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Jurnal Abdimas Vol 22, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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UNNES dalam upayanya untuk menjadi world-class university terus meningkatkan kualitasnya untuk dapat lebih bersaing dengan universitas yang lain yang diwujudkan dengan adanya kebijakan akselerasi internasionalisasi. Salah satu strategi yang perlu dilakukan adalah peningkatan sumber daya manusia civitas akademika UNNES. Sejalan dengan usaha tersebut Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan sebagai bagian dari UNNES berupaya mendukung program tersebut dengan mengadakan pelatihan bahasa Inggris untuk dosen program studi PJKR. Pelatihan ini mencakup pelatihan percakapan, presentasi, teaching instruction, dan menulis email dalam bahasa Inggris. Program ini secara keseluruhan menitikberatkan pada program teaching instruction. Sebanyak 15 dosen dari program studi PJKR terlibat dalam pelatihan ini. Kegiatan E-Sports-C ini sangat memberikan konstribusi yang positif bagi beberapa unsur terkait, yakni dosen PJKR serta bagi lembaga FIK Unnes. Sehingga Dosen FIK Unnes akan dapat mengembalikan semangat FIK sebagai Hub of Sports and Health Center yang diakui oleh akademisi intenasional.
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Senam Healty Fun Untuk Anak SLB di Kota Magelang Anggitasari, Bernadeta Yovina; Hartono, Mugiyo
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation Vol 6 No 1 (2017): February 2017
Publisher : Department of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (688.236 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/active.v6i1.13251


The purpose of research is to produce healty Gymnastics Instructional Model Development Fun, Grade V and VI in SLB-C Magelang City. This research is the development of the procedures of product development; (1) analysis, (2) develop initial product form, (3) expert validation test, (4) the first product revision, the revision of the product based on the evaluation of experts and trial I (20 students). Revised used for improvements to the initial product, (5) the trial II (30 students), (6) the revision of the final product is done based on the results of the field trials, (7) the results of a late model gymnastics healty fun for students of classes V and VI which is generated through the revision II trial. Based on the results of research trials I obtained a percentage of 87% (good), the expert evaluation is obtained percentage of 89% (good). II trial research results obtained by the percentage of 96% (excellent). From the trial I and II, there was an increase by a margin of 7%. It can be concluded that the development of gymnastics healty fun learning model can be used as an alternative to teachers provide learning materials rhythmic gymnastics penjasorkes particularly good for classes V and VI SLB-C in Magelang and gymnastic activities that teachers do on a regular basis.
Design Android Applications My Mind Mapping (M3) Physical Education, Sport, & Health Subject Curriculum 2013 for Teachers Guidance Xth Grade Vocational High School Wicahyani, Sri; Kasmini Handayani, Oktia Woro; Hartono, Mugiyo
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 7 No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (649.628 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpes.v7i1.23329


The android app on the smartphone makes it easy for a user to communicate and get access to various information. The purpose of this research is to design an android based application in the form of mind mapping. This application is a form of transformation from the manual form (book, e-book, module, etc.) to digital form in the form of an application containing Core Competence & Basic Competence, materials, and learning model for teacher guidance of Physical Education, Sport, & Health Subject Xth grade Vocational High School. This research uses ADDIE model which includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the product trial at first stage curriculum experts with the average score of 3.4 (67%) included the "adequate" category and second stage with the average score of 4.5 (90%) including the "excellent" category. The trial of the product at first stage multimedia / IT expert with an average score of 3.4 (68%) included the "adequate" category and second stage with an average score of 4.5 (89%) included in the "excellent" category. The test of product effectiveness on a small scale with an average rating of 4.24 (84.7%) was rated "excellent". The test of product effectiveness on a large scale with an average rating of 4.18 (83.5%) is categorized as "excellent". Conclusion, that the android application product My Mind Mapping (M3) Physical Education, Sport, & Health Subject Curriculum 2013 is effective used for teacher guidance Xth grade Vocational High School.
Technical Skill Analysis of Badminton Blow on Teenager Players of Pendowo Club Semarang Wahyudi, Mohamad; Hartono, Mugiyo; Rifai RC, Achmad
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 7 No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.461 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpes.v7i2.24166


