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Titania T Nugroho
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Jurnal Natur Indonesia
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JURNAL NATUR INDONESIA terbit sejak tahun 1998, merupakan jurnal ilmu sains yang menyajikan artikel mengenai hasil penelitian, pemikiran dan pandangan dari peneliti dan pakar dalam bidang biosains (ilmu dasar), meliputi biologi, fisika, kimia dan matematika. Jurnal Natur Indonesia melibatkan mitra bestari yang menelaah setiap artikel sesuai dengan bidang ilmunya. Nama dan asal institusi mitra bestari tersebut tercantum pada halaman bagian normor 2 dari setiap volume penerbitan. Jurnal ini diterbitkan setahun dua kali, pada bulan April dan Oktober.
Articles 242 Documents
Analisis Komposisi dan Kandungan Karotenoid Total dan Vitamin A Fraksi Cair dan Padat Minyak Sawit Kasar (CPO) Menggunakan KCKT Detektor PDA Syahputra, M. Rio; Karwur, Ferry F; Limantara, Leenawaty
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 10, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (684.953 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.10.2.89-97


This study was carried out on two phases of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) to determine the total and composition ofcarotenoid and vitamin A content. Total of carotenoid was analyzed using spectrophotometer UV-Vis, and then theresult was calculated by Gross (1991) equation. The vitamin A content was calculated by NAS-NRC equation (1974).The type and composition of both phases of CPO were determined by Choo’s method (1994) by using HPLC withPhoto Diode Array (PDA) detector. The sample was prepared in two methods, with and without saponification. Theresult shows that total carotenoids in liquid and solid phase of CPO are 536 ± 13.2 g/g (liquid), 352 ± 17.7 μg/g(solid) and the vitamin A were 89.4 ± 2.2 RE (liquid), 58.7 ± 3.0 RE (solid), respectively. The carotenoid compositionsof both phases of CPO were dominated by - and -carotenes. The result shows that - and -carotenes preparedby saponification method in liquid phase are 29.03% and 60.88%, and without saponification (direct method) are28.14% and 59.44%. The result for solid phase shows that - and -carotenes by saponification are 25.89% and60.81%, and without saponification (direct method) are 30.00% and 56.92%. The research also shows the advantagesof using HPLC with PDA detector for identification and analysis of type and carotenoid composition.
Polimorfisme Penanda RAPD untuk Analisis Keragaman Genetik Pinusmerkusii di Hutan PendidikanUnhas Gusmiaty, Gusmiaty; Restu, Muh.; Asrianny, Asrianny; Larekeng, Siti Halimah
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 16, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.822 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.16.2.47-53


The aims of Genetic study of pinus identified stand in Unhas Experimental Forest is to analyses of genetic characteristics of stand, based on RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) marker. The study was conducted in Biotechnology and Tree Breeding Laboratory, Forestry Faculty, Hasanuddin University. The method are DNA isolation, Primers selection and RAPD analyses. DNA analyses of Pine with ten RAPD marker showed number of alel varietied and polymorphic. Coefficient of similarity in population have number of 0.15-0.73.Highest genetic distance is 0.9630 and lowest genetic distance is 0.2698. Number of genetic diversity of Pine in Experimental Forest Hasanuddin University is 0,489 and categorized highly.
Analisis Besi dalam Ekosistem Lamun dan Hubungannya dengan Sifat Fisikokimia Perairan Pantai Kabupaten Donggala Tahril, Tahril; Taba, Paulina; Nafie, Nursiah La; Noor, Alfian
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 13, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (126.257 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.13.2.105-111


The objectives of the study are to describe the iron content of seagrass area ecosystem and its relation with nature of physico-chemical territorial water. The sampling of seagrass was conducted in purposive sampling technique for every status of the field and performed in three spots of the seagrass ecosystem region with reference to the depth of water and the current direction. Based on statistical tests of factorial and variance analysis indicate that the quality of physico-chemical territorial water in the coastal region of Donggala regency still very good, relatively. The result also showed, The Demand Oxygen and the turbidity gave a positive effect to Fe- seagrass improvement in its various association. Besides, the limiting factor for the low of Fe-seagrass is the height of salinity and water temperature. If the results were combined with another micro and macro mineral analysis will to become the basic for estimating the status of seagrass fertility.
Karakter Root Re-Growth Sebagai Parameter Toleransi Aluminium pada Tanaman Padi Roslim, Dewi Indriyani; Miftahudin, Miftahudin; Suharsono, Utut; Aswidinnoor, Hajrial; Hartana, Alex
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 13, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (96.048 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.13.1.82-88


