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Pelatihan Manajemen Bencana Bagi Anggota Padjadjaran Nursing Corps (PNC) Anna, Anastasia; Prawesti, Ayu; Emaliyawati, Etika; Mirwanti, Ristina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7.6 KB) | DOI: 10.26638/jbn.415.8651


The high and varied disasters occur in Indonesia, requiring the government and the whole community to be ready for disaster. In the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), there is a group of students who do extracurricular activities to provide health aid called PNC. Training needs to be done to enhance the role of PNC as well as increasing the participation of students in the disaster relief program. This training resulted in increased knowledge and attitudes of PNC members on disaster management, and also increased the knowledge and attitude related to the role and function of students in disaster management effort. In addition, other additional results related to the effectiveness of training methods for PNC members successfully obtained. The methods compared were lecture and discussion (LD) compared with LD plus simulation and FGD methods. It is measured by using the quasi experimental method with pretest-posttest control group design. Data analysis used Mann Whitney test. The result showed that there was no difference in knowledge and attitude (p = 1,000) in both treatment groups (p = 0,424). Which means that there was no difference between LD method and LD plus simulation and FGD method.Keywords: Training, Disaster Management, Padjadjaran Nursing Corps (PNC)
Pemberdayaan pada Kelompok Remaja melalui Pendekatan Contingency Planning dalam Meningkatkan Kesiapsiagaan terhadap Ancaman Kematian Akibat Bencana Salasa, Sehabudin; Murni, Tri Wahyu; Emaliyawati, Etika
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v3i2.9421


ABSTRAK Angka kematian kelompok rentan akibat bencana masih sangat tinggi, seperti kejadian banjir bandang Garut dari 34 orang korban jiwa 35,4% diantaranya berusia 55-80 tahun dan 29%  merupakan anak-anak usia 0-14 tahun. Upaya pengurangan resiko harus dilakukan dengan memberdayakan masyarakat sehingga proses penanggulangan lebih efektif dengan respon yang cepat. Usia remaja merupakan kelompok yang sangat potensial karena memiliki angka resiliensi yang sangat baik. Selain itu pertumbuhan jumlah remaja sangat pesat dari kelompok umur lainnya, sehingga pemberdayaan kelompok remaja dengan perencanaan kontinjensi diharapkan meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan terhadap ancaman kematian sehingga dapat melakukan pendampingan terhadap kelompok rentan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberdayaan (empowering) kelompok remaja akhir melalui pendekatan perencanaan kontinjensi dalam meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan remaja terhadap ancaman kematian akibat bencana. Penelitian menggunakan metoda quasi-experimental design dengan pendekatan rancangan one group pre-post test design. Populasi penelitian merupakan pelajar SMK diwilayah yang memiliki ancaman bencana. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 33 responden dengan teknik proporsional random sampling diambil dari empat sekolah yang berada di zona merah. Data diolah menggunakan analisis univariat menggunakan tendensi sentral, t-test dependent dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% untuk melihat pengaruh dari intervensi, serta uji regresi linier ganda untuk menganalisis faktor mana yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kesiapsiagaan.Terdapat pengaruh pemberdayaan melalui pendekatan perencanaan kontinjensi dapat meningkatkan upaya kesiapsiagaan dengan nilai α (0.000). Peningkatan rerata (36,67%) didapatkan pada faktor yang mengawali kesiapsiagaan, diantaranya dilihat dari persepsi terhadap resiko, kewaspadaan terhadap ancaman, serta penurunan kecemasan. Faktor tersebut menstimulasi terbentuknya niat melakukan kesiapsiagaan dengan peningkatan (43,33%), bahkan meningkatkan upaya perencanaan kesiapsiagaan bencana sebesar (42,00%) sebelum dan setelah intervensi. Ketiga faktor tersebut saling berkaitan dan faktor pembentukan niat melakukan kesiapsiagaan menjadi faktor yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesiapsiagaan dengan nilai β (0,531). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pemberdayaan melalui pendekatan perencanaan kontinjensi mampu meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan remaja terhadap ancaman kematian akibat bencana, sehingga dapat direkomendasikan bagi seluruh penggiat kebencanaan untuk memberdayakan remaja dengan perencanaan kontinjensi dalam upaya meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan terhadap ancaman kematian.  ABSTRACT The mortality rate of vulnerable groups due to the disaster is still very high, such as the incidence of flash floods at Garut,  of the 34 deaths among them  35.4% are 55-80 years old and 29% of children aged 0-14 years. Risk reduction efforts should be undertaken by empowering communities so that the countermeasures are more effective with rapid response. Adolescence is very potent because it has a very good resilience rate. In addition, the growth of adolescents is very rapidly from other age groups, so empowerment of adolescent groups with contingency planning is expected to increase preparedness against death threats so as to provide assistance to vulnerable groups. