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REFORMASI Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.232 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/rfr.v5i2.315


The objective of research is to investigate the influence of budget management on work performance of government organization in the public sector organization. Research also attempts to examine whether budget management is influential to the performance of public sector. Data are collected through survey with questionnaire. The collected data are processed using SPSS Version 18 to attest whether there is direct and indirect influence of budget management on the performance of public sector organization.Research population is the staffs at The Office of Administration in Ainaro Regency. Questionnaire is given to 35 respondents. The analysis technique is simple regression analysis supported by the software of Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS Version 18) that is considered as helpful in data analysis. Independent variable is budget management (X) whereas dependent variable is organizational performance (Y). Before hypothesis testing, the testing instrument is examined through validity test and reliability test. Result of research indicates that there is a direct influence of budget management on organizational performance. The result of current research is supporting previous research and it has been considered as aligning with budget theory and public sector performance.

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.758 KB) | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v7i1.702


Budaya masyarakat yang terus dipertahankan secara turun temurun akan  membentu k suatu perilaku yang saling mempengaruhi antara manusia dan lingkungannya .  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya masyarakat terhadap  pembangunan lingkungan masyarakat lo k al dan partisipasi koperasi terhadap  pembangunan lingkungan masyar akat lo k al. Lokasi penelitian di koperasi kabupaten  pasuruan dan pengambilan datanya menggunakan kuisioner. Jumlah sampel yang diambil  sebanyak 70 sample dengan menggunakan random sampling. Analisi data menggunakan  metode GSCA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel budaya  masyarakat berpengaruh  signifikan dengan pembangunan lingkungan masyarakat lo k al ,  budaya  masyarakat  berpengaruh signifikan dengan pembangunan lingkungan masyarakat lo k al , dan  budaya  masyarakat  berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel  partisipasi koperasi .  
JOURNAL ASRO Vol 6 (2016): Jurnal Analisis Sistem & Riset Operasi
Publisher : Indonesian Naval Technology College - Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Angkatan Laut - STTAL

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Lingkungan sekitar yang dimaksud adalah lingkungan strategis (strategic environment). yang merupakan interaksi dinamis antara konteks internal dan eksternal, hubungan, kecenderungan, peluang (opportunities) dan ancaman (threats). Dengan kedudukannya pada jalur perdagangan dan transportasi laut yang strategis, Indonesia memiliki tantangan dalam pengelolaan ketahanan maritim yang mencakup berbagai dimensi termasuk didalamnya dimensi pertahanan dan keamanan. Dalam kaitan antara perkembangan lingkungan strategis yang melingkupi Indonesia dan kebijakan nasional yang ditempuh oleh pemerintah Indonesia menjadi perhatian utama dengan tetap berfokus pada pengaruh perubahan lingkungan strategis pada aspek keamanan maritim. Kajian akan melakukan analisis lingkungan strategis pada aspek keamanan maritim termasuk tingkat pengaruh perubahan lingkungan melalui faktor politik-hukum, ekonomi, pertahanan-keamanan, sosial budaya, lingkungan dan teknologi.
Identification of Enhancing Factors for Increasing The Power Competitiveness of Small Medium Industry of Batik in Sidoarjo District With Integration of Green Innovation Approach and ISM Ida Kusnawati Tjahjani; Abdul Hakim; Bagyo Yanuwiadi; Dias Satria
IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development) Vol 3 No 3 (2020): September 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (658.68 KB) | DOI: 10.29138/ijebd.v3i3.1083


This research was conducted at the Small and Medium Industry (IKM) of batik in the district of Sidoarjo, which is one of 15 districts in East Java who chose One Village One Product (OVOP) as strategies increase the power of competitiveness. There are many problems with SME batik ranging from resources, production processes to product sales, which affect the chosen competitiveness strategy. The respondents were entrepreneurs, the office of SMEs, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the sub-district, and the village. This research aims to identify the inhibiting factors of increasing competitiveness in the small and medium batik industry in the district of Sidoarjo. The data collection process uses a questionnaire compiled with the Green Innovation approach with five main variables, Green Resource, Green Process, Green Product, Green Innovation, and Competitive Advantage. Green Innovation is a process of continuous innovation that considers the integration of the environment, finance, social systems in the company from the stage of ideas through research and development and commercialization that affect new products, services, technology, business, and organizational models. Determination of alternatives and strategy analysis using the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) approach is a method that uses the opinions of experts on the questionnaire that has been distributed. Based on the analysis results, 14 inhibiting factors and six priority levels were obtained, with the highest value of the power driver in the training and outreach factor (10) as the main inhibiting factor in increasing competitiveness. Therefore, it requires the involvement of all parties related to the batik SMEs to improve their competitiveness and the strategies they choose.
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Keperawatan, Volume XII, Nomor 1, Januari 2019
Publisher : LPPM Akper Dian Husada Mojokerto