Aluminum (Al) is one of the major limited factors in crop production on acid soils. Aluminum tolerant plants can beselected from plant breeding program by one of the physiological parameters representing Al tolerance character,such as root re-growth capability during recovery from the Al-stress. In this study we determined the concentrationand time exposure of Al stress that was able to differentiate the response of three local upland rice varieties(Grogol, Hawarabunar and Krowal) and an Al-sensitive rice variety (IR64) to Al-stress, and evaluated the effectivenessof root re-growth (RRG) characters as an Al tolerance parameter in rice. The study consisted of three experiments,which were 1) nutrient culture experiment with different Al concentration treatments in growth chamber, 2) potexperiment in greenhouse using Jasinga yellow red podzolic acid soil containing 26,66 me/100 g Al and pH 4,6 asplanting media, and 3) phenotyping of F2 population using RRG character. The results showed that Al treatment at15 ppm for 72 h was able to distinctly differentiate between Al-tolerant (Grogol and Hawarabunar) and Al-sensitivevarieties (Krowal and IR64). Planting of the rice varieties on acid soils showed similar result as that of the nutrientculture. Phenotyping of F2 population using RRG character indicated the existence of RRG value variation. Thesevariations demonstrated that RRG character can be used as an Al tolerance parameter in rice and therefore can beeffectively applied to screen rice F2 population that segregate to Al tolerance character.
Syarat Perlu dan Cukup untuk Keterbatasan Potensial Riesz di Ruang Morrey Klasik Utoyo, Mohammad Imam; Widodo, Basuki; Nusantara, Toto; Suhariningsih, Suhariningsih
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 14, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.722 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.14.3.227-229


This script was aimed to determine the necessary conditions for boundedness of Riesz potential in the classical Morrey space. If these results are combined with previous research results will be obtained the necessary and sufficient condition for boundedness of Riesz potential. This necessary condition is obtained through the use of characteristic function as one member of the classical Morrey space.
Perubahan Bentuk Planlet Pisang Raja Sereh Hasil Mutasi dengan Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS) Secara In Vitro Yanti, Yulmira; Habazar, Trimurti; ', Mardinus; ', Mansyurdin
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 11, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (28.546 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.11.2.104-108


The shoot of “rajasereh” banana was treated by 0,2% and 0,5% of ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS), for 2 and 4 hoursthourgh in vitro. The results showed that treatment of EMS mutagen would be changed morphologycal characterseither in planlet. In planlet stage was obtained four morphololgycal variations. One of the variant have characterizedthe colour yellowish; the leaves and stem are yellowish: the leaves were small and spiral. The value of coefficientof variant for morfphologycal characters of planlet “raja sereh” banana increased compare to the control. Theextreme value of coefficient of variant in planlet stage was found the times shoots is 84,31%, while control that is8,24%. EMS mutagen could caused several planlets shorter, total of leaves could of shoot are mostly
Antioxydant Extract of Endophytic Fungi Fusarium oxysporum LBKURCC41 Marlinda, Sri; Teruna, Hilwan Yuda; Pratiwi, Nova Wahyu; Ardhi, Aulia; Saryono, Saryono
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 17, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.485 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.17.2.1-9


Fusarium oxysporum LBKURCC41 is one of endophyte fungi which is  able to produce secondary metabolites. The purpose of this research was to discover an antioxidant agent from F. oxysporum LBKURCC41extract that was fermented in Huang medium for 15 d with of corn and potato with particle size of 80 mesh as carbon sources. The ethyl acetate extract from the cultured medium showed four dominant component with retentiont time of 3.24, 3.44, 17.02 and 18.889 min. The F. oxysporum LBKURCC41 extract containing compounds with functional group O-H, C-H and C-O, and it had  a IC50 value of 435,157±12,009a.
Interaksi Kapang Patogen Fusarium oxysporum dengan Bakteri Kitinolitik Rizosfer Tanaman Jahe dan Pisang Ferniah, Rejeki Siti; Pujiyanto, Sri; Purwantisari, Susiana; Supriyadi, Supriyadi
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 14, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (51.542 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.14.1.56-60


