Teguh Utomo
Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

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Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol 6, No 7 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Transformator tenaga di gardu induk berfungsi untuk mentransformasikan tenga listik ke beban. Akan tetapi tegangan yang diterima dari saluran transmisi berubah-ubah. Perubahan tegangan pada sisi terima primer transformator menyebabkan perubahan tegangan keluaran transformator pada sisi sekunder yang berdampak mengganggu peralan yang digunakan oleh konsumen dan sistem tenaga listrik itu sendiri. Untuk memperbaikan kualitas tegangan akibat perubahan tegangan di sisi primer, transformator tenaga di GI Sengkaling dilengkapi dengan on-load tap changer (OLTC). OLTC merupakan suatu peralatan pengatur tegangan untuk merubah perbandingan transformasi suatu transformator yang dalam pengoprasiannya tanpa harus memutuskan arus beban sehingga kontinuitas suatu sistem dapat terjaga. Dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbaikan yang dilakukan oleh OLTC dilakukan simulasi penentuan tegangan jangkauan kerja trafo. Simulasi Tegangan jangkauan kerja trafo yang digunakan yaitu 150 kV dan 155 kV. Dari simulasi tersebut didapatkan bahwa tegangan jangkauan kerja trafo yang digunakan OLTC untuk meningkatkan tegangan incoming pada trafo III GI sengkaling adalah 155 kV. Sedangkan dari hasil perhitungan rugi-rugi belitan trafo didapatkan bahawa setelah dilakukan tapping rugi-rugi belitan semakin kecil dibandingkan dengan sebelum dilakukan tapping. Hal ini dikarenakan dengan menaikkan tegangan menggunakan OLTC maka arus yang mengalir pada belitan akan berkurang, sehingga rugi belitan trafo juga akan semakin kecil nilainya. Kata kunci : Transformator , On-Load Tap Changer,  Kualitas Tegangan, Rugi Belitan TrafoThe power of transformator at the substation is used to transform electrucity into the load. The voltage change on the receiving side of the primary transformator causes a change in the transformator output voltage on the secondary side which affects the qeuipment used by the consumer and the electric power system itself. To improve the quality of billing due to voltage changes on the primary side, the power transformer on the Sengkaling substation is equipped with an on-load tap changer (OLTC). OLTC is a voltage regulating equipment to change the transformation ratio of a transformer that operates without having to decide the load curent so that the continuity of system flow can be maintained. In this study to find out the improvements made by OLTC, a simulation of the voltage of the transformer working range is carried out. The voltage simulation of the working range of the transformer used is 150 kV and 155 kV. From the simulation it was found that the transformer working range voltage used by OLTC to increase the incoming voltage on the GI sengkaling III transformer was 155 kV. Whereas from the calculation of the transformer entanglement losses, it is found that after the tapping of the losses, the entanglement is smaller than before tapping. This is because by increasing the voltage using OLTC, the current flowing in the winding will decrease, so that the loss of the transformer entanglement will also decrease in value.Keywords: Transformer, On-Load Tap Changer, Voltage quality,  Copper loss of transformer
Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/2020.006.01.6


Perkembangan Mangrove Pancer Cengkrong sebagai destinasi wisata mengalami perkembangan yang bagus. Semakin hari semakin banyak pengunjung tidak hanya dari masyarakat sekitar, namun juga pengunjung dari luar daerah bahkan dari luar kota dan luar propinsi. Tujuan konservasi hutan mangrove sebagai kegiatan edukasi kurang nampak jelas. Pengelola belum memberikan informasi yang memadai vegetasi yang ada di hutan mangrove maupun fauna yang hidup di lingkungan hutan mangrove. Guna menguatkan pengelolaan “Mangrove Pancer Cengkrong” sebagai wisata edukasi, Universitas Brawijaya melakukan kegiatan penyadaran manfaat ekosistem mangrove dengan sasaran istri pengelola hutan mangrove dan siswa SD setempat. Kegiatan penyadaran dilanjutkan dengan praktek pengolahan pangan berbahan dasar buah mangrove dan edukasi penanaman mangrove di kawasan konservasi “Mangrove Pancer Cengkrong”. Kegiatan selanjutnya adalah membantu menyediakan sarana pembelajaran dengan membangun ruang edukasi sebagai pusat informasi kepada pengunjung yang ingin mempelajari hutan mangrove lebih mendalam.
