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Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 13, No 1 (2012): April 2012
Publisher : Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development - MOA

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Acid soil is commonly grown with cassava, which in general, tolerate low soil  fertility and aluminum (Al) toxicity. However, without any improvement efforts such soil will become worse. Intercropping cassava with Brachiaria decumbens (BD) which adapts to acid soil and tolerates low fertility soils as well as application of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and organic matters are among the important efforts to rehabilitate this soil. The experiment was conducted to  examine the impact of BD, AM, and potassium (K) enriched rice straw compost on exchangeable Al, available K, and stability of soil aggregates. Experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three factors and three replications. The first factor was BD as cassava intercropping, the second factor was AM, and the third factor was 2 t ha-1 rice straw compost enriched with 0 kg, 50 kg, 100 kg, and 200 kg KCl ha-1. Brick pots (1 m length x 1 m width x 0.45 m depth) filled with Kanhapludult soil was used for growing cassava in which row of BD was planted at 60 cm from cassava stem. K-enriched rice straw compost and AM (10 g per stem) were applied around cassava stem at 2 and 12 days after planting, respectively. BD was cut every 30 days and the cutting was returned to the soil. Soil exchangeable Al was analyzed at 0, 3, 6 and 9 months after planting (MAP), while Al and K contents as well as aggregate stability were measured at 6 MAP. The results showed that planting BD decreased 33% exchangeable Al, which means that the root exudates of this grass was effective in detoxifying Al3+. Treatment of BD and/or in combination with AM was effective in preserving K added to the soil, increasing total polysaccharides, and improving soil aggregate stability. This indicated that planting BD and applying AM and Kenriched rice straw compost improved acid soil fertility, and therefore can be recommended in cassava cultivation.
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 13, No 1 (2012): April 2012
Publisher : Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development - MOA

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Acid soil is commonly grown with cassava, which in general, tolerate low soil  fertility and aluminum (Al) toxicity. However, without any improvement efforts such soil will become worse. Intercropping cassava with Brachiaria decumbens (BD) which adapts to acid soil and tolerates low fertility soils as well as application of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and organic matters are among the important efforts to rehabilitate this soil. The experiment was conducted to  examine the impact of BD, AM, and potassium (K) enriched rice straw compost on exchangeable Al, available K, and stability of soil aggregates. Experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three factors and three replications. The first factor was BD as cassava intercropping, the second factor was AM, and the third factor was 2 t ha-1 rice straw compost enriched with 0 kg, 50 kg, 100 kg, and 200 kg KCl ha-1. Brick pots (1 m length x 1 m width x 0.45 m depth) filled with Kanhapludult soil was used for growing cassava in which row of BD was planted at 60 cm from cassava stem. K-enriched rice straw compost and AM (10 g per stem) were applied around cassava stem at 2 and 12 days after planting, respectively. BD was cut every 30 days and the cutting was returned to the soil. Soil exchangeable Al was analyzed at 0, 3, 6 and 9 months after planting (MAP), while Al and K contents as well as aggregate stability were measured at 6 MAP. The results showed that planting BD decreased 33% exchangeable Al, which means that the root exudates of this grass was effective in detoxifying Al3+. Treatment of BD and/or in combination with AM was effective in preserving K added to the soil, increasing total polysaccharides, and improving soil aggregate stability. This indicated that planting BD and applying AM and Kenriched rice straw compost improved acid soil fertility, and therefore can be recommended in cassava cultivation.
