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Optimalisasi Bandwidth Menggunakan Metode Queue Tree Dan Web Filtering Berbasis Router Mikrotik Pada SMK Assa’adah Ahmad Doni; Lisda Amalia; Verolia Yunita Putri; Saprudin
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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In the current era, the internet has become an inseparable part of everyday life. Sources of information needed can be easily obtained through the internet. Many places, including cafes, campuses, and schools, provide internet access for their users. The use of the internet in the school environment is very important because many things have turned to the digital realm, such as e-books, online classes, and even digital libraries. At Assa'adah Jakarta Vocational School, there are internet facilities that are shared by teachers and students without any bandwidth management or restrictions on access to social media. As a pesantren-based school, students are not allowed to use gadgets except in certain situations, such as holidays or when there are school assignments. However, when students are allowed to use the internet, students often abuse it by opening social media, playing online games, or accessing content that interferes with the teaching and learning process. Bandwidth management is important for controlling bandwidth usage by users. If unchecked, excessive bandwidth usage by one or more users may result in less bandwidth allocation for other users. As a result, the network cannot provide maximum service to all users. In this final project, the writing methodology used includes literature study to collect data sources and related references, observation to directly observe the network system to be built, and interviews as a communication process between the writer and the respondents to obtain information, opinions or responses related to the topics discussed. researched.
Perancangan Sistem Penjualan Online Berbasis Web Pada Toko Longgtime.Id Menggunakan Metode Waterfall Gilang Nur Dwiasyah; Muhammad Alfito Risky Pratama; Irfan Maulana; Saprudin
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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E-commerce is a way for people to meet their needs in the midst of their daily activities. In Indonesia, there are many market places that provide e-commerce services. With so many e-commerce providers, there are also many problems that arise in it. This study aims to determine the implementation of buying and selling transactions on website-based applications, to find out the factors that encourage people to make buying and selling transactions online, to find out the efficiency of consumers who make buying and selling transactions online through online applications. The research method used is the waterfall method which is linear sequential in that the process of working on a system is carried out sequentially and systematically. The primary data collection technique is by interviewing and secondary data by reading, reviewing, and analyzing primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The analysis technique used is qualitative analysis, which is interpreted logically and systematically and then conclusions are drawn. Based on the results of the study that carry out website-based transactions by logging in, searching for goods, submitting an offer or buying, entering an email, entering the delivery address, delivery service, and payment method, then making a payment. Factors that encourage people to do e-commerce because it is more efficient, cheaper, and more practical.
Analisa Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi PPDB Online Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Waterfall Di SMK Gema Bangsa Haqun Baitika; Yayah Zakiyah; Alfi Ardhiansyah; Saprudin
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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Based on the analysis carried out, the manual admissions system at Gema Bangsa Vocational School experiences several obstacles including frequent human errors in the calculation process, writing and recording student names on student admission reports, requiring a long time in searching for data, delays in information and storage of evidence of student acceptance that is less effective. From the various kinds of problems above, the author made a study entitled "ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF WEBSITE-BASED ONLINE PPDB INFORMATION SYSTEM USING THE WATERFALL METHOD IN GEMA BANGSA VOCATIONAL SCHOOL". In this study, researchers built a web-based application which is expected to make it easier for students to register anywhere and anytime. Coupled with this online PPDB feature to make it easier for new students to convey information more effectively.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Klinik Gigi Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Extreme Programming Affandi Agung Laksono; Erni Rohyati Putri; Muchlas Syahlanisyiam; Saprudin
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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In the current era of globalization, information systems using highly sophisticated and modern computer technology will make it easier for us to perform data processing that can save time, space and costs.  And the results of an information obtained will be very satisfying, useful and beneficial from an institution or agency that uses it.  Processing data and information quickly, precisely and efficiently is an important thing needed for institutions or agencies, one of which is the Jayanti Dental Clinic.  The process of finding patient data so far still uses the manual method, the scheduling system is ineffective, and on the other hand it is difficult for patients to find out whether the clinic is open or not because the clinic's operating hours are not certain every day, with this website technology it is hoped that it can help prospective patients to get clinical information that is far from the Jayanti dentist clinic. A good information system can help improve efficiency and productivity in the daily operations of a dental clinic.  The Extreme Programming (XP) method is a software development methodology that involves practices such as adaptive planning, continuous testing, and iterative delivery. This research was conducted by applying XP principles in every stage of dental clinic information system development.  The development stages include planning, needs analysis, design, implementation, testing, and delivery.  During the development stage, the XP method was applied by carrying out adaptive planning, continuous testing, and iterative delivery to ensure the quality of the information system. The results of this study are dental clinic information systems that can improve efficiency and productivity in the daily operations of a dental clinic.
Perancangan Sistem Transaksi Laundry Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Extreme Programming Studi Kasus (CV. Mutiara Ilham) Gunawan Atmaja; Ilham Jaya Firmansyah; Opik Hidayat Abdul Latif; Saprudin
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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Rapid developments in information and communication technology and the need for efficient services have driven businesses to adopt computerized solutions. CV. Mutiara Ilham, a laundry business, faces challenges in manually recording transactions and financial reports. To overcome this problem, a web-based laundry application was designed to improve the performance of Melati Laundry. It is hoped that the use of this system will improve service quality, reduce the risk of data loss, and speed up reporting. However, the implementation of this system requires careful attention to all related aspects.