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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AbstrakKebutuhan energi listrik dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan dunia industri mendorong seluruh stakeholder di Indonesia untuk menggiatkan elektrifikasi nasional yang sebenarnya sudah mencapai 98 persen, namun 2 persen sisanya merepresentasikan keadaan 2.500 desa tertinggal berdasarkan parameter energi listrik. Penelitian ini menjadikan Desa Matas yang merupakan desa tertinggal energi sebagai sasaran utama, berdasarkan potensi alamnya maka dipilih Curup Selingsing sebagai sentral penelitian potensi pembangkitan energi listrik tenaga mikro hidro, jika energi terbangkitkan melebihi kebutuhan Desa Matas maka akan dialokasikan untuk camp Curup Selingsing dan pusat pengolahan hasil panen kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini diorientasikan pada pemanfaatan head dan debit aliran air sebagai PLTMH untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik harian masyarakat sasaran. Data debit diperoleh melalui penelitian luasan penampang dan kecepatan aliran menggunakan metode pelampung yang diatur dalam Standar Nasional Indonesia nomor 8066 tahun 2015. Apabila penelitian ini direalisasikan maka besar daya suplai yaitu sebesar 72,3428 kilowatt, jika sistem beroperasi selama 24 jam maka menghasilkan energi sebesar 1.736,2272 kilowatt-jam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka terevaluasi bahwa aliran air Curup Selingsing berpotensi untuk direalisasikan sebagai pembangkit listrik tenaga air skala mikrohidro (PLTMH) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik masyarakat sasaran, karena berpotensi dapat memenuhi kebutuhan listrik salah satu desa tertinggal energi, maka penelitian ini dapat mendukung usaha elektrifikasi nasional dari pemetintah.Kata kunci: elektrifikasi, mikro hidro, head, debit, energi listrik.AbstractElectrical energy necessary calls all of the stakeholders to push national electrification that reach 98% already, but another 2% represent 2.500 isolated villages according to electrical energy parameters. Matas Village, one of isolated villages is choosen as main target, according to nature potentials, Curup Selingsing is choosen as central research for potential microhydro powerplant, if the potential is more than the needs of Matas Village, it will be allocated to Curup Selingsing’s camp and palm oil processing centre. This research orientated to head and water flow utilization as PLTMH to comply electrical energy daily needs targeted-society. Flow rate will be gained from area and water speed by using float method in Standar Nasional Indonesia number 8066 years 2015. If this research is realized, the value of electrical power generated is 72,3428 kilowatt. If this system is operated 24 hours a day, it will generated 1.736,2272 kilowatthours of energy. This research is evaluated that the Curup Selingsing has the potential to be micro-hydro powerplant source of electrical energy for the target of energy consumption, because of the potential to comply electrical energy needs from one of the isolated villages so this research can support the government’s efforts of national electrification.Keywords: electrification, micro hydro, head, flow rate, electrical energy
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Abstrak-Pada tahun 2020-2029, kebutuhan listrik di Indonesia diproyeksikan meningkat yaitu rata-rata sebesar 6.42% (Twh) khusus dalam kebutuhan listrik (PLN, 2020). Implementasi dari sistem PLTS On Grid merupakan sistem yang memiliki pengeluaran biaya paling sedikit dikarenakan tidak diperlukannya baterai pada sistem On Grid (Kananda et. all, 2013). Salah satu pemenuhan kebutuhan listrik adalah penerapan PLTS, seperti PLTS di gedung SMA Negeri 1 Waru. Jika dilakukan tanpa koneksi on-grid, kelebihan penggunaan daya listrik PLTS tidak dapat dimanfaatkan, karena tidak dapat diekspor ke jaringan PLN. Perencanaan pemasangan sistem PLTS On Grid di SMA Negeri 1 Waru diharapkan dapat menjadi alternative solusi dalam mengurangi pembayaran dari kelistrikan pada gedung sekolah dan mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil sebagai bahan bakar utama. Adapun tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis performansi dan analisis ekonomis dari sistem PLTS On Grid dengan software PVSyst 7.2.6 pada SMA Negeri 1 Waru. Perancangan sistem PLTS On Grid di