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Prevalence, intensity, and dominance of ectoparasites in gourami (Osphronemus goramy) reared in floating net cage in Cirata Reservoir, West Java, Indonesia Ingga Lies Dastin; Rudy Agung Nugroho; Nova Hariani; Retno Aryani; Hetty Manurung; Rudianto Rudianto
Aceh Journal of Animal Science Vol 6, No 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/ajas.6.1.19429


The aimed of the study was to determine the prevalence, intensity and dominance of ectoparasites that infected gourami (Osphronemus goramy) which cultivated in floating net cages in Cirata reservoir, West Java. Present results showed that there were 22 gouramis infected with ectoparasites from 30 observed fish. The ectoparasites (Prevalence, Intensity and Dominance) found were Trichodina sp. (13.33%, 8.15 32.62%), Ichthyobodo sp. (3.33%, 1.00, 0.31%) Microsporadia (6.67%, 1.00, 0.31%), Carchesium granulatum (6.67%, 34.00, 20.92%), Cichligogyrus sp. (3.33%, 7.00, 2.15%), Dacthylogyrus sp. (20.00%, 2.00, 3.69%), Centrocestus sp. (6.67%, 3.00, 1.85%), Argulus sp. (56.67%, 6.94, 36.31%), Lerneae sp. (3.33%, 3.00, 0,92%), Gnatia sp. (3.33%, 1.00, 0.31%) and Hatschekia sp (3.33%, 1.00, 0.31%). The Argulus sp. had the highest prevalence with a percentage of 73.33% and becames the most dominant species with a percentage value of 36,31%. Meanwhile, Carchesium granulatum was an ectoparasite species that demonstrated the highest intensity of 34. Based on the diversity of ectoparasites, it was found as positive case that gourami cultivated in the Cirata reservoir have been infected with ectoparasites, especially from the species Argulus sp.
Growth evaluation of Oreochromis niloticus fed different concentrations of choline and methionine Rudy Agung Nugroho; Normala Sari; Retno Aryani; Hetty Manurung; Rudianto Rudianto
Aceh Journal of Animal Science Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/ajas.5.2.17496


A 12-week research was conducted to determine the effects of choline and methionine supplementation on the growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Three diets, P2-P4 with 0.04; 0.08; 0.12 % of choline; P6-P8 with same levels choline plus methionine (0.15 %); a diet with only 0.15 % methionine (P5); and control without any supplementation (P1) were fed to tilapia (initial weight ±21.05 g) for 12 weeks. Final weight (FW), Body Weight Gain (BWG), Average Daily Gain (ADG), Specific Growth Rate (SGR), and Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Feed Efficiency (FE), Feed Intake (FI), Feed Conversion Rate (FCR), Survival Rate (SR), crude protein and lipid of fish fed various levels of choline and methionine were also measured. The results showed that tilapia fed 0.04 % choline (P2) had significantly better growth parameters and feed efficiency than other groups. Meanwhile, SR of tilapia was not affected by any supplementation of choline and methionine. The tilapia fed 0.08% choline (P3) showed the highest crude protein (52.50 ± 0.98 %) in the carcass proximate but low lipid (19.03 ± 0.10 %). This finding demonstrated the benefits of choline (0.04-0.08 %) supplementation in the tilapia diet in term of growth and carcass proximate.
JPM PAMBUDI Vol 3 No 2 (2019): JPM Pambudi
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P2M) IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.965 KB) | DOI: 10.33503/pambudi.v3i2.593


Many efforts have been made to increase entrepreneurship mental in higher education level so that students are interested to be entrepreneurs. This need to be done since the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still limited. The Objective of this Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) was that to develop entrepreneurship at Mulawarman University which focused on local based content. This was done in order to bear professional, independent, and reliable entrepreneurs. To achieve the goals, this EDP socialized its program to all Faculties and Departments before conducting tenant open recruitment. Next, the selected tenants got training from experts. The training activities covered basic knowledge and practice of entrepreneurship and field trip to some local industries, which were considered to be successful. Afterward, the trainers were allowed to join internship program. In this program, trainers got expert assistance to help them to construct entrepreneurship proposal which was related to their field of study. When these targeted tenant had successfully run their small businesses professionally and independently, the new tenant were recruited in the next following year. By doing so, the cycles of entrepreneurship in Mulawarman University would continue to generate.
Penerapan Mesin Pengasap Ikan Bagi Nelayan di Sungai Suwi Muara Ancalong Kutai Timur Rudy Agung Nugroho; Ari Susandy Sanjaya
Publisher : LPPM UNINUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.996 KB) | DOI: 10.30999/jpkm.v8i2.216