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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This study aims to design a web-based integrated public information application submission system to Regional Information Management Officers of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (PPID KemenKopUKM) using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. This system is designed to make it easier for the public to submit requests for public information online quickly and efficiently. The RAD method was used in the development of this system to minimize possible errors and allow for departmentalization and control. System development stages include requirements analysis, design workshop (modeling), construction, and implementation. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews, and literature study. Analysis of the current system at the KemenKopUKM PPID shows that submitting public information is done manually by visiting the office and filling out forms, which impedes the information service process. The proposed system uses information technology in the form of a website with two levels of access rights for applicants and admins. System design includes use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and database design using entity relationship diagrams (ERD) and logical record structure (LRS). It is hoped that the system designed will facilitate the KemenKopUKM PPID in serving the community more accurately, quickly and efficiently.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pada Pemerintahan Desa Padurenan Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Incremental Erfina Yuanita; Andrian; Syukron Al Azhar; Saprudin
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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Padurenan Village is one of the villages in Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency. Based on the survey, information was obtained that it was difficult to get information and public services in real time, because the information was recorded manually through letters and announcements directly from the Village Office. This resulted in the difficulty for residents in Padurenan Village to get information and public services in real time because they were constrained by the remote location of the Village Office, and the Village Office which only operated during working hours. Based on these problems, the purpose of this paper is to develop a system to support the services of the Padurenan Village Government and make it easier for the people of Padurenan Village to obtain information and public services. This information system was developed using the incremental method, website-based using the PHP programming language and using the Mysql database. Based on research and development of the Padurenan Village information system this can make it easier to get news information, Village developments and Village activities. The Web-Based Village Information System is capable of recording population data, displaying population data.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Produk Pada Percetakan Fauzan Berbasis Web Ahmad Fauzan Rizaldi; Fadil Ardiansyah; Muhammad Rizal; Saprudin
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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Printing is an industrial process for mass-producing writing and images, especially with ink on paper using a printing press. Every day billions of printed materials are produced, including books, calendars, newsletters, magazines, newspapers, posters, wedding invitations, brochures, and more. This is because printing results can quickly communicate thoughts and information to millions of people. Printing is considered one of the most important and influential inventions in the history of human civilization. Fauzan Printing is an individual business engaged in printing services located in Tangerang Regency, Banten Province. Products produced from Fauzan Printing are wedding invitations, banners, pins, x-banners, posters, and so on. This study aims to help promote website-based product sales, to determine efficiency for consumers who view products and order them online.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pondok Pesantren Berbasis Aplikasi Dekstop Dengan Metode Extreme Programming Andhika Noviantara; Luzen Aji Budiman; Raden Azka Hermanto; Saprudin
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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In the current era of globalization, information systems using highly sophisticated and modern computer technology will make it easier for us to perform data processing that can save time, space and costs. And the useful results of the information obtained will be very satisfying and useful for an institution or agency that uses it. Processing data and information quickly, precisely and efficiently is an important thing that is needed for institutions or agencies, one of which is the Bahrul Hadi Arrahmani Islamic Boarding School Foundation. The process of collecting data on santri/santriwati so far is still using the manual method; when collecting data; the administrators are still manual, with the existence of this desktop application technology, it is hoped that it can assist administrators in carrying out data collection efficiently. A good information system can help improve efficiency and productivity in the daily operations of a boarding school. The Extreme Programming (XP) method is a software development methodology that involves practices such as adaptive planning,continuous testing, and iterative delivery. This research was conducted by applying the XP principles in each stage of the development of Islamic boarding school information systems. The development stages include planning, needs analysis, design, implementation, testing, and delivery. During the development phase, the XP method is implemented by performing adaptive planning, continuous testing, and iterative delivery to ensure the quality of the information system. The results of this study are Islamic boarding school information systems that can increase efficiency and productivity in the daily operations of Islamic boarding schools.
Sistem Informasi Absensi Siswa Pada SMK An Nur Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode Spiral Ray Diphan; Tri Rahmawati; Willa Agustin; Saprudin
BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik dan Multimedia
Publisher : CV. Shofanah Media Berkah

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School attendance is an important aspect in managing student attendance. Effective and efficient attendance data collection provides great benefits for schools in managing student attendance, monitoring the regularity of teaching and learning activities, and ensuring compliance with school policies. However, SMK AN NUR Depok attendance system is still done manually, starting from recording attendance data to making reports that often cause errors so that report making becomes inaccurate. Other problems, namely many occur in document storage such as frequent loss of data or archives. The creation of this attendance system uses data collection methods from SMK AN NUR Depok, field supervisor interviews, literature studies that support problem solving and Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) to document the needs for database processing systems and software testing using the spiral method.The purpose of this practical work is to design an information system to solve these problems. The results and benefits of this design are to provide facilities for teachers to take attendance on students so that attendance data processing becomes more structured and reduces the risk of errors in student attendance data. In addition, students can also check the attendance that has been inputted by the teacher.