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of empowering the late adolescent group through contingency planning approach in the effort of preparedness against the threat of death due to the disaster.This study used quasi-experimental design method with one group pre-post test design approach. The study population was a vocational school student in the region that has disaster threats. The number of samples was 33 respondents with proportional random sampling technique from 4 schools in the red zone. Data were tested for data were analyzed by a central tendency for univariate analysis, t-test dependent with 95% confidence level to see the effect of the intervention, and determination of the most influential factor, the researcher used multiple linear regression tests.  Results of the study showed there is the influence of empowerment through contingency planning approach can improve preparedness efforts with α value (0.000). Percentages before and after the intervention can significantly improve the precursor factor increase (36.67%), intention formation (43.33%), and preparation (42.00%). In addition, intention formation factor is the most influential factor in preparedness efforts with β value (0,531). This study concluded that the empowerment through contingency planning approach can improve preparedness efforts of adolescence group to the threat of death from disaster. So it is recommended for all disaster activists to empower adolescents with contingency planning in an effort to increase preparedness against death threats Keywords: adolescent preparedness, contingency planning, disaster preparedness
PENGALAMAN PSIKOLOGIS PASIEN INFARK MIOKARD AKUT SELAMA DIRAWAT DI RUANG INTENSIF Emaliyawati, Etika; Sutini, Titin; Ibrahim, Kusman; Trisyani, Yanny; Prawesti, Ayu
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v3i1.7477


Infark Miokard merupakan salah satu penyakit terminal yang memerlukan perawatan intensif. Perawataan intensif yang diperlukan harus holistik, mencakup bio psiko sosial dan spiritual. Psikologis infark miokard harus selalu diperhatikan, karena salah satu penyebab infark miokard adalah dari psikologis atau dikenal dengan stress. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengalaman pasien infark miokard akut yang menjalani perawatan di ruang intensif. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan phenomenology yang dilakukan di salah satu rumah sakit di Bandung periode Juni-Juli 2013. Jumlah informan 10 orang pasien infrak miokard akut yang pada saat dilakukan wawancara sudah dalam perbaikan killip I dan II yang diambil secara purposive sampling, dirawat di ruang intensif dan kondisinya telah stabil. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kemudian dianalisa menggunakan content analysis dari Hancoch. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 3 tema penelitan yaitu seluruh responden merasa tidak berdaya, 9 responden mengalami ketidakpastian menghadapi masa depan dan 10 responden menyatakan ketakutannya akan kematian. Seluruh pasien infrak miokard mengalami masalah psikologis, oleh karena itu hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi rekomendasi dalam memberikan layanan kesehatan bagi pasien kondisi terminal; infark miokard akut yang sedang menjalani perawatan intensif. Penting kiranya untuk dapat mengelola dan mengintegrasikan pelayanan perawatan pada pasien infark miokard akut yang sedang dirawat di unit intensif secara holistik meliputi fisik psikologis sosial dan spiritual. ABSTRACTCommunication is a very important process in human relationship. In providing nursing care, nurses should have a good knowledge and communication skill as the beginning of a good relationship between nurses, patients, and their families. Nurses with good communication skill had an easier opportunity to make a good relationship with the patient and their families. This study aimed to identify effective communication barriers among nurses in developing communication with patients’ family according to nurses’ perspective in Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Umum Al Islam Bandung. This descriptive explorative study involved 10 nurses were taken with accidental sampling. Data were gathered using interview and observation. Data analyzed with the content analysis. Result showed that there were at least five topic of effective communication barriers among nurses in developing communication with patients’ family according to nurses’ perspective in Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Umum Al Islam Bandung; role conflict, family demographic factors, misunderstanding, environment and situation in the ICU, and family psychological condition. So, training related to communication between nurses and patients’ family were necessary to undertake in order to improve the ability of nurses such as foreign language skills and patience in dealing with the situation in the ICU especially in relation to the patient's family. This is because nurses are the spearhead of health care service in hospital.