Teenager players of Pendowo club still ignore the success and failure aspect in the blow technique skills done during the game. The purpose of this research is to find out how big the success and failure rate of badminton blow technique at teenager players of Pendowo club and to analyze the motion performance in badminton blow technique, which has the highest failure rate at teenager players of Pendowo club. This was descriptive research that, used survey method with observation sheet as the data collection technique. The population included were 16 teenager players of Pendowo club Semarang. Samples taken from the total sampling were 8 male and 8 female players. The results of this research are: the success rate of teenager players Pendowo club in short service is 97.74%, long service is 95.56%, lob is 94.10%, dropshot is 68.01%, and smash is 77.57%, while at the failure rate short service is 2.26%, long service is 4.44%, lob is 5.90%, dropshot is 31.99%, and smash is 22.43%, other result shows that the highest failure rate is the dropshot blow. The performance of this blow results that teenager players of Pendowo club in the preparation phase enters "Sufficient" category amounted 76.7%, the implementation phase includes "Sufficient" category amounted 73%, and the advanced phase enters "Sufficient" category resulted 70%.
Regional Government Policy Analysis against Coaching and Development of Physical and Physical Education Teacher for Junior High School in West Sumbawa Regency Harmansyah, Harmansyah; Rahayu, Setya; Hartono, Mugiyo
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 7 No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.563 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpes.v7i3.24956


The purpose of this study was to analyze local government policies on the development and development of sports and health physical education teachers in West Sumbawa Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach. The methods used are interviews, observations, and documentation. The subjects of this study were government agencies including Commission I DPRD, Department of Youth and Sports Education and Chairperson of MGMP Physical education Junior High School. Data is analyzed by triangulating data. The results of this study indicate that the local government policy on coaching and development of sports physical and health education teachers for Junior High School in West Sumbawa regency is seen in terms of policy program activities in improving teacher coaching and development in the form of activity programs contained in the Management Official Decree West Sumbawa Regency Regional Finance Number 23 of 2017 "Regarding the approval of the budget for the implementation of the regional work unit (DPA-SKPD) Department of Department of Youth and Sports Education West Sumbawa Regency's. Conclusions from the results of the research on local government policy on coaching and development of sports physical and health education teachers for Junior High School in West Sumbawa Regency have generally existed in general but specifically for coaching and development of sports and health physical education teachers do not yet exist. Therefore, it is hoped that the local government should make local regulations (PERDA) which regulates the policy on coaching and development teachers of sports physical education and health Junior High School in West Sumbawa Regency.
The Effects of Agility Exercise and Eye-Foot Coordination against The Dribbling Capability Football Training Players Bintang Pelajar Ulfiansyah, Fendyka Novan; Rustiadi, Tri; Hartono, Mugiyo
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 7 No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.445 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpes.v7i2.25119


The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the effect of agility training and eye-foot coordination (experimental study of T-Drill training and 40 Yard Ladder Sprint on the football star student training players in Semarang in 2018. This research method is an experimen twith a 2x2 factorial design. Data analysis technique using Analysis of Varian (ANOVA) ats ignificance level (α) 0.05 Independent variable in this research that is T-Drill and 40 Yard Ladder Sprint Training of high and low eye-foot coordination as attribute variable and dependent variable the dribbling skills. The population in this study is Football Training Players Bintang Pelajar of Semarang district in 2018 which amounted to 60. The sampling technique using purposive sampling with then umber of samplesof 40 players. There sults of this study: There is a significant influence difference between T-Drill and 40 Yard Ladder Sprint against dribbling ability with sig value (0.004) < α(0.05) and Fvalue (9.758) > Ftable (5.117), There is influence between high and loweye-foot coordination with damping ability where significan cevalue (0.010), < α(0.05) and Fvalue (7.374) > Ftable (5.117). There is no significant interaction between agility training and eye foot coordination on dribbling ability with sig value (0.231) > α(0.05) and Fvalue (1.487 ) < Ftable (5.117).
Multimedia Development of Android-based Referee Signals Recognition Application in Basketball Game for Beginner Players Wigiyanto, Wigiyanto; Soekardi, Soekardi; Hartono, Mugiyo
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 8 No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Journal of Physical Education and Sports

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.381 KB)


