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Komponen Pemasaran Teh Herbal Bukit Hexon pada PT. Karya Pak Oles Tokcer Denpasar Bali STEVI VIONA LUMBANTORUAN; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; PUTU UDAYANI WIJAYANTI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.7, No.1, Januari 2018
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.519 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2018.v07.i01.p08


Marketing component of Herbal Tea Bukit Hexon at PT. Karya Pak OlesTokcer Denpasar Bali Marketing is a combination of four variables that are the core of the company'smarketing system, consisting of product, price, place/distribution channels, andpromotions. This study is aimed at identifying the components of marketing carriedout by PT. Karya Pak Oles Tokcer and the constraints faced in marketing theirproducts. The research location was selected by purposive sampling. Types of datacollected included primary and secondary data. Data were collected by observation,interview, and documentation study. Data were analyzed descriptively andqualitatively. Based onthe results of research known component of the marketingdone by PT. By Pak Oles lessening of the products that the company provides onetype of packing to look more attractive in the eyes of connsumers, this type of use thepacking box. The selling price of tea sold is determined based on a calculation of rawmaterial usage, labor, production, operating costs and other costs. Based on theplace/distribution channels, herbal tea Bukit Hexon marketed through directmarketing distribution channel and indirectly. Promotional products are madethrough direct marketing activities (sales counter), sales promotion (rebates andbonuses) and advertising (flyers, newspaper and radio from the company it self).Constraints facing the company consists of internal and external constraints. Internalconstraints in terms of the promotion are less effective. External constraints in termsof competitors’ similar products. Suggested the company should use the print media,better known by the public such as the Bali Post and electronic media such as ads ontelevision so that are building relationships with the community and having apromotion more aggressively by opening a special stand tea sales as practiced bycompanies other tea products.
Permintaan Daun Pisang pada Produsen Nasi Jinggo di Kota Denpasar DEFRY SANJAYA GUNAWAN; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; I WAYAN BUDIASA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.7, No.3, Juli 2018
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.509 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2018.v07.i03.p03


The Demand for Banana Leaves by the Jinggo Rice Producers in Denpasar City This study aims to determine the number of banana leaves demand by the jinggo riceproducers in a period of one week, the factors that affect the demand of banana leaves,and to investigate the substitute of banana leaves used by sellers as a jinggo ricewrapper. The research location was in Denpasar City determined by purposivesampling. The population in this research was all of the jinggo rice sellers in DenpasarCity. The sampling technique used snowball sampling method. This research usedtabulation to find out the demand of banana leaves discussed descriptively andqualitatively and by using regression equation which is transformed to analyze theinfluencing factors. The results of this study indicate that the total number of bananaleaves demand by 40 respondents of jinggo rice sellers in Denpasar, within one week isequal to 7,822 folds or as many as 23,466 banana leaf bark. Factors affecting thedemand of banana leaves from the jinggo rice sellers in Denpasar City were the price ofbanana leaves and the amount of production, and there is no substitute for banana leavesused by the 40 jinggo rice sellers in Denpasar City.
Risiko Produksi dan Pendapatan Usahatani Padi di Desa Simbolon Purba Kecamatan Palipi Kabupaten Samosir Provinsi Sumatra Utara RANDA FAUSTIN SIMARMATA; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; I DEWA GEDE AGUNG
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.10, No.1, Juli 2021
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Risk Of Rice Farming Production And Income In Simbolon Purba Village Palipi District Samosir Regency North Sumatra Province Rice farming on Samosir Island has the potential to become food self-sufficiency. However, agriculture in the village of Simbolon Purba only produces in one growing season, which is in the rainy season and automatically fails to harvest during the dry season. This is because agriculture in the village of Simbolon Purba only relies on rainwater for irrigating paddy fields. This study aims to determine how the risk of production and the income earned in rice farming in the Village of Simbolon Purba, Palipi Sub-District. The study was conducted in the Village of Simbolon Purba, Palipi Sub-District, Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province. Sampling was conducted by taking data from the village office and the number of respondents taken is as many as 50 rice farmers who use rain-fed irrigation and sharecropping. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Data processing starts from analyzing risk and proceed with revenue analysis. In calculating the risk, the standard deviation, variance and coefficient of variation are calculated beforehand, while for the calculation of income, the revenue and costs are calculated beforehand to get the income. The average grain production at the study site was 5,910.2 kg / hectare with a coefficient of variation of 0.25 so that the risk of rice farming production at the study site was not critical. The average income of rice farming in Simbolon Purba Village, Palipi Sub-District is Rp. 20.396.634/ha/MT Planting Season with an R/C ratio of 2,14, which means the farm income of the respondent farmers, is efficient. The government needs to provide financial assistance for irrigation so farmers can increase production in two growing seasons and at the same time increase income.
