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Pemurnian diasilgliserol dari produk gliserolisis minyak sawit mentah dengan kromatografi kolom Purification of diacylglycerol from glycerolysis products of crude palm oil using column chromatography . TRI-PANJI; . SUHARYANTO; Urip PERWITASAR
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 79, No 1: Juni 2011

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AbstractVegetable oil enriched with diacylglycerol (DAG) isknown as healthy oil. This oil is much more expensive thancooking oil. Production of DAG could be performed byglycerolysis process of CPO using specific lipase of 1,3-glyceride from Rhizopus oryzae mold. Product derived fromglycerolysis process of CPO is a mixture of DAG, mono-acylglycerol (MAG), free fatty acid (FFA) and residual ofunglycerolysed triacylglyserol (TAG). Therefore the DAGproduct has to be isolated from other components in order toget high purity of DAG. The objective of the research was topurify and to find out optimal concentration of DAG derivedfrom a mixture product of CPO glycerolysis at laboratoryscale experiment (total reactant for glycerolysis was93.8 mL) and semipilot scale experiment (10 times oflaboratory scale) using column chromatography with silicagel as stationary phase. The research showed that thehighest DAG content could be collected at fraction of 26 th i.e65%, while at semipilot scale experiment the highest contentof DAG (97%) was achieved at 64 to 66th fraction.Reglycerolysis of residual CPO only yielded 8.24%glycerolysis product which was much lower than that of thefirst glycerolysis reaching 46.67%. The highest DAG derivedfrom the second reglycerolysis product was achieved at 24 thfraction reaching 35.71 % .AbstrakMinyak nabati kaya kandungan diasilgliserol (DAG)dikenal sebagai minyak sehat (healthy oil). Minyak ini jauhlebih mahal dari minyak makan biasa. Produksi DAG dapatdilakukan dengan proses gliserolisis CPO menggunakanenzim lipase spesifik 1,3-gliserida dari kapang Rhizopusoryzae. Produk gliserolisis CPO triasilgliserol adalahcampuran DAG, monoasilgliserol (MAG) dan asam lemakbebas (ALB) serta residu triasilgliserol (TAG) yang tidaktergliserolisis. Oleh karena itu DAG yang terbentuk harusdipisahkan dari komponen lainnya agar diperoleh fraksi DAGdengan kemurnian tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmemurnikan dan menetapkan konsentrasi DAG yang dapatdiperoleh dari gliserolisis CPO skala lab (total reaktan93,8 mL) dan skala semipilot (10 kali skala laboratorium)dengan kromatografi kolom menggunakan fase padat silikagel. Residu TAG dari gliserolisis pertama digunakan untukgliserolisis kedua atau gliserolisis ulang. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa fraksi DAG dengan konsentrasitertinggi diperoleh pada fraksi ke-26 yaitu sebesar 65%,sedangkan pada percobaan dengan skala semipilot (10 kaliskala laboratorium) diketahui bahwa konsentrasi DAGtertinggi (97%) diperoleh pada fraksi ke-64 sampai denganke-66. Gliserolisis kedua dari residu CPO hanya mampumenghidrolisis TAG menjadi campuran DAG, MAG danALB sekitar 8,24%, lebih kecil dari reaksi gliserolisispertama yaitu sebesar 46,67%. DAG tertinggi yang berhasildikumpulkan dari produk gliserolisis kedua adalah padafraksi ke-24 yaitu sebesar 35,71% .
Optimisasi dan pemurnian IAA yang dihasilkan Rhizobium sp. dalam medium serum lateks dengan suplementasi triptofan dari pupuk kandang Optimization and purification of IAA produced by Rhizobium sp. in latex serum media supplemented with tryptophan from chicken manure Irma KRESNAWATY; Syeda ANDANAWARIH; . SUHARYANTO; . TRI-PANJI
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 76 No. 2: Desember 2008