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 17, No 2 (2014): Juli 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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The Effect of Water Management and Rice Genotypes to Against Toxicity of Iron and Productivity of Rice in Tidal Land Type B in South Sumatera. Tidal land is one of the alternative land to support increased productivity of rice, but rice productivity in this area is still low, and the land utilization is not optimal yet. One factor is high iron content in the soil that can be toxic to plants. The purposes of this study were (1) to determine the effect of water management and rice genotype, as well as their interaction on the percentage of leaf bronzing, growth and yield of rice in tidal lands, (2) to select an alternative combination of water management and rice genotypes that may increase rice yields in tidal land. This study was conducted from February until June 2013 in the tidal area with type B overflow, Mulia Sari village, Banyu Asin regency, South Sumatera. The experimental design used was a split plot design with three replications. The main plot was water management with four levels, while the subplot was rice genotypes consisted of three genotypes. The results showed that water management and its interactions with plant genotypes had significant effect only on the percentage of bronzing, Fe content in shoot, and Fe content in root crops, while the plant genotype significantly affected all observed variables. The use of genotypes tolerant to iron toxicity (Indragiri) combined with (form stagnant and saturated water management) drainage with intervals of two weeks could give yield 6.8 and 6.2 t/ha respectively.Keywords : Water management, genotype paddy, tidal landABSTRAKLahan pasang surut merupakan salah satu lahan alternatif untuk mendukung peningkatan produksi padi, tetapi produksi padi di lahan ini masih rendah, dan pemanfaatan lahannya belum optimal. Salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah adanya senyawa besi dalam tanah yang dapat meracuni tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengelolaan air dan genotipe tanaman padi serta interaksinya terhadap hasil padi di lahan pasang surut, (2) memilih alternatif kombinasi pengelolaan air dan genotipe tanaman padi yang sesuai dan dapat meningkatkan hasil padi di lahan pasang surut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan bulan Februari – Juni 2013 di lahan pasang surut tipe luapan B, Desa Mulia Sari, Kabupaten Banyu Asin Sumatera Selatan. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Petak Terpisah dengan tiga ulangan. Sebagai petak utama adalah pengelolaan air, yang terdiri dari empat taraf, sedangkan sebagai anak petak adalah genotipe padi, yang terdiri dari tiga genotipe (IRH108, IR64 dan Indragiri). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan air dan interaksinya dengan genotipe tanaman berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase bronzing, kandungan Fe di tajuk, kandungan Fe di akar dan hasil tanaman sedangkan genotipe tanaman berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua peubah yang diamati. Penanaman genotipe tanaman toleran terhadap keracunan besi (genotipe Indragiri) yang dikombinasikan dengan drainase berinterval dua minggu dapat memberikan hasil masing-masing 6,8 dan 6,2 t/ha.
Perubahan Fraksi P-Inorganik dan P-Organik Pada Bahan Tanah Gambut Yang Diaplikasi Dengan Fosfat Alam Pada Kondisi Kapasitas Lapang dan Tergenang , Nelvia; Sabiham, Supiandi; Anas, Iswandi
Jurnal Agro Teknologi Tropika Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Agro Teknologi Tropika

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The very high acidity of peat soil is mainly caused by high H+ concentration that can change the base cation likeK , Na+, Ca+ and Mg2+ from mineral/rock structure. The research was conducted in laboratory of the Departement ofSoil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB. Peat soils at hemic degree of decomposition level were taken from Riau. Rockphosphates in this research (P and Fe sources) were the rock phosphates of Huinan China, Christmas Island and PTPetrokimia Gresik the content 32,65; 31,28 and 25,02% of P 2 O 5 and 2,28; 11,19 and 18,72% of R 2 O 3 (Fe 2 O 3 + Al 2 O 3 )respectively. The aims of the research were to study the changes of the forms of readily labile inorganic-P and organic-P,moderately labile inorganic-P and organic-P and non labile organic-P in peats after being incubated with rockphosphates. The results showed that the application of rock phosphates in peat soil increased the readily of labileinorganic-P and organic-P, moderately inorganic-P and organic-P, and non labile P forms. An increase of non labile Pand moderately labile P were higher dye to the R 2 O 3 content of rock phosphates became higher in saturated and fieldcapacity condition. The results also showed that the rock phosphates applied to the peat soil released P in a very highamounts, in the order of rock phosphates of Huinan China > Christmas Island > PT Petrokimia Gresik. Released P wasdetermined by water extraction which increased with the periods of incubation with the similar pattern on the three typesof rock phosphates.
MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE Vol 16, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (672.969 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/MIG.2014.16-2.55


ABSTRAKPertanian merupakan sektor basis di Kabupaten Majalengka, namun memiliki keterkaitan sektoral yang lemah dengan industri pengolahan hasil pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) mengidentifikasi keunggulan komparatif-kompetitif komoditas unggulan pertanian berdasarkan luas tanam, (2) mengidentifikasi desa-desa berbasis industri kecil pengolahan hasil pertanian, (3) mengidentifikasi desa yang memiliki tingkat fasilitas pelayanan dan aksesibilitas tinggi untuk mendukung industri, (4) mengidentifikasi potensial fisik lahan untuk pengembangan komoditas, (5) menentukan daerah pengembangan industri kecil berbasis komoditas unggulan pertanian dan daerah pengembangan komoditasnya. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis location quotient (LQ), shift share (SSA), skalogram dan kesesuaian fisik lahan. Komoditas pertanian yang diteliti adalah jagung, mangga, kedelai, dan pisang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jagung unggul di 6 kecamatan, mangga unggul di 13 kecamatan, kedelai unggul di 1 kecamatan, dan pisang unggul di 3 kecamatan. Terdapat 179 desa berbasis industri kecil pengolahan hasil pertanian. Desa dengan tingkat fasilitas pelayanan dan aksesibilitas tinggi terdiri atas 50 desa. Fisik lahan yang sesuai untuk masing-masing wilayah pengembangan komoditas terdiri atas 21.862 hektar untuk jagung, 207.546 hektar untuk mangga, 4.073 hektar untuk kedelai, dan 20.669 hektar untuk pisang. Wilayah yang diarahkan untuk pengembangan industri kecil berbasis komoditas unggulan pertanian terdiri atas 10 desa sebagai desa industri dan 6 kawasan industri yang merupakan gabungan dari beberapa desa, sedangkan arah prioritas pengembangan komoditas terdiri atas 3.264,24 hektar untuk jagung, 302,57 hektar untuk mangga, 3.694 hektar untuk kedelai, dan 907,61 hektar untuk pisang.Kata Kunci: Majalengka, komoditas unggulan, industri kecil, wilayah pengembanganABSTRACTAgriculture is a basic sector on Majalengka Regency, but it has a weak sectoral linkages with agro-processing industries. This study aimed to: (1) identify the comparative-competitive advantage of agricultural advantage commodities acreage, (2) identify the villages with become small industries of agro-processing based, (3) identify villages with high level of the facilities services and accessibility to support the industry, (4) Identify physical potention of the land for commodity development, (5) determine the development areas for small industries based on agricultural advantage commodities and its commodity development areas. The analytical method used was analysis of the location quotient (LQ), shift share analysis (SSA), schallogram and physical land suitability analyses. This research focus on commodities, those were corn, mango, soybean and bananas. The results showed that corn was superior in 6 districts, mango was superior in 13 districts, soybean was superior in 1 district and bananas was superior in 3 districts. There were 179 villages as basic of small agro-processing industries. Villages with the high level of facilities services and accessibility consisted of 50 villages. There were 21,862 ha land that phisically suitable for corn, 207,546 ha for mango, 4,073 ha for soybean and 20,669 ha for bananas. There were 10 industrial villages and 6 industrial areas that consisted of some villages, that could be developed as a development region for small industries based on agricultural advantage commodities. The priority areas for commodity development were 3,264.24 hectares for corn, 302.57 hectares for mango, 3,694 hectares for soybean and 907.61 hectares for bananas.Keywords: Majalengka, advantage commodity, small industry, development region
MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE Vol 15, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.871 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/MIG.2013.15-2.85


Kendala terbesar kegiatan evaluasi lahan di Indonesia adalah ketersediaan dan kelengkapan data sumberdaya lahan skala semi detil maupun detil. Meskipun data sumberdaya lahan pada skala tersebut tersedia namun data mengenai sifatkimia dan biologi tanah seringkali tidak lengkap. Untuk mengantisipasi permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerapan metode evaluasi lahan alternatif untuk identifikasi lahan sawah, yaitu metode ekstrapolasi. Metode ekstrapolasi dimulai dari identifikasi karakteristik lahan yang mencirikan keberadaan lahan sawah, penentuan kelas dan skor karakteristik lahan penciri menurut tingkat kecocokan lahan sawah, identifikasi nilai skor total berikut klasifikasi tingkat kecocokan lahan sawah akhir yang terjadi di lahan sawah, dan ekstrapolasi spasial tingkat kecocokan lahan sawah akhir ke seluruh area kajian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik lahan yang mencirikan keberadaan lahan sawah adalah kemiringan lereng, curah hujan, jarak dari jalan, dan jarak dari sumber air. Perbandingan metode ekstrapolasi dengan metode evaluasi kesesuaian lahan maupun evaluasi kemampuan lahan menunjukkan bahwa metode ekstrapolasi dapat direkomendasikan sebagai metode evaluasi lahan alternatif karena memiliki representasi keberadaan lahan sawah yang paling tinggi, yaitu 97,5 %.Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Lahan, Ekstrapolasi Spasial, Lahan Sawah.ABSTRACTThe main obstacle in land evaluation in Indonesia is the availability and completeness of land resources data, both in semi-detailed and detailed scale. Eventhough land resource data on semi-detailed and detailed scale are obtainable but chemical and biological soil properties data is often incomplete.To anticipate such problems, this research aimed to review the application of alternative land evaluation method for paddy field identification, which is called extrapolation method. The extrapolation method started from the identification of land  characteristics that could indicate the presence of paddy field, fortitude class and score of identifier land characteristics according to the paddy field suitability, identified total score and paddy field suitability level that occured in paddy field, and extrapolated paddy field suitability level spatially throughout the study area. The results showed that the land characteristics that could be used as identifier characteristic were; slope, rainfall, distance from the road, and distance from the water source. Comparison extrapolation method with land suitability evaluation and land capability evaluation method showed that extrapolation method could be recommended as an alternative method for land evaluation because it had the highest paddy field representation, which was 97.5%.Keywords: Land Evaluation, Spatial Extrapolation, Paddy Field.
