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EMBRIOGENESIS PADA TANAMAN TEBU (Saccharum sp.) VARIETAS BULULAWANG DENGAN TEKNIK KULTUR MIKROSPORA Anitasari, Septarini Dian; Sari, Dwi Nur Rikhma; Astarini, Ida Ayu; Defiani, Made Ria
AGRITROP Vol 16, No 2 (2018): Agritrop: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (475.727 KB) | DOI: 10.32528/agritrop.v16i2.1813


Tanaman tebu adalah keluarga poace yang berpotensi menghasilkan nilai ekonomi tinggi karena manfaatnya sebagai produk unggulan dalam menghasilkan gula serta bioetanol yang banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat luas. Untuk itu perlu upaya pemuliaan tanaman yang cepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar. Teknik kultur mikrospora merupakan aplikasi bioteknologi yang efisien dalam menghasilkan tanaman haploid. Teknik ini belum berhasil diaplikasikan pada tanaman tebu sehingga dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memicu embriogenesis mikrospora tebu dengan aplikasi kultur mikrospora pada varietas bululawang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan stress perlakukan perendaman mannitol 0.3M sebelum isolasi kultur pada lama perendaman yang berbeda. Analisis data menggunakan uji anova dan uji duncan. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu Perlakuan stress yang diberikan berhasil memicu embriogenesis mikrospora dengan lama perendaman anther optimum pada 7 hari pada mannitol 0.3M
Boronia heterophylla is cultivated for cut flower production. Three cultivars dominate production, ‘Red’, ‘Cameo’, and ‘Moonglow’. A variety of colors and an extended flowering period are demanded by local and overseas markets. The aim of this study was to develop procedures for a Boronia heterophylla breeding program through intraspesific hybridization. This may yield progeny with desirable characteristics, ideally increased vigor, and a range of flower colors and flowering times. Nine pollinat IDA AYU ASTARINI; GUIJUN YAN; JULIE ANNE PLUMMER
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 18 No. 3 (2011): September 2011
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.18.3.141


Boronia heterophylla is cultivated for cut flower production. Three cultivars dominate production, ‘Red’, ‘Cameo’, and ‘Moonglow’. A variety of colors and an extended flowering period are demanded by local and overseas markets. The aim of this study was to develop procedures for a Boronia heterophylla breeding program through intraspesific hybridization. This may yield progeny with desirable characteristics, ideally increased vigor, and a range of flower colors and flowering times. Nine pollination combinations were attempted, each self pollination and all reciprocal crosses. Seed set varied from 17 to 95%. Embryo rescue (was employed to produce hybrid plants using half strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal media and it was most successful (75%) 5-6 weeks after pollination. All shoots multiplied on media containing MS salts + NAA (0.1 mg/l) + BA (0.4 mg/l). All shoots transferred to medium containing half strength MS salts + NAA (4 mg/l) produced roots. Plantlets were acclimatized to sterile potting mix (in a small chamber within a glass house. This intraspecific hybridization system was very successful and plants were obtained for all pollination treatments except for selfed ‘Moonglow’. Embryo rescue may provide a system for germinating other species with difficult to germinate or dormant seed.
In Vitro Propagation of Lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) with Growth Regulators BAP and NAA Ni Wayan Deswiniyanti; Ni Kadek Dwipayani Lestari; Ida Ayu Astarini; Yunita Hardini
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture / Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jhi.11.2.131-139


Tanaman lili (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) merupakan tanaman hias dan bunga potong. Permintaan bunga potong lili sangat menjanjikan tetapi ketersediaan bibit masih terbatas. Penelitian ini terdiri dari perkecambahan biji lili secara in vitro pada media ½ Murashige & Skoog (MS), multiplikasi bagian eksplan pangkal dan ujung tunas pada berbagai perlakuan media MS kombinasi ZPT BAP dan NAA. Tujuannya untuk mendapatkan kombinasi media yang tepat dan mengetahui persentase tertinggi bagian eksplan yang mampu tumbuh tunas, akar dan kalus. Kombinasi media MS dengan BAP dan NAA yaitu (a) kontrol 0:0 mg L-1, (b) 0:0.1 mg L-1, (c) 0:1 mg L-1, (d) 0.1:0 mg L-1, (e) 0.1:0.1 mg L-1, (f) 0.1:1 mg L-1, (g) 1:0 mg L-1, (h) 0.1:1 mg L-1, (i) 1;1 mg L-1. Penelitian ini disusun dalam RAL faktorial dua faktor yaitu kombinasi pemberian BAP dan NAA, multiplikasi eksplan bagian pangkal dan ujung tunas. Biji lili mampu berkecambah sebanyak 58%. Media c dan i yang mampu menginduksi eksplan untuk tumbuh tunas, akar dan kalus. Media c mampu menginduksi tunas, akar dan kalus, media i mampu menginduksi akar dan kalus. Persentase respon pertumbuhan eksplan bagian pangkal tunas yaitu pertumbuhan tunas 11.1% dan akar 13.3%, sedangkan eksplan bagian ujung tunas menunjukkan pertumbuhan akar 6.7% tanpa pertumbuhan tunas. Pertumbuhan kalus menunjukkan hasil yang sama pada eksplan pangkal dan ujung tunas yaitu 4.4%.
Influence of Media Composition and Genotype on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Microtuberization Ida Ayu Astarini; Ni Luh Putu Kayika Febryanti; J. Creighton Miller, Jr
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture / Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jhi.12.1.51-58


Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) adalah salah satu komoditi pangan penting di dunia. Penyediaan benih kentang generasi awal yang bebas penyakit sistemik virus merupakan masalah utama dalam pembudidayaan kentang. Produksi benih kentang generasi awal berupa umbi mini di rumah kaca masih memiliki resiko kontaminasi oleh penyakit virus. Teknik produksi umbi mikro secara in vitro dapat menjadi metode alternatif untuk produksi benih sumber. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan media yang optimum dalam produksi umbi mikro pada empat genotipe kentang, yaitu AOTX98202-1RU, ATX9202-3RU, ATTX98468-5R/Y dan ATTX98518-5P/Y. Keempat genotipe dikulturkan pada media Murashige and Skoog (MS) dengan tambahan 6% sukrosa, dengan atau tanpa 2 g L-1 phytagel, dan dengan atau tanpa 10 mg L-1 kinetin. Stek dua buku dikulturkan pada tiap botol kultur, masing – masing dengan lima ulangan. Kultur diinkubasi selama dua minggu pada suhu 23°C dengan fotoperiode 16 jam terang/hari, lalu suhu 16 °C selama 2 minggu dengan fotoperiode 16 jam terang/hari, dan suhu 16 °C dalam ruang gelap selama 6 minggu, dan diamati selama 10 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tiap genotipe memiliki respon yang berbeda terhadap media. Perlakuan 2 g L-1 phytagel + 10 mg L-1 kinetin (T4) merupakan media yang efektif untuk mendorong pertumbuhan umbi mikro pada genotipe ATTX98468-5R/Y dan ATTX98518-5P/Y. Genotipe ATTX98468-5R/Y pada media T4 menghasilkan umbi mikro terbanyak (4.2 umbi mikro/botol), sedangkan ATTX98518-5P/Y menghasilkan rata-rata berat umbi tertinggi (363.6 mg). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pentingnya untuk mengembangkan protokol khusus untuk tiap genotipe agar mendapatkan produksi umbi mikro yang optimal.
Optimasi Metode Cryotherapy untuk Mengeliminasi Virus pada Tunas Kentang In Vitro (Optimation of Cryotherapy Method to Eliminate Virus on In Vitro Potato Shoot Tips) Ida Ayu Astarini; Angel Chappell; Douglas Scheuring; Sean Michael Thompson; Julian Creighton Miller Jr.
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 26, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v26n1.2016.p97-102