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/


Summary Concentrated latex effluent had not been economically utilized, consequently it had become source of environmental pollution and conflicts with surrounding community. Whereas, the concentrated latex effluent could be used as substrate for microbes growth media due to its high concentration of carbon and nitrogen. One of the economical benefits of growing Rhizobium sp. in this waste is the production of  indole acetic acid (IAA) that  can be used for plant promotion growth. The aims of this research were to get the optimal IAA production of Rhizobium sp. by optimizing its tryptophan supplementation through hydrolysis of chicken manure and to purify IAA produced using chromatographic method. The use of chicken manure directly caused the browning effect, therefore these experiments were carried out the variation of NaOH 2 N hydrolysis treatments to reduce the effect. Direct hydrolysis as the first media  was obtained by mixing latex serum and manure, and then this mixture was hydrolyzed. Meanwhile, separated hydrolysis was done by adding water to manure, being hydrolyzed, and divided to become second and third media. The second media  was made by mixing manure hydrolysate and latex serum directly, whereas in third media, hydrolisate was added with alum as coagulating agent. Rhizobium sp. was then inoculated to all media and incubated for 24, 48, and 72 hours in 27-30oC. IAA was analyzed by spectrophotometric method with Salkowsky reagent and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). IAA was then extracted with ethyl acetate and purified with silica gel column chromatography. The separated hydrolysis without coagulation (second media) produced the highest IAA concentration, that is 14.40 mg/mL, whereas IAA produced by direct hydrolysis (first media) was 14.13 mg/mL and 0.90 mg/mL for third media  during 48 hours. The fractionation result  for each mediums showed that the highest IAA distribution in first media  was the 12th fraction (38.70%), meanwhile in second media  was the 15th fraction (50.25%) and in the third  media was the 13th fraction (26.16%). Ringkasan Limbah lateks pekat saat ini belum di-manfaatkan secara ekonomis, bahkan menjadi sumber pencemaran lingkungan dan konflik dengan masyarakat sekitarnya. Padahal limbah lateks pekat dapat digunakan sebagai substrat pertumbuhan mikroba karena memiliki kandungan karbon dan nitrogen yang cukup tinggi.  Salah  satu  nilai  ekonomis yang dapat diperoleh dengan ditumbuhkannya Rhizobium sp. pada limbah tersebut, yaitu dihasilkannya asam indol asetat (indol acetic acid/IAA) yang dapat digunakan untuk memacu pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh produksi IAA optimal yang dihasilkan Rhizobium sp. dengan asupan triptofan dari hidrolisis pupuk kandang dan memurnikan IAA yang dihasilkan tersebut dengan metode kromatografi. Penggunaan pupuk kandang secara langsung menyebabkan efek pen-cokelatan, maka dilakukan variasi perlakuan hidrolisis dengan NaOH 2 N untuk mengurangi efek tersebut. Hidrolisis langsung sebagai medium pertama diperoleh dengan mencampur serum lateks dan pupuk kandang, sedangkan hidrolisis terpisah dilakukan dengan menambah pupuk kandang dengan air,  dan dibagi menjadi medium kedua dan ketiga. Medium kedua dibuat dengan cara  langsung mencampur hidrolisat dan serum lateks, sedangkan pada medium ketiga, hidrolisat diendapkan dengan alum sebagai bahan pengendap.  Kemudian ke dalam masing-masing medium diinokulasi  Rhizobium sp. dan diinkubasi selama 24 ,48, dan 72 jam pada suhu 27-30oC. Analisis IAA dilakukan secara spektrofotometri dengan metode Salkowski dan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT). IAA diekstraksi menggunakan etil asetat dan dimurnikan dengan kromatografi kolom silika gel. Hidrolisis terpisah tanpa pengendapan (medium kedua) menghasilkan IAA tertinggi, yaitu 14,40 mg/mL, sedangkan hidrolis langsung (medium pertama) menghasilkan IAA sebesar 14,13 mg/mL dan medium ketiga sebesar 0,90 mg/mL selama 48 jam. Hasil fraksinasi untuk masing-masing medium menunjukkan sebaran IAA tertinggi pada medium pertama berada pada fraksi ke-12 (38,70%), sedangkan pada medium kedua pada fraksi ke-15 (50,25%), dan pada medium ketiga ialah fraksi ke-13 (26,16%). 
Produksi dan kualitas jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) pada beberapa konsentrasi limbah sludge pabrik kertas Production and quality of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on selected concentration of sludge of paper industry Happy WIDIASTUTI; . TRI-PANJI
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 76 No. 2: Desember 2008

