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Journal : Abdimas Universal

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Pelaku UMKM Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara Casmudi Casmudi; Sugianto Sugianto
Abdimas Universal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Balikpapan (LPPM UNIBA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36277/abdimasuniversal.v5i1.259


The post-covid-19 pandemic era and the use of digitalization in the industrial era 4.0 forced Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to immediately rise up, pursuing adjustments to today's business. Strong business construction is characterized by high competitiveness. The development of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) has become a trigger for the birth of awareness among MSME players to seize market opportunities in the Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) region. The fear of losing competition among business actors from outside the region is one of the important triggering factors. Anxiety, not knowing which way to compete with other MSME actors, so that the presence of the FGD is the initial stage for MSME actors to look for a pattern of solutions to plan their business to strengthen competitiveness. Implementation of Community Service (PkM) takes the theme of FGDs for MSME actors at PPU, preceded by requests for creative economic communities, supporting universities and PPU district governments and the business world, as well as preparation of FGD materials such as (1) identifying problems with MSME actors, and (2) strategy the concept of accelerating adaptation along with the development of IKN. Exposure of the material as the direction of the FGD. The presentation of the resource person was assisted by a moderator and responder from the Head of the Trade, Cooperative and MSME Office. The results of PkM show that MSME actors need professional guidance and assistance from universities. The conclusions from this PkM activity include: (1) identifying problems requiring provision, knowledge, and skills in analyzing MSME management, (2) a comprehensive understanding of business management as a provision for managing its distinctive products, and (3) speed of adaptation starting from business planning and Feasibility Studies Business (SKB).
Pelatihan dan Praktik Penyelenggaraan Fardhu Kifayah Dosen, Karyawan, dan Mahasiswa di Masjid Amirulhaq Balikpapan Firman Firman; Sugianto Sugianto
Abdimas Universal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Balikpapan (LPPM UNIBA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36277/abdimasuniversal.v5i2.335


This service is about training and practice in carrying out fardhu kifayah carried out at the Amirulhaq Campus Mosque, Balikpapan University. The service was carried out to answer the anxiety faced by the community, namely that attention to the care of corpses was becoming increasingly low, so it seemed as if the responsibility for caring for corpses was handed over only to the fardhu kifayah community. The focus of the problem in this service is to guide and train participants in the process of administering and managing people who have died. The training aims to provide participants with knowledge and insight into how to handle corpses. Furthermore, it motivates so that after this training participants become involved if someone dies in their environment, especially their own family. This activity begins with the delivery of the activity stages from the beginning to the end of the training. The activity stages begin with participant registration and are then divided into groups of both male and female participants. Next, the implementation method provides material about handling people who have died and matters related to death. Then it continues with the practice of cutting the shroud, washing, shrouding, and praying the body. The results of this activity show that the participants gained experience in the form of knowledge so that they could know and understand both the concept and practice of implementing fardhu kifayah.
Co-Authors ABDUL MUIS Abdul Multi Abdul Mu’is Ade Jamarudin Aditya Batlajery Ahmad Fauzi Sitorus Akhirudin Akhirudin Amin Al Jawi Andik Lukito Suryaman Annio Indah Lestari Any Fitriani Aqwa Naser Daulay Ariesti Sopia Asdtuti Astuti Asri Dewi Mustikasari Bekti Yulianti Budhi Martana Casmudi Casmudi chairil akmal Darmin Islamiah Darusman . Darwin Darwin deden deden Defra Afriana Aryan Dian Armanto Dinda Tasha Maulida Djufri Djufri Eggi Maulana Yusuf Eka Setyawati Erwansyah Erwansyah Esdras Ardi Pramudita Fakrurradhi Fakrurradhi Firman Firman Fretty Siska Rahayu M Ginie Aulia Rawani Hadi Nasbey Hadianti Deliana Hafizh Mubarok Hairul Basri Hanung Adi Nugroho Hasdiansah, Hasdiansah Hayu Angga H Hendra Yulianto Herdi Wisman Jaya Hermansyah Alam Herwandi Herwandi Husni Pasarela Ichsan Setiawan Idiar Idiar Idiar Idiar Ika Fibriarista Imam Mukhtar Syarifudin Iqbar Iqbar Iriandi Ilyas Isna Laila Jannah, Nurul Jayanta Jayanta Jhon Pandapotan Situmorang Joni Hendra K Khairul Azmi Kurnial Ilahi Leliya Leliya Linda Wulan Sari Luluk Rojabiyah Maksi Ginting Manfarizah Manfarizah Mara Bangun Harahap Marliyah Martono Martono Martono Martono Martono Mawaddah Irham Mhd. Rizky Al Akbar Moedjiono Moedjiono muchlis mas'ud Muhammad Irham Muhammad Kharazi Muhammad Subhan Mustating Dg Maroa Nani Ariani Nasrun Hipan NASRUN LUBIS Naufal Rafiq Muhammad Novera Shafira Lubis Nunuk TW Nur Fithri Amrunnisa Opi Chanty Mahendra Purba Andy Wijaya Rachmadania Akbarita Radi Suradi K Rahmad Fadhli Retnowaty Ridwan Ridwan Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon Rizka Rizqi Robby Rizky Maulana Ryan Angga Pratama Sandi Saparuddin Saparuddin Saparuddin Siregar SARWOTO SARWOTO Signa Elyxirarega Chanso Siti Aisyah Siti Mardiana soma wardi Somawardi Somawardi Sri Anggraeni Sri Wahyuni Sri Wulandari Bugis Suganda Suganda Sugiyarto Sugiyarto Sukiman Sukiman Susi Darmawaningsih Suyanti Suyanti Syakur Syakur Tambunan, Khairina Tari Fhon Na Arifin Tengku Emrinaldi Titin Ayu Lestari Tri Auri Yanti Tria Mariz Arief Tutik Yuliani Ulfah Juniarti Siregar Ullya Vidriza Wahyudi Wahyudi Wawan Setiawan Wawan Setiawan Winda Anriani Siregar Wiwit Wiji Lestari Yayuk Yuliati Yenni Samri Juliati Nst Yoko Tristiarto Yudi Novianto Yul Tito Permadhy zainur Zainur