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FUNGI MIKORIZA ARBUSKULA PADA RIZOSFER Pericopsis mooniana (Thw.) Thw. DI SULAWESI TENGGARA Husna Husna; Sri Wilarso Budi R; Irdika Mansur; Cecep Kusmana; Kartini Kramadibrata
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 13, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v13i3.670


The research was conducted with the aim to identify species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with nedum [Pericopsismooniana (Thw.) Thw.]. Soil sampling was conducted in 6 locations of nedum habitat in South-east Sulawesi. The results showed that nedum associated with 15 species of AMF that belonging to 5 families and 9 genera, Acaulosporaceae (Acaulospora scrobiculata and A. delicata), Claroideoglomeraceae (Claroideoglomus etunicatum), Glomeraceae (Glomus aggregatum, G. boreale, G. canadense, G. halonatum,G. versiforme, Rhizophagus diaphanus, R. fasciculatus, Sclerocystis clavispora and Septoglomus constrictum), Gigasporaceae (Racocetragregaria and Scutellospora auriglobosa), Ambisporaceae (Ambispora appendicula). The four species of AMF were found on nedum, i.e Glomus boreale, G. canadense, G. halonatum and Racocetra gregaria which were a new record for mycological collection of Indonesia.
Peranan Burung sebagai Agen Penyebaran Benalu pada Jati di Kebun Benih Klonal (KBK) Padangan, Perum Perhutani Zainal Muttaqin; Sri Wilarso Budi R.; Basuki Wasis; Iskandar Z. Siregar; Corryanti Corryanti
ZOO INDONESIA Vol 25, No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Masyarakat Zoologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52508/zi.v25i2.3358


Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menelaah peranan burung sebagai agen penyebaran benalu yang menginfeksi tegakan jati di Kebun Benih Klonal (KBK) Padangan. Rancangan penelitian berupa Petak Contoh Pengamatan (PCP) terdiri atas Petak Ukur Pengamatan (PUP-PUP) berukuran 50m x 50m sebanyak empat PUP dalam unit PCP dibedakan pada tingkat serangan benalu ringan, sedang, berat dan kontrol. Metode penilaian peranan burung menggunakan focal animal sampling dengan cara pengamatan perilaku burung yang berinteraksi dengan jenis benalu dominan Dendrophthoe pentandra pada jati; dilengkapi inventarisasi jumlah, kelimpahan relatif, dan penyebarannya menggunakan metode IPA (Index ponctualle de’Abondance). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan terdapat tiga kelompok peranan burung sebagai agen penyebaran benalu ialah: 1) specialist frugivor ialah pemakan buah yang menangani buah benalu secara lengkap dengan cara defekasi, regurgitasi, dan pecking meliputi cabai jawa (Dicaeum trochileum), cabai polos (Dicaeum concolor), cabai gunung (Dicaeum sanguinolentum), dan khusus cucak kutilang (Pynonotus aurigaster) yang menangani buah benalu secara regurgitasi dan pecking dianggap sebagai secondary dispersers, 2) generalist frugivor yang menangani buah benalu secara tidak lengkap dianggap penyebar tambahan (occasionally dispersers) meliputi madu sriganti (Nectarinia jugularis), cinenen pisang (Orthotomus sutorius), madu jawa (Aethopyga mystacalis), 3) opportunistic frugivor yang tidak menangani buah benalu atau berkaitan tidak langsung dengan penyebaran biji benalu sebanyak 13 jenis burung lainnya. Parameter populasi burung menurut jumlah, kelimpahan relatif dan penyebarannya yang luas mencakup lima urutan teratas ialah cabai jawa (D. trochileum), madu sriganti (N. jugularis), bondol jawa (Lonchura leucogastroides), sepah hutan (Pericrocotus flammeus), cucak kutilang (Pynonotus aurigaster).
UJI INOKULAN MYCOSILVI DAN BAHAN AMELIORAN PADA Anthocephalus cadamba Miq DI TANAH BEKAS TAMBANG PASIR SILIKA Putri Aurum; Sri Wilarso Budi; Prijanto Pamoengkas
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/semnas.v0i0.3482


