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AKIBAT HUKUM TERHADAP PERJANJIAN GADAI YANG OBJEK GADAI BUKAN HAK MILIK DEBITUR (Studi Putusan Nomor 170/Pdt.G/2018/PN Skt) Wulan Cahya Ningrum; Yuniar Rahmatiar; Muhamad Abas
UNES Law Review Vol. 5 No. 4 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (Juni 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v5i4.740


A pawn agreement is an agreement between the creditor and the debtor, where the creditor obtains collateral for the goods provided by the debtor, and the debtor obtains collateral for the goods bound by him in the form of a money loan. The goods used as collateral or bound by a pawn agreement must be goods that belong to the debtor. The problem that can be discussed in this paper is the legal consequences of a pawn agreement with a pawn object that does not belong to the debtor as collateral and the judge's consideration in Decision Number 170/Pdt.G/2018/PN Skt. related to the object of pawn collateral. This paper uses normative juridical research methods. The conclusion of this research is that a pawn agreement held as collateral for a pawn object that does not belong to the debtor can make the pawn agreement null and void in accordance with Article 1320 of the Civil Code and analogous to the provisions of Article 1471 and the judge's consideration is correct and in accordance with applicable regulations. The verdict decided that The Joe An had legally committed a tort against PT Pegadaian and stated that the evidence which was also the object of the pawn collateral in this case must be returned to Koentjahjono Tanto as the owner of the gold shop.
Perlindungan Hukum bagi Penggadai Tanah Pertanian dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 56 Tahun 1960 Tentang Penetapan Luas Tanah Pertanian Andri Susanto; Yuniar Rahmatiar; Muhamad Abas
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.805


One of the contents of Law Number 56 of 1960 concerning Determination of Agricultural Land Areas regulates the implementation of land mortgages. In reality, many mortgages last for years or even decades, and some are even continued by the heirs of the pawn holder, because the mortgagee is unable to buy back his land. The formulation of the problem in this study. First, what is the legal protection for pawning agricultural land based on Law Number 56 of 1960 concerning Determination of Agricultural Land Areas. Second, how to resolve disputes arising from the implementation of agricultural land mortgages. The purpose of the research is of course to answer the formulation of the problem in this research. This research is a normative research using a normative juridical approach. As for the results of the first study, protection for pawnbrokers eliminates the obligation to pay off debts if it has reached 7 years. Second, settlement of disputes arising from the implementation of land pledges can be pursued through non-litigation and litigation both civil and criminal.
Perlindungan Hukum Konsumen Dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2023 Tentang Pengembangan dan Penguatan Sektor Keuangan (Studi Putusan Nomor: 15/Pdt.Sus-Bpsk/2023/Pn.Grt) Muhamad Jiia Fauzi; Deny Guntara; Muhamad Abas
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.810


There are several things that buyers should pay attention to when making purchases online through E-Commerce. The approach taken in this research is a normative legal study. Legal exploratory standardization, written examination or truth study, is that this research is normative juridical research. In the mediation carried out by BPSK on May 29 2023, the process from start to finish was carried out without the presence of the applicant, so that the applicant had no good faith at all. However, the applicant filed an objection to the Garut District Court on the basis of the objection and canceled the BPSK decision. The author concludes that Law no. 4 of 2023 in essence protects consumers in the field of E-Commerce where consumer protection is in E-Commerce In essence the P2SK Law and POJK PK facilitate the protection of consumer rights to obtain quality services in accordance with the principles of financial consumer protection OJK handles consumer complaints according to their respective authorities each of these matters has been stated in Article 245 of Law No. 4 of 2023. Based on the considerations of the panel of judges, the author is of the opinion that the Panel of Judges at the Garut District Court is appropriate in adjudicating the case based on the mandate of the Law. No.4 of 2004 concerning Judicial Power.
Peralihan Harta Waris oleh Seorang Ahli Waris tanpa Persetujuan Ahli Waris Lainnya (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 218 K/Pdt/2020) Ade Ahmad Fauzan; Deny Guntara; Muhamad Abas
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.811


The transfer of rights to an object can be carried out in a real way, meaning that the object obtained can be directly seen and is in the hands of the person concerned, but there is also a transfer of rights that is carried out symbolically or indirectly, only in the form of a letter or certificate, this occurs in immovable objects. The transfer of rights occurs due to the transfer of one person's property rights to another person, for example buying and selling or exchanging or in other ways that are justified by law. The purpose of this study is first to find out the transfer of inheritance according to civil inheritance law in Indonesia and secondly to find out the judge's considerations in the Supreme Court decision number 218 K/Pdt/2020. This study uses a normative juridical approach. The results of research regarding the transfer of inheritance according to civil inheritance law in Indonesia there are two forms, namely the transfer due to the Act and the transition due to a will or testament, then in the Supreme Court Decision Number 218 K / Pdt / 2020 MA stated judex facti, namely the Balige District Court was wrong apply the law so that the Supreme Court cancels and judges itself with a ruling rejecting the Plaintiff's lawsuit (Respondent's cassation).
Tinjauan Yuridis Penegakan Hukum terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pemerasan dengan Ancaman Kekerasan di Hubungkan Asas Kepastian Hukum (Studi Putusan Nomor 187/Pid.B/2021/Pn.Kwg) Hendri Gunawan; Deny Guntara; Muhamad Abas
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.812


