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Journal : Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro

Lafadz Takbir's Translator as a Deaf-Based Deaf Aid Pratama, Denny Yoga; Yudhana, Anton
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v2i2.1607


Speech recognition is a technique that allows a computer system to receive input in the form of a spoken word. The words are transformed into digital signals by changing sound waves into a group of numbers and then adjusted to certain codes and matched with a pattern stored in a device. The results of the identification of spoken words can be displayed in written form and can be read by technological devices. The tool in this study was designed to be able to help people with hearing impairment so they can participate in prayer in congregation in knowing the changing movements of prayer. This tool is designed with an Arduino Nano microcontroller board as a voice processing function received from speech recogniton. The results issued by this tool in the form of vibrations that will be directly felt by the user. Presentation of success will increase if the sound around the input is not too noisy. Presentation of success in the words "Allahu Akbar" reached 82%, "Sami'allahu Liman Hamidah" reached 90% and "Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh" reached 80%.
Nitrogen Test Tool in Rice Leaves Based on Android Application Darso, Muhammad; Yudhana, Anton
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol 3, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v3i1.3071


This study aims to make an application for measuring nitrogen requirements in rice leaves based on an android application. The method used is the On Touch Motion Event. The onTouch method will be used when a touch will be sent to be displayed, then MotionEvent contains information about the touch made. System testing is carried out to display images using the Open Camera button using a smartphone camera, after that look for the RGB value then convert it to the BWD scale. This research has succeeded in building an application that can determine nitrogen levels in rice leaves through leaf color and provide recommendations for the amount of fertilization according to the desired results. The results of tests that have been carried out on 6 samples of rice leaves with 60 samples of RGB value data produce an accuracy rate of using the application of 78.33% and the remaining 21.66% is an error value. And how to calculate the land area, the results obtained from the need for urea per plant in 1 ha are 120 kg, where the BWD table shows the value of leaf color on a scale of 2-3 and requires a urea measurement of 100 which is estimated to get a yield rate of 6 t / ha.
Lafadz Takbir's Translator as a Deaf-Based Deaf Aid Denny Yoga Pratama; Anton Yudhana
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v2i2.1607


Speech recognition is a technique that allows a computer system to receive input in the form of a spoken word. The words are transformed into digital signals by changing sound waves into a group of numbers and then adjusted to certain codes and matched with a pattern stored in a device. The results of the identification of spoken words can be displayed in written form and can be read by technological devices. The tool in this study was designed to be able to help people with hearing impairment so they can participate in prayer in congregation in knowing the changing movements of prayer. This tool is designed with an Arduino Nano microcontroller board as a voice processing function received from speech recognition. The results issued by this tool in the form of vibrations that will be directly felt by the user. Presentation of success will increase if the sound around the input is not too noisy. Presentation of success in the words "Allahu Akbar" reached 82%, "Sami'allahu Liman Hamidah" reached 90%, and "Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh" reached 80%.
Nitrogen Test Tool in Rice Leaves Based on Android Application Muhammad Darso; Anton Yudhana
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v3i1.3071


This study aims to make an application for measuring nitrogen requirements in rice leaves based on an android application. The method used is the On Touch Motion Event. The onTouch method will be used when a touch will be sent to be displayed, then MotionEvent contains information about the touch made. System testing is carried out to display images using the Open Camera button using a smartphone camera, after that look for the RGB value then convert it to the BWD scale. This research has succeeded in building an application that can determine nitrogen levels in rice leaves through leaf color and provide recommendations for the amount of fertilization according to the desired results. The results of tests that have been carried out on 6 samples of rice leaves with 60 samples of RGB value data produce an accuracy rate of using the application of 78.33% and the remaining 21.66% is an error value. And how to calculate the land area, the results obtained from the need for urea per plant in 1 ha are 120 kg, where the BWD table shows the value of leaf color on a scale of 2-3 and requires a urea measurement of 100 which is estimated to get a yield rate of 6 t / ha.
Implementasi Waypoint Menggunakan GPS pada UAV untuk Mendapatkan Akurasi Terbaik dengan Pengontrol PID Ade Firli Ansyori; Anton Yudhana
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol. 3 No. 3 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v3i3.4851


