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Pengaruh Perbedaan Waktu Ekuilibrasi Sebelum Pembekuan Terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa Sapi Rambon Banyuwangi Menggunakan Pengencer Tris Kuning Telur Firman Setyawan; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Ragil Angga Prastiya; Tjuk Imam Restiadi; Amung Logam Saputro; Bodhi Agustono
Jurnal Medik Veteriner Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): October
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.003 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jmv.vol2.iss2.2019.101-107


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan waktu ekuilibrasi 2 jam, 3 jam, 4 jam dan 5 jam terhadap motilitas, viabilitas, dan abnormalitas spermatozoa Sapi Rambon sebelum pembekuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan yaitu waktu ekuilibrasi P1 (2 jam), P2 (3 jam), P3 (4 jam) dan P4 (5 jam), satu ekor pejantan sapi rambon, dan lima kali pengulangan. Hasil analisis statistik Anova satu arah dan dilanjut uji Duncan mendapatkan hasil motilitas (P1) 76.00±2.2/3; (P2) 73.00±2.7/3; (P3) 67.00±2.7/3; dan (P4) 52.00±2.7/2. Hasil viabilitas (P1) 86.00±1.41; (P2) 78.00±2.73; (P3) 72.00±5.70 dan (P4) 57.00±2.73. Hasil abnormalitas (P1) 3.7±0.75; (P2) 3.8±0.75; (P3) 4.4±1.08 dan (P4) 5.2±0.57. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukan hasil yang berbeda nyata (p<0.05) antara waktu ekuilibrasi dengan kualitas spermatozoa Sapi Rambon sebelum pembekuan dan hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan persentase motilititas tertinggi terdapat pada waktu ekuilibrasi 2 jam, persentase viabilitas tertinggi terdapat pada waktu ekuilibrasi 2 jam dan persentase abnormalitas terendah terdapat pada waktu ekuilibrasi 2 jam.
Perbandingan Pengencer Tris Kuning Telur dan Susu Skim Kuning Telur Terhadap Persentase Motilitas, Viabilitas dan Integritas Membran Plasma Spermatozoa Kambing Sapera pada Penyimpanan Suhu 5ºC Novia Nur Iskandari; Sri Pantja Madyawati; Prima Ayu Wibawati; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Ragil Angga Prastiya; Bodhi Agustono
Jurnal Medik Veteriner Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): October
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jmv.vol3.iss2.2020.196-202


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengencer tris kuning telur dan susu skim kuning telur terhadap persentase motilitas, viabilitas dan integritas membran plasma spermatozoa kambing Sapera. Metode penelitian dengan mengumpulkan semen, pemeriksaan kelayakan semen segar, pengenceran semen, penyimpanan suhu 5˚C dan pemeriksaan setiap 24 jam. Data diolah menggunakan anova faktorial dengan membandingkan antara dua bahan pengencer terhadap waktu pemeriksaan. Data menunjukkan tris kuning telur signifikan (p<0.05) terhadap susu skim kuning telur. Lama penyimpanan menunjukkan hasil signifikan pada hari ke-1 aspek motilitas 84.44% : 80%, viabilitas 89.67% : 86% dan integritas membran plasma 83.67% : 79.33%. Tris kuning telur dan susu skim kuning telur menunjukkan adanya interaksi (p<0.05 ) terhadap waktu pemeriksaan motilitas namun tidak terdapat interaksi (p>0.05) terhadap waktu pemeriksaan viabilitas dan integritas membran plasma. Disimpulkan pengencer tris kuning telur dan susu skim kuning telur berpengaruh pada persentase motilitas, viabilitas dan integritas membran plasma spermatozoa.
Honey Can Increase The Length of The Small Intestinal Villi in Malnourished Albino Rats Linda Listyorini; Imam Mustofa; Tatik Hernawati; Rimayanti Rimayanti; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Erma - Safitri
Jurnal Medik Veteriner Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jmv.vol4.iss2.2021.175-179


