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Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan terhadap Kemiskinan di Indonesia Periode 2015-2021 Sinarta Putra P. Surbakti; Masruri Muchtar; Pardomuan Robinson Sihombing
Ecoplan Vol 6 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Lambung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ecoplan.v6i1.631


This research aims to know the effect of education level on poverty in Indonesia for the 2015-2021 period. The study was conducted using a panel data regression random effect model. The results showed that the level of education indicated by the average length of schooling, literacy rate, and the number of poor people in the previous year simultaneously affected the number of poor people. Separately (partially), literacy rates have an inversely (negative) effect on the number of poor people. Conversely, the average length of schooling has a direct (positive) effect on the number of poor people. Based on this research, the government is expected to focus on quality and effectiveness in the education system in Indonesia. Quality education can be achieved by equal distribution of primary-level schools and by improving teaching staff quality. The government can also encourage the improvement of the Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) program, which provides applied knowledge and added economic power to its graduates.
Pandangan Model Dua-Sektor Lewis dan Model Solow terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Hendiva Tri Nugraha; Masruri Muchtar; Pardomuan Robinson Sihombing
Ecoplan Vol 6 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Lambung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ecoplan.v6i1.632


This study aims to acknowledge the effect of applying the two-sector Lewis and Solow neoclassical growth model in Indonesia’s economic growth. The variables are Urbanization Rate, Labor in Industry Sector, Human Development Index, Total Factor Productivity, and GDP. The research model is an associative quantitative method with multiple linear regression on time series data. The result showed that all variables simultaneously affect GDP significantly. Urbanization (partially) affects GDP positively and significantly. Labor in Industry Sector (partially) doesn’t affect GDP. HDI doesn’t affect GDP. TFP affects GDP positively and considerably at a 90% confidence level. According to this research, the Indonesian Government should increase the quality of their labor, especially in the industry sector. Further research is expected to add more variables that represent both models.
Analisis Pengaruh Indeks Pembangunan Manusia, Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk, dan Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka terhadap Kemiskinan di DKI Jakarta Rama Bhaskara Praja; Masruri Muchtar; Pardomuan Robinson Sihombing
Ecoplan Vol 6 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Lambung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ecoplan.v6i2.656


The poverty rate has increased rapidly again due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. DKI Jakarta is one of the top 5 provinces with the lowest poverty rate in Indonesia, even though it has high complexity in administering its government. Because of these achievements, this study aims to find factors that influence poverty so that it can become a reference for other local governments in alleviating poverty. This research was conducted using panel data regression with a fixed effect model. The results showed that simultaneously poverty headcount index in the t-1 period, human development index (HDI), open unemployment rate, and population growth rate significantly affect the poverty headcount index. While partially, open unemployment and population growth rate positively and significantly affect the poverty headcount index. On the other hand, the poverty headcount index in the t-1 period and HDI positively and insignificantly affect the poverty headcount index. This research shows that local governments must focus more on policies to reduce unemployment and population growth rate in the context of alleviating poverty.
Co-Authors Abdul Gofur Rochman Ade Famalika Ade Famalika Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Ade Marsinta Arsani Adina Astasia Ahid Nur Istinah Ajeng Taufina Ramadhanti Akhmad Mun'im Arsani, Ade Marsinta Artha Satwika Astawa, I Gede Putu Banu Avior Ocean Noya Bagus Sartono Bekti Endar Susilowati Bekti Endar Susilowati Bekti Endar Susilowati Bertho Tantular Bjardianto Pudjiono Budiantono, Sigit Bungkus Sasongko Purnomo Bungkus Sasongko Purnomo Busminoloan Busminoloan Cahya Alkahfi Deden Achmad Sunarjo Desak Ari Gita Wahyuni Deva A. Nurul Huda Dewi Arhaninka Dhinnessa Prabowo Drajat Indra Purnama DRAJAT INDRA PURNAMA Dwi Muslianti Dyah Purwanti Emilio Pascal Erica Indryani Fadlol Muhammad Fajar Faiza Aina Nurrizqi Feri Fernandes Fikri Dias Basmallah Fitri Mudia Sari Frisca Adriana Gabiela Gumilang Galuh Prabaningrum Ayu Sukarsa HAMIDAH Hastoro Dwinantoaji Hema Malini, Hema Hendiva Tri Nugraha Hendry Frananda, Hendry I Dewa Gede Sunanjaya I Gede Heprin Prayasta Ibnu Daqiqil Ida Ayu Candrawati Iis Hayyun Nurul Islam Ine Ratna Dewi Irma Nurmala Dewi Istiqomatul Fajriyah Yuliati Istiqomatul Fajriyah Yuliati Jaka Wijaya Kusuma Januar Ramadhan Johana Veronika Simanjuntak Karel Fauzan Hakim Krisdianto, Boby Febri Kuat Sidik Wahyono Lina Sari Lisna Sari Lisna Sari Luh Putu Widya Adnyani Mahuda, Isnaini Maisaroh Maisaroh Marta Sundari Marta Sundari Marta Sundari Masruri Mochtar Masruri Muchtar Masruri Muchtar Masruri Muchtar Masruri Muchtar Masruri Muchtar Masruri Muchtar Masruri Muchtar Maydita Ayu Nursaskiawati Mella Anisa Merdawati, Leni Miftakhul Jannah Mohamad Arif Kurniawan Mohamad Arif Kurniawan Muhamad Refkhi Al Aqilah Muhammad Faiz El Haq Muhammad Hafiz Fadhilah Muhammad Heru Akhmadi Muhammad Ramadhan Zulfi Muliantino, Mulyanti Roberto Neni Nur Laili Ersela Zain Ni Kadek Sinarwati Ni Komang Semara Yanti Nurhidayati Nurhidayati Nurhidayati Nurhidayati Nurul Islam, Iis Hayyun Octaviana, Aniek Oki Prasetia Hendarsin Padhilah Dikri Pradita Galih Sekar Palupi Prayoga Setiawan Puput Puspitorini Putri Indi Rahayu Putu Pande Wahyu Diatmika Rahayu, Putri Indi Rahmi Lathifah Islami Rahmi Lathifah Islami Rama Bhaskara Praja Rini Rahani Risqi Nurika Fatha Hidayati Rus Hertanto Saeful Hidayat Sarah Sholikhatun Risma Septie Wulandary Sigit Budiantono Sigit Budiantono Sigit Budiantono Sigit Budiantono Sigit Budiantoro Sinarta Putra P. Surbakti Sri Murdaningrum Sri Murtiningsih Suryadiningrat Suryadiningrat Suryadiningrat Syafrina Maulidiyah Taufik Febriyanto Temy Setiawan, Temy Triana Mauliasih Aritonang Triana Mauliasih Aritonang Ulfa Anggraini Usep Nugraha Wahyu Puji Lestari Widdia Angraini Wiradinata Lambok Silaban Wisnu Pratiko Y Yunita Yosef Felix Sitorus Yoshep Paulus Apri Caraka Yuda Yudhie Andriyana Yuninda Anggraini Putri Yunita Yunita Yunita Zain Yudha Prawira Zakir, Supratman Zufar Lutfi Wisanggeni