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Summary An experiment has been conducted to study the effect of sludge concentration,  waste of paper industry using raw material of recycled paper, as media on oyster mushroom production and quality. Twelve treatment tested are combination of two oyster mushroom strains are oyster mushroom of Bogor (JTB) and oyster mushroom of Taiwan (JTT), three media composition (sawdust, sludge, and sawdust+ sludge (50/50, v/v), and two levels of supplement addition (with rice bran+gypsum+ lime and without) with 10 replications. The production of the  mushroom was conducted  in bag log capacity of 1 kg fresh weight (water content 50%). The result showed that sludge can be used as mixture of oyster mushroom production with the composition 50:50 v/v of sawdust and sludge. Since the higher number of contamination, addition of supplement reduce oyster mushroom production as well as biological efficiency, but increased protein content of fruiting body. The content of Cd, and Pb were below the permissible limits, Cu was higher than the limits but still in the range. The Fe content of mushroom fruit body was higher both in sawdust (147.92 – 149.56 ppm) and sawdust+sludge (295.82 – 335.12 ppm) as media. However, the uptake of Fe of JTT was less (49.08-59.64 ppm) compared to that of JTB (147.92-335.12 ppm).Ringkasan Penelitian dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi sludge limbah pabrik kertas berbahan baku karton bekas sebagai medium terhadap produksi dan kualitas jamur tiram. Dua belas perlakuan yang diuji merupakan kombinasi dua galur jamur tiram, yaitu Jamur Tiram Bogor (JTB) dan Jamur Tiram Taiwan (JTT), tiga jenis komposisi medium (serbuk gergaji, sludge, dan sludge+ serbuk gergaji), dan dua tingkat suplemen (dengan dan tanpa) yang diulang 10 kali untuk masing-masing perlakuan. Produksi jamur tiram dilakukan menggunakan bag log  berkapasitas 1 kg basah (kadar air 50%). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa sludge dapat digunakan sebagai campuran serbuk gergaji dalam produksi jamur tiram dengan per-bandingan 50:50 (v/v). Pemberian suplemen menurunkan produksi jamur tiram demikian pula efisiensi biologi namun meningkatkan kadar protein tubuh buah. Di dalam tubuh buah JTB, kandungan logam Cd, dan Pb berada di bawah batas yang diijinkan, sedangkan kandungan Cu di atas ambang walaupun masih dalam kisaran. Kandungan  Fe dalam tubuh buah jamur relatif tinggi baik yang ditumbuhkan pada serbuk gergaji sebagai medium standar (147,92 - 149,56 ppm) maupun yang ditumbuhkan pada medium campuran sludge+serbuk gergaji (295,82 - 335,12 ppm). Serapan Fe tubuh buah JTT jauh lebih rendah (49,08- 59,64 ppm) dibandingkan dengan serapan Fe JTB (147,92-335,12 ppm).  
Lipase spesifik 1,3-gliserida dari fungi lokal untuk biokonversi CPO menjadi diasilgliserol Specific lipase of 1,3-glyceride from indigenous fungi for bioconversion of CPO to produce diacylglycerol . TRI-PANJI; . SUHARYANTO; Nining ARINI
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 76 No. 1: Juni 2008

