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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 7, No 1 (2020): EDISI 1 JANUARI-JUNI 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of motivation with science learning outcomes of Grade VII students of SMP N 8 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 8 Pekanbaru in November 2019. This type of research is descriptive. the population in this study were all students of class VII SMP 8 Pekanbaru. While the sample in this study was 15% of VII grade students of SMP 8 Pekanbaru taken random sampling using udian. The research data were sourced from primary and secondary data, primary data were obtained from motivational questionnaires that were distributed to students while secondary dta was taken from the recapitulation of the teacher's daily test scores. Based on the results of the analysis of motivation and student learning outcomes VII grade SMPN 8 Pekabaru it can be seen that the motivation of students overall motivation refers to an average of 3.36 with a medium category. the correlation is 51% Key Words: Motivation, Learning Outcomes
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 7, No 1 (2020): EDISI 1 JANUARI-JUNI 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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This study aims to determine the quality of school biology content modules for prospective teachers that are developed based on essential indicators of biological knowledge content. The research was carried out on the campus of biology education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Riau University. The research design used was the ADDIE model. This research was carried out only with the stages of analyze, design, develop. The data in this study are primary data taken using instruments in the form of validation sheets and response questionnaires. Data collected using the Likert scale 1-4, then analyzed using the average formula. Validation was carried out by 5 validators, then limited trials I and II were conducted to undergraduate biology education students. The quality of the developed modules is assessed from 5 aspects namely module format, graphics, illustrations, language, and content eligibility. Based on its validity, the quality of the developed module is feasible to be used with a validity score of all aspects with an average of 3.17 for the first submodule and 3.14 for the second sub-module with a valid category. The mean results of trials I and II on the two sub-modules in sequence were 3.40 and 3.37 with very good categories. Based on these data it can be concluded that the school biology content module is of good quality and has to be used as a source of independent learning.Key Words:Modules, Prospective Teachers, School Biology
Improving MGMP teachers’ self-efficacy through technical guidance in learning from home program Suryawati, Evi; Harfal, Zaldi; Syafrinal, S.
Journal of Community Service and Empowerment Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): August
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jcse.v2i2.16506


The target of this technical guidance was secondary teachers of natural sciences, social sciences, and language who were members of the Teachers Professional Development Forum or Musyarawah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) in Siak Kecil, Bengkalis Regency. This training aimed to provide digital literacy strengthening for teachers in designing, implementing, and evaluating home-learning programs. This technical guidance was carried out through an online platform (Zoom) and offline mentoring in the MGMP discussion forum. The technical guidance mechanism consists of training and simulations in designing digital learning media in PowerPoint presentations, video monologues, e-student worksheets, and e-modules using software applications such as Filmora, Explee, Sigil, and Kinemaster. The results of this technical guidance were increasing self-efficacy with indicators of confidence in completing tasks (high), internal motivation (high), persistence (high), and being able to overcome obstacles and difficulties (high). There was also an increase in teachers' digital literacy in the aspects of data awareness (good), data analysis skills (sufficient), and ability to focus (excellent). The assessment of the results also showed that participants could design and use applications to carry out digital learning from home. Overall, this technical guidance positively impacted teachers' Continuing Professional Development (CPD), especially secondary teachers in Siak Kecil and Lubuk Dalam Sub-districts in Riau Province.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 8, No 1 (2021): EDISI 1 JANUARI-JUNI 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: This research aims to develop the Student Worksheet (LKPD) based on discovery learning for senior high school grade X of the topic of ecology in May-July 2020. The research was conducted in two places, namely to Student Worksheet validation was conducted at the FKIP UNRI Biology Education Campus and Student Worksheet limited trials were conducted at SMAN 8 Pekanbaru. This type of research refers to the R&D research approach using the ADDIE model developed by Dick and Carry. The subject of this research is the subject matter of Biology in senior high school grade X KD 3.10. The developed LKPD consisted of 3 meetings with a time allocation of 1 meeting for 45 minutes. The parameters of this study include the results of the validation of the development of student worksheet by the validator and respon assesment by student. The assessment is doing with validation sheet and a questionnaire. Data analysis is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results of this study indicate that student worksheet that have been developed are in the very valid category with an average score of all aspects of 3.52. The value of the answers to all aspects the value of the results of a limited trial phase I and stage II in all aspects obtained an average score of 3.65 with a very good category. Based on the results of the validation, the results of the first trial, the results of the second trial and the revisions that have been made, student worksheet is good and feasible to be used as a reference at school learning to increase students knowledge and understanding for the topic of ecology.Key Words: Student Worksheets, Discovery Learning, EcologyPENGEMBANGAN LEMBAR KERJA PESERTA DIDIK (LKPD) BERBASIS DISCOVERY LEARNING PADA MATERI EKOLOGI KELAS X SMA