The problem of crime in this era of development has always been a social problem that is difficult to eradicate or eliminate. The Indonesian National Police (Polri) recorded 276,507 crimes in Indonesia in 2022. This number has increased by 7.3%. The method of coercion used in the criminal act of extortion consists of the perpetrator verbally or in writing threatening, insulting while disclosing secrets. Extortion under the law is regulated in Article 368(1) and Article 369(2). The purpose of this study is to answer the formulation of the problem, namely what are the provisions for law enforcement for the criminal act of extortion with threats based on article 368 of the Criminal Code? And what are the judges' considerations in decision number 187/Pid.B/2021/PN. KWG is related to the principle of legal certainty. The results of the study, first, law enforcement of the criminal act of extortion by threatening under Article 368 paragraph (1) must fulfill the appropriate elements in Article 368. Second, legal certainty in imposing a sentence on the perpetrators of the crime of theft according to Article 368 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code has been fully implemented and can be proven with the completeness of facts, witnesses and information. This means that the judge's considerations are relevant to the application of article 368 of the Criminal Code.
Analisis Yuridis Kepastian Hukum Terhadap Peralihan Hak Atas Tanah dalam Jual Beli Dibawah Tangan (Studi Putusan Nomor 535/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Smg) Desyifa Nurhidayah; Yuniar Rahmatiar; Muhamad Abas
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.881


The process of buying and selling land should be carried out in front of an authorized official (PPAT) in order to obtain legal certainty in the form of a Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB) as evidence of the transfer of land rights or transfer of name at the Land Office. In general, there are still many buying and selling processes that are not carried out in front of PPAT or under the hands of some people. The research method used in this research uses qualitative methods and normative juridical approach methods with secondary data as the main data based on statutory approaches and primary data as supporting data obtained in the field. In this case, the sale and purchase carried out under the hand is still valid if it is in accordance with the agreement of the parties, but to ensure legal certainty, an authentic deed made by an authorized official is needed as proof of juridically valid ownership. Legal certainty in an agreement means that the agreement made by the parties applies like a binding law. Even though it is not in accordance with the provisions of the UUPA, the legal actions that occur have met the requirements of cash, light and real. The judge in deciding the case at No.535/Pdt.G/2018/PN/Smg. Stating that the sale and purchase carried out by the parties is valid, but needs to be completed with an authentic deed if it is going to change the name of the certificate or transfer of land rights.
Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pers dalam Tindak Pidana Pencemaran Nama Baik Dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pers (Studi Putusan Nomor 46./Pid.Sus/2021/Pn.Pip) Nurdin Nurdin; Deny Guntara; Muhamad Abas
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.912


In a democratic country, press freedom is very important. As one of the pillars of democracy, the Press Institution has an important role in translating the value of freedom of opinion, obtaining reliable information, and trying to unite the nation. Press workers believe that the detention of columnists during this fair period has really stifled the imagination of press workers and endangered opportunities for articulation as guaranteed in the constitution and Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press. Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning Press Review Decision Number 46./Pid relates to the issues raised in this article regarding criminal liability of the press for acts of defamation. Based on Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press, the person responsible for news material is the media editor, usually represented by the Editor-in-Chief (Pemred), if legal collection occurs. This article uses a normative method to determine the criminal liability of the press. A press regulatory responsibility framework could also be imposed on press organizations. “Vicarious Liability” is the term for this kind of responsibility.
Upaya Penegakan Hukum Kepolisian Terhadap Pelaku Tawuran Antar Pelajar Dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2002 Tentang Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Studi Kasus Wilayah Hukum Kabupaten Karawang) Raden Lita Nur Elita; Deny Guntara; Muhamad Abas; Tatang Targana
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.1014


There are still fights that continue to occur among students in groups that are free from the supervision of law enforcement, in this case the police. The police must be able to make preventive efforts so that brawls do not occur among students in groups in areas by monitoring areas prone to conflict, providing direction and assistance to schools, parents and the local community. By carrying out supervision and direction, it is believed that brawls among students can be limited. The problems in this research are, first, how is law enforcement by the Karawang Regency regional police against perpetrators of brawls between students linked to Regulation Number 2 of 2002 concerning the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia? , secondly, what factors hinder police law enforcement efforts against perpetrators of brawls between students in the Karawang Regency area? This research uses subjective exploration and in this research the author uses a standard juridical methodology with the main information used being selected information, namely information obtained from writing research, and supporting information in the form of books, papers, articles, legal guidelines, etc. The results of the research are law enforcement efforts against perpetrators of brawls/fights between students in the Karawang area, especially the resolution of brawls, assisted through reformatory and non-punitive efforts, corrective intervention efforts have been completed including schools and students related to the fights and the variables that influence them. Then there are 4 (four) inhibiting factors, namely, law enforcement itself, limited facilities or agencies, lack of active role in prevention efforts from the community and the culture of fighting which has become a habit among students.
Analisis Yuridis Pemberhentian Hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia Dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2020 Tentang Perubahan Ketiga Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2003 Tentang Mahkamah Konstitusi Wahyu Koswara; Deny Guntara; Muhamad Abas; Adyan Lubis
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.1015