Community service program (Program Kemitraan Masyarakat or PKM) was done from July-September 2018 at Muara Ancalong, Kutai Timur Kalimantan. The aim of the program was to transfer Science and technology and assist the member of fisheries association to do fish smoking at Sungai Suwi, Muara Ancalong, Kutai Timur. By doing this program, the member of fisherman association will be having a soft skill and an experience in fish smoking. Further, this program can empower the member of Sungai suwi fisherman association to be an entrepreneurship, providing fish smoking product which has higher value than unsmoking fish. This program has been divided into two parts, Theory and practice with ratio 1:2. In theory, all team member of PKM has delivered a presentation regarding fish smoking technique. In the practice, the members of fisherman association directly built fish smoker and applied fish smoking . The outcome of the program was soft skill transfer technology, a module on how to smoke fish. In the future, this program can be implemented to gain the economic value for the members of fisherman association
“SEMAMPAI” SEHAT, MANAJERIAL, MANDIRI, DAN PANDAI: KKN-PPM, MUARA ANCALONG, KUTAI TIMUR Rudy Agung Nugroho; Ari Susandy Sanjaya; Iwan Muhammad Ramdan; Rudianto Rudianto; Widha Prahastika
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v4i1.171-180


Community Development Program-learning and community service program or Kuliah kerja nyata-pembelajaran dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (KKN-PPM) which is a form of community service has been done from July-August 2019 in the Kelinjau Ulu and Kelinjau Ilir village, Muara Ancalong, East Kutai, East Kalimantan. The purpose of the KKN-PPM was to empower the community to be more productive. The theme of the KKN-PPM program  was "Semampai" which has a meaning sehat (healthy), manajerial (managerial), mandiri (independent) and pandai (smart). The KKN-PPM was performed by 20 undergraduate students from various faculties and under supervised by field supervisors. In addition to these thematic activities and KKN-PPM program, each undergraduate student also performed individual programs which related to their scientific background. In conclusion, the KKN-PPM is useful to the community in Kelinjau ulu and ilir to enhance the productivity, to be healthier, actively reading and smarter and more insightful.
Pembekalan Teknik Ekstraksi, Skrining, dan Uji Antimikrobia Bahan Alam bagi Guru-Guru SMA Di Kota Samarinda Eko Kusumawati; Rudy Agung Nugroho; Retno Aryani; Hetty Manurung; Yanti Puspita Sari
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpm.v6i1.4040


Sebagai salah satu faktor penting dalam pendidikan, guru harus meningkatkan pengetahuan, baik teoritis maupun keterampilan, seperti praktik laboratorium, terutama untuk guru biologi. Berdasarkan hal ini, tujuan program pengabdian masyarakat adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan teoritis dan praktis guru biologi SMA. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini diikuti oleh 30 guru dari berbagai SMA di Samarinda. Teori tentang ekstraksi, penyaringan, dan teknik uji antimikrobia dari sumber daya alam dilakukan di ruang kelas, sedangkan penggunaan rotary evaporator, freeze drying, skrining uji fitokimia, dan uji antimikrobia dilakukan di laboratorium yang dibantu oleh teknisi laboratorium. Setelah menerima program pengabdian masyarakat ini, nilai rata-rata kepuasan yang diberikan oleh para guru melalui kuisioner yaitu: (skala 5) sebanyak 49%, baik (skala 4) sebanyak 47%, cukup (nilai skala 3) ) sebesar 5% dan lebih kecil (skala nilai 2) sebesar 1%. Kesimpulan, kegiatan pengabdian ini berjalan dengan baik dan mempunyai manfaat baik bagi guru biologi SMA di Samarinda.
Myrmecodia pendens Bulb Extract in the Lele Dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) Feed: Effects on the Growth Performance, Survival, and Blood Indices Rudy Agung Nugroho; Retno Aryani; Hetty Manurung; Yanti Puspita Sari; Rudianto Rudianto
Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): JAFH Vol. 11 No. 1 February 2022
Publisher : Department of Aquaculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jafh.v11i1.24416