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 8, No 1 (2021): EDISI 1 JANUARI-JUNI 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: Emotional intelligence has a greater contribution in determining the success of biology lesson in school. Most student rely on intellectual abilities to support their learning success. This study aims to determine the emotional intelligence profile of biology students. This research was conductedat SMA Negeri 2 Tambang in August 2020. This type of research is a descriptive study. The sampling technique used was saturated sampling technique so that the sample in this study were 173 students. The instruments used in data collection were a closed questionnaire and an open questionnaire. The questionnaire trial data was tested for validity and reliability using a computer program, namely Microsoft Excel. The results showed that the average indicator of students emotional intelligence was good. There are four indicators of emotional intelligence that are included in the good category, including students self-awareness with a mean of 3.18, self-regulation has a mean of 2.94, student motivation with an average of 3.31, ang student empathy has a mean of 3.20. the fifth indicator, namely social skills, has a mean of 3.25 with very good category.Key Words: Emotional intelligence, Profile, biology
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 8, No 2 (2021): EDISI 2 JULI-DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: Biology education students are future teacher candidates who are required to be able to have various competencies, one of which is competence in carrying out practical activities. Practical activities can provide contextual experience in implementing existing theoretical studies. However, there are various obstacles to carrying out practical activities that can affect the content knowledge of prospective biology teacher students. This study aims to develop independent learning resources for prospective teacher students in the form of a virtual laboratory equipped with a practical guide book. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of PMIPA FKIP Riau University, SMAN 8 Pekanbaru, and SMAN 14 Pekanbaru in December 2020 – May 2021. It used a Research and Development (R&D) approach with ADDIE model. The instruments used are validation sheets and response questionnaires. The validation results obtained an average value of 3.62 (virtual laboratory) and 3.51 (guidebook) in the very valid category. The results of the limited trial phase I obtained an average value of 3.88 (virtual laboratory) and 3.96 (guidebook) in the very good category. The results of the limited trial phase II obtained an average value of 3.80 (virtual laboratory) and 3.86 (guide book) in the very good category. The results showed that the virtual laboratory and guide books that were developed is good quality and suitable to be used as independent learning resources to increase content knowledge for prospective teacher candidates.Key Words: Virtual Laboratory, Practical Guide, Animal Base Tissue
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 8, No 2 (2021): EDISI 2 JULI-DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: This study aims to develop android-based interactive learning media that can be used as a means of student self-study during the pandemic. The research location is at the Laboratory of PMIPA FKIP Riau University and SMAN 1 Pekanbaru in May - August 2021. The development model used in this study is ADDIE which consists of analysis, design, and design stages. Data collection instruments in the form of validation sheets and response questionnaires. The validation results obtained an average value of 3.65 in the Very Valid category. The results of the Phase I Limited Trial and Phase II Trial obtained an average value of 3.90 and 3.80 in the Very Good category. This study shows that the developed android-based interactive learning media is valid and feasible to use as a source of student self-study and can be used during asynchronous learning processes on cell material.Key Words: Android, Cells, Multimedia Interactive learning.
MODEL KONSEPTUAL KEPEMIMPINAN, GENDER, DAN DIVERSITAS Poppy Nurmayanti; Evi Suryawati; Yohannes Firzal; Sinta Ramaiyanti; Yusni Maulida
Jurnal EL-RIYASAH Vol 12, No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jel.v12i1.13151


This paper presents a conceptual model on leadership, gender, and diversity toward decision making with using role congruity theory. This paper also explore generally whether and why gender may matter for leadership and evaluate views on a feminine/masculine in effectiveness leadership. Recently, considerations of gender and diversity have predominantly focused on differences and similarities between female and male leaders that results from the difference between stereotypes and leadership stereotype. These difference exist worldwide and globalization of management brings to the need to examine this stereotype phenomenon in cross cultural area.    