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v2i2.4745


ABSTRAK Komunikasi merupakan sebuah proses yang sangat penting dalam hubungan antar manusia. Di dalam memberikan pelayanan keperawatan, perawat harus memiliki pengetahuan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik sebagai awal terciptanya sebuah hubungan perawat dengan pasien dan keluarga. perawat yang memiliki kemampuan dan keterampilan yang baik dalam berkomunikasi akan mudah menjalin hubungan dengan pasien maupun keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hambatan komunikasi efektif perawat dengan keluarga pasien dalam perspektif perawat di Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Umum Al Islam Bandung. Penelitian deskriptif exploratif ini melibatkan 10 orang perawat yang diambil menggunakan accidental sampling. Data diambil dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan content analysis. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa terdapat lima tema yang menjadi hambatan komunikasi efektif perawat dengan keluarga pasien dalam perspektif perawat di Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Umum Al Islam Bandung yaitu konflik peran, faktor demografi keluarga, kesalahpahaman, lingkungan dan situasi di ICU, dan kondisi psikologis keluarga.  Dengan demikian, pelatihan terkait komunikasi perawat dengan keluarga pasien menjadi penting untuk dilaksanakan dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan perawat seperti kemampuan berbahasa asing dan kesabaran dalam menghadapi situasi dan kondisi di ICU khususnya berhubungan dengan keluarga pasien. Hal ini dikarenakan perawat adalah ujung tombak dalam pemberian pelayanan di Rumah Sakit. Kata Kunci : Hambatan, ICU, Keluarga pasien, Komunikasi efektif Perawat  ABSTRACT Communication is a very important process in human relationship. In providing nursing care, nurses should have a good knowledge and communication skill as the beginning of a good relationship between nurses, patients, and their families. Nurses with good communication skill had an easier opportunity to make a good relationship with the patient and their families. This study aimed to identify effective communication barriers among nurses in developing communication with patients’ family according to nurses’ perspective in Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Umum Al Islam Bandung. This descriptive explorative study involved 10 nurses were taken with accidental sampling. Data were gathered using interview and observation. Data analyzed with the content analysis. Result showed that there were at least five topic of effective communication barriers among nurses in developing communication with patients’ family according to nurses’ perspective in Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Umum Al Islam Bandung; role conflict, family demographic factors, misunderstanding, environment and situation in the ICU, and family psychological condition.  So, training related to communication between nurses and patients’ family were necessary to undertake in order to improve the ability of nurses such as foreign language skills and patience in dealing with the situation in the ICU especially in relation to the patient's family. This is because nurses are the spearhead of health care service in hospital. Keywords: Barriers, ICU, the patient’s family, effective communication, nurse
Journal Of Holistic Nursing Science Vol 4 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.668 KB)


Baby with critical condition should receive care in NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). This process can trigger parents’ anxiety which can induce another problem such as difficulty to involve in decision making regarding patient’s condition. Parents’ anxiety can be caused by several factors depend on parents’ needs. This research aim to analyze factors that can influence parents’ anxiety during accompanied their baby in NICU and analyze their needs start from the least important until the most important.                 This research is a quantitative cross sectional study. Total respondent in this study are 70 persons with consecutive sampling method. All respondent in this study receive mother-baby questionnaire, HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) and NFNI (NICU Family Needs Inventory). Data analysis was conducted using Chi Square.                 From the result of the study we can get information that factor which related with parents’ anxiety is parents’ experience to taking care their baby in NICU (p value 0.000) and baby’s treatment length of stay (p value 0.000). And the parent’s needs during accompany their baby sorted from the most important one are need for closeness (65 % respondents), need for certainty (55 % respondents), need for comfort (30 % respondents), need for support (18.3 % respondents), and need for information (15 % respondents).                 Closeness between parents and baby during treatment, and parents’ experience to taking care their baby in NICU are very important because it can increase not only bonding between them but also baby’s condition. Parents’ involvement during delivering care to baby in NICU also can reduce patient’s length of treatment, increase quality of care, and reduce parents’ anxiety during accompanying their baby in NICU. Therefore further assessment for parents’ anxiety and needs during accompanying their baby in NICU is very crucial.