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is an unmanned aerial vehicle from a technical point of view, a UAV can be defined as an aircraft equipped with the necessary data processing units, sensors, automatic control, and communication systems, and capable of performing autonomous flight missions without manual intervention. This research is a research development and testing of the capabilities of fixed-wing aircraft, on flight missions, fixed-wing aircraft are often less precise so the accuracy of UAV flights is very influential in the intended coordinate mission in determining flight accuracy by following the coordinate point data provided obtained via GPS (Global Positioning System) can be minimized by setting the value of the PID manually on the Mission Planner so that the fixed-wing aircraft vehicle can go to its destination with precision at a predetermined coordination point. tracking can follow the desired coordinate point. With a PID value of P:0.65 I:0.3, D:6. The error distance generated by the fixed-wing aircraft from each coordinate point destination that has been given to the mission planner gets an error distance value of ± 3 m, with a level of precision in the Good category or the medium category. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) merupakan salah satu wahana tanpa awak di udara dari sudut pandang teknis, UAV dapat didefinisikan sebagai pesawat yang dilengkapi dengan unit pengolah data yang diperlukan, sensor, sistem kontrol dan komunikasi otomatis, dan mampu melakukan misi penerbangan otonomus tanpa intervensi manual. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dan menguji kemampuan wahana pesawat fixed-wings, pada misi penerbangan wahana pesawat fixed-wing sering kali kurang presisi sehingga keakuratan pada penerbangan UAV sangat berpengaruh dalam suatu misi koordinat yang dituju, sehingga dalam menentukan keakurasian penerbangan dengan mengikuti data titik koordinasi yang di dapatkan melalui GPS (Global Positioning System) dapat diminimalisi dengan mengatur nilai dari PID-nya secara manual pada Mission Planner, sehingga wahana  pesawat fixed-wing dapat menuju lokasi tujuannya dengan presisi pada titik koordinasi yang telah di tentukan., Dari simulasi penelitian diperoleh proses tracking dapat mengikuti titik koordinat yang diinginkan. Dengan nilai PID sebesar P:0.65 I:0.3, D:6. Jarak error yang dihasilkan dari wahana pesawat fixed-wings dari setiap tujuan titik koordinat yang telah diberikan pada mission planner mendapatkan nilai jarak error ± 3 m, dengan tingkatan presisi pada katagori Good atau katagori yang sedang.
Protection and Monitoring System for LPG Leaks and Fires in Arduino-Based Rooms Ivan Triyatno; Anton Yudhana
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v5i1.4784


This research is a development of previous research in overcoming of LPG gas leaks that cause fires. The system is designed using the main sensor MQ-6 and DHT22 sensors which will detect the gas concentration and temperature in the room, the protection system is equipped with an exhaust as a room freshener and a buzzer as a direct warning alarm and a water pump to extinguish a fire. And all of data will be displayed on the application Blynk and will send a notification on email users by using a Wi-Fi network. This system has succeeded in detecting the concentration of LPG gas with a sensor detection distance of 1 cm to 7 cm getting an average time of 1.6 seconds and percentage of error comparison 2.52%. In normal temperature detection, the percentage error is 1.14% and normal humidity is 2.98%, As for detection of rising temperature by using of wax media, the percentage error is 1.84% and humidity 1.87%. From these tests and getting results with a small percentage value this system can already be used and runs as well.
Chili Plants Soil Fertility Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things (IoT) Wahyu Prawoto; Anton Yudhana
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): December
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v4i3.5298


Soil fertility is one of the main factors in cultivating chili peppers. Variables that need to be considered to support chili growth include soil temperature and pH. This study aims to monitor soil fertility using the DS18B20 temperature sensor and an Internet of Things (IoT)-based soil pH sensor combined with the Geographical Information System (GIS) algorithm. Ituses parameters of temperature values and soil pH values with geographic readings via GIS. The DS18B20 temperature sensor values and ground pH sensor are processed on the ESP8266 NodeMCU then displayed on a 20x4 LCD and sent to the ThingSpeak website in real time. Soil fertility testing is carried out in the morning and evening by comparing the measurement results of the DS18B20 temperature sensor and soil pH sensor with a standard tool, namely the 4in1Soil Survey Instrument. The results of soil fertility testing using the DS18B20 temperature sensor and soil pH sensor conducted in the morning obtained a temperature accuracy of 95.36% and a pH accuracy of 95.96%. Meanwhile, the results carried out in the afternoon obtained a temperature accuracy of 94.36% and a pH accuracy of 89.96%. The implementation of GIS in this study succeeded in mapping the fertility of good and bad soils.
Naive Bayes Method Monitoring Macro Nutrition and Soil Moisture Using Naive Bayes Method based on Internet of Things Herwindo Rahadian; Anton Yudhana
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v5i2.6305