The implementation of school-literacy-movement: Integrating scientific literacy, characters, and HOTS in science learning Evi Suryawati; Fitra Suzanti; Suwondo Suwondo; Yustina Yustina
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia) Vol. 4 No. 3 (2018): NOVEMBER
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jpbi.v4i3.6876


This study aimed to examine the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (SLM) by observing its impacts toward the scientific literacy, characters, and HOTS of Grade VII Junior High School (JHS) students in Pekanbaru within the context of K-13. The survey was conducted with 45 natural science teachers on the basis that they have integrated K-13 into their teaching and learning. The data of SLM implementation was obtained from the teacher by means of questionnaires and observation which was conducted in science classes in three JHS in pollution and global warming topics. The results showed that 49.13% of activities were successfully implemented by SLM. The results showed that students’ scientific literacy in the three schools were 69.5%, 76.3%, and 75.2%. Meanwhile, the character values have reached 80.6%, 76.4%, 72.9%, and students’ HOTS values were 73.0%, 72.5%, and 73.3%. Based on the survey, it can be concluded that although the school has pioneered SLM, the strengthening of scientific literacy, characters, and HOTS has not been executed by all teachers who implement K-13 due to various obstacles need new policies to assess the execution of the SLM program by the local education department.
Budidaya Jamur Tiram dan Olahannya untuk Kemandirian Masyarakat Desa Zulfarina Zulfarina; Evi Suryawati; Yustina Yustina; Riki Apriyandi Putra; Hendra Taufik
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 5, No 3 (2019): Desember
Publisher : Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.171 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpkm.44054


University of Riau with the fostered village program was conducted technology transfer activities on the cultivation of oyster mushrooms in the engagement. The purpose of engagement was to empower the community by cultivating oyster mushrooms and processing oyster mushrooms into products so that they could improve the welfare of Seko Lubuk Tigo village, Lirik District, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province. The methods used in this activity were: Workshop about The Cultivation of Oyster Mushrooms and Its Processed Products; Discussion of Various Problems and Solutions; Business Management and Product Marketing; Simulation and Evaluation. This Community Service is conducted from June to October 2019. The activity was carried out by involving community service program students of University of Riau as facilitators. The evaluation results of this activity indicated that the cultivation of oyster mushrooms and their preparations had a positive impact on the local community. The community was very responsive to this activity. The prospect of the oyster mushroom market still has considerable opportunities. The output of this activity was the community has been able to do oyster mushroom cultivation and processing. It also produced a reference book about the cultivation of oyster mushrooms.Keywords: baglog; cultivation; oyster mushroom; oyster mushroom’s products.
Co-Authors ', Arnentis ', Arnentis ', Nurkameria ', Nursal ', Suwondo ', Yustina Agustin, Putri Andini Andriani, Risa Anggrainy, Cindy Annisa Fitri Annisa Fitriani, Annisa Arnentis Arnentis Arnentis Arnentis, Arnentis Ayu, Ayu Ayunda, Tari Rezky Dandi Rama Wijaya Darmadi Darmadi Darmawati Darmawati Deswati Deswati Dewita, Dea Dualom, Siti Egi Purnama Encik Rosiana, Encik Ernawati Ernawati Firzal, Yohannes Fitra Suzanti Fitri Andriani, Fitri Fitri Olivia Rahmi Fitri Suzanti Fitriani Fitriani Gustriani, Riah Harfal, Zaldi Hendra Taufik I Ketut Suada Imam Mahadi Indah Pujiati T.M Kasturi, Annisa Majesty Kiki Fatmala, Kiki Kumalasari, Tri Ayuni Lady Asia Lilis Setiawati Mardatilla, Mardatilla Mariani Natalina Mariani Natalina L Mariani Natalina L, Mariani Mariani Natalina Linggasari Mariani Natalina, L Mariani Natalina, L Mayolla Adha Rolin, Mayolla Adha Muhammad Hatta Muhammad Rivai Muhammad Rizki Myrna, Rena Nadia Nadia Oktavia Safitri Poppy Nurmayanti M Pratiwi, Ginanda Bernada Pratiwi, Mia Utari Putri Rahmadianti Rauda Awal Riki Apriyandi Putra Rita Anugerah Rusela, Izma Santi Rosnetti Sinta Ramaiyanti Sirait, Rapika Sista, Dini Hariani Siti Fatimah Sri Wulandari Suwondo Suwondo Suzanti, Fitra Suzanti, Fitra Suzanti, Fitra Syafrinal, S. Tiovani, Dewi Valisa, Viola Vinca Viola Vinca Valisa Wasisto Utomo Yen Sastri Yen Sastri Yennisa, Dea Yulvisriani Yulvisriani Yuni Ahda Yuslim Fauziah Yusni Maulida Yustina Yustina Yustina Yustina YUSTINA YUSTINA, YUSTINA Yustini Yusuf Zaldi harfal Zulfarina Zulfarina Zulfarina Zulfarina Zulfarina, Zulfarina