The aim of this study was to determine the potential of honey to the length of small intestine villi of albino rats due to nutritional deficiencies. The experimental animals were used 24 male albino rats with a body weight of 250-300 grams, divided into four groups and each group contained six replication. Negative control (K-) was a group of rat without fasting and without honey. Positive control (K +) was a group of rat with fasting conditions for 5 days and without honey. The treatment group was the rat with fasting conditions for 5 days and given honey therapy at a dose of 30% (P1) and 50% (P2). Data analysis used ANOVA (Analysis of Variants) then continued with the Duncan Multiple Range test with a significance level of 5% it can be seen that the length of small intestine villi was obtained at (K-) which is 531,321 ± 0,64 which is not significantly different (p>0,05) from (P2), which is 519,919 ± 0,49, but is significantly different (p<0,05) with other treatments (K+) 360,564 ± 0,87 and (P1) 434,275 ± 0,40. The conclusion of this study is that giving honey has the potential to increase the length of the intestinal villi of albino rats due nutritional deficiencies.
Suppementation of Kelor Leaf (Moringa oleifera) Aqueous Extract Increase on Post-Thawed Limousin Bull Sperm Quality Syuhuud Arumbinang Wajdi; Budi Utomo; Rimayanti Rimayanti; Erma Safitri; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Wurlina Wurlina
Jurnal Medik Veteriner Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jmv.vol4.iss2.2021.249-255


The purpose of this research was to determine the best dosage of Moringa oleifera Aqueous extract in egg yolk skim milk extender for post thawed Limousin Bull sperm quality on aspect viability, and the level of. The treatment was divided into five groups: egg yolk and skim milk diluter (P0), 2,5% M. oleifera aqueous ekstract in 4 ml egg yolk skim milk (P1), 5% M. oleifera aqueous ekstract in 4 ml egg yolk skim milk (P2), 10% M. oleifera aqueous ekstract in 4 ml egg yolk skim milk (P3), 20% M. oleifera aqueous ekstract in 4 ml egg yolk skim milk (P4). The sperm quality was observed post thawing. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncant Test. The best sperm motility showed on P2 with 43b ± 5,70, the best sperm viability showed on P3 with 58,20b ± 8,72 and than the lowest level of malondialdehyde showed on P4 with 5,434a ± 1,034. In conclusion addition of M. oleifera on dose 10% can increase quality of Limousin Sperm Post Thawed.
Medical Treatment for Pyometra in Cat Tantri Dyah Whidi Palupi; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Ismudiono Ismudiono
Jurnal Medik Veteriner Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jmv.vol5.iss1.2022.124-130


The Pyometra case is a case that is often found in Female Cat. This case report will discuss the handling of a case of pyometra in a 7-year-old mixed breed cat who is being treated at Harmoni Pet Care, Menanggal, Gayungan, Surabaya, Indonesia. Reports from the owner that these cats are still in good appetite but sanguino-purulent discharge from the vagina was found. In clinically diagnosed with a pyometra, the treatment used to treat pyometra case was ovariohysterectomy. Postoperative care was carried out by administering antibiotics (Clanexi; Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid, 1 cc/kg, IM) given twice a day for 14 days, with the first 3 days being treated in the Harmoni Pet Care inpatient room and the 4th day to the 14th day of care is done at the owner's house, local antiseptic dressing at the incision site is continued for up to 14 days until the sutures in the skin sutures were absorbed by the cat's body.
The Potency of Giving Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) Flour to The Quality of Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Eggs Astrid Annisya Adhy Putri; Agus Widodo; Ratna Damayanti; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I1.2020.1-5


Background: Supplementation of good feed on quail can improve its egg quality. One of the excellent supplement comes from herbs. Turmeric is one of the herbs which good for livestock because of its content, curcuminoid, and essential oil. Curcuminoid can increase quail egg yolk color, increase the appetite so that it can increase the weight of poultry. Purpose: To know the potential of giving turmeric flour to the quality of quail’s egg. Methods: The methods used 40 quails, divide into two groups. Groups P0: quail fed without turmeric flour, and group P1: quails fed with 1,07% turmeric fluor. Variables observed were egg weight, haugh unit, egg yolk index, white egg index, and yolk color. Result: The Egg weight, haugh unit, yolk index, and yolk color of P1 was higher than quails fed without turmeric. However, there was no difference between the egg whites index of both groups. Conclusion: The addition of turmeric on feed has the potential to increase the egg weight, haugh unit, yolk index, and yolk color. However, turmeric was not directly affected the formation of egg whites. 
The Incidence of Gastrointestinal Helminthiasis in Etawa Crossbred Goat in Etawa Farm Jombang Dwi Novita Sari; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Djoko Legowo; Siti Eliana Rochmi
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I1.2020.24-28


