitriani Fitriani Frilisa Dliyaul Haya, Frilisa Dliyaul Fuad Abdurachman, Fuad Fu’adah, Hanif Gandes Nurseto, Gandes Giranti, Aulia Haq Gusmiah, Tisa Hadi Mulyono Hakim Zulkarnain Hamseh, Achmad Harahap, Emira Nadiah Hardianti, Meliana Haryono Haryono Haryono Supriyo Hedianti, Galuh Fatma Hendry Frananda, Hendry HERI SETYAWAN Hermawan, Mochamad Arif Hidayah, Husnul Hidayat, Esty Nur Histiarini, Aprisa Rian Hudori, Mahfuz Hulu, Victor Trismanjaya Husna Arifah, Husna Husnawati, Aula I Gusti Ngurah Antaryama Ian Yulianti, Ian Imam Sujadi Indri Erwhani Inna Latifa Rahmawati, Inna Latifa Ipung Permadi Irchami Putriningtyas, Irchami Irsyad, M. Indra al Isa Akhlis Ishaq, Sunaryo Ismet Ismet, Ismet Isnarto, Isnarto Izza, Lailatul Janah, Anisa Furtakhul Janitra, Atikah Ayu Joko Sutarto Juniani, Juniani Kardiatun, Tutur Kasmiah, Kasmiah Khumaedi - Koko Setiawan, Koko Krismiyanti, lufia Kumala Andriani, Riski Widya Kus Prihantoso Krisnawan Kusbandiami, Kusbandiami Kusumoaji, Danartomo Kuswadi, Kuswadi Laela Hikmah Nurbatra Langlang Handayani Lathifah, Maghfirotul Lestari Raharjo, Evi Dwi Lestari, Ika Desi Lestari, Nartini Lianawati, Ayong Liliana Liliana Lilies Lilies Loi, Leonard Lukman Lukman M. Djahir Basir, M. Djahir Magita Novita Sari, Magita Novita Mahardhika, Hendy Maliasih, Maliasih Maliasih, Maliasih Marhadi Saputro Masayu Nurhayati, Masayu Masluchah, Indah Masrani, Muhammad Masturi Masturi Metan, Yosefina Mochammad Maksum Machfoedz, Mochammad Maksum Moesarofah, Moesarofah Mokhamad Taufik, Mokhamad Mudhofir, Faiz Mufidah, Elia Firda Muh Irfan Muhammad Jazuli Muhammad Kamal Muhammad Masykuri Muhammad Rusmin, Muhammad Muhammad, Fan Naa Na Muhammad, Fan Naa Na Mukhlisin Mukhlisin Mulabbi, Andrew Muliati Muliati, Muliati Murbangun Nuswowati Murti, Murti Musyarrof, Ahmad Fatih Ni Komang Tri Paramityaningrum, Ni Komang Tri Nika Bellarinatasari Nikmah, Syafridatun Ninik Lukiana Nirbaya, Eryaya Nirbaya, Eryaya Noorlaila M.S, Iva Noviani, Yusida Novysa Basri Nugraha, Erika Sulistya Nur Mohammad Farda Nur'aini, Bekti Nurhadi, Imam Nurkhoerudin, Diky nurlailis saadah, nurlailis Nurrofiah, Nurrofiah Nursida Arif Oktasari, Citra P, Nurani P, Nurani Padang Yanuar Perdani, Ambika Putri Phillips, David Pipit Skriptianata Putra Pranida Pramuharti, Marlita Pramuwardani, Ida Prashinta Nita Damayanti Prastyo, Irman Said Pratama, Rizki Giska Pratiwi Oktaviani, Pratiwi Prawira, Edwin Prihatini, Luciana Intan Prisciliyo, G Projo Danoedoro Puji Rahayu Putranto Manalu Putri, Dila Cahyani Putri, Osmawinda Putut Marwoto Qadriathi Dg Bau Rachman, F Abd Rachman, Fuad Abd Rachmawati, Sofia