Andari, An An
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AL-KHAIRIYAH BANTEN: Manajemen Pendidikan Islam di Era Modernisasi Pesantren Mustopa, Mustopa; Andari, An An; Solihati, Elis; Livia, Diana; Nurmila, Ilma Sripa
Islamic Management: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 7 No. 01 (2024): Islamic Management: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/im.v7i01.5885


Perkembangan Pendidikan Islam yang pesat di abad ini tidak terlepas dari historis yang Panjang dan penuh tantangan. Lembaga dengan manajemen kuat yang mampu bertahan hingga saat ini, salah satunya adalah Al-Khairiyah yang sudah berdiri lebih dari 1 abad. Paper ini akan mengkaji historis, manajemen pendidikan, dan ciri khas Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Khairiyah. Peneliti menggunakan studi deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan Langkah pengumpulan data, kategorisasi data, dan menjelaskan data. Al-Khairiyah menjadi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam dengan manajemen yang kuat, terbesar dan tertua di daerah Banten, serta menjadi pusat jaringan madrasah. Al-Khairiyah memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, sehingga tahun1929 dibentuk cabang-cabang madrasah guna memperkuat manajemen dan keberlangsungan Al-Khairiyah meskipun pendirinya sudah tidak ada. 
Pemikiran Al-Kindi dan Tantangan Pendidikan Islam Kontemporer Rifai, Ahmad; Andari, An An; Solihati, Elis
Islamic Management: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 7 No. 01 (2024): Islamic Management: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/im.v7i01.6062


Tujuannya adalah untuk menganalisis pemikiran Al-Kindi pada pendidikan Islam, bagaimana ide-idenya terhadap tantangan kekinian pendidikan Islam kontemporer. Dalam studi ini penulis menggunakan penelitian kualitatif melalui pendekatan library research (studi kepustakaan), yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan informasi dan data melalui bantuan berbagai macam material yang ada. Sumber data primernya adalah buku karya George N. Atiyeh yang berjudul Al-Kindi: The Philosopher of the Arabs. Temuan artikel adalah: Pemikiran Pertama Al-Kindi tentang filsafat keTuhanan, berimplikasi pada asas pertama rumusan kurikulum pendidikan Islam kontemporer adalah asas keTuhanan, Pemikiran Kedua Al-Kindi tentang relasi filsafat dan agama, berimplikasi pada model pendidikan Islam kontemporer yang berparadigma integrasi-interkoneksi sains dan agama., Pemikiran Ketiga Al-Kindi tentang filsafat manusia, berimplikasi pada upaya penciptaan umat muslim yang mampu mengaktualisasikan potensi pikirnya dan mampu merealisasikan akalnya dalam perbuatan nyata, bukan hanya pandai dalam teori. Pada gagasan-gagasan Al-Kindi tentang Tuhan, agama dan filsafat, jiwa dan pikiran, kemudian menganalisis gagasan-gagasan tersebut untuk menemukan relevansinya dalam pendidikan Islam kontemporer. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan arti pentingnya pemikiran Al-kindi dalam pendidikan Islam saat ini terlihat pada desain kurikulum atau materi pembelajaran Islam yang sesuai dengan pemikiran keTuhanan Al-Kindi, pembelajaran abad 21, seperti KMA No.183 Menurut pemikiran filsafat dan agama, tujuan pendidikan Islam sejalan dengan pemikiran jiwa, dan standar kualifikasi lulusan sesuai dengan pemikiran pikiran.
Surau dan Modernisasi Pendidikan di Masa Hindia-Belanda Sirait, Abdullah; Andari, An An; Solihati, Elis
Islamic Management: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 7 No. 01 (2024): Islamic Management: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/im.v7i01.6116