Background: Goat is one type of small ruminant that has a contribution to supporting the development of livestock and is an alternative to meet the needs of animal protein in Indonesian society. The current goat raising system is still carried out by being caged or semi-grazed. In this maintenance system, goats are very susceptible to parasitic diseases, especially those caused by the digestive tract worms. Gastrointestinal worms are a significant problem in livestock, especially small ruminants that cause health problems, such as diarrhea, weight loss, and decreased appetite. Purpose: To determine the percentage and types of digestive tract helminths in Etawa crossbred goats by age. Method: 30 feces samples from Etawa crossbred goats were collected for laboratory examination using native, sedimentation, and flotation methods. Result: From the microscopic examination, it was found that the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthiasis was 56.6%. Also, the type of worm eggs found in the feces samples from Etawa crossbred goats were Cotylophoron cotylophorum, Moniezia benedeni, Oesophagostomum columbianum, Strongyloides papillosus, Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus sp., and Trichuris globulosa.
Weight Gain and Feed Conversion of Broiler Chickens in Reviewed from Cage Temperature and Humidity Himatul Oktavia; Siti Eliana Rochmi; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Djoko Legowo
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V2.I1.2021.5-9


Background: Broiler chicken production is influenced by several factors, namely genetic, management, and environmental factors. Genetically superior chickens will not produce maximum results if not supported by a comfortable environment for chickens (comfort zone) because they are animals that will grow optimally at a certain temperature range. in addition, humidity also affects the production and health of chickens. So that the selection of the cage becomes important to create comfortable environmental conditions for chickens. Cage with a relatively stable temperature will greatly affect the production results, including body weight and feed conversion. Purpose: To determine the effect of temperature and humidity of semi-enclosed cages on weight gain and feed conversion of broiler chicken. Method: Observation was carried out during a period of maintenance of broiler chickens on farms and data collected in the form of the recording of chicken weight and feed conversion. Result: Temperature and humidity of semi-enclosed cages have a good effect on production results, with chicken harvest weight of 2197.3 grams and feed conversion of 1.52 kg. Conclusion: this study indicate that temperature and humidity have a good influence on weight gain of chickens and feed conversion value.
Factors Affecting Fresh Semen Quality in Pasundan Cattle at UPTD BPPIBTSP Ciamis Oky Susandani; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Ratna Damayanti; Anwar Ma'ruf
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V2.I2.2021.37-42


Background: Pasundan cattle are local cattle native to Indonesia. One way to conserve beef cattle genetics is to use Artificial Insemination technology. The success of Artificial Insemination can be influenced by the quality of semen. Purpose: To determine factors affecting fresh semen quality in Pasundan cattle at UPTD BPPIBTSP Ciamis. Methods: The data were  obtained through observations on seven Pasundan bulls in March 2021 towards fresh semen quality and some factors influencing it. The Pasundan bulls observed were seven productive males. Results: The fresh semen quality of Pasundan cattle, such as volume, color, and pH, showed good result,s but the average consistency and concentration of spermatozoa were still below the standard. The factors that can affect the fresh semen quality are the breed of beef cattle, age, body weight, feed, season, exercise, and frequency of semen storage. Conclusion: The determining factors that can cause the consistency and concentration of Pasundan cattle’s spermatozoa at UPTD BPPIBTSP Ciamis are feed and season.
POTENSI KANDUNGAN ANTIOKSIDAN RUMPUT KEBAR (Biophytum Petersianum Klotzsch) TERHADAP APOPTOSIS DAN GAMBARAN HISTOPATOLOGIS TESTIS PADA MENCIT (MUS MUSCULUS) YANG DIPAPAR 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Dewita Dewita; Widjiati Widjiati; Rimayanti Rimayanti; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Mas'ud Hariadi; Hani Plumeriastuti
Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary Vol. 8 No. 1 (2019): Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary, June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/.v8i1.19986