Rahardjo, Pentardi Rahayu, Indah Dwi Rahman Haryadi, Rahman Rahmi Susanti Rakanita Dyah Ayu Kinesti, Rakanita Dyah Ayu Ramadhaniyati, Ramadhaniyati Regina Titi Christinawati Tandelilin Renhoat, Asep Abdu Reni Wijayanti Restu Lanjari Restuningrum, Ayu Retnadi Heru Jatmiko Ridwan, Mohd. Rima Oktafianto, Wakid Rinawati, Sulis Riyadi Riyadi Rizki Annisa ROEKMOWATI ROEKMOWATI, ROEKMOWATI Rolly Intan Ronggo Sadono Roosilawati, Erwin Ruata, Isabella Christy Safitri Rumain, Ida Ardila Safriana, Eni Sagaf Faozata Adzkia, Sagaf Faozata Sai'in, Ali Saiful Mila, M. Ata Saiful Ridlo Sakuri, Sakuri Sakuri, Sakuri Saloko, Subakho Aryo Samosir, Frans Judea Sani M. Isa Sania Mariant Sari, Sania Mariant Saniy, Mawari Melati Almas Santika Santika Saputra, Gilang Surya Saputra, Moh. Firman Amardani Saputri, Aneng Dewi Sari, Pika Dian Mayang Sari, Yulvia Sarwi - Sehah Sehah Selaswati, Selaswati Seno Darmanto Sepriando, Alpon Setiaji Setiaji, Setiaji Setiawan, Prayudha Benni Setiyawan, Trio Setyasih, Astin Dwi Siagian, Masryna Sihotang, Widya Yanti Silin, Aprilia Siregar, Santy Deasy Siswantari Pratiwi Slamet Priyoatmojo, Slamet Soedarmadji, Boy Sofianty, Sri Sopaheluwakan, Ardhasena Sri Iswidayati Sri Susilogati Sumarti St. Budi Waluya Sudarmin Sudarmin Sugiono, Friska Ayu Fitrianti Sugita, Iqbal Sugito - Suhadi Lili Sujarwata Sujarwata, Sujarwata Sukestini, Erna Sukismanto, Sukismanto Sukiswo Supeni Edie, Sukiswo Supeni Sulhadi - Sumardiyono Sumardiyono Sunarno Sunarno Sunarto Sunarto Sunawan Sunawan Sunyoto Eko Nugroho, Sunyoto Eko Supriadi*, Agus Supriyadi Supriyadi Surtikanti Surtikanti Suryanti Retna Sari, Dyah Susanto, Primadi Candra Susilawati, Susilawati Sutijono, Sutijono Sutikno Sutikno syakir syakir Tasari, Ade Erlin Thomas Thomas Tirtaningsih, Munaisra Tri Tivany, Fika Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Tjetjep Rohendi Totok Gunawan Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto Totok Sumaryanto, Totok Tri Rejeki Andayani Tri Wahyuningtyas, Tri Udi Utomo Ukiman, Ukiman Umul Aiman Utantyo Utantyo, Utantyo Utin Desy Susiaty, Utin Desy Utomo, Setio W, Agustin Ayu Wadiyo Wadiyo Wafrotur Rohmah Wahyu Isti Nugroho Wahyu Lestari Wahyu Setyaningsih Sugiyo, Septi Wahyu Sopandi Wahyu Tri Cahyanto Walid Walid, Walid Waluyo, Akhmad Ardi Warasman Marbun Wardana, Handoko Aji Wardani, Anestia Widya Wardhani, Ratri Shinta Widodo, Ignatius Gunawan Wihantoro Wihantoro Willestania, Michelle Winarti, Tutut Wintolo, Marhento Wiyanto - Wulandari Wulandari Wulansari, Agnes Yahya Yahya Yoga Yuniadi Youpi, Youpi Yundari, Yundari Zulfahmi, Muhammad Nofan