SMA Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo memiliki kapasitas sebesar 330 Wp/unit yang terdiri dari 580 unit panel surya merk JAM72-S10-330-SC pabrikan JA Solar, 6 buah inverter model MID 30KTL3-X pabrikan Growatt New Energy dengan daya nominal sebesar 30 kW/unit. Simulasi sistem PLTS dengan PVSyst 7.2.6 menghasilkan energi listrik sebesar 267,8 MWh/tahun. Perancangan sistem PLTS On Grid di SMA Negeri 1 Waru memiliki rasio performansi (PR) sebesar 76,64% untuk hasil simulasi dan 85% untuk perhitungan teori dengan investasi sebesar Rp2.332.418.971,-, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) selama 25 tahun senilai Rp2.716.836.944,, Cost of Energy (COE) senilai Rp435.404/kWh berdasarkan hasil simulasi dan Rp617,90/kWh berdasarkan perhitungan teori. Sistem PLTS di SMA Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo memiliki nilai Net Present Value (NPV) sebesar Rp4.773.017.432 nilai Profitability Index (PI) sebesar 3,05 dan tahun pengembalian setelah tahun ke-6,6 berdasarkan simulasi PVSyst setelah tahun ke-7 berdasarkan perhitungan manual. Pemodelan dan DED dari sistem PLTS On Grid disarankan untuk dibuat sebelum melakukan pemasangan untuk memperjelas detail ruangan, beban, dan wiring dalam gedung. Kelayakan PLTS On Grid di SMA Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo layak untuk dibangun dilihat dari aspek teknis dan aspek ekonomi.Kata kunci— Gedung Sekolah, PLTS, PVsyst, On-Grid, Analisa KelayakanAbstract-In 2020-2029, electricity demand in Indonesia is projected to increase by an average of 6.42% (Twh) specifically in electricity needs (PLN, 2020). The implementation of the PLTS On Grid system is a system that has the least cost because there is no need for batteries in the On Grid system (Kananda et. all, 2013). One of the potential applications of PLTS On Grid in elementary school buildings. This study conducted a performance analysis and economic analysis of the PLTS On Grid system with PVSyst 7.2.6 software at SMA Negeri 1 Waru. The design of the On Grid PLTS system at SMA Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo has a capacity of 330 Wp/unit consisting of 580 units of solar panel brand JAM72-S10-330-SC manufacturer JA Solar, 6 inverters model MID 30KTL3-X manufacturer Growatt New Energy with nominal power of 30 kW/unit. The PLTS system simulation with PVSyst 7.2.6 produces electrical energy of 267.8 MWh/year. The PLTS On Grid system design at SMA Negeri 1 Waru has a performance ratio (PR) of 76.64% for simulation results and 85% for theoretical calculations with an investment of Rp.2,332,418,971,-, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) for 25 years worth Rp2,716,836,944, Cost of Energy (COE) worth Rp435,404/kWh based on simulation results and Rp617.90/kWh based on theoretical calculations. The PLTS system at SMA Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo has a Net Present Value (NPV) of IDR 4,773,017,432, a Profitability Index (PI) value of 3.05 and the return year after the 6th year based on the PVSyst simulation after the 7th year. based on manual calculations. Modeling and DED of the PLTS On Grid system is recommended to be made prior to installation to clarify the details of the room, load, and wiring in the building. The feasibility of PLTS On Grid at SMA Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo is feasible to be built from the technical and economic aspects.Keywords— School Building, PLTS, PVsyst, On-Grid, Feasibility AnalysisAbstract— In 2020-2029, the electricity demand in Indonesia projected to increase by an average of 6.42% (Twh) specifically in electricity needs (PLN, 2020). Implementation of On Grid PLTS system is a system that has least expense because it is not needed battery on the On Grid system (Kananda et. all, 2013). One of fulfillment of electricity needs is the application of PLTS, such as PLTS in the SMA Negeri 1 Waru building. If done without on-grid connection, excess use of PLTS electrical power is not can be utilized, because it cannot be exported to the PLN network. Planning for the installation of the PLTS On Grid system at SMA Negeri 1 Waru is expected to be an alternative solution in reduce payments for electricity in school buildings and reduce the use of fossil fuels as fuel main. The objectives to be achieved in this research perform performance analysis and economic analysis of the system PLTS On Grid with PVSyst 7.2.6 software at SMA Negeri 