EVALUASI KEBERLANJUTAN PENGELOLAAN PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT POLA INTI-PLASMA DI PT.PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA VII MUARA ENIM, SUMATERA SELATAN (Evaluation and Status of Sustainable Palm Oil Management in PT.Perkebunan Nusantara VII Muara Enim, South Sumatera) -, Ruslan; Sabiham, Supiandi; -, Sumardjo; -, Manuwoto
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Pakuan.

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There were three pilars of  palm oil plantation in Indonesia, state-owned large estates and private estates which total extensive oil palm plantations area in 2005 were 5.445 thausands  hectares with 12.452 thausands million tons production crude palm oil. The composition of the plantation farmers  area was 40,02 %, national large plantations was about  13,96 %, and  48,68  % for private estates.There are two types of Management of their field, nucleous estate smallholders  (NES) and farmers. Unfortunately farmers better than independent farmers in managing the  estates, because there was cooparation between the farmers with the nucleous companies. The PIR system stated that the nucleous  plantation companies were useful in developing and crops farmers market assigning, While the farmers must manage his estates well and market the results through the company's nucleous. Sustainability analysis conducted by the method of Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) approach  with Rap-Insus palm oil techniques (Rapid Appraisal-Index Sustainability of palm oil Management). Analysis of key factors of sustainability management performed a prospective analysis of the sensitivity factors (leverage factor) of the MDS and the factors from the analysis of stakeholders' needs. The results showed that the status of sustainability of palm oil management in   PT.Perkebunan Nusantara VII Muara Enim, South Sumatera)was quite sustainable with a multidimensional index of 67,67.
Pengaruh Kedalaman Muka Air dan Amelioran terhadap Produktivitas Kedelai di Lahan Sulfat Masam Effects of Water Depth and Ameliorant to Soybean Productivity on Acid Sulphate Soil Ilona Noyaa, Alce; Ghulamahdi, Munif; Sopandie, Didy; Sutandi, Atang; Melati, Maya
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 23, No 2 (2014): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (729.847 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v23i2.56


Oksidasi pirit di lahan sulfat masam menyebabkan pH tanah turun sehingga meningkatkan kelarutan aluminium dan besi. Budidaya jenuh air mempertahankan kedalaman muka air tanah dan membuat lapisan di bawahnya jenuh. Penelitian bertujuan menentukan pengaruh kedalaman muka air tanah dan ameliorasi terhadap beberapa sifat kimia tanah dan produktivitas kedelai. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan sulfat masam Desa Banyu Urip Kecamatan Tanjung Lago Kabupaten Banyuasin, Propinsi Sumatera Selatan, sejak Juni sampai Oktober 2012. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan petak-petak terpisahdengan 3 ulangan. Faktor utama adalah tinggi air dalam parit 10 cm dan 20 cm di bawah permukaan tanah dengan pembanding budidaya kering. Faktor kedua adalah amelioran : tanpa amelioran, kapur dan abu jerami. Faktor ketiga adalah genotipe Anjasmoro, Yellow Biloxi, Tanggamus dan Lawit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interaksi kedalaman muka air dan ameliorasi meningkatkan pH tanah menjadi 4,67; mempertahankan kadar P tanah 10,70 ppm; meningkatkan kadar K, Ca dan Mg tanah menjadi 1,15; 11,70 dan 6,90 me/100 g. Kadar Fe tanah turun menjadi 12,14 ppm sedangkan kadar Al dan kejenuhan Alturun menjadi 2,06 ppm dan 10,36 persen. Tanggamus memiliki produktivitas tertinggi (2,47 t/ha) karena memiliki lebih banyak jumlah daun (31,5), jumlah cabang (4,5 - 5,3), jumlah buku produktif (27,67) dan jumlah polong isi (80,9).Pyrite oxidation causes the soil pH drops, thus increasing the solubility of aluminium and iron. Saturated soil culture maintains the water depth and makes the soil below saturated. This study aims to determine the effects of soil water depth and amelioration on soil chemical properties and soybean productivity. The experiment is conducted on acid sulphate soil Banyu