Bias Manajemen Penggunaan Masukan dalam Usahatani Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L) WAYAN WIDYANTARA; NENGAH SUDIRTA YASA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.2, No.1, Januari 2013
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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ABSTRACT Management Bias of Input Usage in Shallots Farming Onion, as one of the type of vegetable is much used in the Indonesian households, including in the Balinese households. In Bali the increase in population and the development of tourism contributed to the increase in the demand for onion. With its 3.5 millions heads of population, 15,960 kilogram of onion were comsumed in Bali per year. However, the production during dry season and wet season, especially in Bali, fluctuated. This study aimed at explaining the management of the allocation of production input in the farm enterprice of onion in dry season and wet season. In addition, it also aimed at explaining the bias toward the management of input on the management of farm enterprice during wet season and that during dry season, and identifying which one used production input more efficiently. The result of analysis showed that the management of onion farm enterprice in the area where the research was conducted during dry season was different from that during wet season. The width of the farm, the seed and pesticide used during dry season still contributed to the increase in production. However, during dry season the only the labor and pesticide used contributed to the increases in production. The width of the farm, the labor and pesticide used got biased, but the other factor did not. The onion farm enterprice during dry season was relatively more efficient that during rainy season; however, to what extent the efficiency was, could not be clearly identified. The efficient factor of input were age, education, experience, hired labor, the distance from Lake Batur, and the used of fertilizer. Keyword: farm enterprise, onion, management, production bias, technical efficiency.
Profil Usaha Pengolahan Kopi Bali Tugu Sari Pajahan di Desa Pajahan, Kecamatan Pupuan, Kabupaten Tabanan SANG AYU DYAH ORCHID WULANDARI; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; I DEWA GEDE AGUNG
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.8, No.4, Oktober 2019
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Business Profile of Bali Processing Coffee of Tugu Sari Pajahan in Pajahan Village, Pupuan Sub-District, Tabanan Regency. Tugu Sari Pajahan Bali Coffee Business is a coffee processing business that is accommodated by the Village Owned Enterprise. This study aims to determine theprofile, income, and marketing of Tugu Sari Pajahan Bali Coffee business. Thisresearch was conducted at Tugu Sari Pajahan Bali Coffee Business. The time of thisstudy was carried out for four weeks, namely in May to June 2018. The data used werequalitative and quantitative data with primary and secondary data sources and methodsof data collection by interview, documentation, and library research.The profile in thisstudy is a general description of Tugu Sari Coffee Business. The investment cost wasRp. 159,600,000.00, and the total cost used by Tugu Sari Coffee in 2017 was Rp.133,883,500.00. Tugu Sari's Bali Coffee business production usually produces anaverage of 10 tons in one year. The large net income of Tugu Sari Pajahan Coffeebusiness in 2017 was Rp. 45,225,950.00. Tugu Sari Pajahan Coffee Business in sellingits products is by using re-sellers and directly selling to shops, stalls, and mini marketsin the Tabanan, Denpasar, Badung and Buleleng areas.
Kinerja Usahatani Asparagus di Desa Pelaga, Kecamatan Petang, Kabupaten Badung I MADE DODY DARMAWAN; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; DEWA GEDE AGUNG
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.2, No.4, Oktober 2013
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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ABSTRACT Asparagus Farm Performance in Pelaga Village, Petang District, Badung Regency. Asparagus farm including a newly developed farming in Bali. The purpose of this study was to determine the allocation of the costs of the farm asparagus, and how the performance of asparagus farming in Pelaga village, Petang District, Badung Regency in terms of BEP analysis and DOL. Costs necessary for the asparagus farming is quite high, Rp. 28.310,00 for a year. Results of the BEP analysis showed that farming asparagus is able to provide benefits to farmers, where the selling price per kg of asparagus in the market (Rp. 28.310.00) greater than the BEP selling price (Rp. 17.625,00) and the price per kg in the market is stable because there was no change to the current price. In terms of quantity, the quantity sold farmers still higher (1.420 kg / year) of the BEP quantity (381  kg / year) with an average land area of ??15 acres. DOL analysis value of 1,37 shows that farm profits will continue to grow in line with increased production in which every 10% increase in production will drive the gain of 13,7%. Asparagus farming is very promising views of BEP analysis and DOL, but in the field there are many farmers experiencing farm constraints, government assistance and mertanadi koperasi particularly needed to assist both in terms of production facilities and technical farming and land development asparagus very well done to make a point higher profits for farmers. Keywords: Asparagus Farm Performance, Analysis of BEP, Analysis of DOL
Profil Industri Kerajinan Dulang dan Sumbangannya terhadap Pendapatan Total Rumah Tangga Petani di Desa Pengotan Kecamatan Bangli Kabupaten Bangli NI LUH PUTU ERMA MERTANINGRUM; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; A.A.A WULANDIRA SAWITRI DJELANTIK
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.4, No.5, Desember 2015