Understanding given through verbal and demonstration will be clearer if it is strengthened with developed multimedia. The use of media as a learning resource in basketball is very important, which provides opportunities for trainees or basketball extracurricular beginners to be actively involved directly through the developed media. The product development procedure includes analysis of the product to be developed, developing initial product, expert validation and revision, small group trial and revision, large group trial and final product. Data collection is carried out using questionnaires obtained from expert evaluations, and using field observations obtained from basketball training participants. Data analysis technique uses descriptive statistical analysis. The results of small group trial research that has been carried out, the categories obtained are "very good" with a mean score of 4.51 and large group trial with the category of "very good" with a mean score of 4.30, and this "Very good" percentage reaches 70%. In conclusion, the multimedia development product of Android-based referee signals recognition application in basketball game can be used by beginner players (players who have just learned/played basketball games) independently to get to know more about the rules of basketball game, especially the basketball game referee signals.
Study of Development Philosophy of Indonesian Archery Sports (Study at the National Sports Museum) Suffa, Yunita Fella; Hartono, Mugiyo; Soenyoto, Tommy
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 8 No 2 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The National Sports Museum is a place to showcase the tools used by sports fighters in the world. Sports philosophy is more precisely emphasized the problem of attitude, behavior, values, and morals, human beings with the problems that often arise and in the practices of sports activities. The problem statement is to find out: (1) What is the archery sports philosophy at the National Sports Museum? (2) How is the development of Indonesian archery at the National Sports Museum? Analyze the philosophy of the development of Indonesian Archery Sports at the National Sports Museum. Archery is a sport that uses a tool called a bow and arrow and a target board that makes it the center. The achievements of archery were proven by Donald Pandiangan athletes and 3 Srikandi Lilies Handayani, Nurfitriyana S. Lantang, and Kusuma Wardhani who won the Silver Medal at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. The method used is descriptive qualitative research. Library research with a descriptive philosophy approach whose material objects are human and environment. This library research is to be able to understand philosophically about human and environmental relations. The beginning of Archery development in Indonesia which became a matter of pride made a new spirit for Indonesia. Inconsistency, management, and the talent that the team possesses have produced extraordinary results. Making Archery the glory of the Srikandi Trio. Although the Archery after the Srikandi Trio suffered a downturn Indonesian archery managed to experience rapid development, the increase was seen in 2010 until now. Some regions and clubs still maintain traditional/jemparingan numbers as Indonesian culture which need to be maintained and developed on par with other numbers. The development of archery sports has also been included in school extracurricular activities.
Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport, September 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (227.192 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpehs.v1i2.3212


Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan lompat dan loncat pada siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 04 Rowosari Kecamatan Ulujami Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014 melalui pembelajaran melalui permainan tali merdeka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Sumber data dalam penelitian ini seluruh siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 04 Rowosari Kecamatan Ulujami Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014 berjumlah 27 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah melalui tes dan pengukuran kemampuan gerak dasar lokomotor dan observasi dari proses kegiatan pembelajaran. Prosedur penelitian ini meliputi planning, acting, observasi dan reflecting. Berdasarkan dari hasil analisis yang diperoleh, terdapat peningkatan pada hasil belajar siswa dari kondisi awal ke siklus 1 dan siklus 2, baik dari peningkatan nilai rata-rata hasil pembelajaran lompat dan loncat siswa maupun nilai ketuntasan hasil belajar dengan KKM 75. Nilai rata-rata hasil pembelajaran lompat dan loncat pada rata-rata kondisi awal (68,3), rata-rata siklus 1 (76,0), dan rata-rata siklus 2 (88,4) Sedangkan nilai ketuntasan pada siklus 2 dari 27 siswa, tuntas semua atau sebesar (100%). Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh ini mempunyai implikasi bagi perkembangan pengajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah-sekolah pada umumnya dan khususnya di SD Negeri 04 Rowosari Kecamatan Ulujami Kabupaten Pemalang tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in the ability to jump and jump to 4 TH SDN 04 Rowosari Ulujami Pemalang through independent learning through play rope .This study uses Classroom Action Research ( CAR). Sources of data in this study throughout the 4 TH of SD Negeri 04 Rowosari Ulujami Pemalang. The subjects 4 TH SDN 04 Rowosari Ulujami Pemalang year 2013/2014 amounted to 27 students.The data collection technique is through the test and measurement capabilities basic locomotor movement and observation of the process of learning activities . The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive based on qualitative analysis . The procedure of the study include planning, acting , observing and reflecting.Based on the analysis of the results obtained , there is an increase in student learning outcomes from baseline to cycle 1 and cycle 2 , both from an increase in the average value of the learning outcomes of students jump and jump as well as the value of the KKM completeness results 75. The average value of the results learning to jump and jump in the average initial conditions ( 68.3 ) , the average cycle 1 ( 76.0 ) , and average cycle 2 ( 88.4 ) so that the increase of the initial conditions to the second cycle of ( 20 , 1 ). While the value is the thoroughness of the initial state value is only 5 students of the 27 students who completed or was ( 18.52 % ). Completeness value at cycle 2 of 27 students , completed all or by ( 100 % ). The results obtained have implications for the development of the teaching of physical education in schools in general and especially in the Elementary School District of Ulujami 04 Rowosari Pemalang 2013/2014 school year
Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (803.974 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpehs.v3i1.6503


Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghasilkan produk permainan Bottle Shoot sebagai pembelajaran permainan bola besar futsal bagi siswa SMP/MTS yang dissuaikan dengan kemampuan serta karakteristiknya Data yang diperoleh dari uji coba produk permainan Bottle Shoot berupa evaluasi kuesioner ahli dan lembar kuesioner siswa berupa aspek kognitif serta bentuk pengamatan untuk aspek penilaian aspek afektif dan psikomotorik. Perolehan hasil akhir yang diperoleh pada uji coba satu oleh ahli penjas dan ahli pembelajaran adalah 81% dan 92%. Diperkuat dengan hasil kuesioner dari siswa yaitu psikomotor 83%, afektif 91,7%, dan kognitif 89,5%. Hasil uji coba dua dari ketiga sekolah mendapatkan rata-rata prosentase yaitu pada aspek kognitif 91,7%, afektif 87,4%, dan psikomotorik 77,5%. Rata-rata keseluruhan dari ketiga sekolah mendapatkan 85,5%. Berdasarkan perolehan prosentase penelitian yang sudah dilaksanakan sebahai hasil uji coba produk dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa permainan Bottle Shoot dapat digunakan sebagai pembelajaran permainan bola besar pada futsal bagi siswa SMP diKecamatan Sampang Kabupaten Cilacap.The purpose of this study is to produce Bottle Shoot game product as learning of futsal big ball game for junior high students that is adapted by capabilities and characteristics. The method of this R&D research is product development research. The obtained datas of Bottle Shoot game product trials are experts questionnaire evaluation and students questionnaire forms that contain cognitive aspect and the observations as affective and psychomotor aspect. The final results from physical education and learning experts of the first trial are 81% and 92%. Reinforced by students questionnaires results are 83% of psychomotor, 91.7% of affective, and 89.5% of cognitive. The second trial of three schools an average percentage that is on the cognitive aspects of 91.7%, 87.4% affective, and psychomotor 77.5%. The average of three schools get 85.5%. Based on the percentage of the trial result can be concluded that Bottle Shoot game can be used as big ball game learning in futsal for junior high school students in Sampang distric, Cilacap.
Co-Authors Achmad Rifai RC, Achmad Adi S Adi S Adityantoro, Prima Wisnu Afandi, Mahsus Agung Wahyudi Agus Pujianto Akmal, Ahmad Zhafri Alirman Sarpan Andry Akhiruyanto Anggitasari, Bernadeta Yovina Annas, Mohammad Anny Nur Hidayati Ariko, Ariko Arini Ayuningtyas Aris Mulyono Billiandri, Bhayu Billy Castyana, Billy Daipaha, Moh Tris Maulana Defita, Jeni Dewangga Yudhistira Dwi Casminto Ariawan Endang Sri Hanani, Endang Sri Fajar Awang Irawan Fatona Suraya, Fatona Fendyka Novan Ulfiansyah, Fendyka Novan Gustiana Mega Anggita Harmansyah, Harmansyah Harry Pramono, Harry Heny Setyawati Hermawan Pamot Raharjo Ipang Setiawan Januarto, Khoerul Rohman Kadju, Eusabius Agusto Molo Khoirudin Fathoni, Khoirudin Kurniawan, Wahyu Ragil Kurniawan, Yudhistira Ade Kusuma, Donny Wira Yudha Laksono, Rio Puja Lulu April Farida Maisal Nento Mohamad Annas Mohamad Wahyudi, Mohamad Mohammad Arif Ali, Mohammad Arif Muhammad Fajar Arif Muhammad Sony Sugiharto Muhsin, Muhamad Nanny Dyah Zelianti Nasuka Nasuka, Nasuka Nurcahyani, Atip Nurharsono, Tri Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani Pijar Kuncoro Yudho Putra, Ponda Kusuma Rahmi Eka Putri Ranu Baskora Aji Putra Riko Adi Baskoro Rizqianti, Yulfani Silva Rumini - Saniatun Febriani, Saniatun Santi Wijayanti, Dwi Gansar Setiawan Jati Utomo Setya Rahayu Setyo, Erwin Budi Soegiyanto KS Soekardi, Soekardi Sri Sumartiningsih Suffa, Yunita Fella Sujarwo - Sulaiman Sulaiman Sulaiman Sulaiman Tandiyo Rahayu Taufik Hidayat Thomas, Angga Tommy Soenyoto Tri Rustiadi, Tri Wardani, Vera Eka Wicahyani, Sri Wigiyanto, Wigiyanto Zainudin Amali