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Analisis Risiko Produksi Stroberi pada UD Agro Mandiri di Desa Pancasari Kecamatan Sukasada Kabupaten Buleleng GUSTI MADE OFFAYANA,; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; I GUSTI AYU AGUNG LIES ANGGRENI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.5, No.1, Januari 2016
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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ABSTRACT The Risk Analysis on Strawberries Production of UD Agro Mandiri at the Pancasari Village Sukasada Sub-district of the Buleleng Regency UD Agro Mandiri is one of the agribusiness companies, as well as agro-tourism located in the Village of Pancasari, Sub-district of Sukasada, the Buleleng Regency which produces strawberries in its agribusiness. The problem faced is the fluctuation of the production of strawberries, so that indicates the risks faced in producing strawberries, where the risk has caused decline in revenue to the company. The study aims to identify the sources of risk, to analyze the extent of the risk, and to find out the ways of tackling the risk of strawberry production specialization. The research method used qualitative and quantitative analysis. The result showed the sources of risk that affect the production of strawberries at UD Agro Mandiri namely: the weather conditions, pests and diseases, workers, visitors, and the quality of the seeds with relatively bigger level of risk, when it is seen from the standard deviation of 3,411 kg/year and the coefficient variation of 3.3. The risk management done by the company previously, has not been able to minimize the risk of strawberry production. It takes some ways in facing the risk of strawberry production, namely, building a greenhouse with hydroponic systems, making the SOP, adding the company's facilities, undertaking contract of production, developing vertical diversification, and making partnerships in the procurement of strawberry seeds. The company needs to implement the ways of handling as proposed, so that it can curb the risk into smaller level when producing strawberries. It also needs further research on the analysis of portfolio risk. Keyword : strawberry, production risks, specialization
Tipologi dan Potensi Sub Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Gianyar YOHANES FACRIS BANI; I WAYAN BUDIASA; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.9, No.1, Januari 2020
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Typology and Potential of Agricultural Sub-Sector in Gianyar Regency The lowest contribution in the formation of GRDP in Gianyar Regency in 2017 by theagricultural category was 12,84 percent (decreased from 13,06 percent in 2016. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the position of each agricultural sub-sector, baseand non-base sub-sectors in the economy in Gianyar Regency Research location wasdetermined deliberately. The research method used the Klassen typology analysismethod and Location Quetient with timeseries PDRB data for the last five years (20132017).The results of the Tiplogi comparison were food crop sub-sector, horticultureplant sub-sector annual seasonal plantations and sub-sectors included in theclassification of the potency sub-sector or can still develop, while the other agriculturalsub-sectors are in the relatively underdeveloped sub-sector classification, thehorticulture plant sub-sector a year, annual plantation sub-sector, livestock sub-sectorand sub-sector agricultural services and hunting. The results of the location quotient aresub-sectors which are the basic sub-sectors in the economy of Gianyar Regency, namelythe food crop sub-sector, annual horticulture sub-sector, and the annual plantation subsector.While the horticultural plant sub sector a year, the annual plantation sub-sector,the livestock sub-sector and the agriculture services and hunting sub-sector are non-basesub-sectors in the economy of Gianyar Regency. The development of agriculturalcommodities must have strategic characters, such as being oriented to market demandand concentrated on superior products with high competitiveness.
Optimasi Omzet Penjualan dan Harga Jual Kacang Kapri dalam Memperoleh Laba (Studi Kasus pada UD Monang) I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; NI LUH PRIMA KEMALA DEWI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.5, No.3, Juli 2016
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Optimizing Sales Turnover and Price of Kapri RoastedPeanuts in Obtaining Profit (A Case Study at UD Monang)The development of small businesses, particularly agro-industries should be gettingmore attention, because it is very vulnerable to any risks as a result of uncertainty inthe field of farming and the lower quality of Human Resources on small businesses.It is necessary for improvement in the management in order to be able to earn aprofit in the long run. The management of agro-industry, especially smallbusinesses, is an important topic that should continuously be improved and studiedin order to reach more effective management. The purpose of this study is: to findout the sales turnover to be done in order to obtain maximum profits, to determinehow the sales volume each month that must be offered in order not to lose, whatprice per kg should be offered to customers, and whether UD Monang has thebargaining position in selling its roasted kapri peanuts. The results of the studyindicated that the peanuts’ optimal sales volume, so that UD Monang can gainmaximum profit if UD Monang is able to sell peanuts 2,875.67 kg/month. Thecritical point of losses occurred on the sales volume of 1,013.58 kg/month. Theselling price of peanut offer should range between IDR 27,000.00/kg. to IDR37,558.50/kg. UD Monang’s bargaining position was 34% of the agreed price bythe customers / consumers.
