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Journal : JKKI : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia

Risks of preterm birth and low Apgar score among preeclamptic women Chiquita Febby Pragitara; Risa Etika; Lilik Herawati; Aditiawarman Aditiawarman
JKKI : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia JKKI, Vol 11, No 1, (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/JKKI.Vol11.Iss1.art3


Background: Preeclampsia has been a major problem for obstetric care in Indonesia due to risks of preterm birth and lower Apgar score. Objective: This study is to examine relationships of preeclampsia, preterm births, and Apgar Score.Methods: This used an analytic study with retrospective case-control design in Dr. Soetomo Academic Hospital. A case group was taken by total sampling from medical records of all patients who had preterm delivery in 2017, and a control group of term deliveries was taken by random sampling. Then the data were analysed by using Chi-square test and Fisher’s Exact Test.Results: There were 80 samples for each group. 63.75% of patients by age of 20-35 years were who delivered preterm birth, 40.00% had normal BMI, 40.00% were nulliparous, 92.50% did not have history of preterm labour, 50.00% had preeclampsia with severe features, and 46.25% had spontaneous vaginal delivery. Around 47.14% neonates from preeclamptic women were born at 32-<37 weeks gestation, 50.00% were born with low birth weight, 52.86% had the first minute Apgar score <7, and 72.86% had the fifth minutes Apgar score =7. The statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between the preeclampsia and the preterm birth (p<0.007; OR=2.54, 95% CI 1.34-4.83). The preeclampsia was also related to lower Apgar score at 1st minute (p<0.042; OR=2.03, 95% CI 1.07-3.85) and 5th minute (p<0.046; OR=2.42, 95% CI 1.08-5.41). Preterm neonates born from preeclamptic mothers were related to lower Apgar score at 1st minute (p<0.002; OR=5.82, 95% CI 1.99-17.02) and 5th minute (p<0.001; OR 17.31, 95% CI 2.15-139.54).Conclusion: Preeclampsia could make pregnant women at risks of delivering preterm birth and neonates with low Apgar score.
Prevalence and characteristics of sleep problems of Indonesian children in 0 – 36 months old Giwang Yayi Retnosari; Irwanto Irwanto; Lilik Herawati
JKKI : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia JKKI, Vol 12, No 1, (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/JKKI.Vol12.Iss1.art6


Background: A quarter of child population experiences sleep problems in their first three years of life. Inadequacy and problems of sleep for children may be caused by various causes that impact their mental health, emotional states, physical states, and immune systems. This also may culminate to behavioural problems. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the prevalence of sleep problems in 0–36 months old Indonesian children. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia. Children aged 0–36 months old were enrolled by using a quota sampling. Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire (BISQ) was used in this study to assess the sleep problems. All obtained data were presented as a distribution and percentage of each variable referring to the BISQ indicators. Results: A total of 493 children were enrolled in this study. This study found that there were 153 children (31%) who had experienced sleep problems, 79 children (16%) who had nocturnal sleep duration less than 9 hours, 62 children (12,8%) who had nocturnal waking more than 3 times, and 20 children (4%) who had duration of wakefulness during the night more than 1 hour respectively.Conclusion: Although majority of parents thought that there were no sleeping problems with their children, the prevalence of sleep problems in 0–36 months old Indonesian children was quite high (31%), suggesting low parental awareness towards sleep problems of their children.
Co-Authors Adek Ardiansyah Aditiawarman - Ahmad Rukhani Lutfi Ahmad Rukhani Lutfi Angga Miftakhul Nizar Angga Miftakhul Nizar Anggis Putri Wijayanti Anggraeni Dyah Kumalasari Anissa Maulina Rinjani Annas, Jimmy Yanuar Anny Setijo Rahaju, Anny Setijo Ario Imandiri Ashon Sa’adi Ashon Sa’adi Bambang Harijono Bambang Purwanto Cantika Putri Melyana Chiquita Febby Pragitara Choesnan Effendi Citrawati Dyah Kencono Wungu Damayanti Tinduh David Wicaksono Dede Gantini Desi Rianti Rahmadhani Dicha Niswansyah Auliyah Dina Delvin Anggriani Dita Mega Utami Dwi Putri Rahayu Tampubolon Dwikora Novembri Utomo Eddy Rahardjo Eka Arum Cahyaning Putri Ema Qurnianingsih Endyka Erye Frety Ernawati Ernawati Ernawati Ernawati Faizah, Zakiyatul Fajar Shamsudin Fajar Syamsudin Farah Yusrania Gadis Meinar Sari Gantini, Dede Gebyar Catur Wahyuning Rohmawati Giwang Yayi Retnosari Gosy Endra Vigriawan Hanik Badriyah Hidayati, Hanik Badriyah HariSetijono Hayuris Kinandita Setiawan Herdy Sulistyono Hermina Novida Hidayat Arifin I Ketut Sudiana I'tishom, Reny Indira Syahraya Indriani, Aliza Umar Innani Wildania Husna Iqbal Laksana Irwanto, Irwanto Jimmy Yanuar Annas Junian Cahyanto Wibawa Krismaningrum, Veronika Intan Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Laylatul Fitriah Mukarromah Lila Tri Harjana Lina Lukitasari, M.Si M. Ali Machfud Maharani Ayuputeri Wijaya Mahmudin Aritanoga Maulana Arif Murtadho Maya Septriana Misbah Abdul Haris Nasution Alhanif Mohammad Anam Al-Ari Mohammad Anam Al-Arif Muchammad Rif’at Fawaid As’ad Muchammad Rif’at Fawaid As’ad Mufarrihul Ihsan Mufidah Sheena Andani Prastini Muhammad Miftahussurur Muhammad Zainul Arifin Nancy M. Rehatta, Nancy M. Ningrum, Astika Gita Niwanda Yogiswara Nugroho, Ardi Setyo Nuniek Nugraheni Sulistiawaty Nurcholis Majid Paulus Liben Paulus Liben Pradika Gita Baskara Prananda Surya Airlangga Purwo Sri Rejeki Purwo Sri Rejeki Purwo Sri Rejeki Purwo Sri Rejeki Purwo Sri Rezeki Putri Lisdiana Rahmawati Putri Rizkiya Raden Argarini Rehatta, Nancy Margarita Rezy Ramawan Melbiarta Rias Gesang Kinanti Rifka Kurniati Risa Etika, Risa Rivarti, Arina Windri Senja Himaya Senja Himaya Silvia Maya Ananta Siti Khaerunnisa Siti Khaerunnisa Soetojo Soetojo Sony Wibisono Sri Ratna Dwiningsih Suhartati Suhartati Sundari Indah Wiyasihati Susi Wahyuning Asih Tato Nuryanto Viskasari P. Kalanjati Wardhani, Indrayuni Lukitra Wibi Riawan Widati Fatmaningrum Widayana, Maeril Kirana Widjiati Wigati, Kristanti Wanito Windhu Purnomo Winna Adelia Amru Yudi Her Oktaviano Yusuf Salim Zulhabri Othman Zulhabri Othman