Ethical Dilemmas of End of Life Care in Intensive Care Unit : A Literature Review Arianto, Albertus Budi; Trisyani, Yanny; Emaliyawati, Etika
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v4i2.13637


 ABSTRACTThe end-of-life (EOL) care is the progressive terminal illness, leading to death; that in the situation the nurse have significant role in decision making. In decision making, temporarily, the nurse will experiences the ethical dilemmas, including in intensive care unit (ICU) with any factors resulting in problem in medical decision making. The literature review intends to analyze the description of ethical dilemmas occurred in intensive care unit, especially to the EOL care. A method used is critical review full text of 2007-2018 periods in English langguage. The multiple databases used is PubMed, Proquest and Google Scholar with keyword “End of Life Care” and “Nursing Ethic in critical care” and “issue End-of-life critical care”, and “Dilemmas Ethic in ICU.” The articles selected gradually by using of Appraisal tool of PRISMA and obtained 21 articles. The literature study obtaining 4 themes related to description of the ethical dilemmas in ICU including (1) the ethical principle involved in EOL care at ICU, (2) resource of ethical conflict in ICU, (3) impact of ethical conflict in ICU, and (4) response of nurse in dealing with ethical dilemmas. The discussion of literature review related to the perception of nurse on EOL care; that nurse have important role in medical decision making involving ethical principle in the implementation. it is required further research on exploration of nurse experience on implementation of ethical principle in case of EOL care.ABSTRAKPerawatan end of life (EOL) merupakan suatu perawatan pada penyakit terminal yang bersifat progresif, yang akan berujung dengan kematian, pada kondisi ini perawat mempunyai peran dalam pengambilan keputusan perawatan. Terkadang dalam pengambilan keputusan ini perawat akan mengalami kondisi dilema etik, tak terkecuali di ruangan intensive care unit dimana diruangan tersebut banyak faktor yang mengakibatkan kesulitan dalam pengambilan keputusan medis. Literature reviews ini bertujuan untuk menganalisia gambaran dilema etik yang terjadi di area intensive khususnya pada kasus end of life care. Metode yang digunakan adalah critical review full text dengan rentang tahun 2007-2018 dalam Bahasa Inggris. Multiple database yang digunakan adalah PubMed, Proquest dan Google Scholar merupakan database yang digunakan, dengan kata kunci “End Of Life Care” and “Nursing Ethic in critical care” and “issue End-of-life in critical care”, and“Dilema Ethic in ICU”. Artikel diseleksi bertahap menggunakan Appraisal tool PRISMA dan didapatkan 21 artikel. Studi literatur diperoleh 4 tema terkait gambaran dilema etik di ruang ICU diantaranya (1) Prinsip etik yang terlibat dalam end of life care di ICU, (2) Sumber konflik etik di ICU, (3) Dampak konflik etik di ICU, dan (4) Respon perawat dalam menghadapi dilema etik. Pembahasan telaah literatur ini terkait persepsi perawat mengenai perawatan end of life, dimana perawat mempunyai peran penting dalam pengambilan keputusan medis yang melibatkan prinsip etik dalam pelaksanaannya. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai eksplorasi pengalaman perawat terhadap implementasi prinsip etik pada kasus perawatan menjelang ajal.