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/


SummaryDownstream industry of palm oil producing specialty oil with higher economic value compared to that of CPO in Indonesia is less developed due to technical obstacle and the availability of supporting materials. Specific lipase 1,3-glyceride for example which is used for oleochemical processing of healthy oil production is still imported with relatively high price.  Healthy oil can be made from CPO bioconversion using the enzyme that produces oil rich in diacylglycerol (DAG). Although research on the production and the use of lipase has been well studied, production of specific lipase from microbes of local source is still very limited.  This article reports one part of the series of the research activities on bioprocess and genetic engineering approaches to produce specific lipase for bioconversion of CPO i.e optimization of 1,3-glyceride-spesific lipase production from fungi selected from local sources. Based on the fluorescence zone on the screening media, of the twenty isolates collection, it was found that P6 isolate, thereafter indentified as Neurospora sitophila, has the highest activity of 1,3-glyceride-specific lipase. The lipase of N.  sitophila was able to catalyze glycerolysis of triacylglycerol (TAG) in CPO to produce DAG. The bioconversion products of lipase yielding ratio of DAG/TAG was higher than ratio of free fatty acids (FFA)/TAG (0.12 > 0.08). The optimum condition of the enzymatic bioconversion was at 40 oC, pH 6, and 10-day incubation. The primary fatty acids on the DAG were oleic (56.2%), palmitic (40.0%), and myristic (2.7%) acids. The decrease of palmitic acid on DAG compared to on TAG, indicated that the lipase of N. sitophila worked relatively specific at C1 or C3 of the TAG.Kurang berkembangnya industri hilir yang menghasilkan minyak khusus yang nilainya berlipat dibandingkan CPO antara lain karena hambatan teknis dan ketersediaan bahan pendukungnya. Lipase spesifik 1,3-gliserida misalnya, yang digunakan untuk produksi minyak kesehatan, masih diimpor dengan harga relatif tinggi. Minyak kesehatan dapat diproduksi dari biokonversi CPO dengan lipase spesifik 1,3-gliserida hingga diperoleh minyak yang kaya kandungan diasilgliserol (DAG). Tulisan ini melaporkan optimasi aktivitas lipase spesifik 1,3-gliserida dari fungi isolat lokal terpilih. Berdasarkan zona fluoresens pada medium penapis lipase, dari 20 isolat fungi yang diuji isolat P6 yang kemudian diidentifikasi sebagai Neurospora sitophila memiliki aktivitas tertinggi dan bersifat spesifik 1,3-gliserida. Lipase N. sitophilamampu mengkatalisis gliserolisis triasilgliserol (TAG) dalam CPO untuk menghasilkan DAG. Lipase tersebut menghasilkan nilai perban-dingan DAG/TAG  lebih  besar  dari nilai perbandingan asam lemak bebas (ALB)/TAG (0,12 > 0,08). Kondisi optimum biokonversi enzimatis ini terjadi pada suhu 40 oC, pH 6, dan waktu inkubasi selama 10 hari. Asam lemak utama penyusun DAG adalah asam oleat (56,2%), palmitat (40,0%), dan miristat (2,7%). Berkurangnya asam palmitat pada DAG dibanding pada TAG menunjukkan bahwa lipase N. sitophila bekerja secara relatif spesifik pada C1 atau C3 dari gliserida.
Optimisasi produksi biogas dari limbah lateks cair pekat dengan penambahan logam Optimization of biogas production from concentrated-latex effluent with addition of metals Irma KRESNAWATY; I SUSANTI; . SISWANTO; . TRI-PANJI
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 76 No. 1: Juni 2008

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/


Summary The treatment of concentrated-latex effluent process applied in the field presently, has not obtain optimum additional benefits. Besides that, the technology using ponding system  needs  wide area and causes air pollution that  such a way caused conflicts with society. The application  concept of clean industry: reuse, reduction, recovery and recycling, makes the possibilities to convert the effluent to be usefull products. One of the alternative effluent process is by utilizing it as the source of renewable energy, that is in the form of biogas as an  alternative energy. The preliminary research showed that the use of spontaneous latex skim coagulation, the  addition of 1% manure as source of seed, and leaf biomass as the source of carbon could increase the biogas production. This research was carried out to optimize biogas production by adding metal ion and to observe the parameters which influenced every stage of biogas production. At the beginning of the process, pH showed increasing due to the hydrolysis process that generally occured in acid condition, but it remained stable (6.6-7.7) in the next steps, whereas, the VFA value as well as BOD value tended to increase. COD value had fluctuative inclination caused by the conversion of organic compounds to produce biogas and the hydrolysis process of leaf biomass to organic compounds that decom-posed to further biogas. The best result of biogas production was showed by addition of Fe3+ with optimum concentration 0.50 mg/L effluent.
Pola aktivitas enzim ligninolitik Pleurotus ostreatus pada limbah sludge pabrik kertas Activity pattern of ligninolytic enzyme of Pleurotus ostreatus in sludge waste of paper factory Happy WIDIASTUTI; . TRI-PANJI
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 76 No. 1: Juni 2008