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Latar Belakang : Puasa sunnah Senin Kamis merupakan puasa yang dilakukan pada hari senin dan kamis yang hukumnya sunnah. Banyak orang belum mengetahui manfaat kesehatan bagi tubuh manusia bila melakukan puasa tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh puasa sunnah senin kamis terhadap jumlah jenis leukosit. Metode : Penelitian ini bersifat analitik jenis cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel dengan kriteria usia antara 19 sampai 22 tahun, sehat, tidak menstruasi (bagi perempuan) dan tidak perokok yang berjumlah 25. Sampel yang diteliti berjumlah 10 sampel. Pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali, pengambilan darah sebelum dan sesudah puasa sunnah senin kamis. Setelah itu, dilakukan pemeriksaan hitung jenis leukosit. Hasil : Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan ini dilakukan uji normalitas dan uji T berpasangan.Sel basofil memiliki nilai p = 0,191 ( ditolak), sel eosinofil memiliki nilai p 0,007 ( diterima), sel neutrofil segmen memiliki nilai p = 0,000 maka ( diterima), sel neutrofil batang memiliki nilai p = 0,191 ( ditolak), sel limfosit memiliki nilai p = 0,000 ( diterima) dan sel monosit memiliki nilai p = 0,732 ( ditolak). Berdasarkan hipotesis yaitu Ho ditolak (tidak ada pengaruh) dan H1 diterima (ada pengaruh) dengan nilai p<0,05, artinya selisih rata-rata berbeda sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa adanya pengaruh puasa sunnah senin kamis terhadap hitung jenis leukosit. Kesimpulan : Ada pengaruh puasa sunnah Senin Kamis terhadap hitung jenis leukosit. Pada sel eosinofil, neutrofil segmen dan limfosit. Diharapkan kepada masyarakat untuk melakukan puasa sunnah Senin Kamis karena dapat meningkatkan sistem imun dalam tubuh manusia
BALANCED SCORECARD DALAM AKSI PENGUKURAN KINERJA : Studi pada PDAM Tirta Tampanama Kabupaten Kolaka Utara Amalia Vicky Ferdiansyah; Abdul Hakim; I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 5 No. 5 (2022): OKTOBER 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya

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As an organization that provides services to the community, it is often found that the performance of Regional Government-Owned Company has not been able to meet their objectives. At PDAM Tirta Tampanama, indications of the problem can be seen from the financial losses suffered in the last two years. These problems need to be explored with comprehensive performance measurement. By using the Balanced Scorecard, measurements are carried out in four perspectives, including finance, customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth. The results showed that it’s the performance in 2021 was categorized as unhealthy with a performance value of 2,250.
ANALISIS KEPUASAN MASYARAKAT TERHADAP PELAYANAN PUBLIK: (Studi pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Batu) Angga Lie Fauzi; Abdul Hakim; Choirul Saleh
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Administrasi Publik (JAP)
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya

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This study measured and analyzed public satisfaction with the public services in Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Batu. This research is a quantitative study with survey data collection procedures. 384 samples were sampled through quota sampling. The research data were analyzed using product moment analysis to determine the multiple regression of independent variables (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) to dependent variables (community satisfaction). Survey results show that the quality of service and community satisfaction are in good category. Statistical test resulted in the regression equation Y=1.39+0.365X1+0.339X2+0.355X3+0.457X4+0.439X5. Hypothesis test showed that the variables studied had a partial and simultaneous significant influence on community satisfaction. The determination test showed an R2 value of 0.895, which means that 89.5% of public satisfaction was influenced by this variable while the remaining 10.5% was influenced by other variables. The Effective Donation calculation shows that the empathy variable has the largest donation value of 24.2%.
Food Waste Management Model Through The Leadership of Women Entrepreneurs in a Sustainable Development Perspective (Study of Entrepreneurs Women's Culinary in Manado City) Rosdiana Simbolon; Abdul Hakim; Gatot Ciptadi; Wike Wike
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 4 No. 4 (2024): Journal Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v4i4.1168


The waste production is expected to continue to increase every year in proportion to the increasing population of Manado City. The influential role of women when combined with waste problems ranging from preventing waste generation to processing it is considered capable of realizing the SDGs points mentioned above. The purpose of this study is to analyze the leadership style of female culinary entrepreneurs in Manado City, to analyze waste management regulations, especially culinary waste in Manado City, and to formulate a food waste management model through the leadership of female culinary entrepreneurs in Manado City . The results of the study show that the leadership style of women in some female entrepreneurs is responsible, always directing, thinking with a cool head, fair, always discussing problems faced by employees, wise, firm, trying to give employees motivation and examples (becoming a role model). Progress in waste management is in the form of decentralized waste management, in which waste management is separated for each sub-district, so there are 11 sub-districts. In its management, it still prioritizes the 3R principles (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle). Strategies that can be carried out to make residents participate in waste management are forced waste sorting programs, improving quality or increasing the number of 3R TPSTs with good management, simple composting programs at business locations or household locations and realizing socialization programs to culinary entrepreneurs that in order to be able to run a business, if it violates it, sanctions can be given or its business license revoked.
Regional Economic Policy Analysis: Problem Structuring and Forecasting Economic Growth in East Kalimantan Gusti Naufal Rizky Perdana; Abdul Hakim; Suryadi Suryadi
Atestasi : Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): March
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah, FEB, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57178/atestasi.v7i1.837