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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ABSTRACT Dulang Craft Industry Profile and the Contributions Against Total Household Income of Framer in Pengotan village of Bangli District of Bangli Regency Pengotan village is a village that became the center of handicraft industry of household, one types of handicraft that produced in this village is the dulang craft. Dulang is one of the means that used as offerings at Hinduism ceremony. In addition, the survival dulang industry this is also useful as a medium inpreserving local culture. The purpose of this study is to find out how much acceptance of farmer household is; to determine how the labor productivity and productivity costs such; and to find out how big the contribution of dulang industry to total household income of farmers. Data analysis method that used in this study is the formula of acceptance, the labor productivity and costs productivity and the percentage contribution of the craft. The results showed that, the handicraft industry is able to provide additional income to the total income of the household, the level of labor productivity and costs productivity dulang craft industry can be classified as an i productive industrial because it has more value than one, and dulang craft workmanship able to providing a substansial contribution to earning total farm households. Keywords: Pengotan Village, Dulang Craft
Tingkat Substitusi Teknikal Marjinal dalam Kombinasi Penggunaan Pupuk pada Usahatani Cabai Merah Besar di Desa Baturiti Kabupaten Tabanan WAYAN WIDYANTARA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.6, No.1, Januari 2017
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.205 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2017.v06.i01.p14


Marginal Rate of Technical Susbtitution in Combined Use of Fertilizer in LargeRed Chili Farming in Baturiti Village Tabanan RegencyLarge red chilli farming is intensive farming, so farmers in managing their farmingexperience various problems, both problems in farming and environmental issues.The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) marginal rate of technicalsubstitution (MRTS) from a combination of the type of fertilizers used, (2) the effectof changes of the use of fertilizers on the use of other fertilizers, and (3) theoptimization of allocation combinations of fertilizers in big red chili farming,whether it had qualified for optimal requirements. The results showed that, from acombination of fertilizers (urea, ZA, KCl, TSP, NPK) used by large red chili farmers,only NPK fertilizer which wassubstitutable with ZA fertilizers and urea fertilizerswhile other fertilizers are complementary in nature, MRTS of urea with NPKof0.058, and MTRS ZA with NPK of 0.118. NPK fertilizers were not perfectsubstitutes of the ZA and the urea fertilizers. The substitution abilitywas only 11%against ZA and 13% against urea. From the combination of the use of fertilizers inlarge red chillifarming, none of the combinations was optimal. It is suggestedfarmers should improve their skills in the use of a combination of various types offertilizers in chillifarming, so that costs can be minimized andthe profit of farmingcan be maximized.
Analisis Usahatani Wortel (Daucus carota L) Organik dan Non Organik (Studi Kasus pada Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Perdesaan Swadaya (P4S) Eka Setia Lestari, Desa Bangli, Kecamatan Baturiti, Kabupaten Tabanan) GDE NUSHA SUPUTRA; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; IDA AYU LISTIA DEWI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.7, No.1, Januari 2018
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.46 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2018.v07.i01.p01


The Organic and Non Organic Carrot Farming Analysis (Case Study on P4SEka Setia Lestari, Bangli Village, Baturiti Sub-District, of Tabanan Regency) The objectives of the research are to determine the differences of income of theorganic and non organic carrot farming. The second objective is to find out theconstraints faced by the organic and non organic farmers.The research wasconducted in Bangli Village, Baturiti Sub-District, Tabanan Regency. Determinationof the location is done purposively because Eka Setia Lestari already has organiccertificate and recognized by the LeSos Organic Institute. The respondents werefarmers who planted carrots during the planting season of September - December2015 at P4S Eka Setia Lestari with the number of 24 people. Determination ofrespondents of the research was conducted by census method. The analysis used wasfarm income analysis, Mann Whitney test, and descriptive analysis. The resultsshowed that the organic carrot income was Rp 7,646,446.67 and non-organic carrotincome of Rp 6,191,229.06. Based on the results of Mann Whitney test, it wasobtained significant differences between the incomes of farmers who grew organicand non-organic carrots . The constraint faced by the organic carrot farmers is thatcarrots are more susceptible to pests and diseases attacks while the constraintexperienced by the non-organic carrot farmers is the price fluctuations in the sale ofcarrots in the market.
Kontribusi Industri Gula Aren terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Petani di Desa Belimbing, Kecamatan Pupuan, Kabupaten Tabanan SUSANNA E.R. SIMAMORA; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; NI WAYAN PUTU ARTINI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.9, No.1, Januari 2020
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Contributions of Palm Sugar Industryon Farmers Household Incomein Belimbing Village, Pupuan Sub-District, Tabanan Regency The palm sugar industry is one of the side livelihoods for most people in BelimbingVillage. Belimbing Village is one of the villages in the Province of Bali that has beendesignated as the center of NIKOSAKE (Nira (palm sugar), Kopi (Coffee), Salak(Snake fruit), Kelapa (Coconut). This study aims to find out: 1) Sources of income offarmer households in Belimbing Village. 2) Contribution of palm sugar industry to theincome of farmer households in Belimbing Village. The data analysis method used isquantitative and qualitative methods. This study shows that the source of income offarmer households in Belimbing Village, Pupuan Subdistrict, Tabanan Regency comesfrom palm sugar industry, farming (rice, coffee, durian, mangosteen, coconut, cocoa,bamboo, and banana), and non-farming ( traders and laborers). The results obtained, theaverage household income of palm sugar is Rp 5,062,162 per year, the average farmincome is Rp 12,053,359 per year, and the average non-farm income is Rp 10,156,441per year.