This feeding experiment was performed to determine the effects of Myrmecodia pendens bulb extract (MBE) supplementation in fish feed on the growth, survival, and hemato-biochemical profile of Clarias gariepinus. A group of fish was fed with 0.25; 0.50; 1.0; 2.0% MBE and compared to control group (without MBE) for 75 days observation. At the end of feeding trial, growth parameters, hematological profile such as red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), Hemoglobin (Hb), Hematocrit (Htc), differential leukocyte, blood plasma biochemistry (glucose, total albumin, cholesterol, and triglyceride), the hepatosomatic (HSI) and intestinal somatic index (ISI) were measured. Survival of all fish was also counted every two weeks. Supplementation MBE above 0.25% resulted significantly higher final biomass weight (FBW), body weight gain (BWG), daily weight gain (DWG), and average weekly gain (AWG). Meanwhile, fish group fed dietary MBE above 1.0% had significantly higher specific growth rate (SGR) (3.32±0.15) than other groups. Fish fed 1.0% of MBE also showed better value of feed conversion ratio (FCR) (1.13±0.03), Hb, and HSI compared to others group. Survival, neutrophil, monocyte, and ISI of all groups was not affected by any concentration of MBE supplementation. Dietary MBE above 0.5% enhanced RBC, WBC, Hematocrit, platelet (PLT), lymphocyte, blood plasma biochemistry such as glucose, total albumin, and triglyceride. Cholesterol of fish fed MBE in the diet showed incrementally enhanced. Present finding suggested that 1.0% MBE in the diet of Clarias gariepinus is recommended to enhance growth, survival, and blood profiles
Anchovies (Stolephorus sp.) By-product Material as a Fish-feed Ingredient of Seurukan Fish (Osteochilus vittatus): Effect on Growth Performance and Gut Morphology Ilham Zulfahmi; Anggi Audila; Ayu Nirmala Sari; Firman M Nur; Rudy Agung Nugroho; Iwan Hasri
Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): JAFH Vol. 11 No. 2 June 2022
Publisher : Department of Aquaculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jafh.v11i2.33189


Fish meal is an important part of raw material for fish feed. However, the use of fish meal is considered unsustainable, compete with human being and expensive. By product of Anchovy (Stolephorus sp.) which contains high protein is potential to be used to replace fish meal. Present study aimed to determine the utilization of anchovy by-products raw materials as feed ingredient for seurukan fish (Osteochilus vittatus) and evaluate its effect on the growth performance and intestinal morphology. In total 250 seurukan fish (initial weight 0.67 ± 0.01 g) was randomly divided into four triplicates groups: control group, and experimental diets which had different inclusion level of anchovy by-products meal: 50%, 35%, and 20%. Fish were fed with different diet at level of 8% of body weight three times a day for 28 days. Present results showed that the inclusion of anchovy by-product meal in the feed by 50% can produce a higher value of weight gain (0.47±0.02 g), length gain (0.69±0.09 cm), SGR (2.20±0.51%) and feed efficiency (77.89±3.71%) compared to control feed (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in the survival rate and gut length ratio among groups of seurukan fish. Meanwhile, the average villi length and villi width of the seurukan fish fed experimental groups increased significantly compared to the control group (p<0.05). In conclusion, the 50% anchovy by-products meal inclusion in the diet of seurukan fish is beneficial to enhance growth, feed efficiency and improved feed absorption as indicated by histological analysis.
Edukasi Pencegahan Stunting melalui Program KKN KLB 46 Universitas Mulawarman di Desa Mulupan, Muara Bengkal, Kutai Timur, Indonesia Rudy Agung Nugroho; Anton Rahmadi; Islamiati Islamiati; Aprilya Mustari; Muhammad Erwhyn Salim; Eno Framita; Prima Hidayat; Idwan Jul Ulum; Blegur Megaria Ismawati
Intervensi Komunitas Vol 2 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/ik.v2i2.906


Desa Mulupan, kecamatan Muara Bengkal, Kutai Timur, Indonesia merupakan wilayah dengan penduduk kurang lebih 580 jiwa, sebagian besar sebagai nelayan dan karyawan swasta kelapa sawit. Desa tersebut tidak mempunyai kejadian stunting, namun pemerintah desa menjalankan program edukasi pencegahan stunting bagi warganya. Adanya kejadian pandemi di Indonesia, membuat program tersebut susah dan lambat dilaksanakan. Dengan adanya program pengabdian kepada masyarakat Kuliah Kerja Nyata Kejadian Luar biasa (KKN KLB) universitas Mulawarman, kegiatan edukasi stunting ini dilaksanakan. Tujuan Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk melakukan langkah-langkah nyata dalam mencegah stunting di desa Mulupan. Program dilaksanakan di Desa Mulupan pada tanggal 08 Juli-18 Agustus 2020 dengan metode (1) diskusi secara daring via zoom dan WhatsApp antara mahasiswa dan perwakilan pihak desa dan (2) edukasi dalam bentuk video, poster, banner dan stiker. Dalam pelaksanaannya telah dibuat video edukasi dan disebarkan melalui media sosial dan dalam bentuk media cetak berupa (poster, banner, dan stiker) yang diserahkan ke pihak desa. Secara umum, program edukasi stunting dapat diterima dengan baik oleh masyarakat, meskipun dalam kondisi pandemi.
Analisis kadar logam Pb, Cd, Cu, As pada air, sedimen dan bivalvia di Pesisir Teluk Balikpapan Saibun Sitorus; Yerwanto Ilang; Rudy Agung Nugroho
Dinamika Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 7, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.856 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/dli.7.2.p.89-94