Penggunaan benih kentang generasi awal dan bebas virus merupakan kunci keberhasilan produksi kentang berkualitas. Cryotherapy (perendaman dalam nitrogen cair) merupakan teknik terbaru untuk mengeliminasi virus pada benih kentang. Salah satu kendala dalam penerapan teknologi cryotherapy ialah tingkat daya hidup eksplan yang masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas teknik enkapsulasi-dehidrasi untuk mendapatkan tunas yang sehat setelah perendaman dalam nitrogen cair. Ujung tunas in vitro ukuran 2–3 mm dari empat genotipe kentang di prakultur selama 3 hari secara bertahap pada media MS dengan penambahan gula 0,25 M, 0,5 M, dan 0, 75 M. Kemudian tunas dienkapsulasi, didehidrasi selama 5 jam, lalu direndam dalam nitrogen cair selama 60 menit lalu dihangatkan kembali dalam waterbath selama 3 menit. Tunas dalam kapsul kemudian dikulturkan pada media MS +30 g/l sukrosa + 8 g/l agar + 0,4 mg/l BAP + 1 mg/l GA3 untuk pemulihan, lalu dipelihara di ruang kultur dengan suhu 24oC. Daya hidup ujung tunas diamati pada minggu ke-8 dengan menggunakan kriteria skoring sebagai berikut: (1) pemutihan jaringan dan tidak ada respons pertumbuhan, (2) kalus mencokelat, (3) kalus hijau, (4) tumbuh tunas, dan (5) planlet sehat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan daya hidup ujung tunas bervariasi antargenotipe. Skor daya hidup berkisar 1–2 (frekuensi 2–10) pada perlakuan nitrogen cair, yang menunjukkan tidak ada respons pertumbuhan tunas, beberapa memperlihatkan pertumbuhan kalus. Tunas pada perlakuan kontrol (tanpa perendaman dalam nitrogen cair) menunjukkan skor daya hidup 5 (frekuensi 1–7), di mana ujung tunas mampu beregenerasi menjadi planlet.KeywordsCryopreservation; Solanum tuberosum; Kultur jaringan tanaman; Eliminasi virusAbstractVirus-free, early generation seed is a key in the production of high quality potatoes. Cryotherapy (exposure to liquid nitrogen) is a new and promising method of virus elimination. One bottleneck in cryotheraphy method is survival of the explants after treatment with liquid nitrogen. This study investigated the effectiveness of enkapsulasi-dehidrasi method to obtain survival explants. Shoot tips were precultured for 3 days in MS media with sucrose addition of 0.25 M, 0.5 M and 0.75 M. Shoot tips were then encapsulate, dehydrate for 5 hours, expose to liquid nitrogen for 60 minutes and rewarm in waterbath for 3 minutes. Beads with shoot tips were then cultured in MS media + 30 g/l sucrose + 8 g/l agar + 0.4 mg/l BAP + 1 mg/l GA3 for recovery, and placed in 24oC culture room. Shoot tip survival was assessed at 8 weeks using the following scoring criteria: (1) tissue bleaching and no growth response, (2) brown callus, (3) green callus, (4) shoot growth, and (5) plantlet establishment. Survival was varied among genotypes. Survival scored between 1–2 (frequency 2–10) on liquid nitrogen treatment, showing shoot tips are mostly has no growth response, only some callus growth. Shoot tips on control treatment (without exposure in liquid nitrogen) shows survival scored 5 (frequency 1–7), i.e. shoot tips able to regenerate into plantlets.
Prosiding Seminar Biologi Vol 2 No 1 (2016): Prosiding Seminar Nasional From Basic Science to Comprehensive Education
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/psb.v2i1.3380


Kentang merupakan sumber karbohidrat penting di negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat, Eropa dan Australia. Produktivitas kentang di Amerika Serikat mencapai 40 ton/ha. Berbagai varietas kentang juga tersedia dengan kegunaan yang berbeda seperti untuk keripik, kentang goreng (french fries), kentang rebus dan kentang panggang. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan teknik pemuliaan kentang untuk mendapatkan berbagai varietas serta metode perbanyakan benih kentang bebas virus melalui teknik kultur jaringan di Texas. Kunci utama keberhasilan pemuliaan kentang di Texas adalah ketersediaan sumber daya genetik kentang yang luas, serta evaluasi di lapang (field day) untuk genotipe-genotipe potential hasil pemuliaan yang melibatkan para peneliti, petani, pelaku pasar dan media. Teknik kultur jaringan digunakan untuk perbanyakan benih terpilih, serta meminimalisasi penyebaran penyakit yang berasal dari umbi seperti virus kentang PVX, PVY dan PLRV. Penggunaan teknik kultur jaringan juga mampu menekan biaya produksi benih karena mengurangi penggunaan ruang untuk stok benih dan perbanyakan di rumah kaca. Tahapan pemuliaan, produksi benih di lapang, evaluasi varietas, introduksi benih in vitro, perbanyakan in vitro, teknik eliminasi virus dan produksi benih di rumah kaca dideskripsikan pada tulisan ini. Kata kunci: Solanum tuberosum, kentang bibit, bebas virus
Pollen Viability and Microspore Culture in Three Broccoli Cultivars (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck) Septarini Dian Anitasari; Ida Ayu Astarini; Made Ria Defiani; Made Pharmawati .; Dian Catur Prayantini
Biota Vol 5 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Biota 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/Biota.v5i2.3340


