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PERAN MAP, ROT, IMT DALAM SKRINING PREEKLAMPSIA DI INDONESIA Dwi Putri Rahayu Tampubolon; Lilik Herawati; Ernawati Ernawati
Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, October 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/imhsj.v3i4.2019.331-340


Abstrak Latar Belakang : Preeklampsia tetap menempati peringkat pertama sebagai penyebab tingginya Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di Surabaya dari tahun 2013-2017 sebesar 28.92 %. Tingginya angka preeklampsia bisa dicegah dengan dilakukannya skrining preeklampsia yang mudah dilakukan pada trimester I dan II yaitu dengan dilakukannya skrining Mean Arterial Presure (MAP), Roll Over Test (ROT), Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT) di fasilitas kesehatan dasar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Skrining Preeklampsia (MAP, ROT, IMT) yang dilakukan pada ibu hamil trimester I dan trimester II serta kejadian preeklampsia. Metode : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Retrospektif, Case Control dengan sampel pada kelompok kasus yaitu pasien preeklampsia pada saat trimester I dan II yang dilakukan skrining preeklampsia sedangkan untuk kelompok kontrol, ibu hamil normal yang juga dilakukan skrining preeklampsia pada trimester I dan II. Hasil : Didapatkan besar sampel 189 ibu hamil dengan preeklampsia selama 1 tahun, pengambilan sampel dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Hasil pemeriksaan diperoleh pada kelompok kasus didapatkan pasien dengan MAP (+), ROT (+), IMT (+) berturut-turut adalah 43 (95.6 %), 18 (40 %) dan 18 (40 %), sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol diperoleh hasil 18 (40 %) sampel MAP (+), 26 (57.8 %) ROT (+), 5 (11.1 %) IMT (+). Hasil uji statistik Chi Square menunjukan adanya hubungan signifikan antara skrining MAP dan IMT dengan kejadian preeklampsia dengan nilai p berturut-turut (p 0.0001, OR = 32.250 dan p 0.002, OR = 5.333 ), namun tidak didapatkan hubungan antara skrining ROT dengan kejadian preeklampsia (p 0.092 OR = 0.487). Didapatkan hubungan ketiga skrining (MAP, ROT, IMT) dengan kejadian preeklampsia (p 0.001, OR 4.529). Kesimpulan : Pasien MAP (+) dan IMT (+) mempunyai resiko sebesar 32 kali dan 5 kali pada preeklampsia. Skrining ROT (+) tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia.AbstractBackground: Preeclampsia still ranks first as the cause of the high Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Surabaya from 2013-2017 at 28.92%. The high rate of preeclampsia can be prevented by conducting pre-eclampsia screening that is easy to do in the first and second trimesters by doing Mean Arterial Presure (MAP) screening, Roll Over Test (ROT), Body Mass Index (BMI) in basic health facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Preeclampsia Screening (MAP, ROT, BMI) performed in first trimester and second trimester pregnant women and the incidence of preeclampsia. Methods : This study was a retrospective study, case control with samples in the case group, namely preeclampsia patients during the first and second trimesters of preeclampsia screening, while for the control group, normal pregnant women who were also screened for preeclampsia in the first and second trimester. Results There was a sample of 189 pregnant women with preeclampsia for 1 year, taking samples by consecutive sampling technique. The results of the examination were obtained in the case group obtained patients with MAP (+), ROT (+), BMI (+) respectively 43 (95.6%), 18 (40%) and 18 (40%), while in the control group obtained results of 18 (40%) samples of MAP (+), 26 (57.8%) ROT (+), 5 (11.1%) BMI (+). The Chi Square statistical test results showed a significant relationship between MAP and BMI screening with the incidence of preeclampsia with p values in a row (p 0.0001, OR = 32,250 and p 0.002, OR = 5,333), but no association between ROT screening and the incidence of preeclampsia ( p 0.092 OR = 0.487). Obtained the third screening relationship (MAP, ROT, BMI) with the incidence of preeclampsia (p 0.001, OR 4,529). Conclusion: MAP (+) and BMI (+) patients have 32 times and 5 times higher risk of preeclampsia. Screening for ROT (+) has no relationship with the incidence of preeclampsia.
Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, January 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/imhsj.v4i1.2020.51-59


ABSTRACTBackground : Dysmenorrhea or menstrual pain has an impact in various aspects of life. There are many methods for treating dysmenorrhea like pharmacological and nonpharmacological therapy. Massage is one of the non-pharmacological therapies used to treat dysmenorrhoea. This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of effluence and kneading massage on decreasing the intensity of dysmenorrhoea pain in adolescents. Method: This research method is experimental with a pretest - posttest control group design research design. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. A total of 20 respondents were divided into 4 groups, namely the control group, the effleurage massage group, the kneading massage group, and the combination of effleurage and kneading massage groups. The instrument used was the observation sheet of the pain level Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). Results: The test results showed that there were differences in the intensity of dysmenorrhoea pain before and after intervention of effleurage, kneading, and combination of effleurage and kneading massage. The test results also showed a difference in decrease in the intensity of dysmenorrhea for all groups with a value of p = 0.009. The combination of effleurage and kneading massage is the best treatment to decrease the intensity of dysmenorrhea. Conclusion: there are differences in the effect of giving a combination of effleurage and kneading massage to the intensity of dysmenorrhoea, and the combination of effleurage and kneading massage is the best treatment to reduce the intensity of dysmenorrhoea. 
Co-Authors Adek Ardiansyah Aditiawarman - Ahmad Rukhani Lutfi Ahmad Rukhani Lutfi Angga Miftakhul Nizar Angga Miftakhul Nizar Anggis Putri Wijayanti Anggraeni Dyah Kumalasari Anissa Maulina Rinjani Annas, Jimmy Yanuar Anny Setijo Rahaju, Anny Setijo Ario Imandiri Ashon Sa’adi Ashon Sa’adi Bambang Harijono Bambang Purwanto Cantika Putri Melyana Chiquita Febby Pragitara Choesnan Effendi Citrawati Dyah Kencono Wungu Damayanti Tinduh David Wicaksono Dede Gantini Desi Rianti Rahmadhani Dicha Niswansyah Auliyah Dina Delvin Anggriani Dita Mega Utami Dwi Putri Rahayu Tampubolon Dwikora Novembri Utomo Eddy Rahardjo Eka Arum Cahyaning Putri Ema Qurnianingsih Endyka Erye Frety Ernawati Ernawati Ernawati Ernawati Faizah, Zakiyatul Fajar Shamsudin Fajar Syamsudin Farah Yusrania Gadis Meinar Sari Gantini, Dede Gebyar Catur Wahyuning Rohmawati Giwang Yayi Retnosari Gosy Endra Vigriawan Hanik Badriyah Hidayati, Hanik Badriyah HariSetijono Hayuris Kinandita Setiawan Herdy Sulistyono Hermina Novida Hidayat Arifin I Ketut Sudiana I'tishom, Reny Indira Syahraya Indriani, Aliza Umar Innani Wildania Husna Iqbal Laksana Irwanto, Irwanto Jimmy Yanuar Annas Junian Cahyanto Wibawa Krismaningrum, Veronika Intan Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Laylatul Fitriah Mukarromah Lila Tri Harjana Lina Lukitasari, M.Si M. Ali Machfud Maharani Ayuputeri Wijaya Mahmudin Aritanoga Maulana Arif Murtadho Maya Septriana Misbah Abdul Haris Nasution Alhanif Mohammad Anam Al-Ari Mohammad Anam Al-Arif Muchammad Rif’at Fawaid As’ad Muchammad Rif’at Fawaid As’ad Mufarrihul Ihsan Mufidah Sheena Andani Prastini Muhammad Miftahussurur Muhammad Zainul Arifin Nancy M. Rehatta, Nancy M. Ningrum, Astika Gita Niwanda Yogiswara Nugroho, Ardi Setyo Nuniek Nugraheni Sulistiawaty Nurcholis Majid Paulus Liben Paulus Liben Pradika Gita Baskara Prananda Surya Airlangga Purwo Sri Rejeki Purwo Sri Rejeki Purwo Sri Rejeki Purwo Sri Rejeki Purwo Sri Rezeki Putri Lisdiana Rahmawati Putri Rizkiya Raden Argarini Rehatta, Nancy Margarita Rezy Ramawan Melbiarta Rias Gesang Kinanti Rifka Kurniati Risa Etika, Risa Rivarti, Arina Windri Senja Himaya Senja Himaya Silvia Maya Ananta Siti Khaerunnisa Siti Khaerunnisa Soetojo Soetojo Sony Wibisono Sri Ratna Dwiningsih Suhartati Suhartati Sundari Indah Wiyasihati Susi Wahyuning Asih Tato Nuryanto Viskasari P. Kalanjati Wardhani, Indrayuni Lukitra Wibi Riawan Widati Fatmaningrum Widayana, Maeril Kirana Widjiati Wigati, Kristanti Wanito Windhu Purnomo Winna Adelia Amru Yudi Her Oktaviano Yusuf Salim Zulhabri Othman Zulhabri Othman