Emergency Nurses’ Perceptions of Obstacles and Supportive Behaviors in Providing End-Of-Life Care Ariyanti, Santi; Emaliyawati, Etika; Mirwanti, Ristina
Journal of Nursing Care Vol 2, No 3 (2019): Journal of Nursing Care
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (21.451 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jnc.v2i3.19266


The high mortality rate in Emergency Department (ED) is consistent with the high demand for end of life (EOL) care. However, ED work system required to life saving quickly and precisely often makes EOL care is not working optimally.The purpose of this study was to determine nurses’perceptions in emergency departments related to obstacles and supportive behaviors (SB) in providing EOL care to dying patients. Descriptive-quantitative method was used with cross-sectional approach in 50 nurses Emergency Department at one of the tertiary hospitals in Indonesia. The samples were chosen using the total sampling technique. Data collection used the emergency nurse perceptions of end of life care questionnaire. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis in the form of distribution, frequency, and mean. The result of the study showed that the main obstacles in EOL care were:  ED nurses’ work loads (10.626), intra-family disagreements (9,802), and dealing with angry family members (9.472). The three main perceptions in supportive behaviors were teaching families how to act (11.962), allowing family members adequate time with the patient after patient died (11.09), and good collaboration from paramedics personnel (10.886. It can be conclude that nurses facing obstacles in taking care end-of-life patients. Based on this research, further studies are needed to minimize obstacles and improve supportive behaviors related to the nurse's workload, the provision of spiritual teams, special training for nurse and the provision of special rooms for EOL patients and their families.
Journal of Holistic Nursing Science Vol 4 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.668 KB)


Baby with critical condition should receive care in NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). This process can trigger parents’ anxiety which can induce another problem such as difficulty to involve in decision making regarding patient’s condition. Parents’ anxiety can be caused by several factors depend on parents’ needs. This research aim to analyze factors that can influence parents’ anxiety during accompanied their baby in NICU and analyze their needs start from the least important until the most important. This research is a quantitative cross sectional study. Total respondent in this study are 70 persons with consecutive sampling method. All respondent in this study receive mother-baby questionnaire, HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) and NFNI (NICU Family Needs Inventory). Data analysis was conducted using Chi Square. From the result of the study we can get information that factor which related with parents’ anxiety is parents’ experience to taking care their baby in NICU (p value 0.000) and baby’s treatment length of stay (p value 0.000). And the parent’s needs during accompany their baby sorted from the most important one are need for closeness (65 % respondents), need for certainty (55 % respondents), need for comfort (30 % respondents), need for support (18.3 % respondents), and need for information (15 % respondents). Closeness between parents and baby during treatment, and parents’ experience to taking care their baby in NICU are very important because it can increase not only bonding between them but also baby’s condition. Parents’ involvement during delivering care to baby in NICU also can reduce patient’s length of treatment, increase quality of care, and reduce parents’ anxiety during accompanying their baby in NICU. Therefore further assessment for parents’ anxiety and needs during accompanying their baby in NICU is very crucial.
