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All Journal Jurnal Farmanesia
Siti Nurbaya
Program Studi D3 ANAFARMA, Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia

Published : 39 Documents Claim Missing Document
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PENETAPAN KADAR ETANOL PADA TAPE SINGKONG (Manihot utilissima) DENGAN PENAMBAHAN SARI BUAH NANAS (Ananas comosus) Siti Nurbaya; Siti Maimunah; Zuhairiah Zuhairiah
Jurnal Farmanesia Vol 6 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Farmanesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jf.v6i2.2758


Cassava tape is a tape made from fermented cassava. The fermentation process is one way to turn food into the product we want by using microbes. This study aims to determine the effect of adding pineapple juice (Ananas comosus) to the ethanol content of cassava tape (Manihot utilissima). Experimental research method with distillate examination, in the distillation process. The sample used was cassava tape (Manihot utilissima) with variations in the volume of addition of pineapple juice (Ananas comosus) 50 ml, 60 ml, and 70 ml, with a fermentation time of 3 days. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The results of weighing the ethanol content with a pycnometer will be matched based on its specific gravity. The results of the study of ethanol levels in cassava tape (Manihot utilissima) with a volume variation of the addition of 50 ml of pineapple juice (Ananas comosus) obtained 2.71% results, with the addition of 60 ml the results were 3.19%, with the addition of 70 ml the results were 3.88%. Meanwhile, the ethanol content of cassava tape (Manihot utilissima) without pineapple juice (Ananas comosus) was found to be 1.88%. The conclusion of this study was that the ethanol content of cassava tape (Manihot utilissima) with the addition of pineapple juice (Ananas comosus) increased.
FORMULASI SEDIAAN BLUSH ON DARI SARI BUAH STROBERI (Fragaria vesca L) SEBAGAI PERONA PIPI Artha Yuliana Sianipar; Siti Nurbaya; Adiansyah Adiansyah; Eva Priasanti Sitanggang
Jurnal Farmanesia Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Farmanesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jf.v7i1.2760


Colorisone of the determining factors for the quality of cosmetics. The use of synthetic colors in blus her can cause irritation on facial skin. Because of that, wetried to make a blush preparation using natural dyes, namely strawberries (Fragariavesca L). The purpose of this study was to make blushusing natural dyesfromstrawberries (Fragariavesca L). The juice is obtaineddirectly using a juicer machine, then heated in a waterbath /Waterbath to obtain a thick juice of strawberry fruit (Fragariavesca L) with a concentration of 15; 25; 35%. The resultsshowedthatthepreparationwashomogeneous, remainedstable, did not cause irritation, wassafe for the skin because thep Hofthepreparation was still in the normal skin phrange of 4.5-6.5, and was quiteliked by the respondents. The conclusion of this study shows that strawberry juice (Fragariavesca L) canbeused as a blush (blush), but the resulting colorisless visible.
Jurnal Farmanesia Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Farmanesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jf.v7i1.2765


Cosmetics are used to whiten the skin and also to avoid skin disorders both from inside and outside, such as blemishes, spots, freckles. The addition of mercury to cosmetics causes dark spots, allergies, irritation, and high doses can cause brain and kidney damage. Mercury is a substance that is prohibited by the Regulation of the Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) of the Republic of Indonesia No. HK. concerning cosmetics. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a mercury compound in facial whitening cream. The cream was taken at random from a whitening cream vendor in the Binjai market. Mercury identification was carried out at the Medan Regional Health Laboratory and from the results of research on 5 samples of facial whitening cream, it turned out that there was one sample containing mercury compounds, namely sample B, which did not meet the requirements.
PENENTUAN KADAR PROTEIN PADA SUSU KEDELAI (Glycinemax L. Merril) DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE Kjeldahl Siti Nurbaya; Supartiningsih Supartiningsih; Ahmad Hafizullah
Jurnal Farmanesia Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Farmanesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jf.v7i2.2777