Open mining  causes some environmental impacts such as declining levels of soil fertility, lowering soil pH, and increasing toxic acid mine waste such as Al, Fe, Cu, and Zn. Soil quality can be improved by the addition of soil ameliorant and MycoSilvi, an inoculum of arbuscular mycorrhizae enriched by mycorrhizal helper bacteria. The aim of this study is to analyze the growth response of Anthocephalus cadamba seedlings affected by the addition of soil ameliorant and Mycosilvi grown in soil media from silika sand post mining. The experimental design used in this study is completely randomized design with split pot design that consist of two treatment factors (Mycosilvi and soil ameliorant) with five replications. The main plot is Mycosilvi that consists of two levels (without Mycosilvi and with Mycosilvi). The subplot is soil ameliorant that consist of six levels (compost 0 g, lime 0 g; compost 0 g, lime 5.79 g; compost 0 g, lime 10.58 g; compost 35 g, lime 0 g; compost 35 g, lime 5.79 g; compost 35 g, lime 10.58 g). The interaction of Mycosilvi and soil ameliorant significantly increased height, diameter, biomass, and mycorhhizal colonization of A. cadamba. The Mycosilvi and soil ameliorant (35 g of compost and 10.58 g of lime) was the best treatment to increased height, diameter, biomass, and root shoot ratio of A. cadamba.
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2016): Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (JPSL)
Publisher : Graduate School Bogor Agricultural University (SPs IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jpsl.6.1.53


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of humic materials and compost on soil chemical properties and plant growth. The research was conducted in the Nickel Mine Land in PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk., Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi. Soil analysis was carried out in the Laboratory of Soil Research Institution, Bogor. Experiments were performed using randomized block design factorial 2 factors, with: Humic material level (0; 0.5; and 1.0 ml/plant) and compost level dosage (0.0; 1.0; and 2.5 kg/plant). The results showed that humic material and compost affect the improvement of the soil chemical properties. The combination of humic material and compost were able to increase N total, CEC, P, available base and saturation exchangeable. Humic material able to reduce Cr and Ni available in the soil. Whereas compost and combination of humic materials and compost able to reduce Ni available in the soil. Humic material and compost were also significantly affect the plant height, root lenght, diameter, nodule, and biomass. The best treatment was 1.0 ml and compost 2.5 kg to plant growth.
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (JPSL)
Publisher : Graduate School Bogor Agricultural University (SPs IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jpsl.7.1.72-78


The aims of this research were to analyze the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and humid acid toward balsa (Ochroma bicolor Rowlee.) growth on soil contaminated by lead and to analyze Pb accumulation in balsa. This study used a split split plot design. The main plot was AMF with 5 levels; without AMF (A0), AMF from secondary forest (A1), AMF from rubber natural forest (A2), AMF from oil palm plantations (A3), and AMF from rubber plantations (A4). The subplot was humic acid with 2 levels; no humic acid (B0) and 100 mL humic acid (B1). The sub subplot was Pb with 3 levels; 0 ppm Pb (C0), 500 ppm Pb (C1), and 750 ppm Pb (C2). The role of AMF and humic acid was more effective on the soil with 0 ppm of Pb than at 500 ppm of Pb and 750 ppm of Pb. AMF from rubber natural forest was the most effective AMF to increase diameter, root dry weight and shoot dry weight. Humic acid was able to increase the growth of height of 22.87% and diameter of 24.86% better than no humic acid. Pb accumulation in the entire plant tissue was more than 1000 ppm. It inhibited the growth of balsa seedlings and causing dead in 17.52% plant.
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management) Vol. 8 No. 3 (2018): Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (JPSL)
Publisher : Graduate School Bogor Agricultural University (SPs IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jpsl.8.3.279-285