Profil dan Kinerja Usahatani Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea reptans) dalam Pola Diversifikasi dengan Padi Ciherang di Desa Abianbase, Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung I MADE PUTRA ARIMBAWA; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; NI LUH PRIMA KEMALA DEWI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.6, No.1, Januari 2017
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.404 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2017.v06.i01.p03


Profile and Performance of Dry-Land Spinach (Ipomoea reptans) Farming InRice Ciherang Diversification Patten in Abianbase Village, Mengwi District,Badung RegencyThis study aimed to determine the profile of dry-land spinach farming and tocompare the dry-land spinach with rice ciherang views by income differences as wellas differences outpouring of labor in the family Village Abianbase. The researchmethod used was interview, observation, and direct documentation of 27 respondentsselected intentionally. The analysis used was descriptive analysis and comparisonanalysis. The results based on the characteristics of the respondent of swamp drylandspinach farmers seen from the age of more interest from group of productiveage and old age the average education level of famers dry-land spinach elementaryschool graduates, amount of children’s farmer an average had two late and secondjob as an average farmer laborers pelvis. Based on profit farming swamp dry-landspinach views of land area average used by 8 are, the total average cost of Rp.389.694,11/are with income Rp. 250.105,89/are and the value of R/C ratio of 1,64 orworth to developing. Based on comparative analysis of fevenue swamp dry-landspinach with rice which is the average income of dry-land spinachRp. 250.105,89/are and the average income of the rice is Rp. 147.956,63/are, whilebased a comparative analysis of the outpouring of labor in the family swamp drylandspinach amounting to 11,00 HOK/are and rice at 1,02 HOK/are.
Iklim Sangat Berpengaruh Terhadap Risiko Produksi Usahatani Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L) WAYAN WIDYANTARA; NENGAH SUDIRTA YASA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.2, No.1, Januari 2013
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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ABSTRACT The Climate Influential Effect to the Production Risk of Shallots Farming Onion is one of the commodoties widely used in the Indonesian households, ranging from as a spice to herbal medicine. This means that onion has important value in society. Generally, farmer grow onion during dry season; however, in Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali Province, they grow onion during wet season as well as during dry season. This study aimed at identifying the risk of farm enterprise of onion, and the factors which contributed to such a risk. The result of analysis showed that the farm enterprice of onion was more risky than that during wet season. Climate was also found to contribute to the risk of the farm enterprice of onion. Keywords : onio), production risk, climate.
Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Dan Sensitivitas Usahatani Anggur Di Desa Banjar Kecamatan Banjar Kabupaten Buleleng NGURAH ADI PUTRA MANDALA; DWI PUTRA DARMAWAN; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.8, No.4, Oktober 2019
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Financial Feasibility Analysis and Grapes Farming Sensitivity in Banjar Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency.Bali Grapes, especially those in Buleleng Regency, are one of the superior products of the region with a large potential to be developed. Bali Grapes have been cultivated for along time in several sub-districts, one of them in Banjar District. Grape farming issought to get maximum profit during its economic life. This study aims to: (1) Knows the feasibility of grape farming in the Banjar Village, Banjar District, BulelengRegency. (2) Knowing the sensitivity level of NPV, IRR, Net B/C, and Payback Periodon grapes farming in Banjar Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. Locationselection is done purposively. The data used includes primary data and secondary data.Primary data were obtained from questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data wasobtained from various literatures and several related agencies. Data retrieval was carriedout in July to August 2018. The analysis carried out included farming feasibility: NPV,IRR, Net B/C, PP, and Sensitivity. The results showed that: (1) Grapes farming isfeasible to be developed financially, because the NPV value > 0, Net B/C > 1, IRR >applicable interest rates, and capital returns with a time limit of less than 8 years. (2)The sensitivity / sensitivity of grape farming occurs in the decline in the selling price ofwine, in the decline in production and in the increase in production costs, so that winefarming becomes inappropriate.
Hubungan Harga dan Volume Penjualan Buah Lokal dalam Strategi Penentuan Harga Bauran Produk (Kasus pada Ritel UD Moena Farm Sejahtera I) WAYAN WIDYANTARA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.5, No.4, Oktober 2016
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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The Relationship of Price and Sale Volume of Local Fruits in Pricing Strategies of Mix Products (Case in Ritel UD Moena Farm Sejahtera I)Retail stores which are also called retailer have been growing rapidly these days, especially in urban areas. Many retailers specifically sell agricultural commodities such as fruits and vegetables. The objectives of the study were to: (1) determine the correlation between the selling price the commodity of fruits offered between the lines, (2) the effect of the selling price of commodity of fruits on the volume of sales on each line, and (3) determine the sales prospects of each commodity and the maximum revenues from sales in each line of fruits at UD Moena Farm Sejahtera I.The analysis showed that, there was a fairly strong correlation between the price of guava and the selling price of salak Bali. The correlation of selling prices on other commodities (bananas, Lumajang oranges, and Kintamani oranges) was very weak. The selling price which affected the volume of sales occurred in fruit commodity of salak Bali, bananas, oranges Lumajang oranges, and Kintamani oranges. The selling price of guava had no effect on the selling volume. There were two commodities of fruits that had a good prospect, namely: Lumajang oranges, and Kintamani oranges, but these commodities are substitution goods. Salak Bali and banana negatively affected on the sales.