1 waru. PLTS On Grid system design at SMA Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo has a capacity of 330 Wp/unit consisting of: 580 units of solar panels brand JAM72-S10-330-SC manufacturer JA Solar, 6 inverters MID model 30KTL3-X manufacturer Growatt New Energy with a nominal power of 30 kW/unit. System simulation PLTS with PVSyst 7.2.6 produces electrical energy of 267.8 MWh/year. PLTS On Grid system design in SMA Negeri 1 Waru has a performance ratio (PR) of 76.64% for simulation results and 85% for theoretical calculations with investment of Rp2,332,418,971,-, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) for 25 years worth IDR 2,716,836,944, Cost of Energy (COE) worth Rp435,404/kWh based on simulation results and Rp617.90/kWh based on theoretical calculations. PLTS system at SMA Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo has a Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp4.773.017.432 Profitability Index (PI) value of 3.05 and payback year after 6,6 year based on simulation PVSyst after 7th year based on manual calculation. Modeling and DED of the PV mini-grid system is recommended for made prior to installation to clarify details space, load, and wiring in the building. Eligibility of PLTS On The grid at SMA Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo is worth looking at from the technical and economic aspects. Keywords— School Building, PLTS, PVsyst, On-Grid, Analysis Appropriateness
Analisis Aliran Daya Sebelum dan Setelah Uprating Kapasitas Busbar 150 KV Pada Sistem Jaringan SUTT Banyuwangi Teguh Utomo; Farid Rohmadi
Jurnal EECCIS (Electrics, Electronics, Communications, Controls, Informatics, Systems) Vol. 15 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jeeccis.v15i3.1537


Jaringan transmisi saat ini sudah menggunakan konfigurasi single Busbar dan double Busbar. Untuk konfigurasi pada GI Banyuwangi tidak semua penghantar dalam sistem tersebut sudah dalam konfigurasi double Busbar. Padahal dengan konfigurasi double Busbar menjadikan sistem tersebut lebih handal dan memiliki jatuh tegangan yang lebih rendah. Dengan laju pertumbuhan beban yang cukup tinggi khususnya di daerah Situbondo. Untuk menghindari adanya overload atau overcurrent ketika ada gangguan pada penghantar Banyuwangi-Situbondo yang dalam konfigurasi single Busbar, perlu adanya perubahan konfigurasi ke double Busbar. Hasil analisis load flow menggunakan ETAP dengan metode Newton Rhapson menunjukan bahwa beban yang melewati penghantar bus Banyuwangi mencapai 80 % dari beban maksimal. Ketika konfigurasi sistem dirubah dari single Busbar ke double Busbar, maka beban yang melewati penghantar bus Banyuwangi dan bus situbondo hanya 63.4%. Untuk bus Banyuwangi pada konfigurasi single circuit tegangan jatuhnya 21% dari tegangan nominalnya sedangkan double Busbar tegangan jatuhnya yaitu 14% dari tegangan nominalnya. Dari hasil analisis rugi-rugi daya menunjukkan total keseluruhan rugi-rugi daya untuk konfigurasi single Busbar sebesar 62.282 MW dan 191.619 MVAR untuk konfigurasi double circuit 44.038 MW dan 137.304 MVAR.
Rancang Bangun ELC (Electronic Load Controller) sebagai Pengendali Beban PLTMH (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro) Kali Jari Teguh Utomo; Lunde Ardhenta; Riswandha Yusuf At Tamimi
Jurnal EECCIS (Electrics, Electronics, Communications, Controls, Informatics, Systems) Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jeeccis.v15i2.1541


Peningkatan kebutuhan listrik dalam rangka peningkatan perkembangan suatu wilayah mengakibatkan peningkatan sumber-sumber tenaga listrik terbarukan. PLTMH merupakan salah satu contoh sumber tenaga listrik terbarukan yang memanfaatkan energi dari laju air dengan kapasitas dibawah 200 kW. Sistem PLTMH diharapkan mampu bekerja secara efisien dan stabil dalam pengendalian beban. Electronic load controller (ELC) merupakan salah satu alat penunjang yang berfungsi pengendali beban generator dalam upaya meningkatkan stabilitas dan effisiensi. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan melalui deteksi frekuensi dan arus yang disebabkan oleh perubahan pada beban utama. Hasil dari deteksi frekuensi dan arus yang didapat diolah menggunakan mikrokontroler arduino untuk pensaklaran komponen switching beban komplemen. Pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukkan pemasangan ELC mampu menjaga kestabilan sistem dengan error dibawah 2% yang masih dapat ditoleransi.