Improvement of Nurse Competence in Puskesmas In Handling Emergency Response to Cardiac arrest case for Reduce Mortality Rate In Pre Hospital Order Through Training   Pulmonary Heart Resuscitation In Pangandaran District Prawesti, Ayu; Emaliyawati, Etika; Trisyani, Yanny
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 9, No 2 (2018): JULI
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.363 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jk.v9i2.5217


There are many cardiac arrest events in the community that can not be saved because they do not get the right and quick action due to the ignorance and the inability of the nurses of the puskesmas to provide emergency response to cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the main action in cardiac arrest and stop breath, which can increase life expectation. Goal to be achieved in the implementation of this program is increased ability of nurse puskesmas in performing action of heart resuscitation of lung. The specific targets of the activities are the increased ability of health center nurses on the ability to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the latest guidelines and the implementation of a structured training program on pulmonary cardiac resuscitation at community health center nurses on an ongoing basis. Solutions offered to overcome the problem is the training of Lung Heart Resuscitation (RJP) to nurses Puskesmas. Training activities conducted for one day include pre-test evaluation, material exposure, rjp skills training and post training evacuation. The result showed that there was significant difference between attitude value and perceived behavioral control between before and after training, whereas there was no difference of subjective norm value between before and after training. Training on updating and increasing the competence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be done regularly and periodically. Routine and periodic training needs to be done to improve nursing services, especially cardiovascular emergency
Jurnal Keperawatan 'Aisyiyah Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Keperawatan 'Aisyiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan 'Aisyiyah Bandung

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ABSTRACT There are many cardiac arrest events in the community that can not be saved because they do not get the right and quick action due to the ignorance and the inability of the nurses of the puskesmas to provide emergency response to cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the main action in cardiac arrest and stop breath, which can increase life expectation. Goal to be achieved in the implementation of this program is Increased ability of nurse puskesmas in performing action of heart resuscitation of lung. The specific targets of the activities are the increased ability of health center nurses on the ability to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the latest guidelines. and the implementation of a structured training program on pulmonary cardiac resuscitation at community health center nurses on an ongoing basis.                   Solutions offered to overcome the problem is the training of Lung Heart Resuscitation (RJP) to nurses Puskesmas. Training activities conducted for one day include pre-test evaluation, material exposure, rjp skills training and post training evacuation. The result showed that there was significant difference between attitude value and perceived behavioral control between before and after training, whereas there was no difference of subjective norm value between before and after training. Training on updating and increasing the competence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be done regularly and periodically. Routine and periodic training needs to be done to improve nursing services, especially cardiovascular emergency. Key Word : Nursing Public Health ,cardiac pulmonary resuscitation     ABSTRAK   Terdapat banyak kejadian henti jantung di masyarakat yang tidak dapat diselamatkan karena tidak mendapatkan tindakan yang tepat dan cepat akibat ketidaktahuan dan ketidakmampuan perawat puskesmas untuk memberikan tindakan tanggap darurat resusitasi jantung paru.. Tindakan resusitasi jantung paru (RJP) merupakan tindakan utama pada henti jantung dan henti napas, yang dapat meningkatkan harapan hidup.Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam pelaksanaan program ini adalah Meningkatnya kemampuan perawat puskesmas dalam melakukan tindakan resusitasi jantung paru. Target khusus kegiatan adalah Meningkatnya kemampuan perawat puskesmas tentang kemampuan melakukan resusitasi jantung paru dengan pedoman terbaru. dan terselenggaranya program pelatihan yang terstruktur mengenai resusitasi jantung paru pada perawat puskesmas secara berkesinambungan.  Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan adalah dilakukannya pelatihan Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) kepada perawat Puskesmas. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan selama satu hari  meliputi evaluasi pra test, paparan materi, pelatihan skill rjp dan evaliasi post pelatihan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan adanya perbedaan yang significant antara nilai sikap dan perceived behavioral control antara sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan, sedangkan tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai norma subjektif antara sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Pelatihan updating dan peningkatan kompetensi resusitasi jantung paru perlu dilakukan secara rutin dan berkala. Pelatihan secara rutin dan berkala perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan keperawatan terutama kegawata dararuratan kardiovaskular Keywords: Perawat Puskesmas, Resusitasi Jantung Paru  
Co-Authors Aan Nur'aeni Aan Nuraeni Aan Nuraeni Aan Nuraeni Aan Nuraeni Aan Nuraeni Aat Sriati Aat Sriati Ade Surya Dwiyanti adimiharja, adimiharja Aditya Pratama agavia kristi purba Agni Rizkiani Aiyi Asnawi Aliffa Azwadina Anastasia Anna Andi Miftahul Khair Anis Imtichan Anisah Rahmawati Anita Setyawati Anjani Mutiarasani Anneke Dewina Annisa Yuniar Handayani Anton Priambodo Anton Priambodo Anugrah Nur Fatimah Ardyanti Syafitri Arianto, Albertus Budi Arumsari, Dinda Piranti Asy Syafa Mahfuzhah Ati Surya Mediawati Atlastika Praptiwi Audia Handayani Ayu Prawesti Priambodo Azzah Dinah Rachmah Cecep Eli Kosasih Cecep Eli Kosasih Clarabelle Puspitadewi Kuncoro Desy Indra Yani Dewi Dewi Dhiya Roihana Dhiyaa Ulhaq Amatullah Diana Kusuma Astuti Dody Setyawan Donny Mahendra Donny Nurhamsyah Donny Nurhamsyah E, Ermiati Efri Widianti efri widianti Eki Pratidina Ellin Febrina Ermiati Ermiati Ermiati Ermiati Ermiati Ermiati Ermiati Ermiati Esti Dwi Anani Evania Altsa Radinka Evi Nurjanah F. Sri Susilaningsih F. Sri Susilaningsih, F. Sri Farly Ihsan Fatimah, Sari Fatimah, Sari Fauzan Zein Mutaqin Fauziyyah Ratih Asfari Femi Luih Nurhasanah Femmy Aditya Purnama Sejati Findhya Rachma Pravidanti Finka Laili Nur Adzillah Firman Sugiharto Fitri Yoselin Yamadea Purba Gina Nurul Azmi Gun Gun Gulbudin Hamidah Nurhalimah Hanna Budhiyana Harun, Hasniatisari Henny Batubara Henny Suzana Mediani Henny Suzanna Mediani Henny Suzanna Mediani Heri Budiawan Herlina Silviana Hesty Adha Hikmat Permana Iceu Mulyati Iis Kania Nurasiah Jamil Imas Rafiyah Inas Shintia Balqis Indah Permata Artamia Intan Humaeroh Intan Rukmana Iqra S Irman Somantri Ismailah Alam Iyus Yosep Jihan Salimah Aribah Khairun Nisa Rahmawati Kurniawan Yudianto Kusman Ibrahim Laksono Trisnantoro Lia Yulia Maulina Lidya Lidya Lisdiawati Lisdiawati Meideline Chintya Michael Mochamad Danny Murni, Tri Wahyu Nada Salsabila Nani Lestari Nopi Nuraeni Novarina Ismayani Anumilah Novia Rahmawati Nur Intan Hayati Husnul Khotimah Nur Oktavia Hidayati Nur Oktavia Hidayati Nursiswati Nursiswati Rahdatul Aisyiyah Rahmi Fitriyani Ramdani Ramdani Ramdani Ramdani Rauzana, Sarah Restuning Widiasih Restuning Widiasih Retno Wahyuningsih Riri Amalina Ristina Mirwanti Ristina Mirwanti Ristina Mirwanti Ristina Mirwanti Ristina Mirwanti Ristina Mirwanti, Ristina Rizkika Nur Amalia Rizky Meilando Rusna Tahir Salasa, Sehabudin Salwa Mawaddah Sandra Pebrianti Santi Ariyanti Santi Ariyanti Sari Fatimah Saripudin, Nurul Fatimah Sekarsiwi, Adiratna Senny Nur Wulan Septiana Fathonah Shelen Indah Tripriantini Siska Yan Hermana Siti Nur Damayanti Siti Nurfazri Sodiqiah Siwi, Adiratna Sekar Soni Muhsinin Sri Hartati Pratiwi Sri Hendrawati Suryani S Suryani Suryani Syahrizal Syahrizal Tahir, Rusna Titin Sutini Titin Sutini Titin Sutini Titin Sutini Titin Sutini Titin Sutini, Titin Tri Wahyu Murni Tri Wahyu Murni Tuti Pahria Untung Sudharmono Urip Rahayu Urip Rahayu, Urip Weni Widya Shari Widhya Aligita Yani AF Bastian Yanny Trisyani Yanny Trisyani Yayan Mulyana Yulianti Anjayani ZAHRUL INSAN SISMAYADI