 Impact of mining activity on environment is very significant, especially in the form of pollution on surface water and ground water. Therefore, it is necessary to rehabilitate the damaged ecosystem in post mining land by introduction of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as source of local potential inoculants. The objective of this research was identifying AMF species on the basis of size, color, and ornament of the spore. Research method comprised identification of species and number of AMF spore in shale post mining location (Site-1) and limestone post mining location (Site-2) with 4 replications for each site. Research result showed the finding of four genera of AMF, namely genera Glomus sp, Scutelospora sp, Gigaspora sp and Acaulosopra sp. Identification result in the first location showed findings of AMF Glomus-1 as many as 186 spores, Glomus-2 as many as 71 spores, Scutelospora as many as 43 spores, Acaulospora as many as 18 spores and Gigaspora as many as 8 spores. On the second site there were identified AMF spores of Glomus-1 as many as 112 spores, Glomus-2 as many as 45 spores, Scutelospora as many as 12 spores and Gigaspora as many as 9 spores. This research is useful for accelerating the success of revegetation in post mining land.
Uji Efektivitas Inokulum Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Jati (Tectona Grandis Linn. F) Kartika Megawati; Sri Wilarso Budi; Irdika Mansur
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management) Vol. 9 No. 3 (2019): Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Graduate School Bogor Agricultural University (SPs IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jpsl.9.3.587-595


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is a phylum of Glomeromycota. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) propagule are spores, mycor-rhizal fungal hyphae and infected root fragments. The aims of this research were to analyze the effectivity of root inoculum of AMF to enhance teak (Tectona grandis Linn F.) seedling growth. The research was used complete randomized design (CRD)-split plot design. The main plot was root inoculum of AMF, sub plot is a media sterilization and media is not sterilized. The results showed that root inoculum of AMF and media effectively improved teak growth, especially in height, diameter, and shoot dry weight. Root inoculum of AMF is able to be used as the source of inoculum for the growth teak seedling. Fresh inoculum was found to be better than root inoculum stored at room temperature and root inoculum stored at refrigerator temperature (5°C). Storage of root inocu-lum at room temperature and refrigerator temperature (5°C) for two weeks decreased the effectiveness of inoculum. Type of mixed inoculum and inoculum of Acaulospora sp. root resulted in better growth compared with G. clarum root inoculum.
Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Vol 16, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Edisi Mei 2020
Publisher : Puslitbang tekMIRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30556/jtmb.Vol16.No2.2020.1077


Abu terbang digunakan sebagai bahan campuran alternatif dalam pengomposan ampas daun sereh wangi sebagai pengganti dolomit. Campuran ampas daun sereh wangi dengan 2%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% abu terbang, ditambah 2% dolomit maupun tanpa penambahan bahan alkali dikomposkan terlebih dahulu. Kompos ditambahkan ke dalam tanah dengan perbandingan 1:1 b/b untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan Cananga odorata. Parameter pertumbuhan yang diamati yaitu pertambahan tinggi dan diameter tanaman, jumlah akar sekunder, panjang akar, berat kering pucuk dan akar, biomassa total, serapan hara, serta nisbah pucuk akar yang dianalisis 6 minggu setelah tanam. Analisis kandungan C-organik, N, P, K, Cu, Mn, Cd, Pb, dan As dilakukan pada media dan jaringan tanaman yang mendapat perlakuan tanah dengan penambahan kompos dari campuran ampas daun sereh wangi dengan 15% abu terbang (P6) dan dibandingkan dengan kandungan nutrisi yang sama pada media tanah tanpa kompos (K) maupun media dengan kompos dari campuran ampas daun sereh wangi dengan 2% dolomit (P2). Perlakuan P6 menghasilkan N, P dan K total yang cenderung tinggi, meningkatkan akumulasi dan serapan N hingga 20%, serta pH media tanam yang stabil pada kondisi netral. Perlakuan P6 juga menghasilkan konsentrasi Pb, Mn, Cu, As dan Cd dalam media tanam, serta akumulasinya dalam jaringan C. odorata yang rendah. Perlakuan P6 ke dalam tanah dapat menurunkan akumulasi Mn dan Cu dalam jaringan C. odorata. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, kompos dengan campuran abu terbang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan alternatif pengganti kompos dengan campuran dolomit.
Peranan rizobakteri dan fungi mikoriza arbuskular dalam proses fotosintesis dan produksi gula sorgum manis (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Role of rhizobacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in increasing photosynthesis process and sugar production of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Bedah RUPAEDAH; Iswandi ANAS; Dwi Andreas SANTOSA; Wahono SUMARYONO; Sri Wilarso BUDI
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 83, No 1: Juni 2015