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/


Summary Sludge is a solid waste abundantly available on paper factory that is economically unutilized and tends to pollute environment. This waste can be used as growth media for oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) as edible mushroom and ligninolytic enzymes production as well. A research has been conducted to study the activity pattern of ligninolytic enzymes of oyster mushroom grown on the sludge waste of recycle paper factory. Six treatments were examinated consisted of three media combinations (sawdust, sludge, sludge mixed with sawdust), with and without supplementing with rice bran, lime, and gypsum, and two mushroom strains Bogor oyster mushroom (JTB) and China Taipei oyster mushroom (JTT). Monitoring of ligninolytic enzyme activity consisting of laccase, mangan peroxidase (Mn-P) and lignin peroxidase (Li-P),  was subsequently regularly started since inoculation, at vegetative phase (four and six weeks), primordial formation, phase of fruiting body formation, and two weeks after formation of fruiting body. Each treatment was repeated three times, so that 216 bag logs of oyster mushroom cultures were performed. The results showed that laccase, Mn-P, and Li-P activities could be observed on sludge or mixture of sludge+sawdust media inoculated with P. ostreatus. Generally, the highest activity of ligninolytic enzymes especially for laccase and MnP were observed at the first vegetative growth phase i.e. before emerging primordial of fruiting body (1.697 & 2.113 U/mL, 4.394 & 2.314 U/mL  respectively for JTB and JTT laccase and JTB & JTT Mn-P). The highest Li-P activity was affected by the kind of media and strain of inoculum. In sludge medium, the highest Li-P activity was observed in  vegetative growth phase (2.706 & 4.014 U/mL respectively for JTB and JTT) while in a mixture of sludge + sawdust the highest activity of that enzyme was observed in primordial phase of growth (2.509 & 1.9 U/mL respectively for JTB and JTT). Addition of supplement to the sludge increased ligninolytic activity, while laccase activity of sludge was suggested could be more enhanced by mixing the sludge with sawdust and enrich with rice bran, gypsum and lime. Ringkasan                                                Sludge merupakan limbah padat yang tersedia melimpah di pabrik kertas dan belum dimanfaatkan secara ekonomis sehingga berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Limbah ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai medium tumbuh jamur konsumsi seperti jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) dan penghasil enzim ligninolitik. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mempelajari pola aktivitas enzim ligninolitik jamur tiram pada limbah sludge pabrik kertas selama fase vegetatif sampai setelah fase generatif. Enam perlakuan yang diuji berupa tiga kombinasi komposisi medium (serbuk gergaji, sludge, campuran sludge dan serbuk gergaji), dengan dan tanpa pengayaan, yaitu penambahan dedak, kapur, dan gipsum,  serta dua strain jamur tiram Bogor (JTB) dan jamur tiram China Taipei (JTT). Pengamatan aktivitas enzim ligninolitik meliputi lakase, mangan peroksidase (Mn-P) dan lignin peroksidase  (Li-P) dilakukan sejak saat inokulasi, pada fase vegetatif (empat dan enam minggu), pada saat pembentukan primordia, fase tubuh buah, dan dua minggu setelah pembentukan tubuh buah. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang tiga kali sehingga terdapat 216 bag log jamur tiram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas ligninolitik dijumpai pada medium sludge dan campuran sludge+serbuk gergaji yang diino-kulasi P. ostreatus. Aktivitas enzim ligninolitik tertinggi khususnya lakase dan MnP teramati pada fase pertumbuhan vegetatif pertama yaitu sebelum terbentuknya primordia (1,697 & 2,113 U/mL, 4,394 & 2,314 U/mL  masing-masing untuk lakase JTB dan JTT dan MnP  JTB & JTT). Aktivitas LiP tertinggi dipengaruhi oleh jenis medium dan strain inokulum. Pada medium sludge, aktivitas LiP tertinggi dijumpai pada fase vegetatif (2,706 & 4,014 U/ml masing-masing untuk JTB dan JTT) sedangkan pada medium campuran sludge+serbuk gergaji, aktivitas enzim  ter-tinggi dijumpai  pada fase primordia (2,509 & 1,9 U/ml berturut-turut untuk JTB dan JTT). Pengayaan sludge meningkatkan aktivitas ligninolitik, sedangkan aktivitas lakase pada sludge diduga dapat lebih ditingkatkan dengan menambahkan serbuk gergaji disertai pengayaan berupa gipsum, dedak, dan kapur.
DEVELOPMENT OF COD (CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND) ANALYSIS METHOD IN WASTE WATER USING UV-VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETER Uswatun Hasanah; Ade Heri Mulyati; Sutanto .; Diana Widiastuti; Siti Warnasih; Yulian Syahputri; Tri Panji
Journal of Science Innovare Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Journal of Science Innovare, Volume 03 Number 02 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jsi.v3i2.3007


The COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) analysis method based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) is a revision of SNI 06-6989.2-2004, Water and wastewater - Part 2: Method of testing for chemical oxygen demand (COD) with closed reflux spectrophotometrically. This SNI uses references from international standard methods, namely Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st Edition, editor of LS Clesceri, AE Greenberg, AD Eaton, APHA, AWWA and WEF, Washington DC, 2005, Methods 5220 D (Closed Reflux, Colorimetric Methods). The purpose of this study was to validate the total method for testing chemical oxygen demand (COD) in water and wastewater with the reduction of Cr2O7 2- spectrophotometrically in the range of COD values of 100 mg / L to 900 mg / L measurements were made at a wavelength of 600 nm. and COD values less than or equal to 90 mg / L measurements were made at a wavelength of 420 nm. The results showed that the method SNI 06-6898.2- 2009  has good validation results including the r results obtained from the calibration curve equation of 0.998, a precision of 1.82%, an accuracy of 98.25% and LOD and LOQ of 12.27 mg / L and 25, 61 mg / L.
Production of fungal pectinase enzyme through solid substrate fermentation of estate waste for improvement of enzymatic oxidation and increasing the quality of CTC tea Tri Panji; Suharyanto Suharyanto; Shabri Shabri; Dadan Rohdiana; Yusianto Yusianto
Jurnal Penelitian Teh dan Kina Vol 18 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/pptk.jur.jptk.v18i1.55


Enzymes, especially pectinase, plays an important role in the processing of tea that determines the quality and the color appearance of black tea. The main obstacle encountered in the application of enzymes in food processing in general, and in particular in the processing of black tea is the price of commercial enzyme that are still very expen­sive, because it is still imported. Indonesia has a high fungal diversitythat is potential as producer of commercial pectinase enzyme. To reduce the cost of production, fermentation was done using solid waste of plantation that rich of pectin content such as cocoa pod husk that has not been optimally utilized. The research aimed to develop the production technology for pectinase enzymes of fungi through solid substrate fermentation for applications in the processing of CTC black tea. Research includes the isolation and selection of local superior fungi producing enzymes pectinase, optimiza­tion of enzyme production by fungi isolates were selected through a solid substrate fermen­tation using cocoa pod husk waste, production optimization included optimization of fermen­tation time and substrate composition, enzyme extraction of fermented substrate, and appli­cation of pectinase enzyme extracts in the processing of CTC black tea and sensory test of fermented tea. The results showed that it has been obtained isolates of Aspergillus niger on Pectinase Screening Agar Medium (PSAM) which was capable of producing pectinase enzyme on growing media of mix cocoa pod husk and rice bran with additional of enrichment media. The optimum conditions of pectinase production was obtained in the composition of cacao pod husk: rice bran (80:20 w/w) plus enrichment media, the incubation time of 9 days, which produced pectinase activity of 125 U/mL. Applications of pectinase on enzymatic oxidation of CTC tea proved that it was capable of raising the quality of the tea flavor, though the tea gradedid not change.