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Journal : Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences

Judicial Review on Menchanical Rights of Musical Work (Case Study on of the Supreme Court Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No.018K/N/HaKi/2007, Concerning Royalty Payment by KCI in Against to WAMI) Marissa Grace Haque; Vip Paramarta; Santi Rimadias; Kosasih Kosasih; Denok Sunarsi
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2179


A song creation is an object of copyrights in which Economic and Moral Rights are inherently attached to the song writer. Nonetheless, the problem then becomes crucial when the song writing comes into the recording process and produces an output of sound recordings and songs on his own work, the right which was originally attached only to the song writer but then it is shared to the Record Producers protected by the Mechanical Rights on the respective work of song recorded. It is, in fact, an opportunity for the song writers or Indonesian musicians to get back their Economic including Moral Rights which highly rely on the stand points of Songwriter towards YKCI as the collecting society and their Record Producers in pursuant to an understanding of the TRIPS Agreement in 1995 which obviously set out time period of protection term for Record Producers as the Neighboring Rights through the Mechanical Rights for the maximum duration of 50 years, since Indonesia has ratified the Berne Convention in 1997. As a result, exploitation of Economic right including Moral Rights of the song writer owned by the other parties that has occurred regrettably cannot be taken its benefit in a comprehensively balanced, equitable, and sustainable way by all stakeholders.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Aas Kurniasih Abiyyu Purnanda Ade Sri Mariawati Aep Saepudin Afira Febriani Agus Purwanto Ahkam Haqiqi Islami Ahya nurdin Ali Reza Alkaf Alma Marinda Amelia Suci Pertiwi Anang Dwi Permana Anang Kurniawan Andi Mulyadi Andi Tenri Andika Fajar Nugroho Anggilia Yuliani Susanti Ardhin Martdana Ari Sunari Ari Tri Purnamasari Ariani Ariani Arnita Niroha Halawa Asep Effendi Asep Effendi Asep Effendi Astria Apriliavini Priscila Palenewen Bambang Sulistyo Biller Panjaitan Budi Satrio Wibowo Budi Setyorini Candra Mizwar Cepi Hidayatuloh Chevie Wirawan Cicik Khildar Rizqi Damesh Indralaga Dani Herdiyana David Kolibu Dekrita Komarasakti Dendy Bagaskara Denok Sunarsi Denok Sunarsi Deorina Siregar Desy Elevany Sera Devi Delvita Dhandy Hermawan Madu Didik Udayana Didin Saepudin Didin Saepudin Diki Tri Bagus Dermawan Dimas Ageng Prayogo Dita Anggraini Doni Romdhoni Witarsa Dony Obara Dramora Nepy Asmara Dwi Saputra Mokoagow Effendi, Asep Ellya Dewi Endang Maryam Erlik Erlik Ermawati Ermawati Etty Sofia M.A Euis Yanti Supartika Fareiz Aulia Firman Farida Yuliati Farida Yuliati Farida Yuliati Farida Yuliaty Farida Yuliaty Fathur Rhohman Nurokhim Fenska Seipalla Firda Nur Laila Firdaus Firdaus Firlia Mokoagow Firman Perkasa Yudha Fitriah Agustika Fitriana Fitriana Fitriana Fladyan Grace Wulur Frando Christo Wulur Giska Dianvayani Giyatri Marsenta Gustina Theresia Lubis Haddan Dongoran Hadiansyah Harto Necsen Linelejan Hayun Setiawan Hd Singgih Herni Indraswari Ida Ayu Triana Ida Fitriyani Imas Siti Masitoh Indra Taufik Sahli Intan Permatasari Ira Dewi Ismanto Yuwono Isni Wantias Ittang Somba Ivana Yolanda Josafat Pondang Juliatul Mahqfiroh Karlis Karlis Komara, Erwan Kosasih Kosasih Leo Pratama Agung Lien Nurliah Lizio Marcel de Araujo M Hasyrul Muchtar Made Santika Mahmud Hakim Margaretha Ita Marissa Grace Haque Masduki Asbari Moh Arif Kusnadi Moh. Sidik Priadana Mohammad Ikhsan Muhammad Andrean Syahridho Muhammad Iman Nadia Liem Ngakan Made Bayu Aditya Nia Suryana Nina Risnawaty Nindi Elis Nurhaeni Sikki Nurlatifah Rahmayanti Olivia Melissa Poluan Ony Djogo Prayudha Adhi Laksono R. Ricky Agusiady Raja Iqbal Mulya Harahap Refliza Yanti Regi Cahyadi Saputra Resty Ismawanti Reza Widianto Sudjud Ria Hutami Putri Rifai Setiyo Gusti Riyan Putri Kumorowani Rocky Fransiskus Budiman Rosari Zakia Ahadi Rudof Galen Fauza Rukhiyat Syahidin Sabriani Pontoh Sadrak Siregar Santi Rimadias Santi Santi Satria Nasution Satriyo Dwi Atmoko Sayid Arifin Selvia Magdalena Shelly Ayu Andesty Siti Saadah Solhanhudi Sri Mulyeni Sri Rochani Mulyani Sumeidi Kadarisman Sumi Suwoko Tya Wicaksono Taufik Zulfikar Taufik Zulfikar Teguh Iman Santoso Theresia Widyanti Ulfah Halimatu Sa’diyah Widjajanti Utomo Wijaya Johanes Chendra Wildan Priscillah Wisnu Prasetianto Wo’i Megah Mayang Sari Paraisu Wulan Auliyani Y Ony Djogo Y Ony Djogo Yanto Rudiyanto Yudhi Iskandar Yudhistira Anugerah Pratama Yuliani Salewe Yuliarti Pasau Yunlia Vidiarti