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Journal : Jurnal Agripet

Performa Pertumbuhan Ayam IPB-D1 pada Perlakuan Pakan dan Manajemen Pemeliharaan yang Berbeda Muhammad Fikri Al Habib; Sri Murtini; Luci Cyrilla; Irma Isnafia Arief; Rita Mutia; Cece Sumantri
Jurnal Agripet Vol 20, No 2 (2020): Volume 20, No. 2, Oktober 2020
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v20i2.16375


ABSTRAK. Pelepasan ayam IPB-D1 sebagai rumpun baru yang disebar di masyarakat maka sistem pemeliharaannya secara umum bersifat ekstensif dan pakan yang diberikan memanfaatkan pakan lokal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa ayam IPB-D1 dengan perlakuan pemeliharaan P1 (sistem kandang Closed House dan penggunaan 100% pakan komersil) serta perlakuan P2 (sistem kandang umbaran dan pencampuran pakan lokal hingga 70%). Penelitian ini menggunakan ayam IPB-D1 berjumlah 503 ekor DOC yang dipelihara hingga umur 12 minggu. Performa ayam diukur berdasarkan bobot badan, laju pertumbuhan, konsumsi pakan, konversi pakan serta tingkat kematian ayam pada umur DOC-12 minggu. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menyajikan rataan, simpangan baku, koefisien keragaman dan analisis statistik menggunakan uji T. Hasil penelitian performa ayam IPB-D1 pada perlakuan P1 diperoleh bobot badan jantan 1378.26±94.56 g dan betina 1178.33±119.33 g, sedangkan pada perlakuan P2 diperoleh bobot badan jantan 1173.8±260.1 g dan betina 957±201.7 g. Laju pertumbuhan pada kedua perlakuan bersifat positif, serta konversi pakan pada perlakuan P1 (2.88) dan P2 (3.44) cukup baik. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah ayam IPB-D1 diperoleh performa yang sangat baik pada perlakuan P1 dan mampu beradaptasi pada perlakuan kandang sistem umbaran serta mampu memanfaatkan campuran pakan lokal yang baik pada perlakuan P2.  (The growth performance of IPB-D1 chickens in different feed treatments and production systems) ABSTRACT. The release of the IPB-D1 chicken as a new breed that is spread in the community, the production system is generally extensive and the feed provided utilizes local feed. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of IPB-D1 chicken with production treatment P1 (Closed House cage and use of 100% commercial feed) and P2 treatment (outdoor cage and use local feed mixing up to 70%). This study used 503 DOC IPB-D1 chickens which were maintained until 12 weeks of age. Chicken performance was measured based on body weight, growth rate, feed consumption, feed conversion and chicken mortality at 1-12 weeks. Data were statistically analyzed using the T test and descriptive analysis with means, standard deviations, and coefficient of diversity. The results of the study of the performance of IPB-D1 chickens in P1 treatment obtained male body weights 1378.26 ± 94.56 g and females 1178.33 ± 119.33 g, while in P2 treatment obtained male body weights 1173.8 ± 260.1 g and females 957 ± 201.7 g. Growth rates in both treatments were positive, and feed conversion was good in P1 treatments (2.88) and P2 treatments (3.44). The conclusion is that the IPB-D1 chicken obtained a very good performance in the P1 treatment and was able to adapt to the treatment of outdoor cages and was able to utilize the local feed mixture in the P2 treatment.
Kinerja Produksi dan Kualitas Telur Ayam Petelur yang Diberi Minum Air Gambut dan Air Non Gambut Deni Fitra; Niken Ulupi; Irma Isnafia Arief; Rita Mutia; Luki Abdullah; Sadarman Sadarman; Apriadi Pasaribu; Guslian Abdul Basir
Jurnal Agripet Vol 20, No 2 (2020): Volume 20, No. 2, Oktober 2020
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v20i2.15802


