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Pengaruh Media Sosial terhadap Problem di Masyarakat Khaerudin, Khaerudin; Amalia, Mia; Mardiah, Ainun; Ayuningtyas, Indah
YASIN Vol 2 No 1 (2022): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.628 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/yasin.v2i1.195


This have a look at objectives to investigate and take a look at the impact of social media that happens in society. In this situation, the usage of social media may be very influential on conflicts that occur in society because most of the people of human beings of their each day life use social media as a device or media to facilitate all affairs, both in social, instructional and paintings contexts. however, social media has each fine and negative affects on society. The high quality impact inside the use of social media the various community is that first it makes it less difficult to get entry to the entirety both in education or paintings then expands relationships, relationships without being bound via time or distance, even as the terrible impact within the use of social media is that social media is regularly used for correct crimes. robbing, cheating, then frequently takes place to make someone indifferent or unwilling to understand about different humans in order that social interaction does not exist due to the fact they may be busy with their respective gadgets. consequently, on this magazine the author will provide an explanation for more broadly and in depth about how the system of the emergence of social media itself in society, then how the effect of social media on warfare in society and the way social media influences human beings's social life. which targets in order that humans may be wiser in using social media, then can reduce very complicated conflicts in society caused by social media which in turn can give start to a secure and peaceful community life, has a excessive tolerance.
The Correlation between Knowledge and Compliance with Tooth Brushing to Free Plaque Score of Mentally Disabled Students Sukarsih, Sukarsih; Silfia, Aida; Asio, Asio; Mardiah, Ainun
Riset Informasi Kesehatan Vol 12 No 2 (2023): Riset Informasi Kesehatan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30644/rik.v12i2.777


Background: The Jambi Province Riskesdas in 2018 showed that the number of residents who brushed their teeth every day was 96.4%, and only 1.0% did as recommended after breakfast and before going to bed at night. Data shows that 96.5% of students aged 10-14 years brush their teeth every day and only 2.1% brush their teeth in the morning after breakfast and before going to bed.Method: This type of research is descriptive correlational which aims to find whether there is a relationship. The sample in the study were 30 mothers and students at SLBN 1 Jambi City with mental retardation. The sampling technique used purposive sampling method. The data analysis used in this study is the Spearman test. Results: 1) The correlation coefficient and P-value of the relationship between parental knowledge and the level of knowledge of mentally retarded children are 0.492 and 0.006, 2) The correlation coefficient and P-value of the relationship between parental knowledge and adherence to brushing teeth in mentally retarded children are 0.921 and 0.000, 3) The correlation coefficient and P-value of the relationship between the level of knowledge of parents and the free plaque score of mentally retarded children are 0.489 and 0.006, 4) The correlation coefficient and P-value of the relationship between the level of knowledge and adherence to brushing teeth of mentally retarded children are 0.386 and 0.035, 5) The coefficient value the correlation and P-value of the relationship between the level of knowledge and the free plaque score of mentally retarded children were 0.185 and 0.329, 6) The correlation coefficient and P-value of the relationship between children's tooth brushing adherence and the free plaque score of mentally retarded children at SLBN 1 Jambi City were 0.428 and 0.018Conclusion: 1) there is a significant relationship with moderate strength between the knowledge level of parents and the level of knowledge of mentally retarded children, 2) there is a significant relationship with very strong strength between the level of parental knowledge and adherence to brushing teeth in mentally retarded children, 3) there is a significant relationship with has sufficient strength between the level of parental knowledge and the free plaque score of mentally retarded children, 4) there is a significant and low strength relationship between the level of knowledge and adherence to brushing teeth of mentally retarded children, 5) there is no relationship with very low strength between the level of knowledge and the child's free plaque score mentally retarded, 6) there is a significant relationship with sufficient strength between children's tooth brushing compliance with free plaque scores of mentally retarded children at SLBN 1 Jambi City
Improving Students Ability in Pronunciation Through Reading Aloud for the 8th Grade of SMPN 2 Bukittinggi Mardiah, Ainun; Safitri, Loli; Eliza, Eliza; Syahrul , Syahrul
Continuous Education: Journal of Science and Research Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51178/ce.v5i2.2038