Urip, South Sumatera Province, from June until October 2012. The experiment is arranged in a split split plot design with three replications. The main factor is water depth in the furrow consisted of 10 and 20 cm under soil surface. The second factor is ameliorant: without ameliorant, lime and straw ash. The third factors are genotypes: Anjasmoro, Yellow Biloxi, Tanggamus and Lawit. The results show that interaction of water depth and amelioration increase soil pH to 4.67, maintain soil P at 10.70 ppm and increase soil K, Ca and Mg to 1.15, 11.70 and 6.90 me/100 g. The soil Fe decrease to 12.14 ppm, whereas Al and Al saturated decrease to 2.06 ppm and 10.36 percent, respectively. Tanggamus has the highest productivity (2.47 t/ha), supported by higher number of leaves (31.5), branches (4.5 - 5.3), productive nodes (27.67) and filled pods (80.9.)
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan Vol 20 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.313 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitl.20.1.13-18


Differences in productivity were observed in various land units on pineapple plantation in Central Lampung even with the same land and fertilization management. The nature of soil chemical and physical variability were thought to be the cause of these differences. The study was aimed to compare chemical and physical soil properties in land units with different pineapple productivity. Soil samples were taken from 6 units of land with low and 3 units of land with high productivity. The soil chemical properties meazured include available P and K, potential P and K, total N, pH, organic C, exchangeable cations, and available micro nutrients. The soil physical properties determined include bulk density, soil texture, and penetration resistance. The data was analyzed using T-test and correlation. The T-test revealed that the high productivity soils were significantly lower in available P, potential P, total N, and available Zn compared to the productivity soils. Furthermore, the high productivity soils were significantly lower in bulk density and penetration resistances both vertically and horizontally. There were significantly negative correlations between pineapple yields with potential P, available Zn, bulk density, and penetration resistance both vertically and horizontally. Overall analyses indicating that the physical properties were more as productivity determinant, particularly bulk density and penetration resistance, compared to the chemical properties. The chemical properties were more as residual conditions after nutrient absorption process to support pineapple productivity. In order to increase the productivity, it is necessary to manage the soil to lower bulk density and penetration resistance. Keywords: Crop management, nutrient management, penetration
Efek Pembukaan Lahan terhadap Karakteristik Biofisik Gambut pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Kabupaten Bengkalis Suwondo, Suwondo; Sabiham, Supiandi; Sumardjo, Sumardjo; Paramudya, Bambang
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 14, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (968.06 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.14.1.143-149


Oil palm plantations at peatland are faced with problems of land degraded, low productivity and produced to green house gas (GRG) emission.The objectives of this study were to land clearing effect of peatlands and to identified factors that affect the peatlands in the biophysicalcharacteristics. This study was conducted on District Bengkalis-Riau at marine and brakish peat. The data was collected using field survey anddocumentation. The descriptive analysis was used to determine biophysical characteristics and linier regresion was used to corelation performimportant factors. The research results showed that the biophysical characteristics of peatland experienced changes in the horizon profile,peat thickness, decomposition level, moisture content, ash content, pH, C-organic and biomass. The secondary peat swamp forest ofbiophysical characteristics have to different in the horizon profile, peat thickness, decomposition level, moisture content, ash content, pH,C-organic and biomass compared with marine and brackish peat.