Co-Authors Aang Suryana Abdullah Al Ghifari Achmad Khoirur Roziqin Ade Rosadi Adeka Saputra Adi Febrianto Adi Setiawan Aditia Aditya Bayu Nugroho Aditya Rizqiandri Saputra Affandi Agung Laksono Afifah Dela Anggita Afriyanto Agung Wijoyo Ahmad Doni Ahmad Fadli Ahmad Fauzan Rizaldi Ahmad Manhatul Irfan Ahmad Sya'bani Aida Fithrotun Nisa Aimi Saputra Ajib Ajib Bahauddin Aldi Sundafa Alfi Ardhiansyah Alfian Alin Lestari Amelia Septi Aisyah Amirulah Kaharudin Andhika Noviantara Andi Afif Nawawi Andrian Andriansyah Prastio Angga Kurnia Anisa Maulida Ardiana Ari Agus Supriyadi Arief Kurniawan Arief Nur Febrianto Arisky Rahmatulloh Arya Sigit Arya Tunggal Narotama Asmat Aulia Annisa Pratiwi Bagus Wicaksono Bayu Wibowo Chindy Lestari Cholis Hanifurohman Cut Fatma Anwar Daffa Umar Maulana Dea Fadiana Hikmawati Deanna Durbin hutagalung Deanna Durbin Hutagalung Deanna Durbin Hutagalung Dian Megasari Dian Megawati Donny Herlangga Razak Dwiki Alfandi Sholeh Egi Parwansyah Erfina Yuanita Erni Rohyati Putri Ersandika January Nugrahadi Erzha Bayu Setiyaji Fadhil Is Hakim Fadil Ardiansyah Fara Yurisus Sakinah Faraj Hafidh Farhan Aditya Hassan Fatah Fatah Ridho Perdana Fikri Riduan Galuh Surya Permana Gilang Nur Dwiasyah Gunawan Atmaja hafidz al amin Halim Wijaya Haqun Baitika Hendrik Louis Mahdi Ikhsan Adam Nachrowi Ilham Farhandhany Ilham Jaya Firmansyah Indra Cahya Firdaus Indrawan Irfan Maulana Irwan Ahussalim Ismaul Ismaul Rizki Jenal Jenal Karisma Nugroho Khotibul Umam Lela Monika Lisda Amalia Luzen Aji Budiman M. Zidni Ilman Maulana Yusuf Mega Christina Mia Audina Miftah Aziz Miftahul Ridha Mochamad Sofyan Sauri Mohamad Jepri Muchlas Syahlanisyiam Muhamad Ardy Kurniawan Muhamad Derryanur Muhamad Hanafi Muhammad Akbar Fadillah Muhammad Alfito Risky Pratama Muhammad Arrasyid Muhammad Avrello Athallah Muhammad Cordiaz Muhammad Ilham Syhani Muhammad Imam Al-huda Muhammad Irfan Maulana Muhammad Mustofa Ramadhan Muhammad Nawawi Muhammad Rangga Pradono Muhammad Rifqi Fauzi Muhammad Rio Arya Pratama Muhammad Rizal Muhammad Subhan Abdullah Muhammad Syam Noverick Muhlis Munaldi Munaldi Nanang Selamet Riyadi Naufal Surya Anggana Nur Illahi Septa Nur Moh. Phathan Asidiqi Nur Muhammad Rijki Nur Rofiq Nurhaliza Arfadilla Nurohman Nuryanti Tuto Suban Opik Hidayat Abdul Latif Orisa Satifa Pawit Wahib Perani Rosyani Raden Azka Hermanto Rafi Luthfansyah Rahman Maulana Rahmat Adnan Fauzan Raihana Mutiarawati Raka Tri Mustakim Ramadhan Eka Syahputra Ramy Rajabil Daris Rasyad Athaya Ridya Ray Diphan Rengga Herdiansyah Reza Andika Rezy Azril Fadillah Rici Rahman Ricky Muharik Ridho Hafizh Maulana rinaldi Rinawang Tyas Arinanto Rio Pratama Risky Ardiansyah Rizki Adi Pangestika Rizki Fadillah Rizko Ramdhan Priatna Rizky Gimnastiar Robby Alvian Jaya Mulia Sakha Satrio Pambudi Selvy Pebrianti Septy Indira Santoso Sholihin Sholihin Siti Khofifah Sofyan Mufti Prasetio Stevianus Imanuel Salangka Sutarto Syahrul Arifin Syifa Khoirunnisa Syukron Al Azhar Tri Rahmawati Unggul Prasetyo Utomo Verolia Yunita Putri Vito Fajariyadi Wahyu Tri Cahya Wenang Perdana Wildan Nur Alif Willa Agustin Willy Arianto Yayah Zakiyah Yolanda Anggraini Yono Cahyono Zahra Amelia Zulkahfi