This research aims to describe the improvement in students' pronunciation through reading aloud. Based on the problem found by the reseracher most of the students have difficulty in pronouncing some words in English such as minimal pairs. Many students did not achieve the completenes criteria (KKM) namely 70, meanwhile the average students score was only 55,15. This research used classroom action research (CAR) that consisted of 2 cycles. The subjects of this research were grade 8 of SMPN 2 Bukittinggi consisted 32 students.The instruments used were oral tests and observations sheet. In analyzing the data, this research used quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitatively, data was obtained from student scores in pronunciation test. Qualitative data was obtained from the results of observation sheet. The results obtained in the first test cycle showed an average student score of 61,68, with a percentage of succsess only 37,5% or 12 out of 32 students who passed the KKM, meanwhile in the second cycle the percentage of success in improving students' pronunciation was 81.25% with an average score of 76,15 where there was 26 students who passed the KKM. The increased from cycle 1 to cycle 2 was 23,45%. In observations sheet, researcher found that used reading aloud can improve students' pronunciation abilities, seen from accuracy and fluency aspect. this was strengthened by observations that showed the classroom situation is also more conducive and students more interested and enthusiastic during the teaching and learning process. In other words, it can be concluded that reading aloud can improve students' pronunciation abilities.
Ritual Kematian dalam Masyarakat Suku Alas di Desa Batu Mbulan II, Aceh Tenggara Ainun Mardiah; Sori Monang; Aulia Kamal
SINTHOP: Media Kajian Pendidikan, Agama, Sosial dan Budaya Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Lembaga Aneuk Muda Peduli Umat, Bekerjasama dengan Pusat Jurnal Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/sinthop.v1i2.2394


The Alas people in Batu Mbulan II Village, Southeast Aceh have a unique tradition related to death. This ritual has been practiced across generations and still exists today because it is believed to have a function in their lives. This study wants to know how the death ritual is practiced by the Orang Alas in Batu Mbulan II Village; what does it mean; and its function in their social life. This is a qualitative research using case studies where data is collected through interviews and observations. The data were analyzed descriptively, and showed that: 1) The death ritual practiced by the Orang Alas in Batu Mbulan II Village is part of the local interpretation of tajhiz mayit in Islam. The ritual begins with bathing the corpse in the river, mengkiran (surrounding the coffin), talkin (teaching the dead), samadiyah (sending reward, praying for the dead, blessing tombstones and white stones). 2) This ritual has a number of meanings, as a way of remembering the dead, helping him, honoring his family; and 3) having social functions such as, strengthening solidarity, cooperation. This study shows that rituals are not only oriented to spiritual and mystical matters, but also social life
Filsafat Barat dan Timur, Sejarah Filsafat dan Retorika Serta Teori Kebenaran Kartini, Kartini; Zahra, Siti; Permana, Rama Sandy; Sajida, Inayah; Al-Qadri, M. Sholehuddin; Arsyad, Rifqi Qardhawi; Qhintara, Alika Faza; Mardiah, Ainun; Dalimunthe, Novia Irawan; Apsyara, Tamara
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 7 No. 3 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v7i3.11845


Filsafat menggunakan metode bertanya sebagai alat untuk mencari jawaban, dan objeknya adalah segala hal yang dapat diperdebatkan. Filsafat mencoba memahami makna dan nilai dalam alam semesta, yang hanya dapat diakses oleh manusia melalui pikiran dan pemahaman. Sejarah filsafat telah melalui berbagai periode, termasuk Zaman Yunani kuno, Zaman Kegelapan, Zaman Pencerahan, zaman modern awal, zaman modern, dan masa pos modern. Setiap periode ini memiliki perkembangan filsafatnya sendiri. Ada juga berbagai teori pengetahuan yang mencoba menjelaskan bagaimana pengetahuan diperoleh, termasuk empirisme, rasionalisme, konstruktivisme, dan lainnya. Pendekatan terhadap kebenaran juga bervariasi, dengan teori koherensi, korespondensi, pragmatisme, dan lainnya yang berusaha memahami sifat kebenaran.
Music Programming Kustiawan, Winda; Ramadhan, Melja; Ibnu Thariq, Muhammad; Sajida, Inayah; Auliza, Siti; Mardiah, Ainun; Ul Jannah, Lulu
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