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol. 10 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Generator is one of the important equipment in a generating system seeing their role as the initial driver. In development and with the aim of efficiency, namely without using a lot of additional equipment, the main generator that has been connected to the compressor and turbine can be selected and used as a replacement for the previous components by means of, the generator is converted into a motor using a Static Frequency Converter (SFC) to then function as a starting drive. Static Frequency Converter (SFC) connects the generator input terminal with the supply from the outside network and then adjusts the rotation during the generator starting process. The main generator which is a synchronous generator is converted into a synchronous motor as a starter motor. Static Frequency Converter (SFC) consists of a rectifier circuit and an inverter where in the starting process the circuit acts as an AC-DC and DC-AC converter. The initial value used for simulation using Simulink Matlab R2021b software is in accordance with the technical data of static starter block 3 PT. Indonesia Power Grati POMU. Based on the results of calculations and simulations, it shows that the use of a Static Frequency Converter (SFC) by inducing the generator into a motor reaches 2300 rpm in the 28th second with the efficiency level reaches 52,551% and an average power used is 71,711W. Keywords: Generator, Static Frequency Converter (SFC), starting device
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol. 10 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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In order to meet the electricity demand, we need to build a reliable distribution system. However, studies found that providing a service without interruption is challenging, especially avoiding voltage drop interruption remains a difficult task. Although voltage drop interruption is ineluctable, the distribution system usually can tolerate it at a certain level or threshold. Based on the regulation standard by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia in 2009, the safe thresholds are between -10% to +5% of the standard value. As a part of the maintenance procedure, an engineer must ensure that an electrical power distribution system follows those rules to avoid voltage drop interruptions. This study observed the power flow of four connected feeders (Buluagung, Glagah Sari, Tutur, and Kayoman) at the Sukorejo main substation. The electrical power flow of each feeder fluctuated as follows: for Buluagung, the maximum voltage drop was 4.85%, Glagah Sari was 6.65%, Tutur was 2.59%, and Kayoman was 18.89%. Kayoman had te highest voltage drop, and the value passed the defined standard from the Ministry. Thus, this study proposed a framework to reduce the voltage drop value in Kayoman by adding a capacitor bank by analyzing the loss sensitivity along with the norm method. This study performed eight simulations and simulation number four, with additional capacitor installation on buses 8, 9, 12, and 16, giving the optimal result as the voltage drop value reduced to 8.71% for Kayoman. The real and reactive power losses were 934.43 kW and 1,303.54kVAR, respectively.Keywords: distribution system, loss-sensitivity analysis, reactive power difference, voltage drop
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol. 10 No. 5 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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In the Belanda feeder the Bukit Kapur sub feeder has a total channel length of 96,777 kms and PT. Harap Panjang has quite a lot of inductive loads, so the use of electrical energy consumed by PT. Harap Panjang on the Belanda feeder is getting bigger. So drop voltage and power losses often occur in the Belanda feeder the Bukit Kapur sub feeder. Therefore, improvements were made using a capacitor bank through the ETAP 16.0 software. The results of the first analysis showed that the drop voltage on the Belanda feeder the Bukit Kapur sub feeder was 11.58% and the power loss was 232.2 kW and 263.2 kVAR. The improvement of the drop voltage and power loss of the Bukit Kapur Belanda feeder was carried out by compensating for reactive power injection using 6 units of capacitor banks with different capacities through OCP (Optimal Capacitor Placement) analysis. The result of improving the drop voltage and power losss on the Belanda feeder, the Bukit Kapur sub feeder after being given a capacitor bank, decreased to 4.37% and the power loss decreased to 176.7 kW and 190.7 kVAR.Keywords: Drop voltage, power loss, capacitor bank, Optimal Capacitor Placement (OCP)
