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Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Macro Media Flash Professional 8 Purwati, Heni; Nugroho, Aryo Andri; Ariyanto, Lilik; Tsalatsa, Ahmad Nashir
Jurnal Derivat: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Derivat (Juli 2016)
Publisher : Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (89.247 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/j.derivat.v3i1.625


The research objective is to produce a module by using a Macromedia Flash both content and presentation material, which is able to contribute comprehension of concept of students in the subject of development of instructional media. This refers to the development of research Thiagarajan there are four phases, definition (define), design (design), development (develop), and dissemination (dessiminate). The development phase of module of the 4-D (Four D Device) Thiagarajan Semmel and Semmel to design a module on the course development of instructional media. The process of developing this module starts from the stage of defining or analysis. The process of designing a module that was developed based on information obtained from the analysis phase of the open-ended, students, materials, tasks that support and then do the design stage or the design. And then the last stage is the stage of development. Development of modules on the course development of instructional media developed proven valid content with the results of assessment for an average of 85.5%. The results are based on votes of validator to provides good value and can be used with minimal revision. Keywords: development, module, macromedia flash
Co-Authors Achmad Buchori Adi Wibawa Aditya, Derisna Aditya, Derisna Agung Handayanto Agus Supriyanto Ahmad Haris Ahmad Nashir Tsalatsa Ahmad Nashir Tsalatsa Akhmad Affany Bintang Prayoga Al Anisa Dewi Mustika Alfin Febrian Nur Alfiyan Nur Faiz Septian Amalia Fitria Ningsih Amanati Rochmah Arif Wibisono Aryo Andri Nugroho Asep Ardiyanto Astri Wulandari Azmi Nurazizah Bella Setya Handayani Bungkus Dias Cahya Aulia Ramadhan Yuwana Cipta Wahyu Widi Arsy Cynthia Diza Mutiara Derisna Aditya Dewi Ambar Wati Dewi Wulandari Dhian Endahwuri, Dhian Dian Prihatiningtyas Dimas Aziz Dina Prasetyowati Diyah Ayu Shinta Prabawati Djoko Purnomo Dyaisa Algustavia Sekar Widolaksono E. Nurlaelah Elsa Era Narwastu Elsa Septyana Erni Fitriyah Evi Kholisoh Farida Nursyahidah FX. Didik Purwosetiyono Galuh Veranika Ferdiana Sari Heni Purwati Ibnu Rizal Kurnia Ida Dwijayanti Ida Nurjannah Iis Islamiyati Ika Ayu Oktaviani Imam Wahyudi Indah Purnama Sari Indriani Khairunnisa Intan Indiati Isna Shofa Ani Istafida Nurbaiti Ita Zuliyanti Lilik Santoso Mei Fita Asri Untari Meita Prihastuty Ningsih Muhamad Muhtar Muhammad Dody Al Rosyid Muhammad Prayito Muhammad Saifuddin Zuhri Nadia Tsara Aulia Nanang Ali Mahmudin Nika Dewi Indriati Nila Nur Auliya Noviana Dini Rahmawati Nuraisyah Meitasiwi Pratiwi Pratiwi Nurina Happy Oksa Febriani Haryanti Peni Nur Widya Putri Sekarsari Rasiman Rasiman Retno Cahyanti Rina Dwi Setyawati Rina Setyowati Rizky Ardiyanto Rizky Esti Utami, Rizky Esti Ryky Mandar Sary, Ryky Shoib Rizal Al Ashari Singgih Jati Laksono Siti Mukarromah Sofiatun Dwi Rahayu Sugiyanti Sugiyanti Supandi Suprihatin Suprihatin Sutrisno Sutrisno Theodora Indriati Wardani Turmudi Uswatun Khasanah Widya Kusumaningsih Widya Kusumaningsih Yanuar Hery Murtianto Yuliana Eka Fenty Adiaty