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Music programming menggabungkan konsep-konsep ilmu komputer dengan elemen-elemen musik, memungkinkan pengguna untuk menciptakan, merekam, dan memanipulasi musik secara digital. Sejak kemunculan teknologi komputer, bidang ini telah mengalami perkembangan signifikan. Awalnya, fokus utamanya adalah pada sintesis suara, di mana kemampuan untuk menghasilkan dan memanipulasi suara menggunakan komputer menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Program MUSIC yang dikembangkan oleh Max Mathews pada tahun 1957 merupakan salah satu sistem pertama untuk sintesis suara digital. Kemajuan teknologi digital selanjutnya memfasilitasi produksi musik pada komputer pribadi, dengan munculnya synthesizer digital dan sequencer. Pada tahun 2000-an, teknologi web memungkinkan kolaborasi global dan distribusi musik secara luas, memberdayakan musisi independen untuk memperkenalkan karya mereka secara global. Inovasi seperti perangkat lunak open- source dan live coding memperluas cakupan music programming, mengubah cara musik diproduksi, didistribusikan, dan dikonsumsi serta membuka peluang baru untuk eksperimen dan kolaborasi lintas disiplin. Integrasi teknologi ke dalam proses produksi musik telah memperluas kemungkinan kreatif bagi musisi dan produser, memberikan fleksibilitas dan kontrol yang lebih besar dalam menciptakan suara dan aransemen musik. Hal ini juga memungkinkan eksplorasi genre dan gaya musik baru dengan lebih mudah. Di Indonesia, musisi telah memanfaatkan teknologi ini untuk menggabungkan elemen-elemen musik tradisional dengan modern, memperkuat identitas budaya dan mendorong kreativitas serta keberagaman dalam menciptakan musik. Selain itu, music programming juga mendorong kolaborasi lintas disiplin antara musisi, ilmuwan data, desainer, dan programmer, menghasilkan karya-karya inspiratif dan pengalaman musik yang lebih mendalam bagi pendengar. Dengan demikian, perkembangan music programming tidak hanya memperkaya industri musik dan memfasilitasi eksplorasi kreatif, tetapi juga secara signifikan memperkaya warisan budaya, mendorong kolaborasi lintas disiplin, dan memperluas cakupan musik di era digital ini.
Journal of Community Dedication and Development (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Juli- Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal

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Mahasiswa berperan sebagai agen perubahan bagi masyarakat sekitar, sesuai dengan apa yang terkandung dalam Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yaitu, mengabdi kepada masyarakat (sosial). Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat Desa Janji Mauli Kecamatan Batang Onang Wilayah Administratif Padang Lawas Utara adalah ketidaktahuan akan peluang-peluang di sekitar mereka yang dapat mereka manfaatkan sebagai sumber tambahan agar bermanfaat dalam dunia pendidikan. Komunitas Janji Mauli. Salah satu program yang dilaksanakan di Desa Janji Mauli adalah pendampingan masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya ilmu pengetahuan, menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, berkepribadian, kreatif dan inovatif, serta memberikan semangat dan motivasi.
JURNAL AGRIMANSION Vol 24 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Agrimansion Agustus 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/agrimansion.v24i2.1380


This research aims to analyze the marketing strategies of Mekar Sari's Handwoven Fabric. The method used in this research is descriptive. The unit of analysis in this research is the Mekar Sari production house. The research area was determined using purposive sampling considering that Mekar Sari's fabric consumers are spread across the Raba District. The types of data used are qualitative and quantitative. The data sources used in this research are primary and secondary data. The variables in this research are place, price, product, and promotion. The data analysis techniques used are SWOT analysis, IE analysis, and QSPM analysis. The research results indicate that there are 3 priority strategies to be implemented, namely building brand identity, offering discounts to recruit agents in strategic locations, and expanding the market.
Asuhan Kebidanan Continuity of Care pada Ny ”D” Umur 23 Tahun di PMB Siwi Indriatni Ainun Mardiah; Heni Hirawati Pranoto
Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan CFP Kebidanan Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Call for Paper Kebidanan Universitas Ngudi Waluy
Publisher : Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