Broccoli is a high value vegetable crop in Indonesia, however production is low due to limited number of suitable cultivars, so, breeding hybrid broccoli for warm climate is important. The first step in hybridization is providing homozygote parent plants which can be done efficiently via microspore culture. The objectives of this study were to determine 1) bud size that produce uninucleate microspore stage appropriate for culture; 2) pollen viability, 3) microspore development, in three broccoli cultivars (‘BL 10001’, ‘Royal Green’ and ‘Green Magic’). Various bud size (1 – 5 cm) was squashed and observed microscopically to determine bud size containing uninucleate microspore. Pollen viability was determined by IKI staining and pollen germination method. Chromosome number was counted on root tips using squash method with aceto-orcein stain. Various heat treatment schemes were conducted to induce microspreo development. Result showed uninucleate microspore derived from 2-3 mm and 3-4 mm bud length of ‘BL-10001’ and ‘Royal Green’ was responsive for microspore development in culture. Pollen viability varied among cultivars, 78-87% on IKI method and 15-16% on germination test. Microspore culture showed different embryogenesis response; pollen-like structure was produced by ‘BL 10001’.
IN VITRO CALLUS INDUCTION OF ‘SHIRAZ’ GRAPE (Vitis vinifera L.) USING DIFFERENT MEDIUM AND GROWTH REGULATOR COMBINATION Ni Nyoman Nila Arieswari; Ida Ayu Astarini; Ni Putu Adriani Astiti; Jeremy Pramana
International Journal of Biosciences and Biotechnology Vol 6 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Central Laboratory for Genetic Resource and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University in cooperation with Asia-Oceania Bioscience and Biotechnology Consortium (AOBBC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.116 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/IJBB.2018.v06.i01.p04


One of grape cultivars widely used as raw material for wine production is ‘Shiraz’ cultivar. Propagation of this cultivar is necessary for the provision of grape as a wine making material in Bali. In vitro culture is an alternative propagation technique than can be employed to produce planting materials in a shorter time. This research aims to determine the most suitable medium and growth regulator combination in inducing grape cv. ‘Shiraz’ callus in vitro. The study was conducted from November 2017 until February 2018 at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, Biology Study Program, Udayana University. The explants used were young stem of grape cv. ‘Shiraz’ and the experiment was conducted using factorial design with two factors. The first factor was basal medium used (MS and WPM) and the second factor was IBA concentration (0; 0.5 and 1 mgL-1) and BAP (0, 1 and 2 mgL-1). The results showed that the highest percentage of callus induction (60%) was obtained on WPM medium without growth regulator combination (control). However, the fastest time of callus appear was on MS medium + 2 mgL-1 BAP without IBA, which was 17 days after planting. The texture and color of callus resulted on this research were friable with white, greenish white, greenish yellow and green in color.
International Journal of Biosciences and Biotechnology Vol 5 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Central Laboratory for Genetic Resource and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University in cooperation with Asia-Oceania Bioscience and Biotechnology Consortium (AOBBC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.391 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/IJBB.2018.v05.i02.p03


From explorations in several parts of the forest of Bali, 24 species of Dendrobium orchids were identified. Relationship among these species needed to be mapped for further development of orchids. Characteristics of leaves anatomy have been used to determine relations among plants. Characteristics of anatomy that were observed in this study from the paradermal and transversal cut of the leaves were shape and number of epidermis cells, location of stomata, the direction of stomata opening, shape and number of stomata, length of the epidermis and stomata, density of stomata, index of stomata, and thickness of mesophyll. Analysis of relations among species was displayed as a dendogram, using the software Minitab 17 Vis. Analysis of relationship among 24 species of Dendrobium Bali based on the leaves anatomy used grouped average method in squared Euclidean distance with the scale of 0.349 to 0.972. At Euclidean distance of 0.349, two clusters were formed where D. aloifolium and D. subulatum were separated from the other clusters. At 80 % similarity coefficient, seven clusters were formed using similar method, with the 3rd and 5th clusters had the shortest distance (169.35). If species that were clustered together were cross-bred, the success rate was higher; meanwhile, the further away the relation between species, the smaller the success rate of cross breeding. The possibility of getting high-quality genotypes was higher when the cross-breeding was successful.
GENETIC DIVERSITY OF GUAVA (Psidium Guajava L.) IN BALI INDONESIA BASED ON RAPD MARKER Ni Nyoman Ari Mayadewi; I Nyoman Rai; Rindang Dwiyani; Ida Ayu Astarini
International Journal of Biosciences and Biotechnology Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Central Laboratory for Genetic Resource and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University in cooperation with Asia-Oceania Bioscience and Biotechnology Consortium (AOBBC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.003 KB)