Soy milk has a combination of nutrients that are almost the same as cow's milk, but soy milk has low cholesterol, gluten, and lactose levels so that soy milk is safe for consumption by people with lactose intolerance, vegetarians, and is also safe for health. Determination of protein content that is most often done is the determination of crude protein which aims to determine the total amount of protein in food ingredients. The most commonly used protein assay method is the Kjeldahlmethod. This study aims to determine the protein content of soy milk packaged in boxes that are made by themselves and sold in traditional markets. The samples used in this study used packaged soy milk, traditional soy milk, and homemade soy milk. The results showed that the protein content of the three samples determined by the Kjeldahlmethod was 3.35±0.0816% traditional soy milk, 2.31±0.3562% box-packed soy milk, and 2.62±0.2495% whole milk. Homemade soybeans. The protein content in box-packed soy milk, homemade soy milk, and traditional soy milk haveeach met the requirements of SNI (1995). The results showed that the protein content of traditional soy milk was greater than that of packaged soy milk and homemade soy milk.
PENGGUNAAN EKSTRAK KELOPAK JANTUNG PISANG KEPOK (Musa acuminate L.) DALAM FORMULASI PEWARNA RAMBUT Cut Masyithah Thaib; Raissa Fitri; Siti Nurbaya; Aprili Yanti Simatupang
Jurnal Farmanesia Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Farmanesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jf.v8i2.2792


Hair dye preparations are cosmetics used in hair makeup to color hair, either to restore the original hair color or change the original hair color to a new color. Kepok banana heart contains dyes and produces anthocyanins which are used as a safe food coloring. The purpose of this study was to determine that the leaf extract of the Kepok banana heart can be formulated as a hair dye and to determine the concentration of the banana flower extract that produces the best color. Kepok banana flower petals were extracted by maceration method using 96% ethanol, then concentrated to obtain Kepok banana flower petals extract. Hair dye preparations were made with a formula consisting of Kepok banana flower petals extract with various concentrations, namely: 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%. Staining is done by soaking for 1-4 hours. Observation of color stability was carried out by means of a stability test against 15 washings and exposure to the sun for 5 hours on colored hair, and a biological test (irritation). This study showed that the formula made with the extract of the petals of the Kepok banana heart can give a black color. The best staining was obtained from formula C, namely the extract of the petals of the banana heart of the Kepok banana with a concentration of 7.5% which produced a dark black color. The stability test for 15 washes and the stability test against the sunlight for 5 hours showed that there was no discoloration and no irritation to the skin. It can be concluded that Kepok banana flower petal extract can be used as hair dye.
KARAKTERISASI DAN SKRINING FITOKIMIA SERTA ANALISIS FLAVONOID DARI BUAH MENGKUDU (Morindacitrifolia L) SECARA KROMATOGRAFI LAPIS TIPIS Panal Sitorus; Suharyanisa Suharyanisa; Devina Chandra; Siti Nurbaya; Berton Sitanggang
Jurnal Farmanesia Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Farmanesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jf.v8i2.2793


Noni fruit (Morindacitrifolia L.) is a medicinal plant that is well known by the people in Indonesia. Noni is efficacious as an immune enhancer, normalizes blood pressure, anti-cancer, analgesic, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, stroke, antimicrobial. To know the characteristics of simplicia and the class of compounds from the noni fruit as well as to analyze the flavonoid compounds contained in the noni fruit using the thin layer chromatography method. The flavonoid compounds were extracted by maceration using ethanol solvent and then the ethanol extract was tested by thin-layer chromatography using 1% HCl mobile phase and spotting with 1 N H2SO4 reagent and methanol pa (1: 1% v/v). Result of simplicia characterization of fruit Noni, obtained 1.32% water content, 38.41 % water soluble extract content, 16.7% ethanol soluble extract content, 6.09% total ash content, and 0.45 acid insoluble ash content. %. Noni fruit simplicia contains chemical compounds of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, triterpenoids/steroids, anthraquinones, saponins with phytochemical screening tests. The value of Rf from the analysis of noni fruit flavonoid compounds using the Thin Layer Chromatography method with 3 repetitions is 0.75; 0.68 and 0.62. This indicates the presence of flavonoid compounds in the noni fruit.
UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUNMANGKOKAN (Polyscias scutellaria) TERHADAP BAKTERI Propionibacterium acnes Siti Nurbaya; Dicky Yuswardi Wiratma; Elly Sitorus
Jurnal Farmanesia Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Farmanesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jf.v8i2.2795