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja produksi dan kualitas telur ayam petelur yang diberi air gambut (AG) dan air non gambut (ANG). Penelitian ini menggunakan 30 ekor ayam petelur strain lohman brown umur 15 bulan dengan pemberian pakan ransum komersial. Penelitian terdiri dari dua kelompok ayam dengan jumlah masing-masing 15 ekor. Kelompok pertama diberi minum AG dan kelompok kedua diberi ANG. Peubah yang diamati adalah konsumsi air minum, konsumsi ransum, produksi dan massa telur, konversi ransum, bobot telur, indeks putih telur, indeks kuning telur, tebal cangkang telur dan nilai haugh unit. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan uji-t untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar kelompok perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi air minum, konsumsi ransum dan konversi ransum secara statistik berbeda nyata. Konsumsi air minum pada perlakuan AG (286,57 ml/ekor/hari) lebih tinggi dari pada perlakuan ANG (264,24 ml/ekor/hari), demikian juga konsumsi ransum (98,82 g/ekor/hari vs 90,10 g/ekor/hari). Sedangkan konversi ransum pada perlakuan AG (2,71) lebih baik dari pada perlakuan ANG (3,18). Pada peubah kualitas telur hanya bobot telur yang menunjukkan perbedaan nyata. Bobot telur pada perlakuan AG (55,85 g/butir) lebih tinggi dari pada perlakuan ANG (54,18 g/butir). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian minum dengan AG mampu memperbaiki kinerja produksi ayam petelur, terlihat dari konsumsi air minum, konsumsi dan konversi ransum. Sedangkan pada kualitas telur hanya terlihat dari bobot telur.  (Performance and egg quality of laying hen given peat water and non peat water) ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance and egg quality of laying hens given peat water (PW) and non-peat water (NPW). This study used 30 laying hens strain lohman brown aged 15 months with commercial ration feeding. The study consisted of two groups of chickens with 15 chickens each. The first group was given PW and the second group was given NPW. The variables observed were water consumption, feed consumption, egg production and mass, FCR, egg weight, albumin and yolk index, egg shell thickness and haugh unit value. Data obtained were analyzed using t-test to determine the differences between treatment groups. The results showed that water consumption, feed consumption and FCR were statistically difference. The daily water consumption in PW treatment (286.57 ml/bird/day) was higher than in NPW treatment (264.24 ml/bird/day), as was ration consumption (98.82 g/bird/day vs 90.10 g/ bird/day). While the ration conversion in PW treatment (2.71) was better than that of NPW treatment (3.18). In the egg quality variable, only egg weight showed a significant difference. Egg weight in PW treatment (55.85 g/egg) was higher than in NPW treatment (54.18 g/egg). The conclusion of this experiment was the given peat water to laying hens was able to improve the production performance, indicated by water consumption, feed consumption and FCR. Meanwhile, the quality of eggs can only be seen from the egg weight.
Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Bakteriosin Lactobacillus fermentum Asal Dangke pada Media Whey Dangke Rajmi Faridah; Epi Taufik; Irma Isnafia Arief
Jurnal Agripet Vol 17, No 2 (2017): Volume 17, No. 2, Oktober 2017
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (249.983 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v17i2.8104


ABSTRAK. Dangke merupakan makanan khas Enrekang, Sulawesi Selatan. Dangke menghasilkan hasil sampingan yang disebut whey. Komponen nutrisi yang terkandung dalam whey dapat digunakan oleh bakteri asam laktat (BAL) untuk pertumbuhannya. Salah satu BAL yang dapat memproduksi bakteriosin yaitu Lactobacillus fermentum (L. fermentum). Strain L. fermentum asal dangke, yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu A323L, B323K, dan C113L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fase logaritmik dari L. fermentum strain A323L yaitu pada waktu inkubasi 24-28 jam, sedangkan strain B323K dan C113L pada waktu inkubasi 20-24 jam. Zona hambat dari semua strain L. fermentum  termasuk kategori lemah pada media pertumbuhan whey dangke, tetapi strain C113L mempunyai daya hambat terbaik. (The Growth and Production Bacteriocin of bacteria Lactobacillus fermentum using dangke whey as medium)ABSTRACT. Dangke is a local dairy product of Enrekang, South Sulawesi. Dangke processing produced a by-product called whey. Nutritional components in whey can be utilized by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as a nutritional source of growth. One of bacteriocin producing lactic acid bacteria is Lactobacillus fermentum (L. fermentum). L. fermentum strain isolated from dangke, which used in this research were A323L, B323K, and C113L. The results showed that logarithmic phase of L. fermentum strain A323L were occurred at the incubation time of 24-28 hours, whilst strain B323K and C113Lwere at 20-24 hours. Inhibition zone of all strain of L. fermentum was categorized as weak in whey dangke medium, but strain C113L was the best among them.
Expression of Lon-like Protease Gene from Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-1A5 in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) Olfa Mega; Cece Sumantri; Irma Isnafia Arief; Cahyo Budiman
Jurnal Agripet Vol 19, No 2 (2019): Volume 19, No. 2, Oktober 2019
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (835.803 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v19i2.14904


Proteases are one of most important and abundant enzymes produced by the biotechnology industry, for scientific, physiological and industrial application and dominates of the whole enzyme market. Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-1A5 is an Indonesian lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from beef Peranakan Ongole cattle. Preliminary analysis on its whole genome sequence indicated that this strain harbours some genes involved in protein degradation and might be promising to be further applied. This study aims to optimize the gene sequence of a lon-like protease of L. plantarum IIA-1A5 for heterologous expression system. The Lon-like gene expression system is made using genes that have been optimized first in silico.  pET-28a(+), E. coli BL21(DE3), Nde1 and BamH1 were used in this study as a expression vector, a host and retriction enzyme, respectively.  Molecular weight was validated using SDS-PAGE and software. The results showed that optimization increased codon adaptation index value (CAI) and GC content to 0.97 and 56.57%, respectively, which were suitable for the E. coli expression system. The Lon-like IIA gene was successfully expressed in the cell cytoplasm by induction of 1 mM Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) at 37 °C.  As many as 88% of Lon-like IIA codons were distributed in the 91-100 quality group. Lon-like IIA was successfully expressed in a host cell induced with 1 mM IPTG at 37oC . IPTG induction was performed at the 3rd hour of incubation with OD600 0.59. In addition, Lon-like IIA molecular weight was detected approximately 43 kDa.