Analisis Risiko Usahatani Kopi Robusta di Desa Munduktemu, Kecamatan Pupuan, Kabupaten Tabanan GUSTI AYU PUTU WIDHI ASTUTI; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; A.A.A. WULANDIRA SAWITRI DJELANTIK
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.10, No.1, Juli 2021
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Risk Analysis of Robusta Coffee Farming in Munduktemu Village, Pupuan Sub-District of Tabanan Regency. Coffee commodity is a species of small tree plantations belonging to the family of Rubiaceae and the genus of Coffea. Munduktemu Village is one of Robusta coffee producing villages in Tabanan. This study aims to determine the level of production and income risks in Robusta coffee farming if analyzed based on farm risk analysis. Based on the results of farm risk analysis, the risk of production is quite high as seen from the standard deviation of 753,45 kg / year and the coefficient of variation value of 0,33. Robusta coffee farmers can avoid production risks with a risk threshold of 753,84 kg / year. The risk of income is quite high as seen from the standard deviation value of Rp. 17,42 / year and the coefficient of variation value is 0,33. Robusta coffee farmers can avoid risk with a risk threshold of Rp 17,85 / year. The Robusta coffee farmers in Munduktemu Village are expected to pay attention to fertilizers and seeds, in order to be able to increase productivity. Alternative ways of handling risks that can be done by respondents in producing Robusta coffee is by conducting partnership farming contracts and conducting agricultural counseling or training in plant cultivation techniques of Robusta coffee, with the expectation that the respondents' Robusta coffee production yields in Munduktemu Village will be higher and more stable in the future.
Peramalan Volume Penjualan Buah Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium Guajava Linn.) di CV Moena Abadi Sejahtera 1 IDA AYU PREMAYANTI; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; RATNA KOMALA DEWI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.6, No.2, April 2017
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.345 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2017.v06.i02.p03


Sales Volume Forecasting Red Guava Fruit (Psidium Guajava Linn.)in CV Moena Abadi Sejahtera 1This study aims to determine the factors that affect the sales volume of fruit Guava Red and estimating sales volume Guava fruit Red 2016, 2017, and 2018 in CV Moena Abadi Sejahtera 1. The data were taken within the last six years the year 2010 until 2015. this study used two models of the sales function is a linear function of sales and sales functions are transformed into a form logharitma tested with three criteria to get the best sales function model. The independent variables that affect the price of fruit Guava Red (PJBM), the price of fruit Bark (PSB), the price of fruit Ambon Banana (PPA), the price fruit Lumajang Oranges (PJL), and the price fruits Kintamani oranges (PJK). Sales function model which is transformed into the shape of a model function logharitma valid sales are LogQJBM = -7.267 - 0,227 log PJBM + 1,798 log PSB - 0,102 log PPA + 0,136 log PJL + 0,379 log PJK ± e. Factors that influence is Red Guava fruit prices, the price of fruit Salak Bali, Lumajang Citrus fruit prices, and the price Citrus fruits Kintamani. Estimated sales of Red Guava fruit using trend analysis and multiple linear regression to see the value of the coefficient of determination (R2), the largest and the value of the standard error (SE), the smallest so get the best forecasting method. Methods exponential trend is the best forecasting method is Y = 502.34 + 1.0023 t ± e. The estimation results of the Red Guava fruit sales in 2016, 2017, and 2018 continue to rise. CV Moena Abadi Sejahtera 1 should use a forecasting method to maintain the availability of the fruit in the store, especially the Red Guava fruit.
Hubungan Produk Tahu dan Tempe dalam Optimalisasi Laba (Keuntungan Maksimum) pada UD Wahyu di Kota Denpasar AHMAD MAULA ABIDIN; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; I GUSTI AGUNG AYU AMBARAWATI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.7, No.1, Januari 2018
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.729 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2018.v07.i01.p17


Relationship of Products Tofu and Tempeh for the Optimization of Profits(Maximum Profits) at UD Wahyu in Denpasar City UD Wahyu is one of the largest industry tofu and tempeh in Denpasar, proved by itsability of the average monthly production reached 167.36 tons of tofu and 51.76 tonsof tempeh. Problem faced by UD Wahyu is the selling price of tofu and tempehremain the same every year and uncertain incurred costs causing change profits overtime. The purposes of the research are to determine the production relationshipbetween tofu and tempeh and to find out the optimal production of tofu and tempehby UD Wahyu. Data collected by in-depth interview to the owner and observation tothe local site of production. Data analysis techniques was using regression andmaximum profit analysis by the marginal cost approach. The results showed thatproduction relationship between tofu and tempeh is complementary. It means thatany increase of tofu production will be followed by an increase in tempehproduction. The optimal monthly production of tofu amounted to 69.582 tons and theoptimal production of tempeh every month prevailed into two options, amounted to32.3073 tons and 43.9101 tons respectively. Profits earned by UD Wahyu fromproduction of 32.073 tons tempeh and 69.582 tons tofu between Rp 44.618.449 andRp 147.989.431. While profits earned by UD Wahyu production of tempeh 43.9101tons and tofu 69.582 tons between Rp 112.318.141 and Rp 215.689.123. Averageproduction of tofu and tempeh at UD Wahyu every month still exceeds the optimalproduction. To control costs, UD Wahyu is recommended to work on the optimalproduction.