Fusarium oxysporum is a pathogenic fungi for many plants. The fungi have chitin cell wall that can be degraded by chitinase fromchitinolytic bacteria. Aim of this research is determine how the interaction between the bacteria and F.oxysporum. Bacteria were isolatedfrom plant rizosfere. Chitinolytic activity were measured based on the clear zone around the colony in chitin medium. Bacteria and fungiinteraction were determined by an antagonistic test. This research showed that there were 9 chitinolytic bacteria. J4 and P3 had highchitinolytic index, that are 3 and 3.33, respectively. The two isolates antagonist to F.oxysporum, which the bacteria prevent growth of thefungi. The J4 and P3 are alternative biofungicide for F.oxysporum.
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Inulinase dari Aspergillus niger Gmn11.1 Galur Lokal Saryono, Saryono
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 11, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (93.123 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.11.1.19-23


Inulin is a naturally potential polysaccharide used to produced fructose and fructooligosaccharide. Inulinaseknown also as ß-fructosidase can hydrolise inulin to fructose or fructooligosaccharide. Inulinase production fromAspergillus niger Gmn11.1 isolated from dahlia tubers is conducted using medium containing 1% inulin and 0,2%yeast extract. The crude enzyme (filtrate culture) is purified by means of ammonium sulphate salt precipitation,followed by Sephadex G25 gel filtration column chromatography and DEAE cellulose anion exchanger columnchromatography. The result indicated that the enzyme had optimum pH and temperature of 4,6 and 450C, respectivelywith incubation time of 15 hours. The Km and Vmaxs values obtained from this experiment are 20 mg/ml and 0,769mg/ml/hours, respectively. Whereas the relative molecular weight of inulinase was monitored by SDS PAGE is 63KDa.
Struktur Floristik Hutan di Kawasan Lindung Sempadan Sungai dalam Areal Hutan Tanaman Industri Qomar, Nurul; Bahdarsyah, Bahdarsyah; Nugroho, P Agung; Rohaini, Rahmi A; Muhammad, Ahmad
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 10, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.10.1.24-30


This study was carried out in riparian conservation forests within a monospecific pulpwood estate in Sorek,Pelalawan District, Riau. The remaining natural forests comprised lowland rainforest (at Sei Buluh and Tolamriversides), mixed swamp forest (at Telayap riverside), and pole forest (at Rangsang riverside). The objective of thecurrent study was to describe the floristic structure of each forest type at the conservation areas in concern.Fifteen transects (width of 20 m) were established at all sites with a total length of 8.080 m. Quadrates plots of 20x 20 m were established with continue on these transect for tree sampling (dbh > 20 cm) and smaller quadrates(10 x 10 m) were nested on each one of the former for pole sampling (dbh 10 – 20 cm). The parameters used in thisstudy were Importance Value (IV), species richness (Margalef Index = R1 and Menhinick Index = R2), and Diversity Index (Shannon = H’ and Simpson = D). Results showed that in tree stratum, the largest basal area (11.25 m2ha-1) and the highest diversity was found at Telayap’s riverside (H’ = 3.70 and D = 0.98). Species richness was most profound at Tolam riverside (R1 = 10.43 and R2 = 2.83). Rangsang’s riverside possessed the highest tree density (105 individuals ha-1) but with the smallest dbh (26.5 cm). This forest was a peat-swamp forest predominating by bintangur (Calophyllum pulcherimum). At the pole stratum, the largest basal area (7.00 m2ha-1) and the highest diversity was found at Tolam riverside (H’ = 3.39 and D = 0.96). Species richness was most profound at Telayap’s riverside (R1 = 8.89 and R2 = 2.64). The highest pole density (380 individuals ha-1) was observed at Sei Buluh’s riverside, in which mempening (Quercus lucida Roxb.) was predominating. Acacia mangium was establishing very well at all sites, indicating its adaptability and potentially invasive feature.

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