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MMR increased in 2020 to 98.6/100,000 KH (416 cases) and in 2021 to 199/100,000 KH (1,011 cases). This is due to the Covid 19 pandemic so that there have been major changes in health and community facility services (Central Java Provincial Health Office, 2022). The most identifiable causes of maternal death were hypertension (36.45%), bleeding (19.91%), circulatory disorders (8.10%), Covid (4.40%) and metabolic system disorders (1.62%). As many as 24.07% of other causes such as tuberculosis, amniotic fluid embolism, cancer, heart, asthma, and others. The Infant Mortality Rate (AKB) per 1,000 live births in 2022 is 7.02/1,000 KH (4,027 cases).. Causes of infant death (neonatal aged 0-28 days) that can be identified include: Low Birth Weight (BBLR) (38%), asphyxia (27%), congenital abnormalities 16%, sepsis (3%) and others 14% (respiratory disorders, digestive disorders, cardiovascular disorders, nervous disorders and accidents). The causes of infant death (29 days-11 months) are: diarrhea (13%), pneumonia (9%), gastrointestinal disorders (6%), neurological disorders (6%), covid (3%) and others (63%) namely: respiratory disorders (18%), congenital disorders (18%), cardiovascular (15%), febrile seizures (10%), cancer and accidents. Descriptive and the type of descriptive research used is a case study (Case Study), which is by examining a problem through a case consisting of a single unit. A single unit here can contain one person, a group of residents affected by a problem. Monitoring of pregnant women was carried out by the author 2 times, namely 1 time in the second trimester and 1 time in the third trimester, the monitoring results obtained were maternal complaints in the third trimester of pregnancy the mother often urinated, complaints experienced by the mother were physiological. On October 6, 2023, the mother gave birth normally at Banyumanik Hospital, on October 6, 2023 at 12.18 WIB, the baby was born spontaneously, male gender, healthy baby condition and in normal condition. Care for KF 1- KF 4 in mothers went well and there were no problems. The mother used injectable birth control for 3 months and no problems were found. Upbringing has been provided comprehensively. Thereis no gap between theory and case in Comprehensive Midwifery Care in Mrs. D and By. Mrs. D at PMB Siwi Indriatni.   Abstrak AKI mengalami peningkatan pada tahun 2020 menjadi 98,6/100.000 KH (416 kasus) dan tahun 2021 menjadi 199/100.000 KH (1.011 kasus). Hal ini disebabkan adanya pandemi Covid 19 sehingga terjadi perubahan besar di pelayanan fasilitas kesehatan dan masyarakat (Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2022). Penyebab kematian ibu yang dapat diidentifikasi, paling banyak adalah hipertensi (36,45%), perdarahan (19,91%), gangguan peredaran darah (8,10%), Covid (4,40%) dan gangguan system metabolism (1,62%). Sebanyak 24,07% penyebab lain-lain seperti TBC, emboli air ketuban, cancer, jantung, asma, dan lain-lain. Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) per 1.000 kelahiran hidup tahun 2022 sebesar 7,02/1.000 KH (4.027 kasus). Penyebab kematian bayi (neonatal umur 0-28 hari) yang dapat diidentifikasi antara lain: Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) (38%), asfiksia (27%) kelainan congenital 16%, sepsis (3%) dan lain-lain 14% (gangguan nafas, gangguan pencernaan, gangguan kardiovaskuler gangguan saraf dan kecelakaan). Penyebab kematian bayi (29 hari-11 bulan) yaitu: diare (13%), pneumonia (9%), kelainan saluran cerna (6%), kelainan saraf (6%), covid (3%) dan lain-lain (63%) yaitu: gangguan nafas (18%), kelainan congenital (18%), kardiovaskuler (15%), kejang demam (10%), cancer dan kecelakaan.Deskriptif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif yang digunakan adalah studi penelaahan kasus (Case Study), yakni dengan cara meneliti suatu permasalahan melalui suatu kasus yang terdiri dari unit tunggal. Unit tunggal disini dapat berisi satu orang, sekelompok penduduk yang terkena suatu masalah. Pemantauan ibu hamil dilakukan penulis sebanyak 2 kali yaitu 1 kali pada trimester II dan 1 kali pada trimester III, hasil pemantauan yang didapatkan ialah keluhan ibu pada kehamilan trimester III ibu sering buang air kecil, keluhan yang di alami ibu merupakan fisiologis. Pada tanggal 06 Oktober 2023 Ibu melahirkan secara normal di RS Banyumanik, pada tanggal 06 Oktober 2023 pukul 12.18 WIB bayi dilahirkan secara spontan, jenis kelamin laki-laki, keadaan bayi sehat dan dalam keadaan normal. Asuhan pada KF 1- KF 4 pada ibu berjalan dengan baik dan tidak terdapat masalah. Ibu menggunakan KB suntik 3 bulan dan tidak ditemukan masalah. Asuhan telah diberikan secara komprehensif. Tidak terdapat kesenjagan antara teori dan kasus pada Asuhan Komprehensif kebidanan pada Ny. D dan By. Ny. D di PMB Siwi Indriatni.
Laporan Pelaksanaan Komunitas Implementasi Yoga Anak di Desa Beji Kecamatan Ungaran Timur Lussy Iskandriyani; Wahyu Kristiningrum; Melna; Ainun Mardiah; Avisha Ladyana Fitri; Oksi Trijayanti; Anjas Sukmaningsih
Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan CFP Kebidanan Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Call for Paper Kebidanan Universitas Ngudi Waluy
Publisher : Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

