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Journal : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat Dalam Pemilihan Gubernur Dan Wakil Gubernur Riau Putaran Ke Dua Di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2013 (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Air Hitam Kecamatan Payung Sekaki) SAMSUL BAHRI; Muhammad Ridwan
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Political participation of the community in direct local elections is an important institution in any democratic country like Indonesia . Local elections is also a means of political education for the people who are directly and openly . That is expected to increase public awareness about democracy . Local elections emphasize democratization process better and deeper . Local elections laden with political competition among the participants . Researchers study detailing the problem as follows : How can public participation during the day ( voting ) , and whether the factors that cause a lot of abstentions or no vote on the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau second round of 2013 in the Village of Air Hitam District of Payung Sekaki, Pekanbaru .This research was conducted with descriptive qualitative method with purposive sampling technique and key person in order to build knowledge representations based on a relatively deep and detailed . While the analysis of data using triangulation of data and data analysis with interactive models of data .After doing research and data processing can be concluded that the public's understanding of the elections and the relatively low level of political participation , as well as the factors that determine cause many non-voters or did not vote on the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau second round of 2013 in the Village of Air Hitam District of Payung Sekaki Pekanbaru city largely because of socioeconomic factors , psychological factors and factors of rational choice and the apathy and indifference of the society towards the common election because of the crisis of public trust in the leader . Keywords : Participation , politics , society .
Co-Authors - Marzuki - Usman Afif Dwi Nugraha Afrida Handayani Agung Dwi Juniarsyah Agus Wahyuni Aliawan Saputra Anhar Rozi Annisa Fitria Edriani asep achmad Asmar Asmar atik Prihatiningrum Baginda Patar Sitorus Besperi Besperi Besperi Budi Harsoyo Cut Maulida Rahmah Dadan Resmana Dini Islama DWI AGUST SUSILO IRAWAN Edi Rudi Ernawati Ernawati Evi Apriana, Evi Apriana Fahmi Hasan Fakhriza Fakhriza Faliqul Isbah Febby Khafilwara feny wijayanti Findy Renggono Florentinus Heru Widodo Hadi Nasbey Halimatun Sakdiya Hamdani Hamdani Harun Arrasyid Sitorus Herman Hermanto Hermanto Husaini, Husaini Imam Safei Irianti Bahana Irma Dewiyanti isma nurunnisa Jamilah . Jon Arifian Judo Laksono Jufriadi Jufriadi Lindung Zalbuin Mase Mahally Kudsy Mahendra Mahendra Makmun R. Razali melsa lestari Melysha Trianshy Meriatna Milda Ernita Mimin Karmini Moch. Asmawi Mochamad Zakaria Muh. Shaleh Muhamad Fahmi Hasan muhammad Fauzan Hanif Muhammad Nasir Muhammad Ridwan Muhammad Zairin Yunior MUKHLIS ISLAM muslih mustofa Nazliah Nazliah Nely Murniati Nia Sri Ramania Novi Sylvia Nursim Nursim R Djoko Goenawan Raden Aswin Rahadian Radite Praeko Agus Setiawan rafly hermana Ramli Idris Razali Makmun Reza remifa berliana Rika Favoria Gusa Rino Bahtiar Yahya Rizka Nurlaila Ropi nuralim Rozanna Dewi Rubiah Rubiah Salsabillah Anisa putri Satyo Nuryanto Sayyid A. El Rahimi Sulhatun Sulhatun Sunu Tikno susi ayu selpiani Sutopo Purwo Nugroho Syarifah Rahmah Tommy Apriantono Tri Handoko Seto Tukiyat Tukiyat Untung Haryanto Viqqi Kurnianda Wasir Ibrahim Wawan Hermawan Yudanto Yudanto Yulianis Zella Alfinda Yusran Ibrahim Yusuf Adisasmita Zulfadhli Zulfadhli