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.72 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/


AbstractDual inoculation effects of rhizobacteria andAMF as well as the addition of chemical fertilizerson photosynthesis were studied by analyzingprocess of CO2 gas exchange, chlorophyll content,nutrient uptake, sugar content and growth of sweetsorghum. AMF inoculation as a single cultureincreased carbon assimilation, stomatal conductance,intercellular CO2 concentration, phosphoruscontent, chlorophyll content, sugar content, plantheight, shoot weight and mycorrhizal colonization.Interaction of AMF and rhizobacteria increasedsugar content of sweet sorghum stems andpotassium content of sweet sorghum leaves,whereas its interaction with chemical fertilizerssignificantly increased chlorophyll content, sugarcontent and mycorrhizal colonization of sorghumplant roots. Interaction of AMF, rhizobacteria andchemical fertilizers increased sugar content, rootweight and mycorrhizal colonization. The use ofAMF solely or its interaction with rhizobacteriaand chemical fertilizers had a great potential inimproving photosynthesis process of sweetsorghum. The process is associated with increasingcrop productivity, such as sugar content ofsorghum which is potential as a source ofrenewable energy.AbstrakPengaruh inokulasi ganda rizobakteri danFMA dengan penambahan pupuk kimia dipelajaridengan cara menganalisis proses pertukaran gas CO2, kandungan klorofil, kandungan hara dan gula,pertumbuhan dan produktivitas sorgum manis.Inokulasi FMA sebagai kultur tunggal dapatmeningkatkan asimilasi karbon, konduktansistomata, konsentrasi CO2 interselular, kandunganfosfor, kandungan klorofil, kandungan gula, tinggitanaman, berat batang dan derajat kolonisasimikoriza. Interaksi antara rizobakteri dan FMAdapat meningkatkan kandungan gula batang dankalium daun sorgum manis, sedangkan interaksinyadengan pupuk kimia dapat meningkatkan kandunganklorofil dan gula serta derajat kolonisasimikoriza pada perakaran sorgum manis. Sementaraitu, interaksi FMA, rizobakteri dan pupuk kimiadapat meningkatkan kandungan gula batang, beratakar dan derajat kolonisasi mikoriza pada perakaransorgum manis. Penggunaan FMA baik sendirimaupun interaksinya dengan rizobakteri dan pupukkimia memiliki potensi besar dalam meningkatkanproses fotosintesis sorgum manis. Proses tersebutberkaitan dengan peningkatan produktivitas sorgummanis dalam hal ini kandungan gula sorgum manisyang berpotensi sebagai sumber energi terbarukan.
Peranan Burung sebagai Agen Penyebaran Benalu pada Jati di Kebun Benih Klonal (KBK) Padangan, Perum Perhutani Zainal Muttaqin; Sri Wilarso Budi R.; Basuki Wasis; Iskandar Z. Siregar; Corryanti Corryanti
ZOO INDONESIA Vol 25, No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Masyarakat Zoologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52508/zi.v25i2.3358


Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menelaah peranan burung sebagai agen penyebaran benalu yang menginfeksi tegakan jati di Kebun Benih Klonal (KBK) Padangan. Rancangan penelitian berupa Petak Contoh Pengamatan (PCP) terdiri atas Petak Ukur Pengamatan (PUP-PUP) berukuran 50m x 50m sebanyak empat PUP dalam unit PCP dibedakan pada tingkat serangan benalu ringan, sedang, berat dan kontrol. Metode penilaian peranan burung menggunakan focal animal sampling dengan cara pengamatan perilaku burung yang berinteraksi dengan jenis benalu dominan Dendrophthoe pentandra pada jati; dilengkapi inventarisasi jumlah, kelimpahan relatif, dan penyebarannya menggunakan metode IPA (Index ponctualle de’Abondance). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan terdapat tiga kelompok peranan burung sebagai agen penyebaran benalu ialah: 1) specialist frugivor ialah pemakan buah yang menangani buah benalu secara lengkap dengan cara defekasi, regurgitasi, dan pecking meliputi cabai jawa (Dicaeum trochileum), cabai polos (Dicaeum concolor), cabai gunung (Dicaeum sanguinolentum), dan khusus cucak kutilang (Pynonotus aurigaster) yang menangani buah benalu secara regurgitasi dan pecking dianggap sebagai secondary dispersers, 2) generalist frugivor yang menangani buah benalu secara tidak lengkap dianggap penyebar tambahan (occasionally dispersers) meliputi madu sriganti (Nectarinia jugularis), cinenen pisang (Orthotomus sutorius), madu jawa (Aethopyga mystacalis), 3) opportunistic frugivor yang tidak menangani buah benalu atau berkaitan tidak langsung dengan penyebaran biji benalu sebanyak 13 jenis burung lainnya. Parameter populasi burung menurut jumlah, kelimpahan relatif dan penyebarannya yang luas mencakup lima urutan teratas ialah cabai jawa (D. trochileum), madu sriganti (N. jugularis), bondol jawa (Lonchura leucogastroides), sepah hutan (Pericrocotus flammeus), cucak kutilang (Pynonotus aurigaster).
Co-Authors , Hariyadi AAboe B. Saidi Abdurrani Muin Adisti Permatasari Putri Hartoyo Agustina Puspita Dewi Aji Nuralam Dwisutono Akhmad Wahyudi Alfi Laila Zuhriansah Allaily Allaily Andi Sukendro Ani Kurniawati Arif Budi Setiawan Arum Sekar Wulandari Atang Sutandi Bambang S. Purwoko Baskoro Rochaddi Basuki Wasis Bedah Rupaedah Berry Oktavianto Betty Purwati Cahyo Wibowo Ceng Asmarahman Corryanti . Corryanti Corryanti Corryanti Corryanti Dadan Mulyana Dida Syamsuwida Didah Nur Faridah Didy Sopandie DWI ANDREAS SANTOSA Dwi Puspasari Arum Ramadhani Endah Retno Palupi Endang Suhendang Eny Widajati Erdy Santoso Erdy Santoso Faisal Al Asad Fatimah Nur Istiqomah Fiona Christina Fransisca Yosina Regina Luturmas Gunawan Gunawan Hamim Hamim Husna Husna Husna Husna Hutami Indah Pertiwi Ikbal . Ikbal Ikbal Imam Wahyudi Indrawan, Imam Wahyudi Intan Fajar Kemala Irdika Mansur Iskandar . Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar M. Lapanjang Iskandar Z Siregar ISKANDAR ZULKARNAEN SIREGAR Istomo . Iswandi Anas JAYANI, FARADILA MEI Jumadil Akhir Kartika Megawati Kartini Kramadibrata Kartini Kramadibrata Khoryfatul Munawaroh Lina Karlinasari Luluk Setyaningsih Maman Turjaman Maman Turjaman Maman Turjaman Maman Turjaman Maman Turjaman Maryani Fatimah Putri Hardhani Maya Melati MEITY SURADJI SINAGA MEITY SURADJI SINAGA Mohammad Agus Salim Mohammad Agus Salim Salim Muhammad Helmi Muttaqin, Zainal Nelly Fridayanti Noor F Mardatin NUNANG LAMAEK MAY Nurheni Wijayanto Panca Dewi MH Karti Prijanto Pamoengkas Putri Aurum Putri Aurum Rahmawati Rahmawati Sabti Indah Purwanti Safinah S. Hakim S Hakim Safinah Surya Hakim Satriyas Ilyas Siti Hanna Ghaida Sri Muryati Sri Muryati Sri Muryati Sudirman Yahya SUDIRMAN YAHYA Tedi Yunanto Teuku Tajuddin Tirsa Eka Saputri Ulfah Juniarti Siregar Wahono Sumaryono Yadi Setiadi Yadi Setiadi Yan Eka Prasetyawati YENNI BAKHTIAR YENNI BAKHTIAR YENNI BAKHTIAR Zainal Muttaqin