The different land quality causes farmers not to know the exact quality of their agricultural land. Improper processing of agricultural land can result in a decrease in the quality of a land. The content of soil macronutrients consists of nitrogen (N), phospor (P), and potassium (K), these contents that usually affect plant growth. The development of an optical transducer for which is used to measure the wavelength of an object in everyday life can use led sensors as a light source and photo diodes as light detection using the TCRT5000 sensor as an infrared wave transmitter module. The use of the internet of things at this time is very useful to facilitate monitoring. The use of naïve bayes to determine the resulting probability. the soil moisture content obtained averaged 20.63% and nitrogen content values with an average of 590, Phospor 513 and Potassium 670. The sending of data to ThingSpeak can be determined as desired. It is hoped that this research can be developed by refining the use of sensors and methods used to make it easier to apply in life.
Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System in Internet of Things-based Solar Dryer Dome Dzakarasma Tazakka Ma’arij; Anton Yudhana
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol. 5 No. 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v5i3.8633


The village of Gerbosari has a program for cultivating spice rhizome plants as an effort to improve the economy. These plants are dried using a Solar Dryer Dome (SDD) as a solution to the rain-related issues. The SDD has an automatically controlled exhaust fan based on the measured temperature. Temperature and humidity readings are taken using DHT22 and DHT11 sensors, respectively. Weather conditions (clear or rainy) are detected using a rain sensor. Weather, temperature, and humidity monitoring are done through On The Spot (OTS) and Internet of Things (IoT) methods. OTS utilizes an LCD 16x2, while IoT utilizes the Blynk application and WhatsApp. The temperature errors for DHT22 and DHT11, respectively, are 1.572% and 0.721%, while the humidity errors are 5.223% for DHT22 and 3.214% for DHT11. If the error values approach 5% or more, program adjustments are necessary. Throughout the day, regardless of clear or rainy weather, the temperature inside the SDD is higher, and the humidity is lower than the temperature and humidity outside.
Co-Authors Aang Anwarudin Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdul Djalil Djayali Abdul Fadil Abdul Fadil Abdul Fadil Abdul Fadlil Abdul Fadlil Abdullah Hanif Ade Firli Ansyori Adi Permadi Agus Jaka Sri Hartanta Ahmad Azhar Kadim Ahmad Fajar Sidiq Ahmad Ikrom Ahmad Ikrom Ahmad Syahril Mohd Nawi ahmadi, ahwan Ahmadi, Ahwan Akhwandi, Dasef Alameka, Faza Alameka, Faza Aldi Bastiatul Fawait Fawait Alfian Ma’arif Alin Khaliduzzaman Alwas Muis Andhy Sulistyo Andiko Putro Suryotomo Andri Pranolo Anggara Ibnu Sidharta Anggi Rizky Windra Putri Anshori, Ikhwan Anton Satria Prabuwono Anwar Siswanto Ari Peryanto Ari Peryanto Arief Setyo Nugroho Asno Azzawagama Firdaus Asno Azzawagama Firdaus Asra Akrima Aznar Abdillah, Muhamad Azrul Mahfurdz Balza Achmad Belly Apriansyah Bintang, Rauhulloh Noor budi putra Choirul Fajri Darso, Muhammad Daryono Daryono Dasef Akhwandi Deni Murdiani Denny Yoga Pratama Didi Siprian djohar, fahrizal Dwi Susanto Dwi Susanto Dwi Susanto Dzakarasma Tazakka Ma’arij Eka Rahmat B Eko