Dengan masuknya Islam, Surau pun mengalami proses Islamisasi, selain fungsi sebelumnya, kemudian diperluas fungsinya hingga menjadi ruang pendidikan dan pengembangan ajaran Islam seperti kajian Al-Quran, ruang ritual di hubungannya dengan agama, suluk. lokasi, tempat pertemuan, penginapan, wisatawan, tempat ibadah, berambut dan lain-lain. Namun fungsi Surau mulai memudar sejak awal abad ke-20 yang ditandai dengan kedatangan Belanda ke Sumatera Barat dalam situasi tekanan ekonomi dan politik kolonial Belanda serta rekondisi agama. Tujuan penelitian antara lain mengetahui Surau dan modernisasi pendidikan pada masa Hindia Belanda. Metode penelitian menggunakan kajian Pustaka dengan mengkaji sumber relevan terkait topik penelitian. Berdasarkan kajian, realitas Surau sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan Islam pertama di Minangkabau melakukan upaya modernisasi pada masa penetrasi Hindia Belanda. Modernisasi Surau ditandai dengan berdirinya lembaga-lembaga pendidikan Islam modern, seperti Perguruan Tinggi Adabiyah, Sumatra Thawalib, Madrasah Diniyah, dll, cikal bakal Surau Jembatan Besi. Selanjutnya berkembangnya perusahaan-perusahaan bidang pendidikan yang berbasis di Surau ini semakin memodernisasi Surau sebagai organisasi pendidikan. Gencarnya penetrasi pemerintah Hindia Belanda terhadap kehidupan lembaga pendidikan Islam di sektor Minangkabau rupanya tidak menyurutkan semangat para ulama, dan konsolidasi yang dilakukan oleh para reformis Islam semakin mengajarkan keamanan mereka. 
Superior Islamic Education System in Islamic Junior Hight School Hakim, Abdul; Warisno, Andi; Ansori, Afif; Andari, An An
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i3.1949


The purpose of this research is to find out the superior Islamic education delivery system at MTsN 2 Bandar Lampung. This research method is a case study qualitative research. Data were obtained through interviews, documentation, and observation at MTs N 2 Bandar Lampung. Sources of interview data were obtained from school principals and curriculum deputy heads. Observations were made by direct observation at MTs N 2 Bandar Lampung and documentation by reviewing curricula and documents regarding the delivery of superior Islamic education. The results of the study concluded that the superior class at MTs N 2 Bandar Lampung was a class containing selected students who were selected based on strict conditions, namely academic potential, IQ, and student creativity which were adequate. The maintenance system is carried out by doing recruitment which consists of 2 paths, namely the achievement path and the regular path. Specifically, there are 3 (three) components of the superior program implemented in the superior class of MTs Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung, namely Academic Excellence, Moral Excellence, and Skill Excellence. Each component has special programs. Each component of the excellence program is expected to produce students who excel in their respective fields.
Pesantren, Kepemimpinan Kiai, dan Ajaran Tarekat sebagai Potret Dinamika Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Anita, Anita; Hasan, Mustaqim; Warisno, Andi; Anshori, M. Afif; Andari, An An
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i3.1955


The purpose of this research is to acquire a deeper comprehension of Islamic boarding Schools, the traditional Islamic education system, as well as the function of kiai and tarekat as Indonesian religious authority figures. Boarding schools with a religious focus have been operating in Indonesia for hundreds of years, and they've had a significant impact on the development of Islamic education throughout the centuries. Kiai and tarekat are significant components of the traditional education system in Indonesia. They also play an essential part in the growth of Islamic knowledge and culture. The literature is analyzed through the lens of a descriptive methodology in this qualitative study. In order for researchers to obtain data, they must first analyze and assess the quantity of material and theory that has been offered by professionals in the field. This knowledge and theory may be located in the collections and archives of libraries in the form of books, articles from academic journals, periodicals, as well as various sources from the internet and other sources considered suitable to the subject that is being discussed. The analysis of research shows the results that pesantren are Islamic educational institutions that were born culturally from Indonesian culture and are therefore traditional, unique, and original which gives a different color to the education system in Indonesia which is able to provide repertoire and a very important role in fostering society. Islamic boarding Schools cannot function properly without the figure of a Kiai, who makes his presence an absolute requirement. Kiai is a manager who is capable of being a leader and able to regulate the rhythm of the development and survival of the pesantren with his expertise, depth of knowledge, charisma, and skills. Kiai, through the manifestation of tarekat teachings which characterize the value system of ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama'ah, has a significant influence on determining the pattern and trend of scientific traditions as well as the internal policies of Islamic boarding Schools.
Dinamika Organisasi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Muhammadiyah Latifah, Ami; Hasan, Shohib; Warisno, Andi; Ansori, M Afif; Andari, An An
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i3.1967


This article discusses the organizational dynamics of Muhammadiyah Islamic educational institutions. The purpose of this study is to find out how changes occur in the organization of Muhammadiyah Islamic educational institutions, including the factors that influence them and the programs developed to improve the quality and effectiveness of the education offered. Through socio-historical analysis with a historiographical approach, the factors influencing the development of this educational institution were identified, including political policies, social and cultural changes, technological developments, and Muhammadiyah’s educational thoughts and movements. Development programs developed to improve the quality of education are also reviewed, such as curriculum development, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, learning methods and technology, and cooperation with other educational institutions. The results of this study are that there are four dynamic periods of educational development in the Muhammadiyah organization, namely the pioneer period (1900-1923), the development period (1923-1/970), the development period (1923-1970), the institutionalization period (1970-1998), and the transformation period. (1998-present). In the 1970s, the development of Islamic education in the Muhammadiyah body began with the establishment of schools plus religion, which became the forerunner to the establishment of the Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School.
Sejarah Kebangkitan dan Perkembangan Madrasah di Indonesia Sobirin, Mad; Warisno, Andi; Ansori, Afif; Andari, An An; Syahfriadi, Syahfriadi
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i3.1989