The aim of this study was to investigate genetic diversity and relationship of guava (local name: jambu biji) genotypes grown in Bali, Indonesia, based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Twelve guava cultivars namely Jambu biji ‘Australia’, ‘Bangkok Merah’, ‘Bangkok Putih’, ‘Cokorde’, ‘Dadu 1’, ‘Dadu 2’, ‘Getas Merah’, ‘Kamboja’, ‘Kristal’, ‘Pipit’, ‘Susu’ and ‘Variegata’ were collected from nine Regencies in Bali using survey and explorative method. Ten decamers RAPD primers were employed to distinguish between the 12 cultivars and determine their genetic relationships. A dendogram was constructed using coefficient dissimilarity analysis based on phylogenetic analysis using parsimony (PAUP). The twelve cultivars were grouped into 2 main clusters and five smaller clusters. Variation between genotypes of guava local will be good sources for future crop improvemen.
Co-Authors A A Ayu Laksmi Damarnegari A.A.S. A. Sukmaningsih Ahmad Zakir Andrianus Sembiring Andrianus Sembiring Angel Chappell Astria Yusmalinda Austin Ryan Garrido Catarina Tenny Setiastri Cornelia Coraima Lazaren Danie Al Malik Debora Margareth Debora Margareth Dian Catur Prayantini Douglas Scheuring Dwi Nur Rikhma Sari Edelmiro Jose De Deus Elok Faiqoh Ema Hendriyani Enex Yuniarti Ningsih Eniek Kristiyanti ENIEK KRISWIYANTI GUIJUN YAN Gusti Ayu Nyoman Budiwati I Dewa Gede Warmadewa I Dewa Kadek Wira Sanjaya I G. R. M. TEMAJA I Gede Mahardika I Gusti Ayu Sugi Wahyuni I Gusti Bagus Sila Dharma I Gusti Made Oka Nurjaya I GUSTI NGURAH SANTOSA I Ketut Catur Marbawa I Ketut Ginantra I Made Antara I Nyoman Gede Wisesa Adnyana I Nyoman Giri Putra I NYOMAN MERIT I NYOMAN RAI I W BUDIARSA SUYASA I Wayan Arthana I Wayan Gede Astawa Karang I Wayan Krisna Eka Putra I Wayan Suarna I WAYAN WINDIA I.G.M Oka Nurjaya I.M.S. Wijaya Ida Ayu Putri Darmawati Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam Indah Tria Hoky J. Creighton Miller, Jr Jennifer Crismonika Jeremy Pramana JOSINA I B HUTUBESSY JULIAN CREIGHTON MILLER JR Julian Creighton Miller Jr. JULIE ANNE PLUMMER Junita Hardini Kadek Andina Widiastuti Kadek Andina Widiastuti Luh Astria Yusmalinda Luh Gede Artha Saridewi Wijaya Luh Made Arpiwi LUH Puru ESWARYANTI KUSUMA YUNI M. Danie Al Malik MADE PHARMAWATI Made Ria Defiani Made Wahyu Cerianingsih Maghfirotun Nisa Meitini Proborini Wahyuni Mia Kosmiatin Mohammad Subhan Muhammad Danie Al Malik Muhammad Ibadullah Ni Kade Ayu Purnama Adi Ni Kadek Dwipayani Lestari Ni Kadek Raleni Ni Kadek Sari Dewi Handayani NI KADEK YUNITA SARI Ni Ketut Mas Suratniasih Ni LUH ARPIWI Ni Luh Astria Yusmalinda Ni Luh Putu Kayika Febryanti Ni Luh Putu Kayika Febryanti Ni Luh Suriani Ni Made Ary Widiastiti NI MADE DIAN PRATIWI Ni Made Puspawati NI NYOMAN ARI MAYADEWI Ni Nyoman Ely Kristiyanti Ni Nyoman Nila Arieswari Ni Nyoman Nila Arieswari Ni Putu Adriani Astiti Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati, Ni Putu Anom Ni Putu Dian Pertiwi Ni Putu Vivin Nopiantari Ni Putu Yuni Astriani Dewi Ni Wayan Deswiniyanti Putra, I Nyoman Giri Putu Dian Pertiwi Putu Dian Pertiwi Putu Wina Andriani Lestari Rindang Dwiyani SANG KETUT SUDIRGA Sean Michael Thompson Sebastian S. Cocioba Septarini Dian Anitasari Septarini Dian Anitasari Septarini Dian Anitasari Shella Ayu Ardiana Suryany Devy Tiwi Wati VEMY CLAUDIA Wildan Mujahidul Basyar Yuli Setiawati YUNALDI YUNALDI Yunita Hardini Zaenul Gafari