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Journal : Berkala Bioteknologi

Isolasi Khamir Fermentatif dari Batang Tanaman Tebu (Saccharum officinarum. L) dan Hasil Identifikasinya Berdasarkan Sekuens Internal Transcribed Spacer Ika Anggraini Anggraini; Rejeki Siti Ferniah; Endang Kusdiyantini
Berkala Bioteknologi Volume 2 Nomor 2 November 2019
Publisher : Berkala Bioteknologi

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Yeast is a single-celled fungus that acts as epiphytes, endophytes or parasites. Yeast is divided into fermentative yeast and oxidative yeast. Fermentative yeast can produce primary and secondary metabolites. The role of fermentative yeast is widely used in the food industry, health and energy, so necessary to be explore fermentative yeast from sugarcane stems. The purpose of this study was to isolate fermentative yeast from sugarcane stems and identify molecular yeast based on the Internal Transcribed Spacer sequences (ITS). Isolation of epiphytic and endophytic yeast was carried out by spread plate of water soak sugarcane and sugar cane juice. Yeast isolation using 2 media, PDA and YGP with chloramphenicol. Morphological characterization was carried out by observing macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. Biochemical characterization was carried out by carbohydrate fermentation test and 50% glucose media growth test. Selected isolates were molecularly identified using Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequences. Primers used are ITS 1 and ITS 4. Phylogenetic analysis using Neighbor Joining from MEGA-6 program. The results of isolation obtained 7 yeast isolates characterized morphologically and biochemically. The based result of morphology and biochemical characterization were found 1 selected isolate with name Ed 1B. Selected yeast isolate have characteristics are round colonies, creamy white, shiny surface, raised elevation, wavy edges, ovoid cell shape, cell diameter 4,74µm, budding, glucose fermentation and sucrose fermentation, but not for lactose and grow well of 50% glucose media. The results of the Basic Alignment Search Tools (BLAST) are Ed 1B isolates had 99% homology with Kodamaea ohmeri species. Key Words :  Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum. L.), Yeast, Molecular Identification
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi secara Morfologi dan Biokimia Khamir dari Limbah Kulit Nanas Madu (Ananas comosus L.) untuk Produksi Bioetanol Galih Pertiwi Akbar; Endang . Kusdiyantini; W . Wijanarka
Berkala Bioteknologi Volume 2 Nomor 2 November 2019
Publisher : Berkala Bioteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.58 KB)


Yeast is a group of microorganisms that are easily found in fermented products, soil, water, plant tissues, leaves, flowers and fruits. Bioethanol is one of the alternative energy produced by yeast through fermentation. This study aims to isolate and characterize yeast morphologically and biochemically yeast from honey pineapple skin waste for bioethanol production. Isolation was carried out using PDAY + chloramphenicol media. Morphological characterization were carried out by observing colony morphology, cell and yeast asexual reproduction. Biochemical characterization included carbon and nitrogen assimilation, urea hydrolysis test, protein hydrolysis test, glucose acid production test, high glucose tolerance test, ethanol tolerance test and production and analysis of fermented bioethanol levels by yeast isolates. From the isolation process found 6 yeast isolates, where isolates Ep-1 and Ep-2 are similar to Wickerhamia sp., Ep-3 and Ed-3 similar to Zygosaccharomyces sp. and isolates Ed-1 and Ed-2 are similar to Saccharomyces sp.Characteristics possessed by yeast isolates showed the ability to assimilate several sources of carbon and ammonium sulfate; able to hydrolyze proteins; some are able to produce acid; cannot hydrolyze urea; tolerant to glucose concentrations of 40%, 50% and 60%; tolerant to ethanol 5%, 10% and 15%; and able to produce bioethanol.Ep-1 isolates are known to have the most potential for ethanol production because they are tolerant to 60% glucose concentration and 15% ethanol and the level of bioethanol produced is 12.00%. Key words : yeast, honey pineapple skin waste,  characterization, bioethanol
Isolasi Bakteri Endofit Tanaman Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Dan Uji Aktivitas Enzim Amilase Ledy Ginting; Wijanarka Wijanarka; Endang Kusdiyantini
Berkala Bioteknologi Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Volume 3 Nomor 2 November 2020
Publisher : Berkala Bioteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACTEndophytic bacteria are beneficial microorganisms that interact with plants without causing disturbance or damage to them. Research shows that certain endophytic bacterial isolates can produce secondary metabolites that have health effects, especially endophytic bacteria isolated from the Papaya plant (Carica Papaya. L). Amylolytic bacteria is one of the bacteria that has the potential to produce amylase enzymes which play an important role in industry. Endophytic bacteria were isolated using Nutrient Agar media 1% starch (soluble starch) and amylolytic index measurements were carried out using Lugol's reagent. Isolation of endophytic bacteria was carried out by streak method on Nutrient Agar media. The cultures were incubated at 37ºC for 48 hours. The morphological characteristics of the growing colonies were observed and Gram stained was carried out. Amylase activity was measured using the Dinitrosalisilic acid (DNS) method. The results of this study found 19 isolates of endophytic bacteria were isolated. There were 5 isolates that had the highest clear zone, namely isolates AE4, BE2, DE6, TD2, and TD5. The highest amylase enzyme activity of 0.225 U / mL was produced in TD5 isolates.Keyword : Isolation, Endophytic Bacteria, Enzyme Amylase, Papaya Plants
Co-Authors Adde Lolita Putri Adhitya Naufal Pribadhi Afrazak Johansyah Agni Rizqy Berliyanti Agung Suprihadi Ahmad Thontowi Anggraini, Ika Anggraini, Ika Anggrayeni, Yesti Tri Anto Budiharjo Arina Lunggani Arina Tri Lunggani Arina Tri Lunggani Arina Tri Lunggani Atit Kanti Basundari, Sinta Anas Bintoro Rudi Saputro, Bintoro Rudi Budi Raharjo Daniel Pasaribu Devia Kusmawati Arfina Dian Arif Rachman E Hugeng Wandono Elawati, Nunung Eni Elawati, Nunung Eni Enny Yusuf Wachidah Yuniwarti Erma Prihastanti Euis HERMIATI Evi F Simanjuntak Faradila Ayu, Near Putri Galih Pertiwi Akbar Ginting, R Cinta Badia H Hadiyanto Hadi Endrawati Hermin P Kusumaningrum Hermin P. Kusumaningrum Hermin Pancasakti Kusumaningrum Hilmi Fadhli Ihdina Isfara Suteja Ika Anggraini Ika Anggraini Anggraini Indah Sulistyarini Joedoro Sudarsono Khabib Khasan Alfaridhi, Khabib Khasan Kurniawati, Laily Laily Kurniawati Larasati, Ella Dewani Ledy Ginting Maria Sarah Fadillah MG Isworo Rukmi Moi, Maria Yasinta Muhammad Amal Nurhakim, Muhammad Amal Muhammad Nur Muhammad Nur Muhammad Z ainuri Muhammad Zainuri Munifatul Izzati N Nurhayati Naufal, Adhitya Nia Fadlilatul Laily Novi Alvita Pratama Nugrahaini, Dian Laila Nunung Eni Elawati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Prayitno, S Feta Avila Prianto, A. Heru Puteri Aryani Rejeki Siti Ferniah Rida Yuliana, Rida Saniha Adini, Saniha Sarjana Parman Soni Nugraha Sri Pujianto, Sri Sri Pujiyanto Suprihadi Suprihadi TATI NURHAYATI Tri Winarni Agustini Triwibowo Yuwono Tyas Rini Saraswati Udi Tarwotjo, Udi Wijanarka Wijanarka Wijanarka, W