This research aims to reveal the role of Muslims in the establishment of madrasas in Indonesia, as well as the wider struggle for the spread of Islamic education in the country. The research method uses qualitative research that uses a historical methodological approach. Historical research is the methodical examination of records and other sources that contain information about the answers to historians' prehistoric questions. The results show that although the origin of madrasas in Indonesia has been the subject of much speculation, determining exactly when the name of the madrasa was first mentioned as a place of Islamic studies in Indonesia is still difficult to understand. However, it cannot be denied that madrasas or Islamic religious schools have appeared in Indonesia since the early 20th century. The conclusion obtained is that several Islamic groups, including Muhammadiyah, NU, and others, emerged in the early 20th century, coinciding with the rise of madrasas as places of teaching in Indonesia. The Ministry of Religion which was officially formed on 3 January 1946 had an important role in the growth of madrasas in the early years of independence. The politics of Islamic education in Indonesia is vigorously defended by this organization.
Review of Islamic Education Management Research in Schools Mualifah, Lisna; Warisno, Andi; Ansori, Afif; Andari, An An
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i3.1992


This study aims to describe and conclude the results of Islamic education management studies for the period 2015 to 2022. This is qualitative-library research. Researchers conducted research on the results of research in journals related to the management of Islamic education in schools/madrasas from 2015-2022. The data and research data sources are in the form of "ten studies with the theme of MPI in madrasah schools”. Data sources were obtained from e-journals accessed from Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and Elsevier. The sources sought are research results from 2015 to 2022. Data collection techniques use data collection by gathering as much information and data related to MPI. Using content analysis data analysis method. Based on a review of several studies on Islamic education management, researchers concluded that the success of Islamic education management is largely determined by the success of the human resources in it, both leaders, teachers, employees, or the community around the school/madrasah to achieve effective and efficient education. In this case, good management is needed in accordance with the rules and teachings contained in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith, while the management process of Islamic education includes planning Islamic education management, organizing Islamic education management, actuating Islamic education management, and controlling Islamic education management. In addition, in Islamic education management, there are Islamic education management principles that can be applied as a basis for decision-making.
Moral Development Strategies in Shaping Adolescent Character Through the Qur'an Muhsin, Muhsin; Warisno, Andi; Ansori, Afif; Andari, An An
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i3.1996


The purpose of the study was to determine the strategies of adolescent moral formation by collecting various research results in journal articles. This is intended for the younger generation to improve themselves and prepare them to build the nation in the future. This research is a systematic review through a review of journal articles about various ways of forming adolescent morals in obtaining Islamic adolescent characters. Article searches in Indonesian & English are accessed using the internet from the Google Scholar database, ScienceDirect, and many other article search engines. From this search, the keywords are moral formation strategies, youth, and the Qur'an. Data analysis using content analysis. The results of this review indicate that the moral formation of adolescents is very important in shaping the personality of adolescents and is expected to be able to build a nation with moral values that are guided by the Qur'an. Not only that, teenagers are also equipped with moral values to carry out their future lives.
Dinamika Organisasi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Mustafida, Mustafida; Warisno, Andi; Andari, An An; Ansori, M. Afif
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i3.2190


This study expects to decide the job of pesantren, association, and presence of advanced education in creating Islamic instructive establishments in Indonesia. In this review utilizing the writing concentrate on a technique that depends on bibliographic sources from articles in the most recent diaries and books connected with the items in the primary issue. The consequences of the conversation show that: Islamic live-in schools are the verifiable foundations of Islamic training in Indonesia, despite the fact that it has not been said that formal schooling was legal at its beginning. Notwithstanding, the elements of the advancement of Islamic life experience in schools got an unprecedented welcome locally. This occurred during the Majapahit time frame. The job of associations, for example, social religion, schooling, and da'wah like Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Al-Irsyad, Jamiyyatul Al-Washliyah, and others, Islamic Training started to foster quickly in a cutting edge and contemporary heading. Advanced education in Indonesia, both Islamic and private, has shown its presence and is quite possibly of the best arrangement in the genuine states of Islamic Schooling as expressed by Muslim specialists and researchers, for example, Azyumardi Azra, As-Syaibany, A. Malik Fajar, and Muhammad Tliolhah Hasan.