Indonesia is a tropical country that has a variety of plants, one of which is the succulent plant (Polyscias Scutellaria). Mangkukan plant contains flavonoid compounds, alkaloids, saponins, polyphenols, fats. This study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of the ethanol extract of the leaves of the Mangkokan (Polyscias Scutellaria) against Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. The tests were carried out through the stages of collecting materials, preparing simplicia, making an ethanolic extract of Mangkukan leaves, and testing the inhibitory power of basil leaves against Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. The manufacture of ethanolic extract of the leaves of the Mangkokan was carried out by the maceration method using 96% ethanol. Antibacterial activity testing was carried out using the agar diffusion method using disc paper. The results of the study based on the results of phytochemical screening showed that the simplicia and ethanol extract of the Mangkukan leaf contained alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, saponins, steroids/triterpenes. Meanwhile, the results of the antibacterial activity test of the ethanolic extract of the Mangkokan leaf have antibacterial properties against Propionibacterium acnes at extract concentrations of 30% (6.74 mm), .35% (6.84 mm), 40% (7.26 mm), 45% (7.32 mm), 50% (8.68 mm) with medium resistance zone. The positive control used 30 g chloramphenicol disc paper with an inhibition zone diameter of 21.89 and the negative control used 10% DMSO solution which had no inhibition zone. The ethanol extract of basil leaves has antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes bacteria.
DAYA SIMPAN SIRUP APEL HIJAU (Pyrus malus) DENGAN VARIASI GULA Siti Maimunah; Siti Nurbaya; Zuhairiah Zuhairiah
Jurnal Farmanesia Vol 6 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Farmanesia

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Green apple syrup (Pyrus malus) has a shelf life that is influenced by the amount of added sugar because sugar given to a product with high levels can increase high osmotic pressure so that it can prevent microbial growth so that the material will be durable. This study aims to determine the taste, aroma, pH, color, and presence of fungi in green apple syrup (Pyrus malus) with the addition of sugar 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% and the effect of adding sugar concentration 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% to the resistance of green apple syrup (Pyrus malus). The type of research used is experimental research. The sample used was green apple (Pyrus malus) with a variation of sugar 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% with the addition of citric acid to prevent the browning reaction. The results showed that sugar concentrations of 40% and 70% had a good shelf life for 28 days and green apple syrup (Pyrus malus) with sugar concentrations of 50% and 60% had a shelf life of green apple syrup (Pyrus malus) for 10 days with the moldy condition.
ANALISIS KADAR KALSIUM PADA CANGKANG TELUR BEBEK (Anas platyrhynchos-domesticus) UNTUK PEMBUATAN PASTA GIGI DENGAN PEWARNA ALAMI DARI SARI DAUN PANDAN (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb) Agusmal Dalimunthe; Siti Nurbaya; Natanael Priltuis; Pitalokasari br Ginting
Jurnal Farmanesia Vol 9 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Farmanesia

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Cangkang telur merupakan limbah rumah tangga yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan pasta gigi karena mengandung kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) sekitar 90 % sebagai penyusun utamanya. Daun pandan merupakan zat pewarna alami yang sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menentukan kandungan kalsium karbonat terlebih dahulu kemudian menentukan kadar kalsium murni dari kalsium karbonat tersebut dengan cara titrasi kompleksometri denga menggunakan EDTA untuk pembuatan pasta gigi dengan pewarna alami dari sari daun pandan.