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol. 10 No. 5 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Solar Energy System is a renewable energy that convert sun irradiation into electrical energy through photovoltaic cell. Solar Energy System is divided into 2 types, on-grid system and offgrid system. On-grid solar energy is a system which connected to the grid. Energy Management System (EMS) is implemented in the attempt to maximize the reduction of cost for electricity. EMS implemented is by transmitting electrical energy from battery at peak load time. Solar energy with this EMS (scheme 1) will be compared with solar energy when; all energy produced by solar cell is transmitted to user load (scheme 2), all energy produced by solar cell will be exported to the grid (scheme 3), and energy produced will goes to load, if there is excess energy, it will be imported to the grid (scheme 4). The efficiency difference caused by battery don’t drastically effect the economical factor because the efficiency difference is 0,63%. Scheme 1has the highest investment cost, net profit, and COE, but since its investment cost and maintenance cost is high, scheme 1 is not worth to implement. Based on NPV, scheme 1 is the only scheme that is worth to i
Co-Authors Adi Nugroho Pamungkas Agus Supriono Akhmad Hasim Aldo Harry Saputra Amanda Octavianus Rizky Andreas Parningotan S. Anggie Alvionita Anwi Kusuma Ardi Moh. Yusuf Arizky Erwinsyah Hariyanto Arkan Pradipta Arsy Rahmat Syahbani Baskara Heka Syahputra Candra Mebby Oka Dedy Alfilianto Derry Putranugraha Dhofir, Mochammad Dikma Hartanjung Ditto Adi Permana Dwiky Satrio Wibowo Edi Setiawan Egavania Zerlinda Elisa Gumelar Dennis Erdyan Setyo W. Erlangga Dinda Permana Erlinda Indrayani Fakhruddin Ar Rozi Farid Rohmadi Farid Rohmadi Fariz Aulia Rifqi Febriananda Mulya Pratama Fery Praditama Firly Azka Nurhidayah Friska Bakti Novella Gagah Pratama Putra Galih Fajar Wicaksono Gede Teguh Adi Wedangga Gitawan Dimas Prakoso Haidar Ali Yafie Hari Santoso Harry Soekotjo Dachlan Hery Purnomo I Kadek Dwika Antara I Wayan Ari Mahendra Ifah Dea Hapsyari Ilham Ismail Mochsen ILYAS FATIH RAMADHAN Irfan Madani Pratama Kalvin Lentino Kemal Pasha Pramudianto Kresna Sukma Dewangga Lavelia Permata C. Lintang Gadis Ratu Rachellya Lunde Ardhenta Luthfan Bagus Saputra M. Iqbal Bayhaqi Fauzi M. Yudistya Perdana Mahfudz Sidiq Markus D. Letik Moch Dhofir Moch. Dhofir Moch. Dhofir Moch. Rizki Indra Dwijayanto Mochammad Fattah, Mochammad Mohammad Fahririjal Muhamad Alif Fatur Rahman Muhamad Andre Agesa Muhammad Arsyad Muhammad Azka Athallah Muhammad Edwinsyah Redho Muhammad Fadhli Dzil Ikram Muhammad Fahmy Madjid Muhammad Faris Hizrian Muhammad Halim Sa’id Muhammad Rif’at Nor Imami Muhammad Sekti Yolansyah Muhammad Wildan D. Muhammad Zakkiyul Fikri Syahara Arifianto n/a Rizaq n/a Soemarwanto n/a Soeprapto n/a Suyono Nandha Pamadya Putra Nizar Shodiq Novan Ardita Pratama Nur Laili Mufarikha Nurumar Setiyo Agung Pangeran Fatullah Panji Bintang Pamungkas Pudji Purwanti Pujo Utomo Putra Adi Dharma Utama Rachman Shandy Pratama Radian Hepta Martha Hardaka Rafi Ilham Ramdhony Tofano Murisom Revo Chanavi Mara Reza Aliansyah Rif'an, Mochammad Rini Nur Hasanah Rini Nur Hasanah Rini Nur Hasanah Rini Nur Hasanah Riswandha Yusuf At Tamimi Riswandha Yusuf At Tamimi Rizal Firmansyah Rizki Adhi Priawan Rizki Ashadi Rizky Hamid Robbyansyah Ruditta Devianti Sambodo Rila Priambudi Sari Yuniarti Satrio Wicaksono Sean Yudha Yahya Shidiq, Mahfudz Sinta Pratiwi Soeprapto Soeprapto Suyono, Hadi Timbul Mulia Titis Aridanti Pratiwi Try Brojoseto Alkotsar Unggul Wibawa Unggul Wibawa Unggul Wibawa Unggul Wibawa Unggul Wibawa Wahyu Nur Firdausy Warda Islamiyah Wilda Faradina Wisam Abyadha Ibrahim Wisnu Adi Suryo Yanuar Alfa Tri Susanto Yashinta Carolina Dewi Yuda Wastu Prastyo Yudistira Adi Nugroho Zaidane Alizzah Noufal Zakkiyul Fikri Zulfikar Subagio