Co-Authors -, Bachtiar -, Manuwoto . ACHMADI . NURWADJEDI . Suwarno A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Hasyim Sodiq Abdul Rachim Abdurrani Muin Adhy Ardiyanto Alce Ilona Noyaa Anas D Susila Anas D Susila Anas D. Susila Anas D. Susila Andrea Emma Pravitasari, Andrea Emma Anggi Nico Flatian, SP Aris Poniman Baba Barus Bachtiar Bachtiar Bambang Paramudya Bambang Pramudya Bambang S Purwoko Bandung Sahari Bariot Hafif Bariot Hafif Bariot Hafifa Basuki Sumawinata Bayu Sejati Boedi Tjahjono Budi Mulyanto Budi Nugroho Budi Nugroho Catur Herison Catur Herison Darmono Taniwiryono Darmono Taniwiryono Dedi Nursyamsi Desi Nadalia Didy Sopandie Djoko Purnomo DWI ANDREAS SANTOSA Dwi Guntoro Edi Santosa Edwin Hidayat, Edwin Edy Djauhari Purwakusumah Eko Noviandi Ginting Endang Gunawan Endang Suhendang Enni Dwi Wahjunie Fahmi Arief Rahman Fahmuddin Agus Fakhrur Razie Fakhrur Razie Ganjar Priadi Gunawan Djajakirana Hadijah Siregar Handayani, Etik Puji Happy Widiastuti Happy Widiastuti Hartono, Arif Hendri Purnama Hermanto Hermanto Heru B. Pulunggono Heru Bagus Pulunggono Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok I Nyoman Sujana I Wayan Mangku I Wayan Rusastra Ibnul Qoyim, Ibnul Idris, Komaruddin Ilona Noyaa, Alce Indarti Puji Lestari Irawati, Arfi Irdika Mansur Irsal Las Ishak Ishak Ishak Ishak Ishak Ishak Iswandi Anas Iswandi Anas Iswandi anas Iswandi Anas Iswandi Anas Iswandi Anas Iswandi Anas Iswandi Anas Ivanocih Agusta Ivanovich Agusta J. Sri Adiningsih Kasmadi Kasmadi Kasmadi Kasmadi Komarsa Gandasasmita Komarsa Gandasasmita Komarudin Idris KOMARUDIN IDRIS Kukuh Murtilaksono L. K. Darusman Latifah K. Darusman Latifah Kosim Darusman Lilik Tri Indriyati, Lilik Tri Lina Lathifah Nurazizah Lina Lathifah Nurazizah Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lukman Gunarto Luthfi Izhar M. ALWI Machfud Machfud Manuwoto - Maryadi Maryadi Maryadi Maryadi Maswar Maswar Maswar Maswar Maya Melati Meine van Noordwijk Meine Van Noordwijk Miftahudin . Mimien Harianti Moh Zulfajrin Moh Zulfajrin Moh Zulfajrin Moh Zulfajrin Mohamad Rafi Muchammad Sri Saeni Muhadiono Muhadiono, Muhadiono Muhammad Ardiansyah muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Thamrin Muhammad Zulfikar Muliana Mulyawan, Ronny MUNIF GHULAMAHDI Muya Avicienna Nabila Hanifah Natalia, Rina Nelvia Nelvia nFN Thamrin Nizam Tambusai Nizam Tambusai Novia Mustikasari Nurliani Bermawie Ohiwal, Morgan Oteng Haridjaja Paulus B.K. Santoso Priyo Cahyono Priyo Cahyono, Priyo R. Purnamayani RACHMI WIDIRIANI RAHAYU WIDYASTUTI RASTI SARASWATI Retno Wijayanti Rina Natalia Rury Kurniawan Ruslan - S Susanto S. Anwar S. HADI SUTJAHJO Saeful Anwar Safira Sukma Hanjani SANDRA ARIFIN AZIZ Santun R.P Sitorus Santun R.P. Sitorus Santun Risma Pandapotan Sitorus Septiyana, . SETIARI MARWANTO Siska Nofita Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siti Maryam Harahap Siti Maryam Harahap Siti Nurzakiah Sri Djuniwati Sri Juniwati Sri Widodo Agung Suedy Sri Wilarso Budi R Sudadi, Untung Sudarsono . Sugiyanta Sukarman Sukarman Sumardjo Sumardjo Supiandi Sabiham Suprihati Suprihati Suria Darma Tarigan Surjono H. Sutjahjo Susanto, Bambang Sutjahjo, Surjono H. Suwondo Suwondo Suyamto Suyamto Suyamto Suyamto Suyamto Suyamto Syaiful Anwar Syva Fitriana Taopik Ridwan TATI NURHAYATI Taufiq Bachtiar Taufiq Bachtiar Thamrin, nFN Vanda Julita Yahya W. Hartatik Widiatmaka . Yadi Setiadi