Economic development plays a crucial role in efforts to improve income and welfare for the community. However, East Kalimantan still faces various issues in its economic growth. Slow economic growth can be a hindrance to achieving development goals. Therefore, policy analysis on regional economic policies is essential. The aim of this research is to provide a detailed description and in-depth analysis of the existing problems of economic growth in East Kalimantan Province and to forecast the economic growth of East Kalimantan Province for the next five years, which will serve as the basis for strategic planning for the future of the region. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data sources were selected using purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques included observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the interactive model from Miles et al., (2014), which consists of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results of the study indicate that East Kalimantan Province faces serious challenges in economic diversification and reducing dependence on the mining and quarrying sector. This situation poses long-term risks as natural resources are non-renewable. Serious efforts are needed to formulate policies that promote economic diversification to ensure economic sustainability. The economic growth forecast highlights the importance of careful strategies in optimizing the potential of the National Capital City relocation to support stable and sustainable economic growth in the future.
Online Marriage During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study of the Fatwas in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia Hakim, Abdul; Qodsiyah, Bagus Haziratul
al-'adalah Vol 19, No 1 (2022): AL-'ADALAH
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/adalah.v19i1.10720


Online Marriage During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of the Fatwas in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. Online marriage is a new social phenomenon that has emerged since the arrival of the COVID-19 virus outbreak in all corners of the world. This phenomenon is widely discussed by people everywhere and is motivated by the desire to carry out pre-planned marriages and not wanting to postpone them. This study aims to discuss the above social phenomena from the point of view of fiqh, maqāshid al-sharīa, and fatwas in several Muslim countries. This type of research is qualitative in the form of a literature study using a conceptual and socio-legal approach. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the views of fiqh and fatwas in Muslim countries regarding online marriage are divided into two: Some allow it because they regard virtual meetings as meetings in one place (ittihād al-majlis) and consent and qabūl can be witnessed by both witnesses; but some forbid it because there is no physical and essential ittihād al-majlis, there are no witnesses, and the possibility of audio-visual manipulation. Viewed from the maqāshid al-sharīa perspective, online marriage is also not suitable because the purpose of marriage may not be realized.
Co-Authors Afif, Zarkasi Agus Budiarto Agus Suryono Ahmad Jaeni Ali Akbar Amalia Vicky Ferdiansyah Amaliah, Nur Amin Setyo Leksono Amin Setyo Leksono Andy Fefta Wijaya Angga Lie Fauzi Anggraini, Wirda Antonio da Paixão Soares Pereira Arief Yudi Andhika Asmuni Asmuni Bagyo Yanuwiadi Bagyo Yanuwiadi Bambang Santoso Haryono Bambang Sutikno Choirul Saleh Choirul Saleh Daniel Murdani Dedi Kuswandi Dias Satria Dini Ariyani Dwi Martiningsih Erina Saputri Fadlly, Harits Faris Hamidi Fathan Syarif Purnama Fitria Puji Harmini Gatot Ciptadi Gatot Ciptadi Gusti Naufal Rizky Perdana H, Nurhikmah Hadi Suroso Hamidi, Faris Harsuko Riniwati Hastuti Pratiwi, Hastuti Hatimah, Khusnul Hidayah, Shofi Nurul I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana I Nengah Putra Ida Kusnawati Tjahjani Ike Wanusmawatie Indrawijaya, Yen Yen Ari Irwan Irwan Irwan Noor Irwan Noor Irwan Noor Irwan Noor Khairy Juanda M Makmur M. Makmur Marintan Yosefin Napitupulu Mohamad Saefudin Mohammad Rozikin Mr. I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu Muhammad Aprian Jailani Muhammad Arwani Muhammad Nur Budiyanto Muhammad Syukur Musadad, Muhammad Mustopa Mustopa Niskha Sandriana Nurdiana Eka Putri Oktorina, Sarita Poriaman, Poriaman Pradnya Paramita Hapsari Putra, I Nengah Putri, Sarah Arsitha Qodsiyah, Bagus Haziratul Raden Imam Al Hafis Rosdiana Simbolon Rosyida, Luthfiyah Ruivo Barros Magno Ruscahyani, Yuniken S Suryadi Siregar, Risdalina Soegijanto Solihatin, Agustini Sujarwo Sujarwo SULFIANTI, SULFIANTI Sumartono Sumartono Sunar Wibowo Suryadi . Suryadi Suryadi Suryadi Suryadi Syahrir, Ach Syatri, Jonni Tjahjanulin Domai Vita Maya Nurmarini Widodo . Widodo Widodo Wike Wike Yudit Oktanella, Yudit Yuwono Yuwono Zainal Arifin