Prianto Eko Prianto Fadlil, Abdul Fadlillah Mukti Ayudewi Fahrizal Djohar Fahrizal Djohar Fathoni, Listya Febri Faza Alameka Faza Alameka Febryansah, M. Iqbal Firdausy, Kartika Fitrah Juliansyah Fitri Anggraini Fitriyanto, Rachmad Frandika Septa Furizal Furizal Furizal Furizal Furizal, Furizal Galih Pramuja Inngam Fanani Habsah Hasan Hartanta, Agus Jaka Sri Herman Herman Herman Herman Herman Hermansa Hermansa H Herwindo Rahadian Hidayat, Lalu Amam Hikmatyar Insani Himawan I Azmi Igo Putra Pratama Iif Alfiatul Mukaromah Ikhsan Sugianto Ikhsan Zuhriyanto Ikhsan Zuhriyanto Ikhsan Zuhriyanto Ikhwan Anshori Ikrom, Ahmad Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Ivan Triyatno Jafri Din Jaka Dernata Jaka Dernata Jaka Kalbuadi, Dimas Baskoro Kartika Firdausy Kartika Firdausy Kartika Firdausy Kaspul Anwar Kawarul Hawari Ghazali Kgs Muhammad Rizky Alditra Utama Kgs Muhammad Rizky Alditra Utama Kharis Hudaiby Hanif Kiagus Muhammad Rizky Aditra Utama Listya Febri Fathoni Liya Yusrina Sabila Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lutfatul Kholifah M Rosyidi Djou M Rosyidi Djou M. Rosyidi Djou Mahsun Mahsun Mardi Sugama Mawadati, Siti Miftahuddin Fahmi Miftahus Surur, Miftahus Miko Wardani Mitra Adhimukti Muchamad Kurniawan Muchlas, Muchlas Mudinillah, Adam Muflih, Ghufron Zaida Muh. Fadli Hasa Muhamad Caesar Febriansyah Putra, Muhamad Caesar Febriansyah Muhamad Fahrul Reza Muhamad Rosidin Muhammad Aris Fajar Ilmawan Muhammad Darso Muhammad Irfan Pure Muhammad Kunta Biddinika Muhammad Kunta Biddinika Muhammad Miftahul Amri Muhammad Noor Fadillah Muhammad Noor Fadillah Muhammad Nur Faiz Muhammad Nur Faiz Muhammad Rizki Setyawan Muhammad Sabiq Dzakwan Muhammad Sabiq Dzakwan Muhammad, Khairul Mukaromah, Iif Alfiatul Mushab Al Barra Mushlihudin Mushlihudin Mushlihudin Mushlihudin Mushlihudin, Mushlihudin Mushlihudin, Mushlihudin Nathalie Japkowicz Nurina Umy Habibah Nuryono Satya Widodo Ockhy Jey Fhiter Wassalam Phisca Aditya Rosyady Pratama, Denny Yoga prayudi, Andi Prianto, Eko Priyatno Priyatno Putra, Aji Surya Kurniawan Putra, Marta Dwi Darma Rachmad Fitriyanto Rachmad Very Ananda Saputra Rafal Drezewski Raja Bidin Raja Hassan Rani Rotul Muhima Rauhulloh Ayatulloh Khomeini Noor Bintang Renangga Yudianto Resmi Aini Retnosyari Septiyani Reza, Muhamad Fahrul Rezki Ramdhani Riski Prasongko Yudhi Prasongko Riski Yudhi Prasongko Riski Yudhi Prasongko Rizky Andhika Surya Rosad, Safiq Rusdi Umar Rusydi Umar Rusydi Umar Rusydi Umar Rusydi Umar Sabarudin Saputra Saberi Mawi Safiq Rosad Saifullah, Shoffan Samadri Samadri saputro, tahap Sarjimin Sarjimin Sarjimin Sarjimin Satriya Dwi Putra Satriya Dwi Putra Sefindra Purnama Seno Aji Putra Septa, Frandika Septiyawan Rosetya Wardhana Setiawan Ardi Wijaya Sharipah Salwa Mohamed Sidharta, Anggara Ibnu Sigit Wijaya Siswaya Siswaya Siswaya, Siswaya Siti Helmiyah Siti Helmiyah Siti Helmiyah Son Ali Akbar sri suharti Sri Suharti Sulistyo, Andhy Sunardi - Sunardi Sunardi sunardi sunardi Sunardi, Sunardi Suwanti Suwanti Syahrani Lonang Syaiful Amrial Khoir Syed Abdullah Syinta Brata Tarisno Amijoyo Tiara Widyakunthaningrum Tole Sutikno Tugiman Tugiman Tuska Abe Umar, Rusydi Ummi Syafiqoh Ummi Syafiqoh W, Yunanri Wahidah Mahanani Rahayu Wahyu Prawoto Wahyu Sapto Aji Wardani, Miko Wicaksono Yuli Sulistyo Wicaksono Yuli Sulistyo Wilis Kaswijanti Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yusril Rumagia Zeehaida Mohamed