The reform resulted in changes to the 1945 Constitution, changing the Indonesian constitutional system, including dividing power horizontally functionally, namely the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary Institutions. All three have different powers according to their functions. This is to reinforce the system of checks and balances against the three institutions, but also not to interfere in the affairs of other institutions outside of their powers and functions. The removal of Judge Aswanto is one example of the Legislature's involvement in Judicial affairs, the article being that the removal of Judge Aswanto often annulled laws made by the legislature so that the removal was full of political interests. In this research, it examines and analyzes the dismissal of judges at the constitutional court by the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia in connection with Law Number 7 of 2020 concerning the Third Amendment to Law Number 24 of 2003 concerning the Constitutional Court with a normative juridical research type so that the approach taken is a statute approach, historical approach and conceptual approach. As for the author's view, the decision to remove judge Aswanto from the House of Representatives as a legislative institution shows that the judiciary has lost its value as an independent institution. That the independence of judges should start with transparent appointments and dismissals with due regard to judicial accountability. Furthermore, the judicial power or in this case as an institution of judicial power must be free from any political interests in carrying out its duties and return the concept to Law Number 7 of 2020.
Jurnal Ilmu Hukum The Juris Vol 7 No 1 (2023): JURNAL ILMU HUKUM : THE JURIS
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat STIH Awang Long

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56301/juris.v7i1.698


This study aims to find out the basic considerations of the Panel of Judges in passing a decision on each of the defendants who were proven to have jointly committed the crime of embezzlement while serving at PT. Maybank Indonesia Finance Karawang Branch. Apart from that, this study also aims to investigate and find out why the splitting of the case file was carried out between the two defendants in the same case, namely the case of embezzlement in office which was carried out jointly by the two defendants, resulting in a different decision in the same case. The research method used in this study is normative juridical approach, namely a legal approach that is carried out by examining the rules or norms and rules related to the crime of embezzlement in office by way of literature study, namely by reading, citing and examine the theories related to the problems studied. Then the main data used is secondary data and supporting data is primary data. This data analysis technique was obtained by legal reasoning techniques, where this technique describes the reasons for existence, namely the law is relational, the law is correlated with diversity. Deny Herdian Bin Sudaryono's actions caused material losses that were smaller than those caused by Firdaus Alam Perdana, SE Bin Syofran. This is one of the judge's considerations in looking at aggravating circumstances and mitigating circumstances. The case files were separated between the two defendants, so that the two defendants could act as reciprocal witnesses.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdul Kholik Ade Ahmad Fauzan Adyan Lubis Adyan Lubis Agusra Ahmad Sopian Sauri Andri Susanto Anwar Hidayat Anwar Hidayat Anwar Hidayat Arif Wicaksono Astri Safitri Nurdin Dahrul Manalu Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara deny guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Destia Ayuning Thias Desyifa Nurhidayah Farhan Asyahadi Farhan Asyahadi Firman Aji Pamungkas Hendri Gunawan Imam Budi Santoso Imam Budi Santoso Imam Sofii Toha Ina Malia Putri Insan Supriyatin Irma Garwan Jannus Manurung Jihan Alfadia Khoirul Ummam Lia Amaliya Lia Amaliya Lia Amaliya Lilis Setiani Listiono listiono M. Gary Gagarin Akbar Mochamad Agus Antoni Moh. Shofi Anan Muhamad Jiia Fauzi Muhammad Gary Gagarin Akbar Muhammad Shidqi Mubarok Nadia Syahida Nanik Narya Suryadi Narya Suryadi Narya Nova Desi Ratnasari Nurdin Nurdin Nuryanah Tirostiah Meidah Raden Lita Nur Elita Rr. Winarti Pudji Lestari Rr. Winarti Pudji Lestari Sartika Dewi Sartika Dewi Sartika Dewi Siska Mariza Siti Dhiafajaazka Sopyan Sopyan Sopyan Sopyan Sri Wahyuni Sutras Budi Prayogo Suyono Sanjaya Tanti Alfareza Herdianti Tatang Targana Tatang Targana Taufik Caniago Taufiqoh Bina Ariani Tri Setiady Wahyu Hidayat Wahyu Koswara Wahyu Mulyandaru Wawan Indra R. Wike Nopianti Wike Nopianti Wike Nopianti Wulan Cahya Ningrum Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yustya Laraswati Yusuf Rizki Zarisnov Arafat Zarisnov Arafat Zatmika Nur Farhan