Analysis of Heavy Metal Content of Pb, Cd, Cu, As in Water, Sediments and Bivalves in Coastal Waters of Balikpapan Bay. The study aims to analyze the levels of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, As) in water, sediment and Bivalvia and to determine the adsorption, bioconcentration factors in sediments and Bivalvia. This research is in the form of field survey and laboratory analysis, where the results are quantitative descriptive and analyzed statistically multivariate.The results of laboratory analysis showed that the levels of heavy metals in water ranged between (Pb 0.064-0.142 mg/L), (Cd 0.088-0.112 mg/L), (Cu 0.035-0.056 mg/L) and (As 0.022-0.026 mg/L). Sediment (Pb 2,555-2,616 mg/Kg), (Cd 2,433-2,609 mg/Kg), (Cu 1,289-1,553 mg/Kg), (As 0,329-0,496 mg/Kg) and Bivalvia (Pb 1,708-2,076 mg/Kg) ), (Cd 1.569-2.416 mg/Kg), (Cu 1.078-1.264 mg/Kg) and (As 0.297-0.449 mg/Kg). Heavy metal content of Pb, Cd, Cu and As in the sediment is greater than water or Bivalvia. The results of the statistical analysis partially showed that the levels of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Cu and As differed significantly between all study samples (water, sediment and Bivalvia). Whereas the observation stations (Kariangau industrial area, the village on the water and the PT. Pertamina area) did not differ significantly. The results of the analysis of adsorption and bioconcentration factors on the levels of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Cu and As in sediments (Pb 17.99-42.25), (Cd 22.75-28.67), (Cu 26.49-36.83 ) and (As 13.71-19.08). In Bivalvia (Pb 14.15-32.44), (Cd 14.00-26.55), (Cu 21.14-34.43) and As (13.50-29.88).
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Andi Asikin Noor Andi Noor Asikin Andy Nurcahyono Anggi Audila Anton Rahmadi Apri Pauci Florentino Aprilya Mustari Ari Susandi Sanjaya Ari Susandy Sanjaya Ari Susandy Sanjaya Aryani, Retno Auliana Auliana Ayu Nirmala Sari Bambang Purnama Blegur Megaria Ismawati Deasy Ladyescha, Deasy Dewi Saraswati, Dewi Dewi, Novia Chamala Sari Dharma, Bodhi Didit Suprihanto, Didit Dwikie Setiawan Dyah Noprianti Eko Kusumawati Eno Framita Fatmawati Patang Firman M Nur Firman Muhammad Nur, Firman Muhammad Florentino, Apri Pauci Hadi Purwo Wiyono Hendra Saputra Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung Hetty Manurung, Hetty Idris Mandang, Idris Idwan Jul Ulum Ilham Zulfahmi Ilmania Laora Sunan Tias Imam Rosadi Ingga Lies Dastin Islamiati Islamiati Iwan Hasri Iwan Muhammad Ramdan Jawatir Pardosi Julinda Romauli Manullang Kusneti, Monica Kusumawati, Eko Kusumawati, Eko Lariman Lariman Lariman Lariman Lariman, Lariman Lepong, Piter Mardi Irwanto Meliyana, Yeni Monica Kusneti Muhammad Erwhyn Salim Nasution, Annio Indah Lestari Normala Sari Nova Hariani Nuraeni Muzdalifah Nurlilayanti, Nurlilayanti Panggabean Panggabean Patimah Patimah Prima Hidayat Priyanggi, Rizki Wira Rahma Suci Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani Retno Aryani. RR Dirgarini Julia Nurlianti Subagyono Rudianta Rudianta Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Saibun Sitorus Subagyono, RR Dirgarini Julia Sudiastuti Sudiastuti Sudiastuti, Sudiastuti Syafrizal Fachmy Veliyana Londong Allo Wardina Masdalifa Widha Prahastika Widha Prahastika Widha Prahastika Widha Prahastika Windi Rosiana Dewi Wulan Iyhig Ratna Sari Yana, Nova Yanti Dami Yanti Puspita Sari Yanti Puspita Sari Yerwanto Ilang Yudha Aulia Firnanda