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The role of health workers, especially midwives, is required to be able to provide MCH or family planning services and women's health throughout their life cycle both in curative or clinical hospital institutions and also in efforts MCH or family planning services that are promotive, preventive and able to mobilize community participation in maternal and child health efforts, as well as family planning in accordance with the principles of Primary Health Care (PHC) (Ministry of Health RI 2012). Public health problems are multi-causal problems, so the solution must be multi-disciplinary. Public health as an art/practice has a wide expanse. All activities, both direct and indirect , to prevent disease (preventive), improve health (promotive), therapy (physical, mental, social therapy) are public health efforts. Such as environmental cleaning, clean water supply, quality control , nutrition improvement , implementation of public health services, fecal disposal methods, waste and wastewater management, sanitation supervision and others (Ministry of Health RI, 2012).   Abstrak Peran tenaga kesehatan khususnya tenaga bidan dituntut untuk dapat memberi pelayanan KIA atau KB dan kesehatan wanita sepanjang siklus kehidupannya baik diinstitusi rumah sakit yang bersifat kuratif atau klinis maupun juga dalam upaya-upaya pelayanan KIA atau KB yang bersifat promotif, Preventif dan mampu menggerakan peran serta masyarakat dalam upaya kesehatan ibu dan anak, serta KB sesuai dengan prinsip Primary Health Care (PHC) (Depkes RI 2012). Masalah kesehatan masyarakat merupakan masalah yang multi kausal, maka pemecahannya harus secara multi disiplin. Kesehatan masyarakat sebagai seni/praktek mempunyai bentangan yang luas. Semua kegiatan baik yang langsung maupun yang tidak langsung untuk mencegah penyakit (preventif), meningkatkan kesehatan (promotif), terapi (terapi fisik, mental, sosial) adalah upaya kesehatan masyarakat. Seperti pembersihan lingkungan, penyediaan air bersih, pengawasan mutu, perbaikan gizi, penyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat, cara pembuangan tinja, pengelolaan sampah dan air limbah, pengawasan sanitasi dan lain-lain (DepKes RI, 2012).
Co-Authors Adam, Sherly Adelina Br. Sembiring Adrian Agus Saputra, Irham Agustina , Ika Aida Silfia Al-Qadri, M. Sholehuddin Alghozi, Alan Alifudin Anjas Sukmaningsih Apsyara, Tamara Arsyad, Rifqi Qardhawi Asio Asio, Asio Asnur, Syamfitriani Atika Azzahra Aulia Kamal Auliza, Siti Avisha Ladyana Fitri Ayuningtyas, Indah Beby Melati Budi Utami CINDY CINDY Cut Aja Nuraskin Dalimunthe, Novia Irawan Damayanti, Wan Mediasari Dhirah, Ulfa Husna Eliza Eliza Elnovreny, Jane Fadillah, Ayu Nur Farid Setiawan, Farid Firdaus, Rayyan Fitri, Sari Fitriani, Resti Gunawan Ibnu Thariq, Muhammad Ika Yuniwati, Ika Ilham Saputra Inayah Sajida Juni Sahla Nasution Kartini Kartini Kartini, Riska Khaerudin Khaerudin Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Kustiawan, Winda Leli Arnita Lulu Ul Jannah Lussy Iskandriyani Majmudin, Ahmad Manna Wassalwa Masyitah , Sri Melja Ramadhan Melna Mia Aina Mia Amalia Miftahul Jannah Muhammad Ibnu Thariq Muhammad Rizki Musaidah, Musaidah Nabila Suhaila Lubis Nst , Halimatussa'diyah Nur Salamah Nurhidayati, Lailiana Garna Oksi Trijayanti Patty, Jetty Martje Permana, Rama Sandy Qhintara, Alika Faza Ramadhan, Melja Ratna Dewi Reca Reca Rejeki, Desi Sri Rizaldi Safitri, Loli Sahidu, Arifuddin Sajida, Inayah Sallo, Andi Kamal M. Samosir, Sri Rezeki Sembiring, Tamaulina Br. Siagian, Hartika Samgryce Siti Auliza Siti Zahra Sori Monang Sukarsih Sukarsih, Sukarsih Syahrul , Syahrul Taslim Sjah, Taslim Trisna Frianto , Herri Trisna Pratiwi Hasibuan Try Suci Prastiwi Ul Jannah, Lulu Vina Anggia Nastitie Ariawan Wahyu Kristiningrum Winda Kustiawan Yenni Elizah Yuli Deliyanti Yuli Rohmiyati