2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is the most toxic compound in the dioxin group. This compound is a pollutant for the environment and very harmful to human health and enter the body through the mucous membranes in the mouth and the respiratory tract and can be transmitted through the placenta and lactation. The aim of this study was to know the antioxidantpotency of to resolve reproduction disturbance caused by TCDD exposure.Thirty Balb/C male mice were divided into five different groups, the negative control group, a positive control group exposed to TCDD at a dose of 7 μg/kg BW, P1 group of groups exposed to TCDD doses of 7 μg / kg BW and given Biophytum petersianum extract 0.05mg/gBB/day, group P2 group exposed to TCDD doses of 7μg/kgBW and given 0.080mg/gBB/day, and group P3 were exposed to TCDD dose of 7μg/kgBB and given the extract of Biophytum petersianum 0.135mg/gBB/day during day 2 to day 55. On the 56th day the mice were sacrificed and apoptotic examination and spermatogenic cell histopathological features were performed on the testis. The results showed that: P2 (0,433 ± 0,497; p<0,05) and P3 (0,200 ± 0,000 p<0,05) groups were the most effective group in decreasing spermatogenic cell apoptosis compared to positive control group (2,933 ± 1,5832 p<0,05). The Johnsen score result showed that P2 (9,400 ± 0,420) and P3 (9,800 ± 0,253) groups improving the histopathologic picture of spermatogenic cells in seminiferous tubules compared to positive control group (7,20 ± 0,400) p<0,05. Conclusion of this study were Biophytum petersianum is effective to solve reproduction disturbances caused by exposure of TCDD and the P3 group is the most effective group.
Co-Authors A.T Soelih Estoepangestie Abdul Samik Abdul Samik Abrian Panggalih Indra Pratama Agung Budianto Achmad Agus Sunarso Agus Widodo Alfiutha Propha Bhaskara Amung Logam Saputro Amung Logam Saputro Anwar Ma'ruf Arinda octavia Asih Deskayanti Astrid Annisya Adhy Putri Benjamin Chr. Tehupuring Bodhi Agustono Budi Utomo BUDI UTOMO Dadik Rahardjo Dewita Dewita Dinda Reisinta Djoko Legowo Dwi Novita Sari Erma - Safitri Erma Safitri Febby Fairy Brillianti Firman Setyawan Hana Eliyani Hani Plumeriastuti Herinda Pertiwi Herlina Masyitoh Hermin Ratnani Hermin Ratnani Herry Agoes Hermadi Himatul Oktavia I. Ismudiono Imam Mustofa Imam Mustofa Indah Norma Triana Indah Norma Triana Ismudiono Ismudiono Itrah Khoirunnisa Iwan Sahrial Hamid Kadek Rachmawati Kukuh Prastyaningtyas Kusnoto Kusnoto Lilik Maslachah Lilik Maslachah Linda Listyorini Linda Listyorini Lucia Tri Suwanti, Lucia Tri Mas'ud Hariadi Mas’ud Hariadi Mas’ud Hariadi Meles, Dewa Ketut Melsa Netika Mirza Asafaizh Arini Mufasirin Muhammad Ridwan Muhammad Ridwan Muhammad Thohawi Elziyad Purnama Muhammad Yunus Norma Amalia Ulfah Novia Nur Iskandari Oky Susandani Poedji Hastutiek Prima Ayu Wibawati Pudji Srianto Pudji Srianto R.T. Santanu Adikara Ragil Angga Prastiya Rahmi Sugihartuti Ratih Novita Praja Ratna Damayanti Restiadi, Tjuk Imam Retno Sri Wahjuni Ricko Nurdianto S. Rimayanti Rimayanti Rimayanti Rimayanti Rochmah Kurnijasanti Rochmi, Siti Eliana Roesno Darsono Sardjito, Trilas Sena Sangga Renata Sri Hidanah Sri Hidanah Sri Pantja Madyawati Sri Pantja Madyawati Suherni Susilowati Suherni Susilowati Sunaryo Hadi Warsito Syuhuud Arumbinang Wajdi Tantri Dyah Whidi Palupi Tatik Hernawati Tri Bhawono Dadi Trilas Sardjito Widjiati Widjiati Widya Aulia Ristiani Widya Paramita L Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari Wurlina w wurlina wurlina Yustisiane Ruth Rahadi